Endearing slave Found..... (Full Version)

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LdyWintershade -> Endearing slave Found..... (7/10/2009 9:05:43 PM)

I have been chatting with a female slave here on CM for a little while now, but she is in the next state.  However, recently, my room mate was planning an excursion over there to shop at a local mall.  I made arrangements to meet her there and hitched a ride with my friend.  She and I spent the afternoon together and had a great day just talking and getting to know each other better.  We talked and got even more connected that we had bee previously. 
Since then we have talked on the phone almost continuously, and in two more days I am catching a bus to go spend a couple of days visiting her.  It will be our first real 'trial period'.  The next visit, she will visit me.  We are getting along wonderfully and I think that this is quite possibly the beginning of something real. 
I am pleasantly surprised, as I had become a bit disillusioned with meeting people online lately.  This meeting was a very positive experience and has rekindled my hope in internet connections.  I will post again, when I return from the trip and comment on how things went. :)

- I disagree with what you say, but will defend to the death, your right to say it.

prpackaged -> RE: Endearing slave Found..... (7/11/2009 9:19:08 AM)

kGood to hear about a budding relationship and that you will have a chance to work out the kinks.

LdyWintershade -> RE: Endearing slave Found..... (7/17/2009 12:05:22 AM)

I recently got back from visit.  It was a very nice couple of days.  We spent some time talking and asking questions.  I got to meet some of her friends and got the chance to really see her daily life.  We had an instant chemistry and seemed to feel very comfortable with each other.  We have a few details to 'iron out', which could be a bit complicated; but overall....it looks to be a very good match.  I like her a lot and she seems to have many of the qualities I'm looking for in a slave.  Likewise, she has expressed that she too enjoyed herself over the 'weekend' and that I have many of the things she wants in a Mistress. [:)]
I will do my best to keep anyone interested, updated as this unfolds.

 - I disagree with what you say, but will defend to the death, your right to say it.

GripReaper -> RE: Endearing slave Found..... (7/17/2009 12:14:29 AM)

Glad to hear about this :)
do keep us updated.

Get  to the juicy details please, this is too general :P

Verfor99 -> RE: Endearing slave Found..... (7/17/2009 11:42:19 AM)

um wait shouldn't she be the one to visit you first? and then earn the right for you to go out of your important way to visit her?

LaTigresse -> RE: Endearing slave Found..... (7/17/2009 11:43:56 AM)

That is awesome to read!! Thank you for sharing.

slaveluci -> RE: Endearing slave Found..... (7/17/2009 4:22:01 PM)


ORIGINAL: Verfor99

um wait shouldn't she be the one to visit you first? and then earn the right for you to go out of your important way to visit her?

Um, no. Who made that stupid rule?[8D]

Congrats. Sounds like you both are finding what you need [:)]


lastgentleman -> RE: Endearing slave Found..... (7/17/2009 6:08:34 PM)

Looking forward to the next installment, good luck and thank you for sharing [:D]

fantacefem -> RE: Endearing slave Found..... (7/20/2009 3:01:33 PM)

who are you to judge?

sirsholly -> RE: Endearing slave Found..... (7/20/2009 3:05:02 PM)


ORIGINAL: Verfor99

um wait shouldn't she be the one to visit you first? and then earn the right for you to go out of your important way to visit her?
Is that how it works? On what page in the Domly Dommes handbook did you find that gem?

sirsholly -> RE: Endearing slave Found..... (7/20/2009 3:06:07 PM)

Happiness and best wishes to you both. I love stories like this!!

Lockit -> RE: Endearing slave Found..... (7/20/2009 3:09:59 PM)


ORIGINAL: Verfor99

um wait shouldn't she be the one to visit you first? and then earn the right for you to go out of your important way to visit her?

Tell me you aren't serious! lol That's good for a laugh, but not much else! [:D]

Lockit -> RE: Endearing slave Found..... (7/20/2009 3:11:06 PM)


ORIGINAL: LdyWintershade

I recently got back from visit.  It was a very nice couple of days.  We spent some time talking and asking questions.  I got to meet some of her friends and got the chance to really see her daily life.  We had an instant chemistry and seemed to feel very comfortable with each other.  We have a few details to 'iron out', which could be a bit complicated; but overall....it looks to be a very good match.  I like her a lot and she seems to have many of the qualities I'm looking for in a slave.  Likewise, she has expressed that she too enjoyed herself over the 'weekend' and that I have many of the things she wants in a Mistress. [:)]
I will do my best to keep anyone interested, updated as this unfolds.

- I disagree with what you say, but will defend to the death, your right to say it.

Thanks for sharing!  What a great time for you both...

blubaby -> RE: Endearing slave Found..... (7/23/2009 10:10:45 AM)

[:D][:)] best of luck and i hope the happiness continues.. hope you make it through the honeymoon stages.

muah blu

hlen5 -> RE: Endearing slave Found..... (7/23/2009 3:47:46 PM)


ORIGINAL: Verfor99

um wait shouldn't she be the one to visit you first? and then earn the right for you to go out of your important way to visit her?

I thought Verfor99 was being satirical to begin with and I thought this was pretty funny!!

Best of luck to the OP!!!

SUBNEEDED911 -> RE: Endearing slave Found..... (8/3/2009 8:22:20 AM)

I am so happy for you both. I would like to add a note to Verfor99...why is it you need to stick so close to protocol? One must know the other first then all will come in time. If this is the way they have decided their journey , who are we to judge? End of note. Good luck in your new journey with love.

shadowpleasure -> RE: Endearing slave Found..... (8/21/2009 1:38:33 AM)

Aww, what a cute story! I really needed to read this. I'm a total newbie to this world, and the hardest part is finding like minding people (ty for CM) to talk to. Now I'm finally starting to get into chats with people, and I hope someday I'll have a similar story to share with everyone.

Happy life to both of you!

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