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RE: Fake azz liberals! and a follow up - 6/26/2009 9:21:56 PM   

Posts: 3183
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ORIGINAL: MarsBonfire
Second great depression anyone?

Yeah... see... in free markets, even well regulated one, these things are SUPPOSE to happen. Its the price we pay for entrepreneurialism and the chance to break out of the caste of our fathers.

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RE: Fake azz liberals! and a follow up - 6/26/2009 10:01:28 PM   

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ORIGINAL: rulemylife


ORIGINAL: awmslave

We do not really know what McCain policies would have been.

Ya' think maybe that's why he didn't get elected?


If you lose one sense, your other senses are enhanced.
That's why people with no sense of humor have such an inflated sense of self-importance.

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Profile   Post #: 22
RE: Fake azz liberals! and a follow up - 6/26/2009 11:20:19 PM   

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ORIGINAL: awmslave

We do not really know what McCain policies would have been.


Ya' think maybe that's why he didn't get elected?

We can not really tell much about the president's economic policies based on election campaign. Where is Obama "tax the rich" approach. It is rather "feed the rich". The first idea about the president's economic policies comes usually from  the advisory committee nominations. Obama has almost exclusively finance sector figures and, as we can see, there is the focus: trillions dumped into banking business.  Interstingly, Obama car industry restructuring task force has nobody with experience with car industry or manufacturing in general. Add here Obama health care program that simply put is designed to increase health industry profits. In summary, we will get economic disaster. Obama getting US out of major war situations have better perspectives.

(in reply to FatDomDaddy)
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RE: Fake azz liberals! and a follow up - 6/29/2009 8:06:09 PM   

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I support Obama, and things do take time. However, I do think that the prosecution and investigation of the Bush administration (and I mean EVERYONE involved in it), and the office of the president has become far too powerful. It was supposed to be an instrument of congress, not an elected king.

Furthermore, I have similar feelings with Chavez. I do support his policies and views, but my support ends with the abolition of term limits. It's the first step to tyranny and corruption.

(in reply to awmslave)
Profile   Post #: 24
RE: Fake azz liberals! and a follow up - 6/29/2009 8:31:35 PM   

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ORIGINAL: TheHeretic



ORIGINAL: rulemylife


ORIGINAL: awmslave

We do not really know what McCain policies would have been.

Ya' think maybe that's why he didn't get elected?

I don't know why you're groaning.

Unless memory fails me, McCain's entire economic philosophy centered on his admission that he didn't understand economics.

Nope, it didn't fail me:

McCain: I don't understand economics

Republican presidential frontrunner John McCain has raised eyebrows by confessing that he 'doesn't really understand economics'.

At a recent meeting with the Wall Street Journal editorial board, the presidential hopeful said he would rely on his adviser and former Senate colleague Phil Gramm as an expert on the subject.

But then again, we did miss out on the economic wisdom of Phil Gramm, the architect of much of what sent this economy crashing in the first place.

(in reply to TheHeretic)
Profile   Post #: 25
RE: Fake azz liberals! and a follow up - 6/29/2009 10:01:54 PM   

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From: California, USA
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       Then right there is a big difference between us RML.  I'd rather deal with someone who can admit he doesn't know, than someone who thinks he has it all figured out based on no practical experience whatsoever.



If you lose one sense, your other senses are enhanced.
That's why people with no sense of humor have such an inflated sense of self-importance.

(in reply to rulemylife)
Profile   Post #: 26
RE: Fake azz liberals! and a follow up - 6/30/2009 10:18:13 AM   

Posts: 10540
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He couldn't leave anymore a mess than he was left with. 

The hell he can't... lets hope someone you love over the age of 60 doesn't need  medical screening or testing in 2011 because they may find out the will have to wait 9 months for a slot and die first.

Of course there is absolutely no basis in fact for this statement. Not a single national healthcare system suffers this kind of delay. You're seduced by the profit motive that perpetrates such propaganda. It is truly amazing what the great ole profit motive does to what otherwise would be an objective debate about national healthcare in the US.

I know people in those countries and in particular Canada that receive all of the screenings and blood tests etc. when they need them.

Kinkroids...we are in a FOR PROFIT country and healthcare offers some of the greatest profits available so we, the US, remains the ONLY industrialized country to make sure there is a whopping profit in healthcare.

The profiteers OWN this debate and that's why both dems and of course repubs take a national system off the table...before we have a table.

A friend didn't have insurance or the $12,000 needed for an angioplasty one summer. Come fall, he could just go ahead, have a stroke...and die...AT 52.

We in the US are soooooo good we die younger than in over 40 other countries and pay a whole lot more...for that much LESS life.

< Message edited by MrRodgers -- 6/30/2009 10:20:00 AM >

(in reply to FatDomDaddy)
Profile   Post #: 27
RE: Fake azz liberals! and a follow up - 6/30/2009 10:23:16 AM   

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Of course there is absolutely no basis in fact for this statement. Not a single national healthcare system suffers this kind of delay.

You are dead wrong (pun intended). Canada often has 9 month waits for radiation treatment and as a result has a cancer death rate 16% higher than the US.

(in reply to MrRodgers)
Profile   Post #: 28
RE: Fake azz liberals! and a follow up - 6/30/2009 12:41:57 PM   

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ORIGINAL: willbeurdaddy



Of course there is absolutely no basis in fact for this statement. Not a single national healthcare system suffers this kind of delay.

You are dead wrong (pun intended). Canada often has 9 month waits for radiation treatment and as a result has a cancer death rate 16% higher than the US.

Don't know where you are getting your info but...

First, radiation is a treatment not a test or screening. Those tests and screening that are being more cancer victims. More cancer diagnosis...more deaths.

US is last among the richest 16 industialized countries for lung cancer and only the 9th lowest survival rate for all cancers. All 8 ranking higher of course have a...nationalized health care system.

Canada is among the top in overall cancer survival rates.

""Canadians always tend to complain about our health-care system," Dr. Mary Gospodarowicz, a cancer researcher with Toronto's Princess Margaret Hospital, told CTV News. "But this study shows us that in an independent study done by external bodies, the survival of cancer patients in Canada is among the best in the world."

BTW, what's the overall cancer survival rate among...the uninsured ? Recall, these are studies of entire populations, 100 % insured outside the US, about 80-85% insured in the US. How many of the uninsured in the US are never tested, screened, diagnosed and...survived ?

< Message edited by MrRodgers -- 6/30/2009 12:56:28 PM >

(in reply to willbeurdaddy)
Profile   Post #: 29
RE: Fake azz liberals! and a follow up - 7/1/2009 8:57:20 AM   

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ORIGINAL: awmslave

We do not really know what McCain policies would have been.

We do know that McCain admitted to knowing very little about the economy, and he always turned to Phil Gramm for the answers. The same Phil Gramm that was responsible for Gramm-Leach-Bliley.

As bad as Obama is, McCain/Gramm economic policy would have been a catastrophe.

< Message edited by DedicatedDom40 -- 7/1/2009 8:58:15 AM >

(in reply to awmslave)
Profile   Post #: 30
RE: Fake azz liberals! and a follow up - 7/1/2009 9:14:19 AM   

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ORIGINAL: TheHeretic

     Then right there is a big difference between us RML.  I'd rather deal with someone who can admit he doesn't know, than someone who thinks he has it all figured out based on no practical experience whatsoever.


So, let me get this straight, McCain saying he was ignorant on economics, which is a pretty amazing feat considering the length of time he has served in government, gives you more confidence than someone with less experience but who has educated himself on the subject as Obama did?

< Message edited by rulemylife -- 7/1/2009 9:15:48 AM >

(in reply to TheHeretic)
Profile   Post #: 31
RE: Fake azz liberals! and a follow up - 7/1/2009 9:16:13 AM   

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The hell he can't... lets hope someone you love over the age of 60 doesn't need  medical screening or testing in 2011 because they may find out the will have to wait 9 months for a slot and die first.

Like it or not, people do die under both systems.  The question becomes 'whats the best return for the dollars being spent'?

In other countries with universal coverage, they invest their public healhcare money into younger individuals, covering the working class poor that would otherwise be uninsured (and fatal) in our system. They invest the public money in people who are young enough and who have the time to overcome illness and contribute to society, economically, once again. We, on the other hand, only provide total coverage funded by public money for those 65 and older, people who are past their ability to contribute economically with the extended life they are given.

These other countries invest early and receive dividends off that investment, while in contrast, we plant the most expensive bodies into the ground, with no recovery on the investment.

Which system is better? Which system produces the better return on the investment?

Yes, under a universal system, some elderly person probably wont have access to costly hip replacement surgery in their 80s. But who says thats the best use of public money anyway? Just because AARP/the senior lobby says so?

(in reply to FatDomDaddy)
Profile   Post #: 32
RE: Fake azz liberals! and a follow up - 7/1/2009 9:18:31 AM   

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ORIGINAL: willbeurdaddy

You are dead wrong (pun intended). Canada often has 9 month waits for radiation treatment and as a result has a cancer death rate 16% higher than the US.

Link?  Proof?  Documentation? 

(in reply to willbeurdaddy)
Profile   Post #: 33
RE: Fake azz liberals! and a follow up - 7/1/2009 9:27:53 AM   

Posts: 5307
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From: St George Utah
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The United States is Currently one big Restraunt with different people showing up and ordering more food, however the bill keeps getting passed along.

So far we are near the 1 TRILLION Dollar mark from the current head of the table and so far there has been no real plan for paying it all back except from what is going to come out of my paycheck.

Can someone tell me what the Plan on getting this debt down is? Other than on the backs the majority of people who had little if anything to do with the MAJOR F*&K UP that REQUIRED this Massive Hand out that went to companies that so far have done very little to change policy from what cause the problem in the first place?

Set GM and The Vehicle Manufactures aside, in our little town the cost of homes has gone down and so Banks are lending again, having seen the Mortgage on one of these homes the same thing that caused the first Shit Storm is the same policy that Mortgage was written on.

Obama is not putting out a fire, no ammount of Pro-Bama Supportisms will convince me of this, show me the plan on getting us OUT of debt.

Sure Bush Didn't make things better, but he sure didn't add a TRILLION to the Problem.

For those who know I am Conservative please know I am FAR from a Pro Bush, and I am Certainly not an Anti-Obama either. I am a Pro AMERICA and so far all I see is this country becoming a way-station for people to abuse the system and not have to contribute to what makes America Great and yet demand and be afforded the RIGHTS that make America such an amazing place.

So where is the Salvation? Where is the Plan? Where is the Escape Objective that works for ALL Americans Not just the President when he gets to say.... Well I did my best for 8 years it's your problem now.

Who gets the check and actually gets it paid?



Just Steel
Resident Therapeutic Metallurgist
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For the Uber Posters
Thanks for the Grammatical support : ) ~ Term

(in reply to FatDomDaddy)
Profile   Post #: 34
RE: Fake azz liberals! and a follow up - 7/1/2009 6:09:15 PM   

Posts: 19100
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From: California, USA
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ORIGINAL: rulemylife


ORIGINAL: TheHeretic

    Then right there is a big difference between us RML.  I'd rather deal with someone who can admit he doesn't know, than someone who thinks he has it all figured out based on no practical experience whatsoever.


So, let me get this straight, McCain saying he was ignorant on economics, which is a pretty amazing feat considering the length of time he has served in government, gives you more confidence than someone with less experience but who has educated himself on the subject as Obama did?

        Your spin aside, yes RML.  I don't expect you to be able to grasp why that might be, and I'm not going to try and dumb it down for you.


If you lose one sense, your other senses are enhanced.
That's why people with no sense of humor have such an inflated sense of self-importance.

(in reply to rulemylife)
Profile   Post #: 35
RE: Fake azz liberals! and a follow up - 7/1/2009 6:11:17 PM   

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I doubt even you can, Rich.


Have they not divided the prey; to every man a damsel or two? Judges 5:30

(in reply to TheHeretic)
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RE: Fake azz liberals! and a follow up - 7/1/2009 6:13:33 PM   

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From: California, USA
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Yes Ron, but I know that I do not know.  Where ya been?  I was starting think you got kicked in the ice-hole or something.


If you lose one sense, your other senses are enhanced.
That's why people with no sense of humor have such an inflated sense of self-importance.

(in reply to mnottertail)
Profile   Post #: 37
RE: Fake azz liberals! and a follow up - 7/1/2009 6:25:07 PM   

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Yeah, Rich---------so, I was indeed on the Ring0 shitlist for quite some time, and then somewhere along the line I got laid off my computer geek job, and am now starting my own business, so ---------tempis fugit.

John Wilkes Boothe


Have they not divided the prey; to every man a damsel or two? Judges 5:30

(in reply to TheHeretic)
Profile   Post #: 38
RE: Fake azz liberals! and a follow up - 7/2/2009 6:15:45 AM   

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He couldn't leave anymore a mess than he was left with. 

The hell he can't... lets hope someone you love over the age of 60 doesn't need  medical screening or testing in 2011 because they may find out the will have to wait 9 months for a slot and die first.

Your "predictions" are not "predictions" I am hoping to see.  However!!!  If they are, then as I said, we can discuss those blunders when they're here.

I am not going to bog myself down with a bunch of negativity, when so far, what I see hasn't been all that bad.  That you want to sit around and talk about how taxes may go up, how things may not work, that he's making bad decisions, when we haven't even seen the outcome yet, is all well and good for me.  But I have other things to worry about.  Things that...ummm....I am able to control.

I made due with what was happening in the Bush Administration, and managed to get by.  I suspect I will with this administration.  And as I said, when the time is right to talk about how Obama fucked up we will.  Until then, its just noise to me.


For the great majority of mankind are satisfied with appearance, as though they were realities and are often more influenced by the things that seem than by those that are. - Niccolo Machiavelli

(in reply to FatDomDaddy)
Profile   Post #: 39
RE: Fake azz liberals! and a follow up - 7/2/2009 6:29:13 AM   

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ORIGINAL: TheHeretic

Your spin aside, yes RML.  I don't expect you to be able to grasp why that might be, and I'm not going to try and dumb it down for you.

How utterly surprising you would say something like that.

You know, I could really start writing your replies for you, you've become far too predictable.

Whenever you get backed into a corner on a discussion and are no longer able to make an effective argument you resort to declaring your superior intelligence and how the person you are debating just can't possibly understand the brilliance of your intellect.

Time and again, like clockwork.

< Message edited by rulemylife -- 7/2/2009 6:44:02 AM >

(in reply to TheHeretic)
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