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What's Been Stimulated? - 7/2/2009 10:23:07 AM   

Posts: 11766
Status: offline
Another month another half million people in the private sector unemployed. No Stimulating Jobs

Good thing for the Administration that Michael Jackson died. Without the distraction of, as described here; "
...the the death of Michael Jackson, a drug-addled, creepy-beyond-words, accused pedophile who literally bought his children with the help of two brood mares and, apparently, his dermatologist -- a group of amoral savages who had no problem giving their kids to a man who looked like the Phantom of the Opera and who behaved like a depraved worm. You can call it "adoption," but I call it child-trafficking." (Source: Reality) the media may actually have to report on the state of the economy and the resulting trends of the Administrations policies. In fact, it will be telling to see how much response is direct to the 'icon' versus the substance.

Addressing first the only two responses that seem to be coming from the religious Obamites; "there hasn't been enough time" or "the problems were bigger than we thought". Regarding time, that's why the focus is on trends. Regarding the ignorance of not knowing and not having a plan for resolving the problems; well was he lying when he said he knew and had a plan during the campaign, or is he lying now?

War -
  • Today it is being reported that there is a new major offensive being launched in Afghanistan. WAR ESCALATION
  • Iran, once it was PC to do so, annoyed the President by beating and killing people who protested the results of the election in the streets. Thousands may have been injured and/or killed. We don't know and never will. The Administration accepted the cutting off of news. Maybe they sent a sympathy card.
  • Iraq is still getting funding extensions and there is no fixed date for the US ever leaving the area. Meanwhile, the oil companies are bidding on the oil in the ground.
  • Korea, appreciating the Administration's Chamberlain style of "peace in our time"; takes little concern about US or UN sanctions and builds their nuclear arsenal and delivery capabilities.
  • In South America the Administration is siding with the open regimes of Cuba and Venezuela. I doubt many (any?) realize that the army's action was a result of the Honduras Supreme Court ruling that Zelaya's attempt to change the Constitution of Honduras to keep himself in power was illegal; akin to a standing President of the US deciding to void the Constitutional law of serving for more than 2 terms. HONDURAS Shouldn't a country of laws be on the side of those attempting to enforce their countries laws?

Yeah - War and global conflict seems to have been stimulated quite nicely. What happened to the "we'll talk though problems and reduce the volatile atmosphere?

Industry - We the taxpayers now own GM and Chrysler. The panacea for private sector unions? Not if you consider that now, in bankruptcy, everything they won at the bargaining table is subject to 'Trustee' decision and not negotiated. The hundreds of millions of tax dollars going to reward these failures is chalked up to a "nice try" for the Administration. Wonder what would have happened if instead of putting those funds down those drains they rewarded the one viable US company, Ford, and told them to use it to purchase and take over the failures? Instead, Ford is rewarding with having to compete with two failures now funded and operating on government funds.

Financing - Easy to get a mortgage now? How's that big increase in your paycheck working for you to catch up your mortgage payments? See on the horizon any chance of recouping any of the lost equity? LOST EQUITY Have the boarded up properties in your neighborhood, decreasing your property's value, been sold, or even have their grass cut this summer? Meanwhile, the bailed out and non bailed out think this is the perfect time to add and increase their fees, a practice blessed by silence from the Administration? BANK FEES Pays to lobby huh?

Taxes - Now 9.75% in LA County, more than 10% in some local jurisdictions. Business are leaving the state in droves, resulting in fewer jobs, and less tax revenue. The State Representatives think the May 1st rejection of even more taxes was a result of poor grammar on the ballot and not a rejection of their tax and spend policy. They fail, of course, to consider that after the last sales tax increase, the revenue and actual dollars collected DECREASED! Why is it amazing for them to learn that when taxes go up, people spend less? Less cars purchased, less 'big ticket' items purchased; both resulting in more unemployment, less spending and a downward spiral in revenue for the State. Unfortunately, the Administration doesn't think that's a lesson worth learning, planning, or at least needing a plethora of new tax revenue just to pay for the debt being created, let alone the social engineering programs proposed. Applying those taxes to the current condition should stimulate businesses, and businessmen such as myself, right out of the US.

But there is a major growth industry - Government. Bureaucracy is blooming with no end to it in sight. Social engineering and generating a majority population on the public dole is being stimulated into the CO2 infused stratosphere. BTW, appreciating the President's infallibility status, if CO2 is so bad for water why do we drink and pay more for it naturally? CO2 Polluting Water Why do we infuse it in soft drinks? Is Coke the next industry to be attacked for putting that pollution into their drink? While speaking of the religion of global warming - I'll buy in as soon as one of the current models being used as the global warming religion's dogma goes back and predicts the warming of Greenland at the time it got its name or the Roman times when the best grapes in the Empire were grown in northern UK. Was Rome really putting the same hydrocarbons in the air as we are now? Speaking to the "disaster" predicted by global warming; take a look at the consequence of the last natual eposode. You can search under 'Past Global Warming Periods' but also Google "Renaissance", "Roman Empire", "Viking/Norse Exploration". Granted some of the conquered people may have not faired all to well, but while the crops were growing everywhere, there was an improvement in the human condition and a spike in human achievement.

Back to bureaucracy.

The goal seems obvious based on the trends. Once people are reliant on the government they will do whatever is necessary to protect their 'entitlements'. The sacred cow entitlements can not be cut. Private sector unions, owned by the government must compromise. Working for the government as a bureaucrat, teacher, or any government union worker and not one cent of pay or benefit is up for consideration. I congratulate the strategy of the administration; it is a great way to establish and keep a plurality. When you can count on a 30% starting point which represents the public employees union for votes, all you have to get is another 20% of people, desperate and wanting to get on the dole, to stay in power. The only problem is with the number of people able to pay the bill for the entitlements and bureaucracy you're going to run into the problem we have now in CA where you can increase the tax, but still get less dollars in revenue.

So what's been stimulated in your neighborhood? What's your positive stimulating trend?

< Message edited by Mercnbeth -- 7/2/2009 11:18:07 AM >
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RE: What's Been Stimulated? - 7/2/2009 10:49:18 AM   

Posts: 22039
Joined: 6/14/2006
From: Nampa, Idaho USA
Status: offline

Hello Merc! I hope your visit to Europe is going well.

You raise many very good points - I doubt that the sobering facts you present will have any effect on the Obama faithful who post here. If experience is any guide they will trollishly attack you and harass you personally instead of honestly debating the issues, try to derail the thread, and try anything else to hijack any discussion of the very serious issues appearing before us as a consequence of having elected this extremely radical activist as president.

All in all, an excellent post. Here's a little something you missed though - a stab at all the brash cronyism and the mind-boggling incompetence we're seeing.

One extremely odoriferous example of both, which should raise everyone's ire:


Obama health czar directed firms in trouble

DeParle made millions from companies under federal investigation

Nancy-Ann DeParle, President Barack Obama’s health policy czar, served as a director of corporations that faced scores of federal investigations, whistleblower lawsuits and other regulatory actions, according to government records reviewed by the Investigative Reporting Workshop at American University.

Several of the companies were investigated for alleged kickbacks or engaging in other illegal billing schemes, while others were accused of serious violations of federal quality standards, including one company that failed to warn patients of deadly problems with an implanted heart defibrillator. Several of the cases ended with substantial fines paid to the federal government, even though the companies admitted no wrongdoing.

Since leaving her government job running Medicare for the Clinton administration, DeParle built a lucrative private-sector career. Records show she earned more than $6.6 million since early 2001, according to a tally by the Investigative Reporting Workshop.

Much of that corporate career was built at companies that have frequently had to defend themselves against federal investigations. After leaving government, DeParle accepted director positions at half a dozen companies suspected of violating the very laws and regulations she had enforced for Medicare. Those companies got into further trouble on her watch as a director.

Now she’s back in government as a leading voice in deciding the shape of health care reform. Named by Obama in March as director of the White House Office of Health Reform, making $158,000 a year, DeParle is the point person in pushing for the administration's plans for changing health care and the ways Americans pay for it — changes in which her former companies have a great deal at stake.

Critics see DeParle’s re-emergence as a classic case of Washington “revolving door” syndrome, despite Obama’s suggestions that he would shut that door.

(Full article here).

< Message edited by Sanity -- 7/2/2009 11:17:34 AM >


Inside Every Liberal Is A Totalitarian Screaming To Get Out

(in reply to Mercnbeth)
Profile   Post #: 2
RE: What's Been Stimulated? - 7/2/2009 11:11:59 AM   

Posts: 11766
Status: offline
Hi back at you - Sanity!

Back from the European vacation trip, but heading back to set up some things in Italy in September.

I didn't want to get into the incompetence, politics as usual, or even the staging of events because it gets into a comparative issue, and distracts from the here and now. Next thing you know somebody will think it important and relevant to compare those issues to what happened in 1994. Tell you what, I'd trade the economic, and government philosophy climate of 1994 with today in a heartbeat including all the cock sucking going on in and around the White House, Senate, and Congressional chambers; wouldn't you?

I do appreciate the facts, but having a DNC Volunteer stage a show for the media STAGED PHOTO OP - QUESTION or pointing out how, while most US citizens scrimp and save our Congress is wining and dining around the world like 60s jet setters CONGRESS TRAVEL EXPENSE UP 50% SINCE DEMOCRATS IN CONTROL , ends up getting away from the bottom line.

Lets talk about the here and now; another half Million unemployed, Afghanistan, Iran, Iraq, Korea, taxes, debt, lose of income, loss of assets. Pick one and point to any being "stimulated" and/or trending positively.

(in reply to Sanity)
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RE: What's Been Stimulated? - 7/2/2009 11:20:21 AM   

Posts: 14614
Joined: 8/23/2004
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I was pretty stimulated last night.

But she's an Obama supporter too, so I guess that doesn't count.

(in reply to Mercnbeth)
Profile   Post #: 4
RE: What's Been Stimulated? - 7/2/2009 11:23:04 AM   

Posts: 11766
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ORIGINAL: rulemylife

I was pretty stimulated last night.

But she's an Obama supporter too, so I guess that doesn't count.

Responsive and relevant to the point that Obama supporters actually DO "give a fuck"?

< Message edited by Mercnbeth -- 7/2/2009 11:24:19 AM >

(in reply to rulemylife)
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RE: What's Been Stimulated? - 7/2/2009 11:54:39 AM   

Posts: 14614
Joined: 8/23/2004
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No, just as I've said before, your posts are endless.

It's hard to even wade through the twenty different topics you include in each, much less respond to them.

But I'll work up the energy and get back to you.

(in reply to Mercnbeth)
Profile   Post #: 6
RE: What's Been Stimulated? - 7/2/2009 12:11:50 PM   

Posts: 6363
Joined: 3/8/2006
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The Messiah just had a very short news conference as the stock market tanked again today. He refused to  any questions though.  Go figure. The unemployment rate is nearing 10 % and has gone up since spending billions in  "stimulus" money..Big banks, insurance companies and the UAW got the money. Change ???

(in reply to rulemylife)
Profile   Post #: 7
RE: What's Been Stimulated? - 7/2/2009 1:56:20 PM   

Posts: 7803
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Pick just one and start on it. How about how much our government is still spending, minus the stimulus (you can tackle that one all by itself or in a year).

Great post Merc.


ORIGINAL: rulemylife

No, just as I've said before, your posts are endless.

It's hard to even wade through the twenty different topics you include in each, much less respond to them.

But I'll work up the energy and get back to you.


When speaking of slaves people always tend to ignore this definition "One who is abjectly subservient to a specified person or influence."

(in reply to rulemylife)
Profile   Post #: 8
RE: What's Been Stimulated? - 7/2/2009 2:20:33 PM   

Posts: 2100
Joined: 5/13/2009
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ORIGINAL: Mercnbeth
War -
  • Today it is being reported that there is a new major offensive being launched in Afghanistan. WAR ESCALATION

Umm. He kinda said he was going to do this. It's called finishing what we started when Bush sent troops in to begin with.


ORIGINAL: Mercnbeth

  • Iran, once it was PC to do so, annoyed the President by beating and killing people who protested the results of the election in the streets. Thousands may have been injured and/or killed. We don't know and never will. The Administration accepted the cutting off of news. Maybe they sent a sympathy card.

And we should care why? Every time we try and 'help' a nation's people, we're called bullies. You bitch about Iraq, and now you want us to help Iran? Make up your mind.


ORIGINAL: Mercnbeth
  • Iraq is still getting funding extensions and there is no fixed date for the US ever leaving the area. Meanwhile, the oil companies are bidding on the oil in the ground.

That's funny. I could have sworn I heard about fireworks displays celebrating our 'scaleback.' Sounds like 'something' is happening.


ORIGINAL: Mercnbeth
  • Korea, appreciating the Administration's Chamberlain style of "peace in our time"; takes little concern about US or UN sanctions and builds their nuclear arsenal and delivery capabilities.

And? Once again I'll ask. You complain about 'nothing happening' in Iraq (or nothing apparently to your liking) and now you want to attack another country? You make zero sense.


ORIGINAL: Mercnbeth
  • In South America the Administration is siding with the open regimes of Cuba and Venezuela. I doubt many (any?) realize that the army's action was a result of the Honduras Supreme Court ruling that Zelaya's attempt to change the Constitution of Honduras to keep himself in power was illegal; akin to a standing President of the US deciding to void the Constitutional law of serving for more than 2 terms. HONDURAS Shouldn't a country of laws be on the side of those attempting to enforce their countries laws?

Wait wait wait. I thought the U.S. was a bad guy because it staged coups? Here they are speaking out against one, and you're still pissed. Again you make no sense. Who cares who agrees with whom. What? Two countries that typically aren't cordial can't ever agree? (You don't read the forums here much, do you?)

You want to know what I find hilarious? This economy took YEARS to fuck up. (Years that Obama was not in power as President, mind you) and you are expressing displeasure in the fact that it's not cleared up in 6 months?

It's funny....during the elections, Obama supporters were called Kool-aid drinkers and worse because people said we expected Obama to be a magic man that could change things immediately. Actually, it was his detractors who were that delusional. Those of us who believe in him also KNOW it won't be a magic fix. Years to fuck up means years to fix up. Hell even in his freakin' acceptance speech he said "It may not happen by the time my presidency is over." But I guess you missed that part.


"'Till the roof comes off, 'till the lights go out
'Till my legs give out, can't shut my mouth."

(in reply to Mercnbeth)
Profile   Post #: 9
RE: What's Been Stimulated? - 7/2/2009 2:51:51 PM   

Posts: 11766
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You should direct your responses to the Administration, not me. Based upon your position I take it you also think they are doing a terrible job and did not live up to their campaign commitments, such as getting the US out of Iraq "immediately".

Don't address the adversaries position at the time of the campaign - address today's results.

Afghanistan - The stated campaign rhetoric and expected policy was talk - NOT troops and war. BTW - News-Flash BUSH is not the President and it's not necessary for the current President to follow what "started when Bush sent troops in to begin with." Or did you vote for and support a continuation of those practices?

Iran - I agree the Administration and the President seem to have a HUGE problem with consistency. You'll have to point out where I said, or how you inferred we should "help Iran" or even that I "care"?

Iraq - Get out today. The celebration was for a reduction. There were plenty of references in the thread. Provide one which gives the date of final withdraw, or final payout of tax dollars to fund them. Leave today, stop using US blood to lubricate a corrupt government and let them get on with their favorite pastime of killing each other. Let the oil companies form their own militia to defend the oil.

Korea - I advocated an attack? Which words did you interpret as saying that? The situation points to the impotence of the Administration's 'olive branch' approach to threats to the security of the US.

South America - A coup is illegal. Acting at the behest of the Supreme Court to address a very specific Constitutional law isn't. You should read the facts, and perhaps you'll understand. I only point to the Administration siding with leftist regimes that support the overthrow of the US as a matter of identifying with those whose philosophy mirrors yours.

While laughing "hilariously" - it should be a simple matter to point to one "stimulus" that is trending positive. Weren't those Billions spent in the "stimulus" and bail outs suppose to generate jobs, or at least slow down layoffs? "Whoops, we had no idea is was so bad"; especially considering the tax dollars spent, should not be a political position; wouldn't you agree? Although you need to accept that in order to continue to drink your brand of "kool-aid".

Or do you believe based upon your reference that predicting the failure during his acceptance speech abdicates him from any positive result? BTW - Again, is that what was claimed during his campaign? Was he lying then, at the inaugural acceptance speech, or now?

The question was; "what's been stimulated?" But I guess you missed that part.

(in reply to Loki45)
Profile   Post #: 10
RE: What's Been Stimulated? - 7/2/2009 3:02:22 PM   

Posts: 2100
Joined: 5/13/2009
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ORIGINAL: Mercnbeth

You should direct your responses to the Administration, not me.

I directed my responses to the annoying dissenter. I'm quite happy with the current administration.


ORIGINAL: Mercnbeth
Afghanistan - The stated campaign rhetoric and expected policy was talk - NOT troops and war. BTW - News-Flash BUSH is not the President and it's not necessary for the current President to follow what "started when Bush sent troops in to begin with." Or did you vote for and support a continuation of those practices?

Obama promised to scaleback in Iraq and go after the real terrorists and he's doing just that.


ORIGINAL: Mercnbeth
Iran - I agree the Administration and the President seem to have a HUGE problem with consistency. You'll have to point out where I said, or how you inferred we should "help Iran" or even that I "care"?

Your statement about a sympathy card suggested your true feelings.


ORIGINAL: Mercnbeth
Iraq - Get out today. The celebration was for a reduction. There were plenty of references in the thread. Provide one which gives the date of final withdraw, or final payout of tax dollars to fund them. Leave today, stop using US blood to lubricate a corrupt government and let them get on with their favorite pastime of killing each other. Let the oil companies form their own militia to defend the oil.

A scaleback is a step toward leaving. Do you honestly expect them to pick up and go on a dime?


ORIGINAL: Mercnbeth
Korea - I advocated an attack? Which words did you interpret as saying that? The situation points to the impotence of the Administration's 'olive branch' approach to threats to the security of the US.

By pissing and moaning over an olive branch approach, you are suggesting that not enough is being done.


ORIGINAL: Mercnbeth
South America - A coup is illegal. Acting at the behest of the Supreme Court to address a very specific Constitutional law isn't. You should read the facts, and perhaps you'll understand. I only point to the Administration siding with leftist regimes that support the overthrow of the US as a matter of identifying with those whose philosophy mirrors yours.

Yes, a coup is illegal. And from what I read, that's what happened. And did the US not voice its feelings against that?

"The governments of most Latin American nations, as well as the United States and Canada, have voiced their displeasure with the coup and said they want Zelaya back in power."


ORIGINAL: Mercnbeth
While laughing "hilariously" - it should be a simple matter to point to one "stimulus" that is trending positive. Weren't those Billions spent in the "stimulus" and bail outs suppose to generate jobs, or at least slow down layoffs? "Whoops, we had no idea is was so bad"; especially considering the tax dollars spent, should not be a political position; wouldn't you agree? Although you need to accept that in order to continue to drink your brand of "kool-aid".

Or do you believe based upon your reference that predicting the failure during his acceptance speech abdicates him from any positive result? BTW - Again, is that what was claimed during his campaign? Was he lying then, at the inaugural acceptance speech, or now?

The question was; "what's been stimulated?" But I guess you missed that part.

I guess, once again, you missed the part where I said it takes time. Nothing is a "magic fix," not even Oxi-clean. You cannot undo in 6 months what took years to happen. That's not predicting failure, that's being real about the situation.

< Message edited by Loki45 -- 7/2/2009 3:17:32 PM >


"'Till the roof comes off, 'till the lights go out
'Till my legs give out, can't shut my mouth."

(in reply to Mercnbeth)
Profile   Post #: 11
RE: What's Been Stimulated? - 7/2/2009 3:27:20 PM   

Posts: 7803
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Really? Could you point to something of substance that you are happy with? There are some things that I have agreed with, and some I have disagreed with.

Iran: I am all for staying the hell out of it.

South America: have not read enough about it to form an opinion.

N Korea: Our position, and that of the UN is too weak. N Korea has been allowed to break UN resolutions in the past, so a new one will not do anything. Interdiction needs to occur, especially now with UN support.

Economy: I was worried then that their figures were too favorable, and a more reserved approach was needed.

Industry - As a Business Consultant I have assisted about 1 in 10 clients in either closing shop, or restructure during bankruptcy. These are small businesses, the bread and butter of this country. Nothing is being done to help them. I see their financial, these are not come greedy corporate fuckers. These are hard working people, who feel awful because closing or downsizing means laying off people they have enjoyed having work for them, sometimes for years.

Financing - Sorry but that sector still has not cleaned up much, and the extra fees and charges are being put in more of the low and middle income earners than any others.

Taxes - Everyone keeps telling me about this tax cut, and I keep asking where. If you can show me where there is an actual reduction in taxes owed, then show me where this information is.

More houses are going vacant in my neighborhood, and it seems to keep getting worse. I see no assistance with any of these home owners. As Merc said, lawns are growing up, pieces of siding, gutters, etc. are hanging loose needing repair, and the area I am in is one of the growth areas of my state. Now there has been a huge increase in rentals, and multi-family dwelling constructions. That is because there are expected to be many less home owners and more renters.

I do not see any change of substance. Bush spent a huge amount of our money without any kind of improvement to Americans and I see a lot of our money being spent by Obama without any kind of improvement to Americans. The people of the US are loosing faith in the idea of the stimulus, and are told to be patient. If we wait long enough, market trends will hit bottom and then get better. Then someone can say "see I told you that you just needed to wait".


When speaking of slaves people always tend to ignore this definition "One who is abjectly subservient to a specified person or influence."

(in reply to Loki45)
Profile   Post #: 12
RE: What's Been Stimulated? - 7/2/2009 3:38:20 PM   

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ORIGINAL: OrionTheWolf

Really? Could you point to something of substance that you are happy with? ...

I do not see any change of substance. Bush spent a huge amount of our money without any kind of improvement to Americans and I see a lot of our money being spent by Obama without any kind of improvement to Americans. The people of the US are loosing faith in the idea of the stimulus, and are told to be patient. If we wait long enough, market trends will hit bottom and then get better. Then someone can say "see I told you that you just needed to wait".

Well let's see. He made our paychecks (a little) bigger, thus resulting in it being easier to buy not one, but two laptops to 'update' the computer network in my household.

Speaking of computers, I'm about |<->| this close from finishing the first of many certifications which will be my jumping off point in a far better career field than I have been in.

Oh and (though I'm aware he's not solely responsible for this) I'm now eligible (as of Aug. 1, 2009) for G.I. Bill benefits due to my wartime service.

Let's see, what else. Oh yeah, I bought a new car and am now covered by GAP protection (which oddly wasn't in the contract for my last car.)

So far, I see improvement. Not everyone does. But things take time. If you're sliding off the cliff, you can't just stop all at once. Some continue just enough to fall off. Some are able to grab a branch and reverse the slide. No one just jumps and flies away though.


"'Till the roof comes off, 'till the lights go out
'Till my legs give out, can't shut my mouth."

(in reply to OrionTheWolf)
Profile   Post #: 13
RE: What's Been Stimulated? - 7/2/2009 3:48:24 PM   

Posts: 66
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ORIGINAL: OrionTheWolf

Really? Could you point to something of substance that you are happy with? ...

I do not see any change of substance. Bush spent a huge amount of our money without any kind of improvement to Americans and I see a lot of our money being spent by Obama without any kind of improvement to Americans. The people of the US are loosing faith in the idea of the stimulus, and are told to be patient. If we wait long enough, market trends will hit bottom and then get better. Then someone can say "see I told you that you just needed to wait".

Well let's see. He made our paychecks (a little) bigger, thus resulting in it being easier to buy not one, but two laptops to 'update' the computer network in my household.

Speaking of computers, I'm about |<->| this close from finishing the first of many certifications which will be my jumping off point in a far better career field than I have been in.

Oh and (though I'm aware he's not solely responsible for this) I'm now eligible (as of Aug. 1, 2009) for G.I. Bill benefits due to my wartime service.

Let's see, what else. Oh yeah, I bought a new car and am now covered by GAP protection (which oddly wasn't in the contract for my last car.)

So far, I see improvement. Not everyone does. But things take time. If you're sliding off the cliff, you can't just stop all at once. Some continue just enough to fall off. Some are able to grab a branch and reverse the slide. No one just jumps and flies away though.

$13 a week made it easier to buy 2 laptops??? What does the new administration have to do with your certifications? The administration isnt "solely responsible" for your eligibility for GI benefits? How much is actually attributable to them? GAP protection was a private initiative, nothing to do with the administration.

Things have improved for you because of your own initiative, not the administration and $13 a week, that will soon be taken away anyway.

(in reply to Loki45)
Profile   Post #: 14
RE: What's Been Stimulated? - 7/2/2009 3:57:58 PM   

Posts: 7803
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Well let's see. He made our paychecks (a little) bigger, thus resulting in it being easier to buy not one, but two laptops to 'update' the computer network in my household.

Your tax liability has not changed, just how much they keep out of your check. You are not getting back more money over all. Unless there is an actual tax cut, you will still owe the same amount of taxes (barring any new credits) that you did last year, if you make the same amount.


Speaking of computers, I'm about |<->| this close from finishing the first of many certifications which will be my jumping off point in a far better career field than I have been in.

Good for you, everyone should seek to improve themselves and their situation. So how has the stimulus helped with this?


Oh and (though I'm aware he's not solely responsible for this) I'm now eligible (as of Aug. 1, 2009) for G.I. Bill benefits due to my wartime service.

Excellent, but as you said this has nothing to do with the stimulus.


Let's see, what else. Oh yeah, I bought a new car and am now covered by GAP protection (which oddly wasn't in the contract for my last car.)

You never had GAP protection before? Pay the extra and get it on any car you purchase. What does that have to do with the stimulus?


So far, I see improvement. Not everyone does. But things take time. If you're sliding off the cliff, you can't just stop all at once. Some continue just enough to fall off. Some are able to grab a branch and reverse the slide. No one just jumps and flies away though.

The question is "What has been stimulated?". I am glad things are going well for you. They are not too bad for me either. That does not address the OP though.


When speaking of slaves people always tend to ignore this definition "One who is abjectly subservient to a specified person or influence."

(in reply to Loki45)
Profile   Post #: 15
RE: What's Been Stimulated? - 7/2/2009 4:44:31 PM   

Posts: 2100
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ORIGINAL: OrionTheWolf
Your tax liability has not changed, just how much they keep out of your check. You are not getting back more money over all. Unless there is an actual tax cut, you will still owe the same amount of taxes (barring any new credits) that you did last year, if you make the same amount.

I just mean that my paychecks got (marginally) bigger, thus allowing the numbers to be better 'massaged' resulting in two new computers. Oh, I forgot some computer upgrades, as well. As for taxes...I've never owed. I got back a fat return this year and probably will get back another next year. So I'm ok there.


ORIGINAL: OrionTheWolf
Good for you, everyone should seek to improve themselves and their situation. So how has the stimulus helped with this?

No clue. But it was beacuse of (partly) the current crew we have that I can basically get paid to attend my next semester of classes.


ORIGINAL: OrionTheWolf
You never had GAP protection before? Pay the extra and get it on any car you purchase. What does that have to do with the stimulus?

Oh I have. Every car I've had save one has had it. For some reason the one I had before this one didn't, despite my expressly stating that I wanted it. But then the chodes I bought it from did far more than "forget" to include GAP insurance so I am not surprised.


ORIGINAL: OrionTheWolf
The question is "What has been stimulated?". I am glad things are going well for you. They are not too bad for me either. That does not address the OP though.

Well, as it's been pointed out, the OP was all over the map. Had it been a simple "what has been stimulated" I'm sure folks more worldly than I would be happy to answer. However, the impression I got was that the OP was "administration bashing" after a mere 6 months. It happens. You can't please everyone.


"'Till the roof comes off, 'till the lights go out
'Till my legs give out, can't shut my mouth."

(in reply to OrionTheWolf)
Profile   Post #: 16
RE: What's Been Stimulated? - 7/2/2009 5:42:16 PM   

Posts: 7803
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You could have gotten back more before if you filled out your w-4 properly. Your tax liability will remain the same, so by changing witholding, all they are doing is giving you the money now, rather than a big check at the end of the year. With people I have assisted in the past that got fat checks, I assisted them in changing their w-4, and then having an automatic deduction to a savings account which they can Money Market or buy CD's with. That at least earns you interest on your money. If it makes you feel better, you can always cash it in, withdraw or what have you, at a certain time of the year to emulate that big check that is actually your money that they took too much of out of your paycheck.

So, the change in witholding has not really helped, it just does not take more of your money now, and then give it back later. It is not a tax cut.



I just mean that my paychecks got (marginally) bigger, thus allowing the numbers to be better 'massaged' resulting in two new computers. Oh, I forgot some computer upgrades, as well. As for taxes...I've never owed. I got back a fat return this year and probably will get back another next year. So I'm ok there.


When speaking of slaves people always tend to ignore this definition "One who is abjectly subservient to a specified person or influence."

(in reply to Loki45)
Profile   Post #: 17
RE: What's Been Stimulated? - 7/2/2009 5:51:15 PM   

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ORIGINAL: OrionTheWolf

You could have gotten back more before if you filled out your w-4 properly. Your tax liability will remain the same, so by changing witholding, all they are doing is giving you the money now, rather than a big check at the end of the year. With people I have assisted in the past that got fat checks, I assisted them in changing their w-4, and then having an automatic deduction to a savings account which they can Money Market or buy CD's with. That at least earns you interest on your money. If it makes you feel better, you can always cash it in, withdraw or what have you, at a certain time of the year to emulate that big check that is actually your money that they took too much of out of your paycheck.

So, the change in witholding has not really helped, it just does not take more of your money now, and then give it back later. It is not a tax cut.

Actually, I changed my W-4 long ago. That's why two years ago, my return was a big, fat $50. Despite my smaller withholdings, I still got about $40 more a month with the latest 'stimulus package.' So it must have changed 'something.'


"'Till the roof comes off, 'till the lights go out
'Till my legs give out, can't shut my mouth."

(in reply to OrionTheWolf)
Profile   Post #: 18
RE: What's Been Stimulated? - 7/2/2009 6:08:25 PM   

Posts: 1031
Status: offline
I can think of several things that were stimulated...without stimulus funds:

1) Gun sales

2) Congressional travel -- up 50%

3)  Free time for individuals and families! (Unemployment filings)

4) Increasing Press dissatisfaction with the current Administration  (bonus.)

5) Michael Jackson album sales

6) Comedians in Washington.

7) Teabag sales.

8) Increased of low priced housing that no one can buy...

9) Bank fees and charges.

I could go on, but what's the point.......twisting will ensue shortly...

(OH WAIT...It is all Bush's Fault.....DOH)

< Message edited by Crush -- 7/2/2009 6:10:03 PM >


"In religion and politics, people's beliefs and convictions are in almost every case gotten at second hand, and without examination." -- Mark Twain

(in reply to Loki45)
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RE: What's Been Stimulated? - 7/2/2009 6:32:54 PM   

Posts: 7803
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Yeah I have seen magicians work magic too, so it must be magic. Show me a link to the actual tax cut. Otherwise you have been given a euphoric feeling with a smile and a nod by a slight change to publication 505.

I suggest speaking with another tax/business consultant for confirmation.



Actually, I changed my W-4 long ago. That's why two years ago, my return was a big, fat $50. Despite my smaller withholdings, I still got about $40 more a month with the latest 'stimulus package.' So it must have changed 'something.'


When speaking of slaves people always tend to ignore this definition "One who is abjectly subservient to a specified person or influence."

(in reply to Loki45)
Profile   Post #: 20
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