Bill Maher : most Americans are Dumb and Uneducated - And he is 110% right, as always :) (Full Version)

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Brain -> Bill Maher : most Americans are Dumb and Uneducated - And he is 110% right, as always :) (9/5/2009 12:20:24 PM)

YouTube - Bill Maher : most Americans are Dumb and Uneducated - And he is 110% right, as always :)

This is funny and also at the same time sad but true. It also explains a lot
when I read some comments on these threads.

Sanity -> RE: Bill Maher : most Americans are Dumb and Uneducated - And he is 110% right, as always :) (9/5/2009 12:33:58 PM)

If its true, who or what is to blame.

Political correctness gone wild, lawyers, and the teachers union.

PyrotheClown -> RE: Bill Maher : most Americans are Dumb and Uneducated - And he is 110% right, as always :) (9/5/2009 12:37:41 PM)

"Forget town halls, we need study halls"

PyrotheClown -> RE: Bill Maher : most Americans are Dumb and Uneducated - And he is 110% right, as always :) (9/5/2009 12:41:42 PM)

oh, had this as a thread (in the humor section)a while ago, but it fits pretty nicely here

littlewonder -> RE: Bill Maher : most Americans are Dumb and Uneducated - And he is 110% right, as always :) (9/5/2009 12:47:37 PM)

I love Bill Maher!!

He's soooo right and I agree with him. Americans are not very intelligent. I grew up with the type of people he speaks about in that link and one of the reasons I really am not very social. I find most people just annoy the hell out of me because they don't think, they don't care to think and the last time they opened a book or a newspaper was probably grade school.

It's a sad state of affairs. Who do I blame? Partly our schools. I know my daughter has never had to learn geography or world history in school. She's never once had to learn about the American govt system of checks and balances.

Fortunately she's learned these things on her own though because she thirsts for knowledge.

The rest I blame the fact that for the most part Americans have an easy life. They don't HAVE to learn. Everything is handed to them or it's easy for them to gain whatever it is they want. There is very little struggle for the basic necessities or even those things we just desire. We take much of our lives for granted. It's the American way of life. Why read if you don't have to? Why do much of anything if you don't have to?

Sanity -> RE: Bill Maher : most Americans are Dumb and Uneducated - And he is 110% right, as always :) (9/5/2009 12:53:10 PM)

We now have a majority in government who would further that sort of belief system, as well. Americans elect representatives who are willing to babysit them, cradle to grave. You don't have to work for anything, you don't even have to think because government will do it all for you.

It can't last, folks.


ORIGINAL: littlewonder

...The rest I blame the fact that for the most part Americans have an easy life. They don't HAVE to learn. Everything is handed to them or it's easy for them to gain whatever it is they want. There is very little struggle for the basic necessities or even those things we just desire. We take much of our lives for granted. It's the American way of life. Why read if you don't have to? Why do much of anything if you don't have to?

SpinnerofTales -> RE: Bill Maher : most Americans are Dumb and Uneducated - And he is 110% right, as always :) (9/5/2009 12:56:21 PM)


We now have a majority in government who would further that sort of belief system, as well. Americans elect representatives who are willing to babysit them, cradle to grave. You don't have to work for anything, you don't even have to think because government will do it all for you.

It can't last, folks. ORIGINAL: Sanity

Isn't it amazing that every problem in this country is caused by the democrats? Thank you for pointing that out, Sanity. As usual your bi-partisan, results oriented postings illuminate any discussion.

TheHeretic -> RE: Bill Maher : most Americans are Dumb and Uneducated - And he is 110% right, as always :) (9/5/2009 12:58:13 PM)

Bill Maher is a bigot. 

SpinnerofTales -> RE: Bill Maher : most Americans are Dumb and Uneducated - And he is 110% right, as always :) (9/5/2009 1:08:23 PM)


Bill Maher is a bigot.

ORIGINAL: TheHeretic

Bill Maher is a bigot. 

Could we perhaps get you to expand on that post so we know what in the world you're talking about?

tazzygirl -> RE: Bill Maher : most Americans are Dumb and Uneducated - And he is 110% right, as always :) (9/5/2009 1:11:12 PM)


ORIGINAL: SpinnerofTales


We now have a majority in government who would further that sort of belief system, as well. Americans elect representatives who are willing to babysit them, cradle to grave. You don't have to work for anything, you don't even have to think because government will do it all for you.

It can't last, folks. ORIGINAL: Sanity

Isn't it amazing that every problem in this country is caused by the democrats? Thank you for pointing that out, Sanity. As usual your bi-partisan, results oriented postings illuminate any discussion.

LOL.. leave it to Sanity to come up with something this insane

Sanity -> RE: Bill Maher : most Americans are Dumb and Uneducated - And he is 110% right, as always :) (9/5/2009 1:22:08 PM)

Have you nothing intelligent to add to the discussion, Spinner?

In other words, quit flaming me.  [sm=flameout.gif]

First of all (DUH!) you are highly partisan yourself.

Second, you can be too good at employing Alinsky's "Rules for Radicals"  rule number five:


"Ridicule is man's most potent weapon." There is no defense. It's irrational. It's infuriating. It also works as a key pressure point to force the enemy into concessions. "

Why is that? Because of rule number seven:


"A tactic that drags on too long becomes a drag." Don't become old news. (Even radical activists get bored. So to keep them excited and involved, organizers are constantly coming up with new tactics.)

Your shit's getting old, Spinner. Wise up, and learn some new tricks.


ORIGINAL: SpinnerofTales

Isn't it amazing that every problem in this country is caused by the democrats? Thank you for pointing that out, Sanity. As usual your bi-partisan, results oriented postings illuminate any discussion.

gift4mistress -> RE: Bill Maher : most Americans are Dumb and Uneducated - And he is 110% right, as always :) (9/5/2009 1:29:53 PM)

Well he is right that many Americans lack knowledge on subjects such as history and politics however Bill is part of the reason why Americans are so fucking stupid. 

LookieNoNookie -> RE: Bill Maher : most Americans are Dumb and Uneducated - And he is 110% right, as always :) (9/5/2009 1:32:14 PM)


ORIGINAL: TheHeretic

Bill Maher is a bigot. 

And a moron.

GotSteel -> RE: Bill Maher : most Americans are Dumb and Uneducated - And he is 110% right, as always :) (9/5/2009 1:43:25 PM)

Bill Maher isn't always right, he's an anti-medication fruit loop:

Arrogance -> RE: Bill Maher : most Americans are Dumb and Uneducated - And he is 110% right, as always :) (9/5/2009 1:44:11 PM)


ORIGINAL: gift4mistress

Well he is right that many Americans lack knowledge on subjects such as history and politics however Bill is part of the reason why Americans are so fucking stupid. 

How so?

Sanity -> RE: Bill Maher : most Americans are Dumb and Uneducated - And he is 110% right, as always :) (9/5/2009 1:44:26 PM)

It is my understanding that Bill Maher is the primary source of news and information for an awful lot of people.


ORIGINAL: gift4mistress

Well he is right that many Americans lack knowledge on subjects such as history and politics however Bill is part of the reason why Americans are so fucking stupid. 

tazzygirl -> RE: Bill Maher : most Americans are Dumb and Uneducated - And he is 110% right, as always :) (9/5/2009 1:54:20 PM)

anyone who uses only one source for their news information is losing out on alot of perspectives, allowing themselves to be "told" what they need to know.

awmslave -> RE: Bill Maher : most Americans are Dumb and Uneducated - And he is 110% right, as always :) (9/5/2009 2:13:14 PM)


YouTube - Bill Maher : most Americans are Dumb and Uneducated - And he is 110% right, as always :)

I do respect Maher, he is very smart comedian. This kind of generalization though is just a cheap way to attract US left wing attention (who idealize European Union social democrats and wish US population at large would join them).
I ask Americans who cheer this statement: Are you dumb and uneducated?
Americans have certain qualities government must be afraid of. Especially, the deficit of slave mentality and low level of conformism. Also, Americans are capable of finding solutions and taking actions. For example guarding Southern border by grassroots activists. As the economic depression deepens in coming years it will be serious problem for the elites.

TheHeretic -> RE: Bill Maher : most Americans are Dumb and Uneducated - And he is 110% right, as always :) (9/5/2009 2:25:13 PM)


ORIGINAL: SpinnerofTales
Could we perhaps get you to expand on that post so we know what in the world you're talking about?

If you think that needs explanation, Spinner, that leads me to one of two conclusions;

A; You don't have HBO and have no idea what you are talking about.  I used to watch his program regularly, but he has grown increasingly abusive and intolerant of anyone who doesn't share his worldview and prejudices. 

B; you are just as bigoted, and further discussion would be as pointless as with someone who doesn't get why "nigger" is an offensive word.

Short answer to your question is no.

tazzygirl -> RE: Bill Maher : most Americans are Dumb and Uneducated - And he is 110% right, as always :) (9/5/2009 2:26:54 PM)


ORIGINAL: awmslave


YouTube - Bill Maher : most Americans are Dumb and Uneducated - And he is 110% right, as always :)

I do respect Maher, he is very smart comedian. This kind of generalization though is just a cheap way to attract US left wing attention (who idealize European Union social democrats and wish US population at large would join them).
I ask Americans who cheer this statement: Are you dumb and uneducated?
Americans have certain qualities government must be afraid of. Especially, the deficit of slave mentality and low level of conformism. Also, Americans are capable of finding solutions and taking actions. For example guarding Southern border by grassroots activists. As the economic depression deepens in coming years it will be serious problem for the elites.

not sure why you directed this at me

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