Face Slapping (Full Version)

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LadyShoshin -> Face Slapping (8/25/2004 2:09:08 PM)

I have a sub who is very into face slapping and I have heard it can be dangerous if you get too close to the ear. Any hints on how to do it safely?

WayHome -> RE: Face Slapping (8/25/2004 9:55:46 PM)

Depends on a LOT of things.

How hard are you slapping? Face slapping can be such a powerful stimulus that it doesn't take very much force at all to get the result you're looking for.

How healthy are they? A strong man who is conditioned to contact one way one another can take a lot more than someone old and/or frail.

I would start this way. Try to aim so that only the distal portion of your palm and fingers hit. If the base of your palm hits then you deliver a lot more force (thud rather than sting in flogging terms) and are more likely to cause problems. Raise your hand and hold it until he/she sees that the slap is coming. Likely they won't be able to avoid a flinch at that point (expectation). This serve two purposes, it improves your aim and intnesifies the experience(wait until they "freeze" a bit, if he/she turns away, keep the hand raised until they present the face again--very powerful). This will also help avoid the problem of them trying to duck (conciously or unconciously) and making it worse for him/herself instead.

So what are you aiming for? Imagine a female sub standing and facing you. Your middle finger should land about an inch or more in front of where her ear lobe attaches and your fingers are straight and pressed firmly together, parallel to the ground. This means all of your four fingers strike together on the cheek with the base of your index finger just above the corner of her mouth. This is the ideal target and orientation for safety. What you don't want is to hit the ear or eye, or hit entirely on the jaw (partly on the jaw and partly on the cheek is usually OK, unless she has jaw trouble which you should find out about in advance). Don't try using the back of your hand until you gain some confidence and accuracy, though a "backhand" can have dramatic apeal. Like anything corporal, start out light and work up to more force as you gain confidence and according to the tollerance of the reciever.

The ears can be risky, especially if your palm hits the openning in such a way as to occlude it completely and thus cause a pressure change on the ear drum. That's usually pretty easy to avoid if you remain aware.

The eyes are less risky than people think, but still to be avoided. An accidental impact there is unlikely to cause permanent damage but should be avoided. Damage becomes a lot more likely if your hand does not strike flat or if you wear jewelry.

If you have a tough sub and want to increase intensity, do the same strike I listed before on the same target but allow the base of your palm to strike just above the corner of the mouth. Be sure to part your fingers slightly and extend them fully so that only the palm strikes, not the fingers, or at least so the fingers don't hit with much force. This prevents you from accidentally causing problems with the ear.

Once you have a little practice and accuracy, you probably won't have to use the palm most times and can stick the the fingers technique if you do it very quickly and catch him/her by surprize. Most people have an immediate visceral response to this kind of surprize strike to the cheek.

All of what I've described so far has the hand angled the same: Parallel to the ground if your sub was standing at attention. That is the safest angle to strike at most times.

There is another technique though that can be effective, but force must be kept low. Normally the nose is avoided, but this time you strike downward on the nose using only the fingers. You shouldn't do it hard, but the psychological and reflex effect can be cool. This one shouldn't be a surprize. Hold the hand up above the nose as one might threaten a dog's nose, then slap it down. You can even demand he/she hold the nose up to be struck. The message here is very different than the traditional slap. The effect is more humiliation than physical, but also there is a reflex when the nose is hit even lightly that makes the eyes water. If tears are already imminent, this can trigger uncontroled crying in one that otherwise might hold it back.

Even for someone who enjoys face slapping, it should be used more as a sort of punctuation than as a sentence unto itself. Not something to be used too frequently, but to be timed for best effect.

Hope that helps.


LadyShoshin -> RE: Face Slapping (8/26/2004 5:48:46 AM)

Thank you, that was very detailed and helpful. The information is much appreciated!

January -> RE: Face Slapping (8/26/2004 7:29:55 AM)


The least dangerous way to face slap involves reducing velocity and increasing accuracy. The technique I'm describing here is less edgeplay and more sensation/thrill play. It's probably as safe as a face slap can be.

You hold the subs head in place with one hand. (This avoids whip lash type problems). Your other hand (the slapping hand) will start from about a foot or so of the sub's face. (No slugging here.) If you're just learning, maybe just use your wrist to slap, bracing the elbow of the arm you're slapping with against the subs body.

The fingers of your slapping hand should land with your little finger running along the sub's gum line and your index finger touching the sub's cheek bone. Your palm never touches the sub's face at all.

The whole thing is very controlled. Nice sound and sting, though.

LadyShoshin -> RE: Face Slapping (8/26/2004 7:59:02 AM)

Thank you, the feedback is appreciated and is making me feel less nervous about doing this.

stef -> RE: Face Slapping (8/26/2004 10:46:00 AM)


Supporting the victim's head with the slapper's off hand is a good technique because it addresses a problem even larger than whiplash, the affects of torsional trauma to the brain.

When the head is rotated sharply due to trauma or other outside influence, the brain shifts in the cranium which can cause the neocortical surface to become contused, abraded or sliced by bony protrusions on the inside of the cranium. This can lead to hemorrhages over the surface of the cerebrum, particularly over the frontal and temporal regions.


January -> RE: Face Slapping (8/26/2004 11:05:36 AM)



You know, I was thinking of "shaken baby syndrome" while I wrote my reply, but since I didn't know what that injury is called in an adult (torsional trauma to the brain, apparently), I just went with whiplash.


LadyShoshin -> RE: Face Slapping (8/26/2004 11:12:10 AM)

I have to agree, when I read the post, I immediately thought "shaken baby syndrome". I am so glad I asked this question & got such knowlegable and helpful feedback. I don't mind hurting a sub, but I don't ever intend to do harm if I can avoid it.

stef -> RE: Face Slapping (8/26/2004 11:44:31 AM)

Shaken Baby Syndrome adds several other components of trauma, which is why it's so heinous.

In addition to the damage caused by torsional trauma, there is acceleration/deceleration trauma that causes the brain to slam against the cranium causing brain contusions, torn nerves and blood vessles. This is further complicated by the swelling that accompanies such injuries, causing further damage to the brain. That's just the damage within the brain. It can also cause neck and spinal cord injuries along with vision impairment due to retinal detachment and optic nerve damage.

While I never want children for myself, someone who would do this to a baby deserves a place in a very special hell.


LadyShoshin -> RE: Face Slapping (8/26/2004 11:57:32 AM)


ORIGINAL: sfgrrl While I never want children for myself, someone who would do this to a baby deserves a place in a very special hell.


I agree with you, but remember we are talking about fully grown adult submissives who have clearly stated they want face slapping to be part of play. I have found the ideas very enlightening and helpful.

stef -> RE: Face Slapping (8/26/2004 12:28:44 PM)

Oh, I was in no way condemning adults that partake of this activity. Being one of them, that would be awfully hypocritical of me, wouldn't it? [;)]

WayHome -> RE: Face Slapping (8/26/2004 8:58:53 PM)



The least dangerous way to face....
... with your little finger running along the sub's gum line and your index finger touching the sub's cheek bone. Your palm never touches the sub's face at all.

The whole thing is very controlled. Nice sound and sting, though.

That's pretty much exactly my "technique #1" with small exception. First, your aiming about an inch higher. This gets you completely off the lower jaw (which improves safety) but also gets you closer to the eye. Having a bit less than half of the striking surface land on the lower jaw should be "safe" in the absence of TMJ or other health problems unless you are hitting really hard. I think either spot is a good target and realistically you will be a little "off" ocasionally anyway.

Also, I don't endorse the supporting the head thing. If you are hitting hard enough to have brain torsion issues then a hand to stabilize isn't going to matter at all. You cannot hold the head with your hand and provide enough resistance to save the brain. In fact, you can increase trauma that way and is a common dirty trick used by boxers. On the other hand, resting the opposite side of the head on the floor or a wall or something will acomplish the stated goal, but you really don't need to hit that hard.

I doubt you'll be slappping your sub hard enough to have to worry about that anyway. Long before you get to that point, you will have other problems. If you keep the palm (or most of it) off the face, then you are never going to get to that point unless you are a lot stronger than I think you are.

I have a lot of experience hitting people in the head and getting hit in the head. I've been doing it for almost 25 years now--palms, fists, with gloves, without gloves, taped hands. I've also experienced elbows, knees, feet, and even sticks. 99.8% of that was vanilla of course. I have about 10 discernable scars on my hands from accidental contact with teeth. I can hit very hard and yet I would have great difficulty causing even mild dizziness using only the flats of fingers.

I'm really not trying to be contrary, just want to provide a realistic idea of the forces involved.

January -> RE: Face Slapping (8/27/2004 7:07:47 AM)


I prefer you didn't snip my post to within an inch of its life and and then claim we are saying the same thing "with small exception. "

We're not saying the same thing at all.

Which of course you know, since you spent the rest of your post critiquing my unquoted post.

It's okay that we have different opinions. Folks who read the thread can make up their own minds.

However, IMO, your pattern of putting down other people's suggestions to bolster your own speaks of insecurity.


proudsub -> RE: Face Slapping (8/27/2004 9:45:03 AM)

This is one thread i'm certainly not showing Master, don't want to be face slapped.[:'(]

WayHome -> RE: Face Slapping (8/27/2004 12:39:31 PM)



I prefer you didn't snip my post to within an inch of its life and and then claim we are saying the same thing "with small exception. "

I like that "within an inch of it's life.." :-)


We're not saying the same thing at all.

Aren't we? The target and angle is almost the same. The use of fingers and not palm is the same. The emphasis on accuracy as opposed to power is the same. Was there something in particular in what I said that you would like to distance yourself from?


Which of course you know, since you spent the rest of your post critiquing my unquoted post.

That's a bit unkind and presumptive. No need to quote the whole post since it's not that far back in the thread and I would think easily remembered. The sipped quote only draws attention to the part of your letter I'm referencing. You impune my motives and my veracity in one sentance...


It's okay that we have different opinions. Folks who read the thread can make up their own minds.

Of course. It can be no other way. That does not preclude me from drawing a comparison and contrast between our two reccomendations in order to present additional information and hopefully understanding. If I thought your post unworthy, I wouldn't have responded to it, I would have ignored it.


However, IMO, your pattern of putting down other people's suggestions to bolster your own speaks of insecurity.

Thanks for the tip ;-) But insecurity is usually not one of my problems. Arrogance maybe, which can sometimes be an expression of insecurity, but not always. I don't really think I "put down" your suggestion or attacked it in any way. I mearly expressed a difference of opinion with a small portion of it (the head support part) and it really shouldn't be taken personally. I agree with most of what you wrote and even went so far as to describe a reason why your recommended target might be better than mine. Nothing to do with ego except that I get a great deal of gratifiction from expressing knowledge. I have no interest in denigrating you, though I am aware that my communication style can (and does) come off that way sometimes.

ModeratorThree -> RE: Face Slapping (8/27/2004 1:07:35 PM)


This is one thread i'm certainly not showing Master, don't want to be face slapped.

Uh OH !! Now I have reason to mail aside from the toothbrush incedent. ( you really did not think I would forget THAT did you [;)] )

On a side not about the slapping.. one must also be very careful in makeing sure not to hit the EARS- you can cause very serious damage to the inner ear with even a not so hard slap.


proudsub -> RE: Face Slapping (8/27/2004 2:40:14 PM)


Uh OH !! Now I have reason to mail aside from the toothbrush incedent. ( you really did not think I would forget THAT did you )

LMAO!! no i'm sure you haven't forgotten about the toothbrush thing.

SophiaBelle -> RE: Face Slapping (7/7/2005 12:46:02 PM)

Sorry. Oddly I posted in the wrong window (I accidentally got linked over.) I apologize for the unintentional bump.

MissA -> RE: Face Slapping (7/10/2005 5:56:47 PM)


ORIGINAL: SophiaBelle

Sorry. Oddly I posted in the wrong window (I accidentally got linked over.) I apologize for the unintentional bump.

Glad you bumped it, I got some good information from this thread. [;)]

~Ms. A~

pazyamor -> RE: Face Slapping (7/22/2008 2:41:19 AM)

I'm making a doctor's appointment once 8 AM rolls around today because I'm starting to feel light headed and forgetful (forgeting how to spell words, forgetting what word I'm thinking of).  I know it's from accidental hitting of my ear during some face slapping.
I looked up symptoms of a ear injury..  I'm awfully sure. 
I have a feeling of pressure in my ear, light headedness, and a noise started a couple minutes ago. [:(]  I'm freaking.
Which is how I found this thread.
I'lll let y'all know how it goessss.  Hopefully some antibotics and that's it.

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