Enemas.. is there anyway they can be harmful? (Full Version)

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backintheshadows -> Enemas.. is there anyway they can be harmful? (2/21/2006 4:43:04 AM)

Master enjoys giving enemas. Probably weekly or actually more if given the opportunity. He uses the prepared ones that one can buy at the local drug store but is looking into buying His own enema bag so he can fill it larger and " have more fun with me".

Question.... is there anyway this can be harmful? Any others out there that enjoy this may be able to make me feel more comfortable that this won't cause medical problems.


MHOO314 -> RE: Enemas.. is there anyway they can be harmful? (2/21/2006 5:41:46 AM)

The Net is.. it CAN eventually cause medical problems---dehydration being one of the first, followed by intestinal imbalances with too many microbes being flushed from the system.

thetammyjo -> RE: Enemas.. is there anyway they can be harmful? (2/21/2006 7:43:02 AM)


ORIGINAL: backintheshadows

Master enjoys giving enemas. Probably weekly or actually more if given the opportunity. He uses the prepared ones that one can buy at the local drug store but is looking into buying His own enema bag so he can fill it larger and " have more fun with me".

Question.... is there anyway this can be harmful? Any others out there that enjoy this may be able to make me feel more comfortable that this won't cause medical problems.


A friend of mine who is a nurse says that regular enemas are something that is on her hard limits list as both a top and bottom. She considers the risks of making your body too used to them and dependent on them not worth the pleasure or cleanliness. If she were on this board I'm sure she respond. As it was, I accept these are her hard limits.

I'd ask a doctor before doing something like an enema weekly or more to be on the safer side of things.

slavejali -> RE: Enemas.. is there anyway they can be harmful? (2/21/2006 8:29:54 AM)

I concur with and support the responses so far, so no need to say it all again.

Mercnbeth -> RE: Enemas.. is there anyway they can be harmful? (2/21/2006 8:41:07 AM)


is there anyway this can be harmful?

depends on what you are putting in the enema bag...[;)]

LadySonelle -> RE: Enemas.. is there anyway they can be harmful? (2/21/2006 9:02:27 AM)

As has been said, too frequent enemas can unbalance the body, but if done responsibly, they can be a great deal of fun.

It all depends also on what is going into the enema. Mild soap (castille or Ivory), plain water, diluted coffee are OK in moderation. Alcohol or any other sort of erug, NOT SAFE! The gut absorbs substances very quickly and the effects of what goes into the gut are not ameliorated by passage through the stomach or liver. You can poison a person. Enema technique is best learned in a vocational nursing assistant, first aid or similar professional setting (I learned in nursing school) or taught hands-on by an experienced professional. There are many types of enemas, also, nourishing enemas, cleansing enemas, retention enemas, thereapeutic enemas, temperature lowering (or raising) enemas and barium dye enemas.

There are numerous sites around the Internet devoted to enemas in erotic and fetish context. Google search on such terms as 'enema fetish' 'Sherema clinic" or go to http://www.Sexuality.org to find out more. I am currently looking into reprinting the full set of Sherema enema manuals and newsletters, but cannot find Nurse Sherema to get her permission. She seems to have disappeared.

I have done what is called "The Four H Enema" (High, Hard, and Hotter than Hell) in My time. Currently I do not do enemas on subs because I am not set up for it. If there is sufficient5 interst I will add an enema page to My website. There is already a watersports page and one featuring prostate milking.

Lady Sonelle

yourMissTress -> RE: Enemas.. is there anyway they can be harmful? (2/21/2006 9:29:25 AM)

mmmmmm enemas...as fun as they are, they are something I use only occasionally, for the various reasons stated here, as well as they lose their "novelty" if done too often.

Real0ne -> RE: Enemas.. is there anyway they can be harmful? (2/21/2006 10:36:31 AM)


ORIGINAL: backintheshadows

Master enjoys giving enemas. Probably weekly or actually more if given the opportunity. He uses the prepared ones that one can buy at the local drug store but is looking into buying His own enema bag so he can fill it larger and " have more fun with me".

Question.... is there anyway this can be harmful? Any others out there that enjoy this may be able to make me feel more comfortable that this won't cause medical problems.


my advice if you are going to do it often is to use water with no chemicals in it as in public or city water has chemicales added and also no cleaning agent. altho it does wash away some of the intestinal flora it tends to wash away both good and bad bacterium. which is not to say it washes them away exactly equal but it tends to. one thing you can do if this becomes a concern is to take acidophilous to help replace your flora and even add it to your enema.


Another thing i would add is that it would not hurt to go 2 weeks on 2 weeks off to give yourself a chance to stabilize. i had to go through a few months of constant enemas sometimes a couple times a day due to a temporary medical condition i was dealing with and i made my own flora formula and never noticed any ill effects, which i think is the key, how do you feel? if you are coming down with colds or flus easier than before then that is a warning lite for you.

MissA -> RE: Enemas.. is there anyway they can be harmful? (2/21/2006 12:06:15 PM)


ORIGINAL: thetammyjo
A friend of mine who is a nurse says that regular enemas are something that is on her hard limits list as both a top and bottom. She considers the risks of making your body too used to them and dependent on them not worth the pleasure or cleanliness. If she were on this board I'm sure she respond. As it was, I accept these are her hard limits.

I'd ask a doctor before doing something like an enema weekly or more to be on the safer side of things.

Your friend is absolutely right. Many times I have cared for people who have become enema/laxative dependent after years of continued use and let me tell you it is not fun at all to be that way. If you rely on enemas and things long enough your body doesn't bother to initiate the urge and process of defecation anymore (i.e.: use it or lose it) and it can lead to problems with chronic constipation (I have seen this to the point where the person requires a rectal tube).

I don't know a set time frame you should keep between enemas but I would think definitely more often than once a week is too much. Putting aside dependence issues - using tap water or solutions can take away important electrolytes and natural flora that keep things throughout your body running smoothly.

truesub4u -> RE: Enemas.. is there anyway they can be harmful? (2/21/2006 2:06:09 PM)


ORIGINAL: yourMissTress

mmmmmm enemas...as fun as they are, they are something I use only occasionally, for the various reasons stated here, as well as they lose their "novelty" if done too often.

Figures... something so fun.. can get so boring after a bit. So leaving it to the more.... occasional aspects makes it more enjoyable.

Like good food.... the more you like... the more it's not good for you either.. LOL

la90066 -> RE: Enemas.. is there anyway they can be harmful? (2/21/2006 3:11:08 PM)

Just found this on the net... Might be of interest to some:

Enema Recipies:

MHOO314 -> RE: Enemas.. is there anyway they can be harmful? (2/21/2006 6:12:51 PM)

welcome back la hows "life"?

MarinaBlack -> RE: Enemas.. is there anyway they can be harmful? (3/11/2006 10:40:13 PM)

Enemas should not be performed more than twice a week - this is the max.

You say that your master used the prepared formula from the drug store - I'm assuming this is a Fleet enema or a variant - and this is fine as long as he does not stray from this.
Straight tap water is extremely dehydrating and will rob your body of minerals even faster that the Fleet-type enemas.

SternSteve -> RE: Enemas.. is there anyway they can be harmful? (3/19/2006 3:58:09 PM)


ORIGINAL: LadySonelle

As has been said, too frequent enemas can unbalance the body, but if done responsibly, they can be a great deal of fun.

It all depends also on what is going into the enema. Mild soap (castille or Ivory), plain water, diluted coffee are OK in moderation. Alcohol or any other sort of erug, NOT SAFE! The gut absorbs substances very quickly and the effects of what goes into the gut are not ameliorated by passage through the stomach or liver. You can poison a person. Enema technique is best learned in a vocational nursing assistant, first aid or similar professional setting (I learned in nursing school) or taught hands-on by an experienced professional. There are many types of enemas, also, nourishing enemas, cleansing enemas, retention enemas, thereapeutic enemas, temperature lowering (or raising) enemas and barium dye enemas.

There are numerous sites around the Internet devoted to enemas in erotic and fetish context. Google search on such terms as 'enema fetish' 'Sherema clinic" or go to http://www.Sexuality.org to find out more. I am currently looking into reprinting the full set of Sherema enema manuals and newsletters, but cannot find Nurse Sherema to get her permission. She seems to have disappeared.

I have done what is called "The Four H Enema" (High, Hard, and Hotter than Hell) in My time. Currently I do not do enemas on subs because I am not set up for it. If there is sufficient5 interst I will add an enema page to My website. There is already a watersports page and one featuring prostate milking.

Lady Sonelle

This is good advice. Here is some more info.
Volume: It just depends on the person their position and the day. Keep the bag less then 2 feet over the body of the sub, and 1 foot works fine too. Go slow. Go slow. Go slow.

Gushing in a whole lot of fluid will be SURE to give cramps and get the subs insides in quite an uproar. If thats what you want to do ([:D]) I suggest that the sub have had a nice slow body temp enema of a quart or so with a good squeeze of Peperming dr. b's in it. Try to have the sub hold it for 10 minutes. The cramps will pass, and 'helping' by squeezing the subs butt together firmly will provide very little physical assistance but will provide signifigant psychological support.

"I know you can hold it for daddy, Doctor Steve, your Master, whatever fits. I know it hurts and your insides feel like they will blow up, but you are strong and I have picked you. I will be very proud of you if you can hold it. The subs lower left abdomen can be very gently held a this point, or if you wish to delver intense sensation a nice firm yet gentle press or squeeze will be amazingly effective and might well lead to a mess so be careful where the sub is when you do that one.

Rapid filling can be used once most of the solid matter is cleared by simply buying a long shower massage hose and holding or gently pressing the end to the anus or pressing it in. Be very sure the flow is slow and the temp is not much above body temp. hold the hose in place and once the sub is full control will be lost, a powerfully humilating experence. The clean water will flow out as more flows in. obviously go for a slow fill here, you CAN do very serious damage. Go slow. this will get water through the transverse colin and when it comes out it will be quite black and smelly.

The entire experence is one of taking quite forcefully intimate control from the sub. Even if you have explained what's going to happen the reality is quite a powerful experence. The sub will need some tender care unless this is punishment for a serious transgression.

Folks have said that enemas led to imbalances and they are right. I suggest a teaspoon of table salt and a tablespoon of baking soda in a bag of water. I also suggest at least a can of gatoraide after the enema experence is done, within a 1/2 hour. Perhaps a pint of spring water should also be drunk to help rehydrate.

There is all kinds of fun to be found by starting off with 2 or 3 supositories. Make the sub put latex gloves on your hands, make the sub lube themself, makes the sub lube your gloved fingers, make the sub open the foil wrapped supos and place then in your fingers after you have verified that their passage is well relaxed and lubed...

I like doing a nice slow fill better in most cases, and toying with the sub in a sexual fashion is a delightful pasttime. Naturally denial or granting orgasm can be used to reward behaviours...

It's a nice trick to give the sub the enema in their own home or apartment on their back with the ass over the kitchen sink, the bag hung from a kitchen cabinet door, with a wire hanger bent to lower the bag so it's not too high. The tabu aspect is much stronger and the sub will experence stronger memories in day to day life. Obviously the sub must carefully wash and disenfect the sink with bleech after this scene...
Clearly I enjoy this form of play quite a lot. I find most subs, if skillfully introduced grow to love to hate this play too. Bear in mind to be careful and slow.

SternSteve -> RE: Enemas.. is there anyway they can be harmful? (3/19/2006 4:00:17 PM)

Opps, I forgot to add that a cup of plain all natural youghurt with active culturs is also a good idea afterwards too...

windchymes -> RE: Enemas.. is there anyway they can be harmful? (3/19/2006 4:05:35 PM)


ORIGINAL: backintheshadows

Master enjoys giving enemas. Probably weekly or actually more if given the opportunity. He uses the prepared ones that one can buy at the local drug store but is looking into buying His own enema bag so he can fill it larger and " have more fun with me".

Question.... is there anyway this can be harmful? Any others out there that enjoy this may be able to make me feel more comfortable that this won't cause medical problems.


I'm really glad to see that you are taking responsibility for yourself and safety. What bothers me is the possibility that your master is giving out the enemas without asking those same questions. I hope his "fun" is not more important to him than your safety and welfare.

Lordandmaster -> RE: Enemas.. is there anyway they can be harmful? (3/19/2006 6:29:39 PM)

Enemas can be harmful if swallowed.

mnottertail -> RE: Enemas.. is there anyway they can be harmful? (3/19/2006 7:39:21 PM)

If you fill the bag with monkeys, I would caution you to not do that more than once.

Two quarts of wine, that's pretty much a cakker and therefore a one shot deal for them, but you go to prison as the last one did, and your days in the rectory then really commence........

Cold water, I just wouldn't do lowering the body temperature that quickly could cause the cholesterol in your veins to hydrolyze, that kinda turgididty is not what you wanna see on a day to day basis. Kinda lookin for a cakk on that deal too.

As with anything, too much or too fast or too often just is outside the way to do business.

I chastised a 24 year old boy on this site once for having his partner stick ice cubes up his ass..........he didn't want my opinion, but I hope he is still alive.


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