RE: What to do? (Full Version)

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RavenMuse -> RE: What to do? (9/21/2009 5:01:45 PM)

Incorrect, it does indicate there have been more than one but doesn't indicate some past or the current being amongst those [:)]

abuddingdom -> RE: What to do? (9/21/2009 7:45:53 PM)

Hey guys - I realize that this isnt my party, & I'm not trying to hijack or even distract from the thread,  but I  really really disike casual use of  "tard" as a derogotory term. Racial ephihets aren't tolerated or encouraged and I wish this one wasn't either. I may be a lone cry in the CM wilderness but I  needed to say it. Back to the Op's topic....

zephyrkajira -> RE: What to do? (9/22/2009 4:53:00 AM)

Greetings All,

LadyP, zephyr apologises for taking so long to respond but she wanted to think carefully about what you have said to her and she hasn't had the time.  Sad isn't quite the right word to describe what zephyr felt reading that other thread...wistful is closer, not perfect but closer and part of that wistfulness comes from the camaraderie which is so plain in the way you all interact...and then the party itself? zephyr wishes she could have been there *sigh*. It brought back some very fond memories for zephyr.  zephyr agrees with you wholeheartedly that baby steps is the way to go and that Master Malkinius is the perfect person to do that with. The fact that Goreans don't "play" per se and therefore a fullblown play session is very unlikely to happen means that it will be easier to keep things at a very slow speed and therefore easier to control. zephyr also agrees that because Master doesn't have much experience that he will go slowly and take care not to do too much too soon and will keep an eye out for zephyr's reactions to what he does. On the other side, zephyr can help Master become more comfortable using the flogger and whip he showed her the last time she was with him so it'll be a learning experience for both of us. You were absolutely right when you told him that zephyr wants him to be the one to help her, she trusts him so thoroughly that really he is the best man for the job.  LadyP thank you so much for your message to zephyr, she admires you so much and your opinion means the world to her.

Kali...what can I say, there is nothing like hearing from someone who has been there. Would you believe that the sociopath is a patient at the hospital where zephyr works? The first time she saw him, zephyr almost dropped on the spot. The last time zephyr saw him though she had a quick fantasy about the cane she walks with "slipping" and hitting him in a very delicate place so she must be healing at last *grins* On a more serious note, your Master and Master Malkinius sound very similar, both very calm, patient, understanding men willing to wait out the occasional bout of insanity in order to deepen the trust we have in them. Honestly zephyr has never met a man quite like Master before, he has brought zephyr to levels of trust she has never attained with a Master before. zephyr is much better now, the times when she remembers what that sociopath did to her are further and further between. zephyr thanks you for contacting her. zephyr is grateful for the advice others have given she really is but nobody understands quite like someone who has been there.

Damn Master Ravenmuse there is nothing quite like those words "Good girl" *grins*. Again she thanks you so much for your advice.  Like LadyP, zephyr reads your words every time you post and knows that you offer sound advice. zephyr knows that she can take anything to Master Malkinius, he has encouraged open communication (both ways) since the two of us met. Master does in fact have a very good head on his shoulders and the level of patience he has shown with zephyr is incredible.  With regards to being a mind reader, no of course he isn't....not always anyway....but sometimes it's a little scary how he knows what zephyr is thinking.

SaharahEve...thank you so much for your comment....and the reminder. zephyr isn't always as kind to herself as she should be. zephyr has already begun ridding her life of those people who add stress and drama to her life in order to make things as easy and stressfree as possible.

she wishes all well,


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