Christians everywhere! (Full Version)

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SweetEscravo -> Christians everywhere! (2/22/2006 6:19:42 PM)

Something just occured to me. Not only on this site, but on many many others relating to BDSM, their are either a great deal of Christians actively posting, or the site has some kind of Christian saying or just something dealing with the religion. I know that Domestic Discipline is a Christian thing, but it is not just on those sites. Even here, it seems like everyone is a Christian. I have nothing against them, but this strikes me as odd, because Catholics/Christians usually seem to be condemning this kind of sexual activity. I remember years ago when a priest told me BDSM in any form was evil. Are you all just changing your minds or does BDSM somehow relate to Christian thought in a way I was unaware?

IrishMist -> RE: Christians everywhere! (2/22/2006 6:20:49 PM)

LMAO sorry..... Druid here [8D]

LaMalinche -> RE: Christians everywhere! (2/22/2006 6:22:57 PM)

I think some poll reported that something like 87% of Americans identify as Christian. That may be why.

I do not, however.



truesub4u -> RE: Christians everywhere! (2/22/2006 6:37:43 PM)

I seen a profile on here... back in Late Nov, early Dec... a very much Devoted Christain gentleman... flamming all on here... discussing how the lifestyle led to his wife's death. She died with sin in her heart... etc...

I thought.. how odd... he had a pic and all.

Not sure if it's still around or not. But I sure damn straight found it strange.

thetammyjo -> RE: Christians everywhere! (2/22/2006 6:44:59 PM)

Christianity is a HUGE religion and once you get the beyond the Jesus=Savior thing it really has little in common from one branch to the next. In fact how you interprete the above equation differs from sect to sect. (the same can be said for conservatives, feminists, whatever group you might identify)

For me I see no contradictions between anything Jesus reportedly said or did and what I do.

MHOO314 -> RE: Christians everywhere! (2/22/2006 6:47:02 PM)

sorry, Lady Amethyst of the Wiccan religion here---

slavejali -> RE: Christians everywhere! (2/22/2006 6:52:22 PM)

If i had to say what religion I am on a census form or something, i would probably put down none.

I dont suscribe to a particualr doctrine of philosophy, but i do enjoy them and can relate to the life principles etc, excluding mans misinterpretations.

I was raised Baptist, and told that wearing make-up, dancing and lots of other stuff was the playground of the devil...(ugh!) i grew up i was exposed to various other philosophies of thought, including Buddhism, Taosim, Hinduism and various other "isms".

Somewhere amidst it all, i found a spirituality within myself which can quietly be what it is without imposing itself on other people or judging their choices of philosophy in life.

How does bdsm fit within christianity? Hecked if i know, but people have a knack of fitting anything to their own ideals. We are such a creative bunch*grin*

amayos -> RE: Christians everywhere! (2/22/2006 7:25:36 PM)

Christian mindset can mesh very well with BDSM, as many of the teachings seem to express ideals of guilt, submission, obedience and so on. Throw in the forbidden fruit dynamic and you've got quite an amalgam. In this there is an ironic and no doubt pleasurable symbiosis.

As for everyone being Christian, I'm not so sure. I've seen a lot of Wiccans and Pagans here, among others. I personally have no affiliation.

newflowers -> RE: Christians everywhere! (2/22/2006 7:27:31 PM)


Somewhere amidst it all, i found a spirituality within myself which can quietly be what it is without imposing itself on other people or judging their choices of philosophy in life.

slavejali - i so enjoy reading your words.

i agree whole heartedly - born and raised Roman Catholic including grammar and high school and a fair number of trips to see Sr. M and her paddle, I have made my peace with religion in general. I would describe myself as Catholic, but any priest in the world would be scandalized at my version which incorporates a blend of western and eastern philosophies that work well for me. I do not have a problem with it at all.

Some would say that BDSM is antithetical to christianty in general and some might say that DD is quite like D/s.

As a general rule, and that rule only becomes an issue when someone wishes to convert me, I am completely apathic about others' religions and any justifications there for. My personal philisophy emcompasses a siginifcant amount of "a smile for everyone I meet as long as you try taking my pay or dropping a bomb on my street" and I recommend you not fuck with my children.


Slipstreme -> RE: Christians everywhere! (2/22/2006 7:30:26 PM)

Many Christians don't follow the Bible as they "should". Simply it.

According to how the religion was taught to me: no sex before marriage, being gay is a sin and after you are married, you can do anything with your spouse, and the husband is head of the household.

That was supposedly "normal", however my denomination never bashed any sexual practices between husband and wife. So many Christians who are devout followers consider deviant activities to be saved for the marriage bed, but don't consider the activities themselves sinful as long as they are done in that context.

I however don't really follow the Bible, and most of my beliefs are very Pagan/Spiritual/ Native American in nature (something that would be called dabbling in the occult and also a sin). For the record I dont believe being gay or bisexual, or polyamorous is sinful. I personally don't think God cares who you get involved with, regardless of what the book says.

Most denominations hold the same central tenants. I've also known a couple of people who class themselves as Christians based simply on the fact that was how they were raised, not what they really believe in.

Hope this helps answer that, but yes Collarme seems to be made up mostly of the USA, Canada and Western Europe, all mostly Christian/Catholic nations. Just another "sinners" take on the issue.


Christian mindset can mesh very well with BDSM, as many of the teachings seem to express ideals of guilt, submission, obedience and so on. Throw in the forbidden fruit dynamic and you've got quite an amalgam. In this there is an ironic and no doubt pleasurable symbiosis.

That too. It also seems that if you look at a few practices, most notably religious flagellation, much Christian practices seem inherently masochistic. Although, no doubt, the religion wouldn't condone sexually responding to such, but who are we to complain? [sm=lol.gif]

I was talking to someone about why so many females near where he was are Christian and he said he could do it. Something about JC, and getting nailed to the cross right? Flogging, Roman soldiers? Yeah I can do that. Then he proceeds to tell me: You can be JC and I can be the Roman Soldier. *internal groan, sacriligious revulsion* [:@]

Hey I may not be a "moral Christian" but I do protect the religion.

ShadeDiva -> RE: Christians everywhere! (2/22/2006 7:30:57 PM)

I currently define myself as more of a Buddhist. For whatever that is worth - LOL!

IronBear -> RE: Christians everywhere! (2/22/2006 7:33:31 PM)


Pagan/Wiccan/Shaman/Mage/Sorcerer here.............

Lots of my friends are either jewish or Christian and the majority are priests, bishops and rabbis... We all get along and have far more tollerence that many lay folk have... At least none have tried BBQing this grizzly at a stake (or is it steak?) yet.

maybemaybenot -> RE: Christians everywhere! (2/22/2006 7:33:39 PM)


ORIGINAL: SweetEscravo

I have nothing against them, but this strikes me as odd, because Catholics/Christians usually seem to be condemning this kind of sexual activity. I remember years ago when a priest told me BDSM in any form was evil. Are you all just changing your minds or does BDSM somehow relate to Christian thought in a way I was unaware?

I am a Christian, as many here know. I hate to answer a question with a question... but here goes........

Do Catholic and or Christian* people * condemn BDSM, or do you think perhaps it is the hierarchy of certain branches of Christianity? Do you believe that most average Christians have BDSM on their top 10 list of moral infractions ?

I certainly do not think any of the Christian extremists are representative of me in any way. At the end of the day and at the end of my life, it is about my personal relationship with God. I live comfortably with that.


michaelGA -> RE: Christians everywhere! (2/22/2006 7:47:53 PM)

i don't have any religous beliefs. don't want or need any.

cloudboy -> RE: Christians everywhere! (2/22/2006 7:57:02 PM)


ORIGINAL: amayos

Christian mindset can mesh very well with BDSM, as many of the teachings seem to express ideals of guilt, submission, obedience and so on. Throw in the forbidden fruit dynamic and you've got quite an amalgam. In this there is an ironic and no doubt pleasurable symbiosis.

As for everyone being Christian, I'm not so sure. I've seen a lot of Wiccans and Pagans here, among others. I personally have no affiliation.

I knew it, you are a DEFROCKED PRIEST!!

onceburned -> RE: Christians everywhere! (2/22/2006 7:57:47 PM)


ORIGINAL: maybemaybenot
Do Catholic and or Christian* people * condemn BDSM, or do you think perhaps it is the hierarchy of certain branches of Christianity? Do you believe that most average Christians have BDSM on their top 10 list of moral infractions ?

If you go onto a Catholic forum site, I think you will find that most people there take their beliefs and loyalty to Church teaching very seriously. They tend to be pretty conservative and rigid in their values. They would tend to be hostile to BDSM. However, these forum Catholics represent a minority of Catholics. A recent study shows only about 35% of Catholics in the U.S. attend church on a weekly basis - and its a big sin to miss Sunday mass.

So to answer your question, it would depend on whether a person announces to you that they are Catholic, or whether you only find that out by asking them point-blank. In other words, it would depend upon how central being a "good" Catholic was to their personality/identity.

Now, as to the OP.... there are a number of Christians here (myself included), but perhaps even more persons who are non-religious. And, as you may have noticed, we may have a higher than average number of Pagans. [:)]

B1gbear -> RE: Christians everywhere! (2/22/2006 8:11:05 PM)

You may have this impression because the definition of a D/s relationship is very very similar to the bible's definition of how husbands and wives should be with each other. Also it is true the discipline and such is a similar teaching, although the bible certainly does not encourage open or in the traditional conservative Christian terms.....deviant practices such as S/M. :O)

One might also say that much of the mindset of a D/s relationship is similar to simple 'old fashioned' values. Much like how male/female relationships were throughout the centuries prior to todays 'equal rights' and 'feminist' movements. (I'm not bashing either by the way!)

There is nothing new or unique about the D/s or BDSM lifestyles. So I suspect you could draw parallels all over the place. Oh, btw, there are a lot of Christian BDSM'ers. Most who hold to their Christian values keep it monogomous and don't venture too far into the S/M side, but there is the same draw for them, they are people too and have the same desires as the rest. The D/s definition is quite a draw for the traditional Christian if they can get past their presumed bias against it as perverted and such.

amayos -> RE: Christians everywhere! (2/22/2006 8:19:32 PM)


ORIGINAL: cloudboy

I knew it, you are a DEFROCKED PRIEST!!


Man, you're good. "The Dark Side of the force is a pathway to many abilties..."

NeedToUseYou -> RE: Christians everywhere! (2/22/2006 8:43:40 PM)

There are about as many types of Christians, as there are thoughts on what BDSM is. Yours is most likely not mine. You can't necessarily go by what the talking heads say, as most of the people I know even those that go to church regularly, differ in opinion on some issues than is taught in the church. If you went off what one person or even a handful of people said BDSM was, you still wouldn't cover the majority of interpretations. Beyond the obvious, as in Bondage, discipline,Domination, and Submission. Similiar to Christians = Saviour. Beyond that it's no mans land on what one will think to the next that attachs to the label Christian, or a person that say I'm into BDSM. Well, what does that mean? I believe 80% of the forum posts are an attempt to define it.

So, it shouldn't be a suprise that people of any general label will show up in another community of thought.


DragonNphoenix -> RE: Christians everywhere! (2/22/2006 9:13:29 PM)

It is nice to know that there are others here that are Wiccan also. My Dragon and I are both Wiccan.

1st Girl Phoenix

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