RE: Young submission and its consequences (Full Version)

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scarlethiney -> RE: Young submission and its consequences (8/11/2009 1:23:36 PM)

No only can she be charged with contributing to minors, but  I feel sure lose her license as a therapist.

Her behavior is beyond irresponsible and immature and should be reported.
While no one can make the OP look at or accept responsibility for her own behavior with regard to her relationships, she can however be held accountable for supporting behavior with minors that any where else would considered criminal.

Wyzardsgirl -> RE: Young submission and its consequences (8/11/2009 1:42:11 PM)


ORIGINAL: scarlethiney

No only can she be charged with contributing to minors, but  I feel sure lose her license as a therapist.

Her behavior is beyond irresponsible and immature and should be reported.
While no one can make the OP look at or accept responsibility for her own behavior with regard to her relationships, she can however be held accountable for supporting behavior with minors that any where else would considered criminal.

My point, exactly. I really doubt the laws in the U.K. regarding contributing to the delinquency of minors differs all that much from the laws in the U.S.

Prinsexx is attempting to paint the picture she wants to see rather than what this all really is about. And again, I'm having serious doubts as to her effectiveness as her claim to be a licensed psychologist.

Some people just have a way of making up their own realities and she seems to excel at it, sad to say.

stella41b -> RE: Young submission and its consequences (8/11/2009 1:44:13 PM)


ORIGINAL: LaTigresse

Stella, there is a line that is crossed. Communication and holding accountable is one thing. Allowing young people with immature brains and reasoning to do whatever they want and say it's okay because they are doing it at home is something entirely different.

She can treat them like adults all she wants, the fact is, they are not adults. Treating them as so, does not make it magically happen.

In my opinion it sends the signal that their poor choices are acceptable choices.

I'm sorry, but I somehow don't get the impression that she's running a shebeen or keeping a brothel at weekends (and though Wyzardsgirl may think it's a fair comparison with the father abusing alcohol with his daughter and making a public nuisance but I strongly disagree here and think that such a comparison is unfair and unjustified). In fact I'm inclined to believe from knowing the woman personally that there's some degree of control.

Liberal parenting it may well be, but irresponsible? In my opinion not. Is it what I would do personally? No again I don't think it is.

I agree with you that they are not adults either in the legal sense or emotionally and I also agree that they don't become adults magically. I think I've already made that point above.

But you know you and I and everyone else here may agree that a 16 year old isn't an adult, we know that but we only know that because we have become adults ourselves. But many 16 year olds themselves get it into their heads that they are adults and refuse to see any difference in those two years which makes them legally an adult.

And that is why they make usually piss poor choices until life itself knocks sense into them and they realize, usually at the age of 18 that they were still a kid at 16, and then in their early twenties they realize yet again that even at 18 they're still not an adult.

I think this is called puberty, it starts around the ages of 12 and 13 and goes right through until they're in they're mid-twenties it's probably one of the toughest periods for a parent to go through and throughout that process the adolescent varies from acting like a 3 year old to acting like a mature and sensible adult.

I'm sorry but I cannot agree that it's so unacceptable and irresponsible and that we all didn't make piss poor choices and experimented as teenagers and abused alcohol and drugs and had sex.

Indeed, what Prin is doing was a very popular pattern of parenting back in the 1960's and 1970's and I don't think it adversely affected those of us who had such parents.

Or would you prefer to look the other way and pretend that it doesn't happen and that your kids wouldn't make the same poor choices?

I live on the fringes of Stockwell, an inner city district of South London, and I get 13 year olds asking me for a light for their cigarettes, and among those people buying drugs are teenagers from other areas and seemingly from 'responsible' parents.

In fact how can you be so sure that your kids aren't making the same piss poor choices? What you don't see you don't miss. And can you be really sure you know absolutely everything your teenage offspring gets up to out of your sight?

LaTigresse -> RE: Young submission and its consequences (8/11/2009 1:44:21 PM)


ORIGINAL: ShoreBound149

*fast reply*
What a fucking train wreck!!!!
If prinsexx is actually a licensed therapist then England is dooomed. Doooomed I tell ya.

I think this is more than a little bit of hysterical overkill.

Stella, I think you've missed my point. What they may or may not do is not the issue. By allowing it in your house you are condoning it. Hense, giving acceptance to those poor decisions.

My kids are grown and gone. Given the results, I am happy with the bulk of the choices I made.

I don't care about the choices Prin makes that places herself in whatever legal hot water the laws of her state and country would place her in. She is an adult making those choices and will pay the consequences should that issue arise.

sirsholly -> RE: Young submission and its consequences (8/11/2009 1:46:38 PM)


Prinsexx is attempting to paint the picture she wants to see rather than what this all really is about. And again, I'm having serious doubts as to her effectiveness as her claim to be a licensed psychologist.

no no no...a therapist is bad enough...lets not turn her into a Ph.D [:)]

Wyzardsgirl -> RE: Young submission and its consequences (8/11/2009 1:46:49 PM)


ORIGINAL: ShoreBound149

*fast reply*
What a fucking train wreck!!!!
If prinsexx is actually a licensed therapist then England is dooomed. Doooomed I tell ya.

My feelings, exactly. But I will qualify my response by saying that I've doubted for two days now that she really is a licensed therapist.

Her responses to her daughter's situation and her defense of the 16 year old psycho punk who beat her daughter and dragged her across the pavement until her daughter was a bloody mess negates anything she claims to say as being a licensed psychotherapist.

Also, someone else asked her in an earlier post what she would do if one of her 'clients' came to her with the same situation. Her response was I'd talk to them until their money ran out.

*rolls eyes*

ThatDamnedPanda -> RE: Young submission and its consequences (8/11/2009 1:49:34 PM)


ORIGINAL: scarlethiney

No only can she be charged with contributing to minors, but  I feel sure lose her license as a therapist.

Her behavior is beyond irresponsible and immature and should be reported.
While no one can make the OP look at or accept responsibility for her own behavior with regard to her relationships, she can however be held accountable for supporting behavior with minors that any where else would considered criminal.

I don't know anything about British law, but it's hard to believe she's not breaking a whole volume of them by allowing other people's minor children to drink, take drugs, and have sex in her house. If I had kids, and i found out that an adult - pardon me, someone old enough to know better - was allowing that, I'd have her ass thrown in jail so fast she wouldn't have time to blink. And when she got out, I'd sue her for every goddamned penny I could squeeze out of her.

This whole thread sickens me, and the idea that someone who's doing such an abysmal job of rasing her own child has taken it upon herself to parent other people's children for them because she thinks she's better qualified than they is nothing short of astounding. I feel so sorry for her poor daughter. It's no wonder the poor thing is so utterly lacking even the most basic adult coping skills.

Prinsexx -> RE: Young submission and its consequences (8/11/2009 1:51:18 PM)


ORIGINAL: Wyzardsgirl

Her responses to her daughter's situation and her defense of the 16 year old psycho punk who beat her daughter and dragged her across the pavement until her daughter was a bloody mess negates anything she claims to say as being a licensed psychotherapist.


*rolls eyes*

So you were the witness!
Then I would be very grateful if you would come to the UK and report the boy.

ThatDamnedPanda -> RE: Young submission and its consequences (8/11/2009 1:52:31 PM)


ORIGINAL: stella41b

Liberal parenting it may well be, but irresponsible? In my opinion not.

With other people's children? It's beyond irrespnsible, it's criminal. As well it should be.

scarlethiney -> RE: Young submission and its consequences (8/11/2009 1:53:12 PM)

First point to clarify:
I never said anything about provinding alcohol to minors.
Second point: I am indeed lucky that I have never lived in Arizona but have travelled, lived and worked extensively across Eirope. In Europe alcohol consumption is a part of daily life allowing young people to be socialised appropriately.
Three: I do not and would not impose my etic upon Arizona. I am often offended by ideological imperialism.
Please read what I say and try to avoid projection of your ideology onto me.

 My house is a sanctuary not only for my own but for any of their friends who stay here, eat here and sleep here. They are allowed to drink, take drugs (no hard drugs) and have sex here. That is because I have had experience of drinking, taking drugs and having sex and I would rather them do it here than feel they had to go elsewhere.
If you are allowing, advocating that underage teens drink and take drugs and have sex in your home then you are contributing illegally to minors as an adult and as a therapist.
They sit on my bed at night sometimes (friends of the kids as well) and talk and confide about sex, and unwanted pregnancies, over doses and falling in love. Also politics and the nature of god. I love their company, their music and the times they do the stuff they do. (Pierce each other. Because yes we have needles in the house and sterilsing materials. They are awesomely open.

It is wonderful to be open and honest and encouraging to anyone younger and less experienced than yourself. You take this way beyond what an adult, who also happens to be charged with helping children with emotional challenges as a therapist should encourage and allow in your personal residence. 
Having an opinion that differs from yours is not projecting. It is merely having a difference of opinion which for someone who professes to be so open is pretty judgmental.

ThatDamnedPanda -> RE: Young submission and its consequences (8/11/2009 1:54:54 PM)


ORIGINAL: Prinsexx


ORIGINAL: Wyzardsgirl

Her responses to her daughter's situation and her defense of the 16 year old psycho punk who beat her daughter and dragged her across the pavement until her daughter was a bloody mess negates anything she claims to say as being a licensed psychotherapist.


*rolls eyes*

So you were the witness!
Then I would be very grateful if you would come to the UK and report the boy.


She says god mom you don't understand it's horrible. I shaking cut and bruised. He's dragged me along the pavement. The skin is missing from my elbows mom and I can't walk. I dunno what to do. and so on.
By the time she is home I realise she is in a worse stae than I thought. It's been a case of real bodily harm.

Musicmystery -> RE: Young submission and its consequences (8/11/2009 1:57:08 PM)


ORIGINAL: ThatDamnedPanda

ORIGINAL: scarlethiney
No only can she be charged with contributing to minors, but  I feel sure lose her license as a therapist.

Her behavior is beyond irresponsible and immature and should be reported.
While no one can make the OP look at or accept responsibility for her own behavior with regard to her relationships, she can however be held accountable for supporting behavior with minors that any where else would considered criminal.

I don't know anything about British law, but it's hard to believe she's not breaking a whole volume of them by allowing other people's minor children to drink, take drugs, and have sex in her house. If I had kids, and i found out that an adult - pardon me, someone old enough to know better - was allowing that, I'd have her ass thrown in jail so fast she wouldn't have time to blink. And when she got out, I'd sue her for every goddamned penny I could squeeze out of her.

This whole thread sickens me, and the idea that someone who's doing such an abysmal job of rasing her own child has taken it upon herself to parent other people's children for them because she thinks she's better qualified than they is nothing short of astounding. I feel so sorry for her poor daughter. It's no wonder the poor thing is so utterly lacking even the most basic adult coping skills.

It's also the reason why, for those who complain the government is interfering as a "nanny state," these laws are necessary.

Prinsexx -> RE: Young submission and its consequences (8/11/2009 1:57:31 PM)


ORIGINAL: ThatDamnedPanda

I don't know anything about British law, but it's hard to believe she's not breaking a whole volume of them by allowing other people's minor children to drink, take drugs, and have sex in her house.

Then are you damning me from a position of ignorance?
What IS the age for consensual sex between adults in the UK?
What is the legal age for buying and consuming alcohol?
Those are not questions I need to know the answer to but I suggest you find out before you make serious allegations, in public, about what I do in my house and my professional capacity to know what I am doing.

Musicmystery -> RE: Young submission and its consequences (8/11/2009 1:59:11 PM)


ORIGINAL: Prinsexx

ORIGINAL: ThatDamnedPanda
I don't know anything about British law, but it's hard to believe she's not breaking a whole volume of them by allowing other people's minor children to drink, take drugs, and have sex in her house.

Then are you damning me from a position of ignorance?
What IS the age for consensual sex between adults in the UK?
What is the legal age for buying and consuming alcohol?
Those are not questions I need to know the answer to but I suggest you find out before you make serious allegations, in public, about what I do in my house and my professional capacity to know what I am doing.

Why don't you enlighten us.

And incidentally, the law sees your need to know situation very differently. Penalties don't require you knowing the law.

ThatDamnedPanda -> RE: Young submission and its consequences (8/11/2009 1:59:43 PM)

Save me some googling and tell me what the legal age for taking illegal drugs is in the UK.

Starbuck09 -> RE: Young submission and its consequences (8/11/2009 2:02:24 PM)

Okay look for those who have read my posts on this thread I think my position has been quite clear. I think prinsexxs daughter is suffering abuse and it needsto stop. I also understand that emotions are running high as the topic is so emotive generally as well as personally, sadly, for many here [I am lucky in that I have never suffered such abuse] I think that prinsexx would do well to speak to smeone in authority about this but she disagrees. The best way to persuade her to change her mind is not, I think, to castigate her like this a that will understandably make her intractable in her views. I know it can be difficult but what I feel is needed here is reason not emotion. That isnot to say tat think some of the more aggressive posts do not have a point but I suspect they are going to be counterproducive to helping prinsexx's daughter.

sirsholly -> RE: Young submission and its consequences (8/11/2009 2:06:13 PM)


Those are not questions I need to know the answer to but I suggest you find out before you make serious allegations, in public, about what I do in my house and my professional capacity to know what I am doing.
speaking as a licensed therapist.....your professionalism is shot in the ass.

If you are in any way hiding behind your license in this matter, i can nearly guarantee you your license will be in jeopardy....if you have one[8|]

Prinsexx -> RE: Young submission and its consequences (8/11/2009 2:08:54 PM)


ORIGINAL: ThatDamnedPanda


ORIGINAL: Prinsexx


ORIGINAL: Wyzardsgirl

Her responses to her daughter's situation and her defense of the 16 year old psycho punk who beat her daughter and dragged her across the pavement until her daughter was a bloody mess negates anything she claims to say as being a licensed psychotherapist.


*rolls eyes*

So you were the witness!
Then I would be very grateful if you would come to the UK and report the boy.


She says god mom you don't understand it's horrible. I shaking cut and bruised. He's dragged me along the pavement. The skin is missing from my elbows mom and I can't walk. I dunno what to do. and so on.
By the time she is home I realise she is in a worse stae than I thought. It's been a case of real bodily harm.

and yes when she got home but who did it?
She could equally as well have done it to herself.
Or a girl friend have done it to frame the boy.
Now if it had been witnessed then the whole thing would have, of course been different.
I don't know whether you really understand 16 to 18 year ld behaviour but if you are a parent of such or in a professional capacity (say legal expert) to explain otherwise to me then please go ahead.

ModeratorEleven -> RE: Young submission and its consequences (8/11/2009 2:10:36 PM)

There is no point in letting this continue.


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