Feminism bad for society? (Full Version)

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LetsGetItRight -> Feminism bad for society? (7/10/2009 3:11:09 PM)

[color="#cc00cc" size="4"]Here's a recent article that will have Doms and submissives nodding, but might ruffle some Domme feathers!  Is society a mess because we've strayed from the 1950's style of life?  Or did the economy force us into equality of the sexes?

Check out Feminism and Its Effects on Society and see if you agree that women and society would be better off if traditional roles were honored.

YoungLust -> RE: Feminism bad for society? (7/10/2009 3:13:51 PM)

Is that site like a less funny version of the onion?

Aylee -> RE: Feminism bad for society? (7/10/2009 3:25:54 PM)

I liked the fact that there seemed to be no by-line. 

LetsGetItRight -> RE: Feminism bad for society? (7/10/2009 3:31:46 PM)

By.... Centralcoast Beachbum  

That's the byline you're talking about?  Or something else?

NihilusZero -> RE: Feminism bad for society? (7/10/2009 3:31:48 PM)

Pity. The few noteworthy points spread inside that article get lost in the author's idiotic pontificating and blanket erroneous application of irrelevant biological characteristics to variable situations. The greatest source of stupidity in his diatribe is the presupposition that individuals are somehow responsible to adjust their personal dynamics so as to create some farcical altruism which will help his exaggerated masculine helplessness.

LetsGetItRight -> RE: Feminism bad for society? (7/10/2009 3:33:06 PM)

At least you found some noteworthy points.  Nice profile pic, btw.

NihilusZero -> RE: Feminism bad for society? (7/10/2009 4:02:08 PM)


ORIGINAL: LetsGetItRight

Nice profile pic, btw.

Thank you. [sm=cool.gif]

Lashra -> RE: Feminism bad for society? (7/10/2009 4:22:22 PM)

No feminism is not bad for society. Women deserve rights and to do what they wish with their lives. People were not happy before feminism that is a fact, many people are happier that feminism has its rightful place in society. Those who wish to remain "traditional" may surely do so as they have the choice to. That is what feminism is all about having choices.

Ruffle Domme feathers? Not mine, I am secure enough that little things like this do not bother me. Some people dislike feminism and those are usually the insecure people who are afraid that their perceived "power" will be taken away.


JuliaGreenleaf -> RE: Feminism bad for society? (7/10/2009 4:24:33 PM)

As much as a large part of my soul resonates with the past...
We are better now with freedom of choice than we were then. If there is one thing to be learnt from all of this it is that humanity comes in variety.
Feminism, even though I dropped the class in school, allows freedom of choice. I just didn't want to have to justify my choices to my professor in 25 minutes or less of man hating.
Object class submissive <> object class female. While the two can mesh, Domme prove that sometimes it's a completely different story.

DemonKia -> RE: Feminism bad for society? (7/10/2009 4:47:23 PM)

FR, after read thru

Bwahahahahaha . . . . . Total straw-man argument, misrepresenting what feminism is & what it's done . . . . . Plus, extra points for the grotesque mis-characterization of the 1950's as some golden, glowing, wondrous time -- while it might have been for some, it most certainly was not for others . . . . .

The first step to being taken seriously intellectually is to honestly account for the facts, history, all those little details.

Ummm, Betty Friedan's 'The Feminine Mystique' is an account of how much unhappiness lurked under all those happy '50's housewife facades, from a '50's housewife . . . . . Just to offer up one counterpoint to the argument advanced in that article . . . . .

That 'natural masculine superiority' must not be very strong or confident if it has to bash other social models as part of its modus operandi . . . . . & yep, male-bashing doesn't help out the feminist side, either . . . . . Letting go of the bashing thing would be helpful in promoting ones intellectual ideas . . .. .

Thanks for the laugh . . ...

Hey, I wonder how many realize that feminism has really helped to make male-dom / fem-sub so much naughtier & hotter? Ya know, when that's the expected thing, it's not very daring or rebellious, but once feminism came along I suspect it made it so much nastier & reactionary & wrong . . . . . lol . . . . Could just be me . . . . . . *smirkles*

LetsGetItRight -> RE: Feminism bad for society? (7/10/2009 5:03:49 PM)


Ya know, when that's the expected thing, it's not very daring or rebellious, but once feminism came along I suspect it made it so much nastier & reactionary & wrong


You definitely have a point there! 

i'd seen this article pop up today and thought it would be interesting to see what others on CM thought about it.  i'm new to the lifestyle and not sure what place feminism has in BDSM.  i've learned a lot simply from the comments here.  Thanks to all who have thoughtfully given their views.

LetsGetItRight -> RE: Feminism bad for society? (7/10/2009 5:04:49 PM)

i made a mess of using the quote function.  Apologies for that!  

DemonKia -> RE: Feminism bad for society? (7/10/2009 5:45:33 PM)

Don't sweat it, the various formatting features take some getting used to & even the veteran posters screw that stuff up . . . .

Welcome to the forums . .. . .


nephandi -> RE: Feminism bad for society? (7/10/2009 6:57:54 PM)


First of all why Doms and subs nod their heads? There are very few in this lifestyle that think it is a lifestyle that fit everyone and that they want to force down everyone's throats. Even if a Dom and a sub live with one having more power than the other do not mean that they think that is right for everyone.

That being said. Is feminism bad for society, yes and no. On the negative side you now have more children left to the care of kindergartens, after school programs and them self, it is no longer common to have a stay at home, cookie baking mom to dote over the little ones, and off course this can cause some problems, also some women do think they can work 20 hours a day, with their husband working the same, and have children at the same time, and this causes problems.

However, society is made up of ca 50/50 men and women, is it bad for society that not half of the population is treated like second class citizens? No. Why should women be only a servant and a accessory to men? Yes I know this is a strange statement coming from a Gorean, but again that is a chosen lifestyle. Emphasis on choice. The case is in the 1950\s most women did not have a choice, they where supposed to be stay at home wifes, at best perhaps they would be nurses or teachers for a little while before the children was born to give them some extra pocket money, or to help support her husband while he made a career. The fact is many women made them self to be less than they where to not overshadow a lesser man, women was servants and there was no choice in that.

On  a more serious side, many women was abused by their husbands but could not leave him because they could not support them self. Do I think it is bad for society that women no longer have to put up with everything, but that we can actually stand on our own feet? No. Also look at how women where talked about in the 1950's, look for example at weddings. A newlywed pair would be declared Mr and Missus Jon Olsen. Not Jane and Jon Olsen but Jon Olsen and his wife, a woman was not even often afforded being mentioned by name, she was her husband's wife, nothing more. Do I think it is bad that half the population no longer have to stand in the shadow of the other half? No.

But off course there are a price to pay for our freedom, there are things in society, the raising of kids among them that suffers, but I think it is a price worth the gain.

I wish you all well

Firebirdseeking -> RE: Feminism bad for society? (7/10/2009 8:23:49 PM)

Your question is akin to asking if equality, equal treatment is bad for society, or if civil rights were bad for society.

What do you think feminism is, anyway?

LetsGetItRight -> RE: Feminism bad for society? (7/10/2009 9:27:23 PM)


The question was simply food for thought.  Perhaps if mothers had more time to spend with their children, the kids who grew up on their own while their moms worked might have turned out differently.  Maybe there would be fewer kids on drugs, fewer kids who made bad choices in their lives, etc. 

This is a forum for highlighting articles in the news that have to do with alternative lifestyles.  As i explained in an earlier post, i'm new to this lifestyle and was curious what connection, if any, Feminism has to BDSM.  i'm here to learn and to get involved.  This was my first attempt at it.  Perhaps the questions i asked were offensive, and i will keep that in mind the next time i'm curious about something. Thank you for your understanding response. :)

WyldHrt -> RE: Feminism bad for society? (7/10/2009 9:59:00 PM)

The author of that tripe lost me right about here:

The fact that males are superior to females cannot be disputed as we have direct evidence from genetic research and extensive studies of the human mind.


OP- Welcome to the boards [:)]
As to your opening post- No, that article will most likely not have Doms and submissives (many of whom come equipped with dangly bits instead of innies, btw) nodding. I'm sure some will, but your sentence implied that all or at least most would, and that is incorrect.
ETA- as you are new and looking to learn, the best advice I can give is to throw absolutes out the window. There is not one way to do things in life or lifestyle, and for pretty much any absolute you can think of, someone will, likely gleefully, come up with exceptions, lol.

nephandi -> RE: Feminism bad for society? (7/11/2009 6:40:14 AM)



The question was simply food for thought. Perhaps if mothers had more time to spend with their children, the kids who grew up on their own while their moms worked might have turned out differently. Maybe there would be fewer kids on drugs, fewer kids who made bad choices in their lives, etc.

When I look at society, I would rather see some percent more make bad choices due to poor upbringing than fifty percent of those kids not having a choice at all.

I wish you well

Firebirdseeking -> RE: Feminism bad for society? (7/11/2009 4:58:40 PM)

But you see... where are their DADS?  I am not being antagonistic, its a sincere question.  I wonder how many of us - and I include myself in this - were raised by mothers because our dads were emotionally absent and uninvolved; and in the world today, it is not too much different.  Kids need positive role models of both men and women.

Its easy to blame feminism.  Before feminism, our mothers and grandmothers were stuck at home doing mind numbing housework that the post world war II media told told them would fill their lives and hearts.  What  a lie!  Women need intellectual stimulation and meaningful work as well as men.  For some, that means being at home and raising children, but for many it means making other choices.  Men do not as a general rule have to make the choices women do.

Every day in my mental health practice work, some woman is complaining that her husband or partner is not involved in the home, that she works her 8 hours and so does he, but when they come home, she has a "second shift".

Back to kids - a woman cannot provide a male role model for her children.  That so many children are being raised in single parent families is part of the problem but is by no means the total problem.  We have complex problems and they require complex solutions.  It is not feminism's fault that kids are troubled. We live in a troubled world. 

Didnt mean to sound rude or condescending, I am just very passionate about this subject.  Freud blamed mothers and it has not quit. 

LetsGetItRight -> RE: Feminism bad for society? (7/11/2009 6:46:00 PM)

Thank you to those who've taken the time to give advice and be passionate about their thoughts on this subject.  The questions tossed back are valid and thought-provoking.  The advice for a newbie will be taken to heart.  :) 

i don't have answers to the questions raised by this, but believe many men (some men?) feel that their job is their only responsibility when it comes to family.  i was raised in a home like that and married a man who thought that way.  It isn't what i expected or wanted, but it is what it is.  i've met men who give loads of attention to their children and work full time, though, so i know they exist.  Maybe it's the luck of the draw.  You just can't tell until after the kids come along what life will be like.  People say one thing and sometimes do something different.

Thanks again for the response.  Much appreciated.  :)

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