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Acer49 -> Sub space (9/7/2009 4:59:18 AM)

I am with a sub that has never experienced sub space and asked me to explain it to her. What should she expect to feel and such? I told her of the endorphin release, but I feel there is more to it and was hoping to be able to give her a better explanation. I have heard of people who actually fight this feeling, I was wondering if there is any possibility that subspace may trigger a past memory? Is that possible? All comments are appreciated

stillholdson -> RE: Sub space (9/7/2009 7:29:30 AM)


Nothing , I mean nothing exists , but Him and where He is taking me.

when I am in sub space,My brain is there and fucntional but it is also in a place that belongs to Him.

I am able to follow directions and process how things feel,lol.

I will after a while get thirsty and sometimes may wish for chapstick.
when traveling down into your baser,primal self, it is good to keep water handy.

when in deep space or even coming round, I still wont be able to walk to bathroom or really even sit up and drink out of a straw.

I dont have alot of experience with it other than to say I know some things take me there faster than others.

it is crucial that you moniter your sub while she is there.

You can't fight it and some things you may expereince will bring about a catharsis.

aftercare is always necessary .

BeIgnited -> RE: Sub space (9/7/2009 8:12:08 AM)

For me, subspace is sort of a happy, floaty feeling. It feels a lot like a more intense afterglow from an orgasm (with or without the orgasm beforehand).

sweetsub1957 -> RE: Sub space (9/7/2009 9:17:23 AM)

My head feels floaty and I feel really "spacey," like I can't get any higher.....feel everything acutely, physically and's totally seems almost unreal but oh-so-real all at the same time.....I get really thirsty.....if I try to stand up or walk, I get really woozy and have to hang onto something.....when I'm coming down from it, it's always very exhausting.  My first bdsm experience, I was in subspace for hours & coming down from it while He cuddled me for another hour and I slept part of that time.  It's just so amazing.  There's nothing else like it.  I can't imagine ever wanting to fight it.

~edited to add a sentence~

PlayfulWhenUsed -> RE: Sub space (9/7/2009 9:28:29 AM)



I am with a sub that has never experienced sub space and asked me to explain it to her.

I have always felt that it is similar to if you dance or play music or any of those other activities that you can be lost in.  You're still aware of what is happening, and your mind still directs your actions, but what you are doing takes up all of your awareness.  Extraneous thoughts go away and are replaced with this wonderful feeling. I also totally agree with stillholdson that when you get really really deep in, you lose even more sense of consciousness and it can be overwhelming, but that is just what happens when you carry that much cognitive/sensory load and it really is wonderful.

I do not know if you have ever actually passed out, but when you come to there is this weird few seconds when you feel like you are struggling to push up into consciousness, and the bits of your mind race to come back online.  Coming out of deep deep subspace feels to me sort of like that, except that it is again really wonderful if I did not say that enough already.

Also I do not think subspace itself would trigger old memories any more than being happily lost in dancing would trigger stuff but I am also not sure.

daintydimples -> RE: Sub space (9/7/2009 9:46:08 AM)

Sub space for me is a place where I am so very aware of feelings and sensations that my ability to think is impaired. The deeper I get the more impaired my thinking is, to the point where my ability to verbalize becomes impaired as well. Although I do get to a point where I say (okay let's get real here, scream) all kinds of things, I've no idea what they were, I just know I was ...vocal.

If I'm not that deep I can talk if someone talks to me and I can answer a direct question, but generally with the least amount of words. A long complicated sentence might get you the response of "um."  Being made to talk, answer with Sir, etc., will bring me out of it a bit and keep me from going too deep too early. When I'm in this kind of deep sub space, I don't feel pain as pain, it's just another sensation.

I hope this helps, Acer, I always enjoy your posts on the board.

SilentSpark -> RE: Sub space (9/7/2009 12:05:11 PM)

When I get into my subspace, is like sinking into warm water. The reality is so far away, feels like I'm looking and hearing things from deep water. In deep subspace, I actually went to somewhere, like a dream land or something (probably because my overly active imagination). I can't talk, can't move. Once my ex feed me a cough drop, I can't even swallow or keep it in my mouth and I was choking on it. There's one peculiar incident happened after I started to come around, I found I can't speak English, and can only speak in my native language Chinese. That's very one understood what I was asking...LOL.

Everyone has different feeling about subspace, and can trigger some very intense illusion/memory/psychological and physical reaction. That's why it is very important to take it slow.

Golden614 -> RE: Sub space (9/7/2009 12:22:50 PM)

Mmmm... Subspace is lovely. For me, mentally I do get spacey. Pretty standard apparently, but when Master asks complex questions (He asked me to describe in detail a fanatsy once while I was in pretty deep), it becomes difficult to come out of it enough to process what he is saying and answer intelligently. Physically, my muscles feel very tingly and loose and the sensations I feel become intensified. It is really the basest state of mind, I am living totally in that moment and no thought exists beyond that. Someone else may be different, but because of this, I doubt it would ever trigger anything from the past.

And I do get SO thirsty! Wonder why that is...

Wolf2Bear -> RE: Sub space (9/7/2009 12:36:37 PM)

It is feeling and being in the moment which nothing else matters,
it is feeling 'zoned out" as if you aren't quite in your own body
it is riding every sensation and all my outer awareness is directed inwards
it is being in the moment so much that all mental inhibitions are non existent
it is feeling like you've drank too much alcohol yet not suffering from the side effects
it is feeling such an intense amount of pleasure that if the top decided to ignore your hard limit, you would agree without hesitation.
it is like being high on herbals yet you haven't indulged.

DesFIP -> RE: Sub space (9/7/2009 6:04:55 PM)

I get nonverbal, body gets limp like a rag doll. My memory afterwards is undependable, showing bits and pieces of what happened.

More importantly, don't make her feel that she has to hit it. I didn't for quite a while, until I knew him well enough to give over that much control. It didn't happen the first time.

Pressuring her to hit subspace is like pressuring her to have an orgasm, it's a perfect way to make sure it doesn't happen. Just focus on enjoying the ride.

daintydimples -> RE: Sub space (9/7/2009 6:14:15 PM)

Big yes on the limp as a rag doll (I guess I forgot to mention that). I appear to be passed out, but I'm not.

FelineFae -> RE: Sub space (9/7/2009 9:15:51 PM)



It is feeling and being in the moment which nothing else matters,
it is feeling 'zoned out" as if you aren't quite in your own body
it is riding every sensation and all my outer awareness is directed inwards
it is being in the moment so much that all mental inhibitions are non existent
it is feeling like you've drank too much alcohol yet not suffering from the side effects
it is feeling such an intense amount of pleasure that if the top decided to ignore your hard limit, you would agree without hesitation.
it is like being high on herbals yet you haven't indulged.

That about covers it. [:D]

fadedshadow -> RE: Sub space (9/8/2009 12:15:11 AM)

i wonder how much it'll take to make me reach subspace

eyesopened -> RE: Sub space (9/8/2009 5:05:37 AM)

I have never experienced sub-space.  I used to think I was a freak among freaks and that sub-space was somehow the litmus test to submission.  But I simply do not produce endorphins in response to pain.  It's a body-chemistry thing.  I don't have it. 

It bothers me every time someone suggests that all submissives should experience sub-space and that it is something everyone should be able to achieve. 

As it turns out for me, my Master is a sadist.  He does not want a masochist who floats off somewhere.  He wants me to suffer, to be fully in the moment and fully focused on Him.  To each their own and happily my inability has become something He really treasures about me.

IrishMist -> RE: Sub space (9/8/2009 5:25:11 AM)


It bothers me every time someone suggests that all submissives should experience sub-space and that it is something everyone should be able to achieve.

I have to agree.

All too often it is said that sub-space is THE ULTIMATE achievement for a submissive. It paints a picture that if you don't or can't attain such a level, then either the submissive or the Dominant is doing something wrong.

This is simply not true.

Not everyone CAN achive sub-space. Not everyone WANTS to achive sub-space. This does not make them freaks; nor does it insinuate that in some way one of the parties is lacking.

It simply means that you don't need sub-space as a validation that you are submissive or Dominant.

edited for spelling

DiurnalVampire -> RE: Sub space (9/8/2009 5:34:29 AM)


ORIGINAL: eyesopened
It bothers me every time someone suggests that all submissives should experience sub-space and that it is something everyone should be able to achieve. 

Subspace is like orgasm. Some get it every time, some never get it. Some are perfectly happy playing whether or not it is part of the picture, others get more out of playing when it isnt there rather than when it is.


ranja -> RE: Sub space (9/8/2009 7:26:48 AM)

and like orgasms i think this subspace comes in different gradations aswell...
i find subspace a strange name for it... to me it is more like a very relaxed trance like state...
i once took my Husband there aswell so it is not limited to submissives either

i also wonder when people say "i get uncommunicative".... does that mean they actually can not speak anymore or does that  mean that they do not want to speak anymore?
same for getting limp... do they totally relax and go with the relaxation or are they physically not able to move anymore?

For me it is a matter of choise... and if my Husband asks me questions while i feel myself drifting off it pulls me back because i will try to answer the question instead of ignoring Him

The getting really thirsty does not bother me unless we have had a long physically active play and of course i get thirsty then after a while.
I also wonder for the people who get so thirsty... does this thirst not spoil your spaciness a bit?

littleone35 -> RE: Sub space (9/8/2009 1:21:02 PM)

Ahhh sub space a wonderful space to be. Fo me i feel all floaty and feel totaly blissed out almost like another reality. i also tend to get tunnel vision my world narrrows to just us and the feelings he is giving me. My rational mind just clicks off and i am riding on the sensation. Of course for me it is important to be held and cuddled when coming down it helps a lot.

Matt's littleone

antipode -> RE: Sub space (9/8/2009 9:33:48 PM)


What should she expect to feel and such?

Judging by your multiple posts, it isn't your sub that is new, it is you. I would think that you, as an experienced dom, would have answers to the questions you ask, and you don't - so, you lack experience. Nothing wrong with not knowing things, but pretending to be more than you are..... [:(]

If your sub has questions, you might want to point her in the direction of the nearest PC, and these and other forums, your relaying things others say is not a very effective way of communicating.

CaringandReal -> RE: Sub space (9/9/2009 5:39:44 AM)


ORIGINAL: antipode

If your sub has questions, you might want to point her in the direction of the nearest PC, and these and other forums, your relaying things others say is not a very effective way of communicating.

If you truly feel that way then why aren't you constantly ragging on Leadership who does the very same thing with his Carol?

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