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RE: Calling all pussy slaves - 2/26/2006 7:46:29 PM   

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ORIGINAL: littlesarbonn

I had intended to avoid this thread because it was becoming one of those areas where submissives would say the right thing to sound desirable to potential dommes, and then we'd get a bunch of stock responses about how it should always be about the woman rather than about the activity of sexual contact.

But as those kinds of posts have continued in this thread, I thought I'd just take the unusual route and say that I agree with Akasha's original post here. It fits EXACTLY with my thoughts on this subject, and it's kind of nice to actually hear it stated by someone who won't get shot down for saying something like this (something that happens to me whenever I've attempted to do so in the past).

Anyway, not much more to add other than to say I'd feel really bizarre EVER claiming that oral skill is a forte of mine, even if it was. A previous mistress once sent me to massage therapy school to learn how to take care of her better; a number of years later, a mistress told me I had no idea what I was doing because one style does not fit all. There's something to be said for the Socratic methodology of slavehood where one always admits to knowing nothing in hopes of learning all that one can achieve.

Your massage example makes an excellent point.

I get a professional massage on average of once a month from one facility, but have also visited dozens of locations in different cities or on cruise ships or on holidays. Even from the best professionals, the "quality" of my massage has varied so dramatically that I have only once or twice said "I want to keep this massuese permanently." The style and manner of them have all been completely different; and, more importantly, I know that *my* personal tastes are vastly different than the next woman that walks in the door. What I think "SUCKED HORRIBLY" was "the best massage ever" to the next woman that walked in.

The key to the most *exceptional* massages have been those that ask for feedback, don't assume and make an effort to blend into my own personal tastes.



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(in reply to littlesarbonn)
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RE: Calling all pussy slaves - 2/26/2006 7:56:28 PM   

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apparently you have never been with a man whose skills come with radar. once i am locked in, 5 - 15 minutes the auto pilot kicks in and you better get ready for at least 10.

This is another problem I have with your attitude - you are assuming that this is what all women want. I, for one, would much rather have 2-3 of what I consider to be quality orgasms than "at least 10" of whatever the boy determines to be quality. Too many orgasms for me actually gets painful and I will pass out. So, while I may be a minority, your methods would end up with me hurt, and the boy on his ass outside.

< Message edited by SweetDommes -- 2/26/2006 8:01:38 PM >

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RE: Calling all pussy slaves - 2/26/2006 7:58:34 PM   

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ORIGINAL: BitaTruble


a guy can go down on you completely different than the boy you teach stroke by stroke and you will have a better orgasm than the boy you taught stroke by stroke.

explain how this can possibly happen and lets see what you "really" know about it ;)

I'm a bit confused. Are you asking them to prove your point? How can they explain your scenario when they disagree with you? Shouldn't 'you' be the one explaining it?


Oh, but that would make too much sense ...

Oh, and for the record RealOne - I don't "teach stroke by stroke" ... but if I tell a boy to do something different, you can damn well be sure that I expect him to do what I tell him, how I tell him, when I tell him, rather than sticking to an attitude like yours: 'oh, I can read them and know exactly what they want without being guided'

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RE: Calling all pussy slaves - 2/26/2006 8:21:44 PM   

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yes so true lol. this one guy did oral on me once and he wa sso sloppy and he slobbered, but later on in talking when he contacted me cause we were on same list he said how he was good at pussy licking and enjoyed it and I was thinking, like yes if you think sloppy slobbering job is good at it


Aha! Someone else finally got the emails from the pussy eating champion who's been bothering Me. Yay! ; )

All I can add to Aakasha's post is that the self acclaimed Super Pussy Slaves are always the ones who don't really KNOW HOW to do the job right!

Give Me a boy who will let Me guide him and teach him how, and I'll give him a gold star!

Texas Maam

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RE: Calling all pussy slaves - 2/26/2006 8:46:41 PM   

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There IS such a thing as "too much" when it comes to pussy worship, and it really comes down to this. When a man cares more about eating pussy than about the woman he's with, he really needs to invest in a rubber vagina to lick each night.


Mistress Akasha,

I don't want to appear antagonistic, so please take this as it is intended.

I don't think craving pussy worship and genuinely caring for the Woman it belongs to are mutually exclusive. I'll admit that pussy worship is a thrill which I crave as much as most boys do. But pleasing Her - and that doesn't necessarily include licking Her pussy at a given moment - is a tremendous thrill, too.

I'm one who got into the scene at a time (nearly 30 years ago) when pussy worship was both common and expected by Dommes. We didn't badger Dommes to let us lick was a common means of submitting to a Woman, and the only time I begged to do it is when the Domina instructed me to do so. Like most boys, I would love to do it for hours, if that was Her wish. It was not unusual for me to finish a session with my face resembling a glazed doughnut and my nostrils bubbling!

I, for one, would never write to a Woman to tell Her how great I am; I know a fair amount of technique, but if I know anything, it is that each Lady has Her own way of enjoying all forms of sex, including oral, and that each time is an adventure. All a boy can do is know the basics - that the lips, tongue, nose and fingers are all there to be used for Her pleasure - and that you do not force your impression of what's stimulating on Her...guys who do this are ridiculous. These are the same guys who think every Woman craves an 11" penis.

I think that the guys who write these things are mostly frauds (i.e., wankers); any guy who talks to a Woman like that probably can't get an erection in person, anyway.


< Message edited by weentsy -- 2/26/2006 8:47:23 PM >

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RE: Calling all pussy slaves - 2/26/2006 9:52:00 PM   

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nelly, I think I can safely say that you, and guys like you, are not the ones that Akasha was talking about in her original post.

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RE: Calling all pussy slaves - 2/26/2006 10:50:43 PM   

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From: San Diego, California
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Most of this has already been touched upon, but here's one more (hopefully synthesized) opinion.

Like many men who are submissive to women, I very much enjoy performing oral sex/ worship on women-- and not limited to "pussy licking." For me, it feeds a submissive urge towards a woman and gives me a great sense of fulfillment if I can bring her pleasure.

But in most of the femdom relationships I've had, the privilege of peforming such services has been held out as reward, something to be earned by otherwise being a pleasing submissive. That creates a self-filling cycle-- you have to perform submissive and helpful tasks (and/or, if you're with a woman with a sadistic streak, endure pain/ discomfort/ humiliation) in order to earn the privilege of performing an act that you perceive as submissive, further fueling your submissive inclinations towards the woman. This can create a very strong dynamic, especially when combined with teasing and denial/ chastity, because the submissive male's only acheivable sexual goal involves an act designed to bring pleasure to the woman. And many men are, of course, "goal oriented," sexual and otherwise.

There's some irony in the original thread in that some of the hotest erotic stories I've read are those on Akasha's Web involving prolonged forced oral worship, pussy collaring, etc. Akasha-- it's great to hear some of your "true life" observations here on the message boards. The response to many women to this post has been illuminating.



Pleasing you pleases me.

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RE: Calling all pussy slaves - 2/27/2006 3:53:32 AM   

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Only if they are as funny as that one was....

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RE: Calling all pussy slaves - 2/27/2006 3:59:18 AM   

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Maybe i am wrong, but if he has to lick for 2 hours....i wouldn't lable him a fact i might suggest he take a class or two.

i am not sure how that would equate with serving a Fem Domme, i have worked with a 1/2 dozen or more Dommes in the past year and not one of them required a lick. It never entered my mind to offer them one either. Maybe i am doing this wrong, but if that's the case, then i will just have to muddle through it my way.

note: i have nothing against oral sex with a women, i enjoy it, but it really has little to do with real life service.



Aha! Someone else finally got the emails from the pussy eating champion who's been bothering Me. Yay! ; )

All I can add to Aakasha's post is that the self acclaimed Super Pussy Slaves are always the ones who don't really KNOW HOW to do the job right!

Give Me a boy who will let Me guide him and teach him how, and I'll give him a gold star!

Texas Maam

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Profile   Post #: 49
RE: Calling all pussy slaves - 2/27/2006 4:06:21 AM   

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Isn't it about what the dominant woman wants not what the submissive male fantasises about?

Any male sub that denies he has submissive sexual fantasies is just a liar, but the test is whether those can be suppressed to the extent of insignificance in his desire to serve, please, help, make happy, his Domme. Knowledge of his sexual fantasies can help the Domme in choosing rewards/punishments but the sub male should be able to make them totally secondary to his desire to serve.

If the Domme chooses to enjoy extended pussy worship, then he better be good at it. If She chooses not to, then he better not push for it. Can a sub male really focus 100% on what his Domme wants to the absolute exclusion of his own desires. i'd like to think yes, but would also like to hear what others think.


(in reply to AAkasha)
Profile   Post #: 50
RE: Calling all pussy slaves - 2/27/2006 4:53:26 AM   

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From: Oshawa
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i like pussy just as much as the next sub does

but i also love a womans mind intelagance is pretty high on my list so is the ability to make me feel loved as i love her in return

eating ones mistress out is maybe 0.01% of what a sub must be able to do and if that is all one is good at then they are useless as any thing but a laugh at how pathetic they are

the best way i have found to make a women feel loved is to worship her mind and just bee there when she needs you if you see her rubing her shoulder then get up and do it for her she is your lover protecter and provider in some cases learn what she likes to have when she comes home and have it fresh and ready with out her asking you to do it small things are what goes the longest when you do it often and with out being asked

< Message edited by AlderTheKitty -- 2/27/2006 4:56:19 AM >


i am a strong person and will not be pushed around which makes my submission a special gift that few are going to receave

(in reply to AAkasha)
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RE: Calling all pussy slaves - 2/27/2006 9:07:54 AM   

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ORIGINAL: orfunboi

Maybe i am wrong, but if he has to lick for 2 hours....i wouldn't lable him a fact i might suggest he take a class or two.


Indeed. If he (or she) has to lick or suck or do anything for hours to get a good result then they need some serious help.

However it can be a good technique to bring someone to the edge several times or to small orgasms multiple times.

I, personally, can't imagine oral sex for hours. I think I'd get bored or angry that it was taking too long. Call me "the goal gal" but when I want sex of any sort I want my orgasm and I want it fairly soon.


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RE: Calling all pussy slaves - 2/27/2006 10:01:54 AM   

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ORIGINAL: philipsub
Any male sub that denies he has submissive sexual fantasies is just a liar, but the test is whether those can be suppressed to the extent of insignificance in his desire to serve, please, help, make happy, his Domme.

i think they should be secondary. i also think the domme needs to be sensitive to that fact and also give the sub their needs as a test of the dommes responsiblity.

we all have needs and if those needs are not met we change partners regardless of which side of the fence we are on


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RE: Calling all pussy slaves - 2/27/2006 10:32:19 AM   

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From: Texas
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If the Domme chooses to enjoy extended pussy worship, then he better be good at it. If She chooses not to, then he better not push for it. Can a sub male really focus 100% on what his Domme wants to the absolute exclusion of his own desires. i'd like to think yes, but would also like to hear what others think.

Absolutely excluding one's own desires is a good way to ensure that you'll be really unhappy. The key is to find someone with whom you are compatiable so that what you 'want' is also what the other wants. Think of it this way.. if you put 'only' what a dominant 'wants' of you into your relationship, then s/he's not getting 'all' of you anyway in which case, 'any' dominant will do for you. That's a mistake that I see time and time again, especially from those who are just beginning to explore their submissive natures. If, however, you find someone with whom are you compatiable, who truly does want 'all' of you and you're allowed to express all those parts of yourself, then you, too, are fulfilling your nature and your humanity as it was meant to be for you. Dominants fantasize just as much as submissives do and if they didn't, then again, any old submissive would do and they wouldn't be picky about 'who at all. Dominants don't, generally speaking, want to be thought of as fleshy flogging machines.. or just 'feet' who happened to be attached to bodies, or just a pussy waiting to be exposed to a submissive tongue anymore than submissives want to be thought of as automotons, acting reflexively.. no brains required. While that's not 'always' true... it's usually true. That's why I advocate expanding yourself while you're searching for the one whom you actually want to serve with 'all' of you. The more of 'you' which you can put into your service, the better your service will be because it will come naturally to you. If you dream of foot worship, why on Earth would you get together with a dominant who abhores it? Why should you 'not' get what you are seeking? Submissives are not 'less' than dominants and their desires are just as valid and just as important.. so, seek someone with whom you have a connection rather than accepting someone just because they hold the whip.

Of course, it you don't care about any of that, then any ol' dominant 'will' do. "Sup to you.



"Oh, so it's just like
Rock, paper, scissors."

He laughed. "You are the wisest woman I know."

(in reply to philipsub)
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RE: Calling all pussy slaves - 2/27/2006 10:37:24 AM   

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Can someone (besides realone, please) explain to me why he's suddenly talking about 10 inches? Or some of his other random tidbits?

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RE: Calling all pussy slaves - 2/27/2006 10:42:08 AM   

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ORIGINAL: SweetDommes

Can someone (besides realone, please) explain to me why he's suddenly talking about 10 inches? Or some of his other random tidbits?


ok you got me on one out of 4! :)

doesnt change the fact you were totally off base with the rest.

< Message edited by Real0ne -- 2/27/2006 10:45:44 AM >


"We the Borg" of the us imperialists....resistance is futile

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RE: Calling all pussy slaves - 2/27/2006 11:14:55 AM   

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Just to drag some direction back into this yummy thread...

One thing that needs stressing is that people have different moods for different times, and what will work well at one moment might be totally unsuitable at another. The buttons might be pressed but the reaction may not be forthcoming.
Even if one is the hottest pussy slave in the world, it won't be any good if the woman has other things on her mind like whether the kitchen needs redecorating or where's the money to pay the electricity bill...

< Message edited by Sardax -- 2/27/2006 11:16:42 AM >

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RE: Calling all pussy slaves - 2/27/2006 1:08:40 PM   

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ORIGINAL: brightspot


Attention Super Pussy Slaves: We have zero use for you.


It never ceases to amaze me Aakasha how you not only think you can speak for all Fem-Dommes, but in this instance for how all "pussy slaves" think and feel too.

Your egotism is unbelieveable.


I have seen far more Dominas responding in favour of her posts than those against her posts. Ah, well, I guess there's always going to be one. No, she doesn't always speak for me, but I don't have a problem with any perceived arrogance, on her part. If she is so, she has earned the right to be so, in my book. She's smart, articulate and always on the money.

I, for one, have no use, either, for the self-centred, block-headed time wasters who insist on compartmentalizing me and doing only what pleases themselves while managing to completely ignore the person, the woman, the Dominatrice I am. I, too, want practical service - not something that takes up my time, unless I choose to waste time.

I think it's a great post and I could not agree more with A!



Life's too short to drink cheap booze!

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RE: Calling all pussy slaves - 2/27/2006 1:51:06 PM   

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From: Massachusetts
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Just to add my 2 cents, I don't see how you can effectively 'worship' any part of a woman's body without worshiping the woman first. And you can't worhip her unless you know something of her beyond anatomical features.

(in reply to QueenRah)
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RE: Calling all pussy slaves - 2/27/2006 4:16:07 PM   

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ORIGINAL: brightspot


Attention Super Pussy Slaves: We have zero use for you.


It never ceases to amaze me Aakasha how you not only think you can speak for all Fem-Dommes, but in this instance for how all "pussy slaves" think and feel too.

Your egotism is unbelieveable.


she doesn't always speak for me, but I don't have a problem with any perceived arrogance, on her part. If she is so, she has earned the right to be so, in my book.

so do tell exactly how one earns the right to be arrogant?


"We the Borg" of the us imperialists....resistance is futile

Democracy; The 'People' voted on 'which' amendment?

Yesterdays tinfoil is today's reality!

"No man's life, liberty, or property is safe while the legislature is in session

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