It's not Obama's fault (Full Version)

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Alphascendant -> It's not Obama's fault (9/10/2009 10:51:25 PM)

It has been my impression for many years now that the U.S. Constitution was written to prevent a single governing body to preside over all the states. It was necessary for the original colonies to work together as one concerning the defense of their territory against Britain. The legal definition of the United States is not fifty states, but a plot of ground called Washington D.C. There is a picture of an eagle, perched upon the top of the white house with it's wings spread. One wing is red, the other blue. Underneath the picture are the words, "Different wings of the same bird." We have the Republican party and the Democratic party, after 5:00 it's one big party as after the cameras shut down, many of them congregate at the same bard and pat each other on the back, "Good show, good show."

There is a Massachusetts state law that declares if a member of the senate dies, there must be an emergengcy election held within 45 days to replace the deceased member. Now the Massachusetts state government is trying to circumvent that law and appoint who they want. Guess who pushed that law into effect, yes, Ted Kennedy himself. The federal government has been so corrupt for so long that many of the individual state governments have followed suit. Maine was the first state to give their major candidates huge amounts of money in hopes of dissuading those candidates from taking lobbyist payoffs. Maine was also the first state to give land back to the Indians.

Dos being a U.S. citizen make you an alien to your own state constitution? In California it does. Being a U.S. Citizen supercedes many state citizenships. Without citizens of the state, there is no state. The current federal administration is just as facist as the last, different wings of the same bird. Can it be stopped when it seems every politician makes a habit of voting exactly the opposite of the platform they ran upon?

We have a bipolar government. One day it leans to the left, one day it leans to the right, keeping the masses in confusion about what the problem is. It appears that the majority of liberalism arises from the big cities, oblivious the life in the country. The feds want to regulate how and what you can grow in your garden. before you know, your seeds will not produce fruits and vegetables that are capable of producing more viable seeds. if you want to grow a garden you will have to buy FDA approved seeds, every year, or learn how to clone. Don't think for a minute that the feds won't cut off nternet communication under the guise of an emegency. How long will it be before a federal law requires you to get a vaccine shot or throws you into prison because you refuse. twenty of the RFID chips can fit on the head of a pin. They can zap you and know how much money you are carrying, all the new money has been chipped. 65% of american adults are on some kind of medication, giving their kids drugs because they are hyper or have a short attention span. A friend of mine said he began having fucked up dreams as soon as he tried to get off the legal prescrption for quitting smoking? Being unhappy? hell, that's what beer and whiskey is for. before you know, it will be illegal to drive on any legal perscription, then you'll go crazy for sure.

We can all blame the oil barons for the economical problems, the war. Without your car and your electricity, what will you do? You might want to kill somebody. I haven't voted since Reagan's first term. We have the biggest bombs, that's all the feds should be concened about. Why vote for somebody who wants all my money and will stop at nothing to get it? Your state politicians might talk a good game, but give them a few years in office, they would rather pad their bank account than be sure you have food on your table.

If one doesn't vote they have no right to complain? If you believe that maybe you should reread the article on freedom of speech. Before you know, if it hasn't already begun, a sattellite in the sky will scan a retina. Having the mark to buy or sell. Say what you want about the scriptures, over 2,000 years ago somebody predicted what is happening now. I would bet money that the vaccines will be chipped, injected into you, twenty on the head of a pin, all it takes is one lodged somehow into your body and you are marked forever. Everything that can be legally bought and sold under federal authority will be chipped. The federal government does not have your best interests in mid in any shape or form, and it does sound so pathetic listening, reading about the sheep arguing about the liberals versus the conservatives. The feds are not even doing it all in secret, it's happening right before our very eyes.

The spirit this country was created on has nearly disappeared, fighting until death for our freedom. George Washington and the soldiers of Valley Forge would be certifiably insane by today's standards. If you are not willing to risk your life for freedom, then you have no concept of freedom, and that doesn't mean taking a job with the army because it might be more exciting than flipping burgers. If you are not willing to suffer for the fredom that the United States of America once represented, then you are the enemy. Socialism, communism, fascism, call it what you want. Fascists believe that nations and/or races are in perpetual conflict whereby only the strong can survive by being healthy, vital, and by asserting themselves in conflict against the weak (health care).

They could have shut the electronic ignition of O.J.'s Bronco down, but they didn't want to make a spectacle out of what already was, it's only O.J. Is your vehicle equipped with an electronic ignition? When the shit hits the fan and you try to escape out of the city, you are fucked. It's coming, remember, if you die in a fight for freedom, you have won the the war. Why are people afraid to die? It is because they know where they are going.

Termyn8or -> RE: It's not Obama's fault (9/11/2009 7:59:16 AM)

Alpha; That is pretty close to a rant there, and unfortunately mostly true.

You seem to see the bigger picture, as I do. All these medications do play a role in things. To expound on that, first of all I do not go to doctors. You have mentioned the reason in a way; I will not be dependent on 'them' for life. What little intoxicants I consume these days are substances which I know exactly what they do to me, which is not the case of the red pill or the blue pill. Would they give me a drug that would make me smarter ? I got a buddy who went on SSRIs and you could see the change. This is vastly different than seeing someone who is drunk or high.

Currently shutdown chips are optional in cars, and they don't even have to mandate it. All they have to do is call up their buddies in the insurance industry and get them to provide financial persuasion to have these things installed. Then it will become a feature, then free.

Which illustrates just how these things are done. It has happened gradually and going back is bound to go alot more slowly, if it is even possible at all. Among those on medication, many are recieving some form of public assistance. They have a vested interest in the status quo, thus the PTB have pretty much brought the people. But this one isn't for sale. I will not buy into their bullshit. Hmm, where did the phrase "buy into" come from ? Perhaps it should be sell into, or sell out into.

I refuse to go to doctors and people think I am crazy. They do not understand that I am not afraid to die. Everybody dies, it is just a question of when. I would rather death have meaning if possible. But then people confuse being unafraid to die with wanting to die. Of course this was going to happen as life got softer and softer.

You failed to mention guns. My position on that is well known, but is wasted breath, ink or displaced electrons with those who are brainwashed to the point of giving up their personal defense. They think being a black belt in Karate will save them, but I can personally attest to the fact that this is false. What's more, if the problem is weapons, get some of that bondage equipment out and put Mr Karate in it while thugs clean out his house and rape his Wife. Wouldn't that be fair then ?

And if you ever wondered why the justice system is so screwed up, I have figured out the only possible logical reason for this. They want good Men to rot in jail while criminals go free. This for several reasons, not the least of which is that they themselves are criminals of the highest order. But that does not explain it fully. They draw on public money to police the streets, to railroad people into jail, and then draw more public money to keep them in jail. Then with the real criminals free, there is still crime, which perpetuates the need for all this policing, intrusion and the end result.

Evidence of this can be seen even in TV shows by those who can see. Real life is worse. They decide in five minutes flat who they think did it, or who should take the fall for it. Then they go on to build a case against one suspect, disregarding and witholding any and all evidence to the contrary. This is illegal in the US, but they get away with it every day. The prosecutors and judges work in concert to convict whoever is served up de jure. The defense is bound by the rules of the bar association, which limits their ability to defend, thus slanting the odds. And like in gambling, even the best of the best of legal scholars, using resouces forbidden to bar members and after much study, can barely just barely level the playing field. Even to do that the court must be threatened with embarrassment to make anything work. Trust me I know. See in the courtroom, anything can be stricken from the record. That is why you file evidence in advance of the trial with the clerk of courts. Proof they saw it, proof if they exclude it, proof if they ignore it. That is one of the few tactics one has as a truly innocent defendant.

And the body of laws, along with selective enforcement gives them quite substantial power. Note the case of people being jailed for importing lobsters that wrre packed improperly accotrding to another nation's law. Yes it really happened. Then a gun dealer shipped an order to Mexico and because the purchase was illegal in Mexico (not the US) he was sent to Mexico to stand trial and went to a Mexican jail.

I think you are quite well expressed in your post. It is seemingly in your own words and is not just a bunch of links. Good. Keep it up. One warning though, you might not want to talk to me too much. I know alot more about this situation than most, and it can be downright depressing. What's more I am a problem solver by nature and I see no way to solve this.

Unfortunately this means most of us will simply continue to exist in this environment with no hope of ever getting out. I have also looked for other countries to which to emmigrate, and found nothing that even comes close to suiting me. The only thing that seperates the US from other nations is our Constitution. And if we don't start using it soon, we are bound to lose it, just like those lunatics warned, you know the ones, those who founded this country. I agree they would be deemed insane today, and that is if they are lucky. More likely they would be executed.

The way they saw it was that life wasn't worth it with all the tyranny, today anything less than the most dearest wishes to live forever, to beg for one's very life, to submit and be allowed to live or more like exist is deemed insane. Believe it or not, I see suicide bombers cut from the same cloth as our founding Fathers, they simply refuse to live under these conditions anymore. They are deemed brainwashed or insane, and cowards. Yes, a suicide bomber is a coward and a guy in a plane dropping bombs on schools and hospitals is a hero.

I never read 1984, but from what I've heard it was quite the shocker when it first came out, but is now considerd quite mundane. Maybe I shouldn't bother.


pahunkboy -> RE: It's not Obama's fault (9/11/2009 9:40:13 AM) know and try not to take this the wrong way... but it is odd that we have so much awareness of terrorism- and the amount of car bmoms is rare.  If it was that much of a threat there would be several a week.

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