Sports and games are more morally corrupting than pornography (Full Version)

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Alphascendant -> Sports and games are more morally corrupting than pornography (6/28/2009 5:42:38 AM)

Sports and games are more morally corrupting than pornography because "Christians" are supposed to "love 'God' with all their heart and soul." Watching a sports event, or playing a game is not "loving God." Those, and many other recreational activities distract us from that state of "love." Anything that distracts us from that "love" is evil. Since those kinds of activities are more widely accepted to be tolerable to the majority of "believers" than pornography, they create a false sense of well being, therefore more dangerous. Imagine if the tables were turned, 50,000 people show up at Dodger stadium to watch an orgy, then go home, lock the bedroom door and plug in a tape of Super Bowl XLII! Please don't expect me to respond to any rebuttal for awhile, my biological clock says it's sabbatical time.

GotSteel -> RE: Sports and games are more morally corrupting than pornography (6/28/2009 7:09:07 AM)

Is eating "loving god"?

pyroaquatic -> RE: Sports and games are more morally corrupting than pornography (6/28/2009 7:18:32 AM)

Sports = a physical activity that stimulates the body and makes you a healthier individual. Now if you are watching sports... then I do not see this working out.
Games = a mental activity that stimulates the mind and makes you a sharper individual.

I do not see how they are more morally corrupting. This is like the 'guns don't kill people, people kill people' type deal. Moral corruption begins within the heart, not in porn or sports or games. It is internal, not external.

(Guns don't kill people, the vital organs shutting down thus cutting off oxygen to the brain kills people.)

rulemylife -> RE: Sports and games are more morally corrupting than pornography (6/28/2009 9:10:51 AM)


ORIGINAL: Alphascendant

Sports and games are more morally corrupting than pornography because "Christians" are supposed to "love 'God' with all their heart and soul." Watching a sports event, or playing a game is not "loving God." Those, and many other recreational activities distract us from that state of "love." Anything that distracts us from that "love" is evil.

But it's not only recreational activities, it's anything which distracts us from that love.

That's why I quit my job.

It was interfering with my loving God with all my heart and soul.

The only problem is the banks that want my mortgage and car payments don't seem to understand how evil my job was.

FatDomDaddy -> RE: Sports and games are more morally corrupting than pornography (6/28/2009 9:44:43 AM)

There numerous examples of sports and games in The Bible and with them God was pleased.

Arpig -> RE: Sports and games are more morally corrupting than pornography (6/28/2009 10:04:17 AM)

Good Lord!! (appropriate expletive to begin this reply doncha think?[;)]) This has got to be the most ridiculous thing I have read in a long while. Sports and games are evil because they distract one from loving God???? What the fuck are we expected to do? sit around all day praying and contemplating the divine?? rulemylife had a really good point, people are more distracted by their jobs than by any game or sport (unless of course they are a pro athelete[:)]). If games and sports are evil for distracting us from "loving God", then surely working is even more evil, because it distracts us far more. And come to think about it, isn't posting on/perusing the CM boards also a distraction? We are all clearly irredeemably evil around here I guess.

Starbuck09 -> RE: Sports and games are more morally corrupting than pornography (6/28/2009 10:08:58 AM)

Alpha why do you think watching sports gives one a ''false'' sense of well being? Presumably though christians are supposed to love god with all their heart and soul this does not preclude them loving others? If for example you had three children you do not pick one to love and leave the other two cold you are capable of loving them all to the same degree, surely this is no different?

Ialdabaoth -> RE: Sports and games are more morally corrupting than pornography (6/28/2009 11:51:17 AM)


What the fuck are we expected to do? sit around all day praying and contemplating the divine??

Actually... yes.


surely working is even more evil, because it distracts us far more.

Funny you should mention that:


ORIGINAL: Matthew 6:19
19 “Do not lay up for yourselves treasures on earth, where moth and rust [5] destroy and where thieves break in and steal, 20 but lay up for yourselves treasures in heaven, where neither moth nor rust destroys and where thieves do not break in and steal. 21 For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also.

22 “The eye is the lamp of the body. So, if your eye is healthy, your whole body will be full of light, 23 but if your eye is bad, your whole body will be full of darkness. If then the light in you is darkness, how great is the darkness!

24 “No one can serve two masters, for either he will hate the one and love the other, or he will be devoted to the one and despise the other. You cannot serve God and money. [6]
Do Not Be Anxious

25 “Therefore I tell you, do not be anxious about your life, what you will eat or what you will drink, nor about your body, what you will put on. Is not life more than food, and the body more than clothing?
26 Look at the birds of the air: they neither sow nor reap nor gather into barns, and yet your heavenly Father feeds them. Are you not of more value than they?
27 And which of you by being anxious can add a single hour to his span of life? [7]
28 And why are you anxious about clothing? Consider the lilies of the field, how they grow: they neither toil nor spin,
29 yet I tell you, even Solomon in all his glory was not arrayed like one of these.
30 But if God so clothes the grass of the field, which today is alive and tomorrow is thrown into the oven, will he not much more clothe you, O you of little faith?
31 Therefore do not be anxious, saying, ‘What shall we eat?’ or ‘What shall we drink?’ or ‘What shall we wear?’
32 For the Gentiles seek after all these things, and your heavenly Father knows that you need them all.
33 But seek first the kingdom of God and his righteousness, and all these things will be added to you.

34 “Therefore do not be anxious about tomorrow, for tomorrow will be anxious for itself. Sufficient for the day is its own trouble.

So according to Jesus Himself, laid out as plainly as you could hope, stop worrying about all your material possessions and let God provide them for you directly. The Bible is not compatible with consumer culture.

rulemylife -> RE: Sports and games are more morally corrupting than pornography (6/28/2009 12:09:47 PM)


ORIGINAL: Ialdabaoth

So according to Jesus Himself, laid out as plainly as you could hope, stop worrying about all your material possessions and let God provide them for you directly. The Bible is not compatible with consumer culture.

OMIGOD, that is just too cool.

Could you ring up one those guys for me?

Because really, if they're going to provide for all my material needs then all I'll have to do is spend my days worshiping and loving God.

Sounds like a sweet deal to me.

Ialdabaoth -> RE: Sports and games are more morally corrupting than pornography (6/28/2009 12:39:56 PM)


ORIGINAL: rulemylife


ORIGINAL: Ialdabaoth

So according to Jesus Himself, laid out as plainly as you could hope, stop worrying about all your material possessions and let God provide them for you directly. The Bible is not compatible with consumer culture.

OMIGOD, that is just too cool.

Could you ring up one those guys for me?

Because really, if they're going to provide for all my material needs then all I'll have to do is spend my days worshiping and loving God.

Sounds like a sweet deal to me.

Unfortunately, no; I can't "ring up" one of those guys. :) You just gotta have faith. It's kinda like the Breatharians - and besides, even if you do end up homeless and starving on the street, dying of the flu, aren't you glad you're going to Heaven?

Esinn -> RE: Sports and games are more morally corrupting than pornography (6/28/2009 12:55:42 PM)


ORIGINAL: Alphascendant

Sports and games are more morally corrupting than pornography because "Christians" are supposed to "love 'God' with all their heart and soul." Watching a sports event, or playing a game is not "loving God." Those, and many other recreational activities distract us from that state of "love." Anything that distracts us from that "love" is evil. Since those kinds of activities are more widely accepted to be tolerable to the majority of "believers" than pornography, they create a false sense of well being, therefore more dangerous. Imagine if the tables were turned, 50,000 people show up at Dodger stadium to watch an orgy, then go home, lock the bedroom door and plug in a tape of Super Bowl XLII! Please don't expect me to respond to any rebuttal for awhile, my biological clock says it's sabbatical time.

I have never been a fan of mainstream sports.  To me it is a lot like religion.  There is a lot of music, action, drama, excitement and social proof.  Sports promise us the opportunity to live young once again.  It is one hell of a social outing though.  When you remove the screams, fans, camera's, giant stadiums, edited & glamorized media clips and players elevated to rock star super entertainer status with million dollar salaries you are not left with much.

Like the love of god children are indoctrinated  into the love of sports by parents long before they have a clue.  The hundreds of billions spent on city bragging rights to construct the best arena and the hundreds of millions spent on annual salaries of what 1,000 people in the pro world of sports earn could be spent much better elsewhere.

Helping Homeless, Crime or Education?  Yes, I know these arenas generate cities money - blah blah...  Save the money invest it and use the interest to make the city better.  The ideas to generate major metropolitan sportless areas money could be endless.

Now MMA/UFC?  I love that shit.  Anyhow it is Sunday football is coming on soon.  I need to get.

olena -> RE: Sports and games are more morally corrupting than pornography (6/28/2009 2:08:14 PM)

I am sorry this sounds just like something that people do in life that is not immune from some people do in their religion. They have to have a competition of who is better and therefore the most religious and devout wins a magical prize.

Sports can bring out the worse in people both participants and fans but it can also bring out great teambuilding skills and bring people together for good.

Anything can be taken and twisted to make it not what God might approve of. This includes people taking day to day things in life and judging them as though we all have one motivation and one behavior when doing any activities including our devotion.

SoulPiercer -> RE: Sports and games are more morally corrupting than pornography (6/28/2009 2:23:35 PM)


ORIGINAL: Ialdabaoth
So according to Jesus Himself, laid out as plainly as you could hope, stop worrying about all your material possessions and let God provide them for you directly. The Bible is not compatible with consumer culture.

Not to be a stickler or anything like that .. but .. perhaps saying "according to the MEN who told us Jesus Himself said this" would be a bit more accurate.

NYLass -> RE: Sports and games are more morally corrupting than pornography (6/28/2009 2:32:30 PM)

So what about the "Fighting Irish" of Notre Dame???

Ialdabaoth -> RE: Sports and games are more morally corrupting than pornography (6/29/2009 4:26:08 PM)


ORIGINAL: SoulPiercer


ORIGINAL: Ialdabaoth
So according to Jesus Himself, laid out as plainly as you could hope, stop worrying about all your material possessions and let God provide them for you directly. The Bible is not compatible with consumer culture.

Not to be a stickler or anything like that .. but .. perhaps saying "according to the MEN who told us Jesus Himself said this" would be a bit more accurate.

Who's talking about accuracy? The entire "Protestant Work Ethic" that our consumer culture was based around was justified by saying "Jesus Himself said this", not "according to the MEN who told us Jesus Himself said this".

If one side concedes the point that there's even the remotest possibility that they might be wrong, the other side automatically wins. It's a dick-size thing.

rulemylife -> RE: Sports and games are more morally corrupting than pornography (6/29/2009 7:33:41 PM)


ORIGINAL: Ialdabaoth


ORIGINAL: rulemylife


ORIGINAL: Ialdabaoth

So according to Jesus Himself, laid out as plainly as you could hope, stop worrying about all your material possessions and let God provide them for you directly. The Bible is not compatible with consumer culture.

OMIGOD, that is just too cool.

Could you ring up one those guys for me?

Because really, if they're going to provide for all my material needs then all I'll have to do is spend my days worshiping and loving God.

Sounds like a sweet deal to me.

Unfortunately, no; I can't "ring up" one of those guys. :) You just gotta have faith. It's kinda like the Breatharians - and besides, even if you do end up homeless and starving on the street, dying of the flu, aren't you glad you're going to Heaven?

Well now wait.

In your own words you said God was going to provide directly for all my material needs and now you're saying I might end up homeless and starving.

Sounds like bait-and-switch tactics to me.

FatDomDaddy -> RE: Sports and games are more morally corrupting than pornography (6/29/2009 8:30:09 PM)



So what about the "Fighting Irish" of Notre Dame???


Ialdabaoth -> RE: Sports and games are more morally corrupting than pornography (6/29/2009 8:50:23 PM)


ORIGINAL: rulemylife


ORIGINAL: Ialdabaoth

Unfortunately, no; I can't "ring up" one of those guys. :) You just gotta have faith. It's kinda like the Breatharians - and besides, even if you do end up homeless and starving on the street, dying of the flu, aren't you glad you're going to Heaven?

Well now wait.

In your own words you said God was going to provide directly for all my material needs and now you're saying I might end up homeless and starving.

Sounds like bait-and-switch tactics to me.

But... but... but you'll be SAVED! By the power of JESUS!

MrRodgers -> RE: Sports and games are more morally corrupting than pornography (6/29/2009 11:52:57 PM)



There numerous examples of sports and games in The Bible and with them God was pleased.

Isn't God most often pleased by whatever we say...pleases him ? In the end, in so far as sports and porn...God doesn't care.

Sports and porn on a professional mass media parody. They are really nothing but images created whole-cloth out of thin air. Their appeal for the masses just as in Rome but now on strictly fantasy.

Yes, exercise is healthy but athletics need not be on a professional level. Look to the Greeks and the Olympics...amateurs only.

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