Bruising (Full Version)

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Aileen1968 -> Bruising (9/23/2009 7:48:32 AM)

A slightly different question on bruising. I'm kinda weird in that I want bruises. I like em. I like em a lot. And so does he. This question has nothing to do with the reasons why that is. It has to do with how to get them. It appears as if I am pretty good at not being able to be bruised. I've been caned, cropped, paddled, single tailed, slapped, hit, belted and punched with a closed fist. And he is not gentle. I will usually get very red in the spots he's hit ( he tends to focus on my butt, legs and back) and sometimes I'll even get a welt....but by morning all marks are completely gone. Nothing. Nada. Boohoo.
Sooooo...any recommendatons as to toys, locations, etc. that we can try in order to achieve the elusive bruise?

OttersSwim -> RE: Bruising (9/23/2009 7:52:51 AM)

Make him bite you...full mouth bites will absolutely give you wonderful bruises - perv my profile for some examples.

Aileen1968 -> RE: Bruising (9/23/2009 7:54:09 AM)

Ooops...forgot to add biting to the list. That hasn't worked either.

worthlesstrash -> RE: Bruising (9/23/2009 7:57:54 AM)

Although I am not that much into pain, I love having bruises. I think it's kinda like my tattoos..I hate needles, but at least at the end of the day I have something to show for it.

I never bruise's very frustrating. M wants to see them also, so I think it's ever bit as frustrating for him. The first time we were ever together he bruised me so nicely..and not ever since.

I don't have any advice, but I do have sympathy ...I will be watching this thread for ideas.

Good luck!

daddysprop247 -> RE: Bruising (9/23/2009 7:58:18 AM)

hi Aileen...unfortunately your skin could be of a type that simply does not bruise easily or hold a bruise. while i bruise very easily, i generally do not hold them very long unless the blows were inflicted with a great deal of force...typically marks from punching last the longest. blows on your more bony as opposed to fleshy areas will hold a bruise longer, and also if you are a bit dehydrated (no liquid for a day or so). it may sound a bit extreme, but that should work. 

CreativeDominant -> RE: Bruising (9/23/2009 8:00:25 AM)


ORIGINAL: Aileen1968

A slightly different question on bruising. I'm kinda weird in that I want bruises. I like em. I like em a lot. And so does he. This question has nothing to do with the reasons why that is. It has to do with how to get them. It appears as if I am pretty good at not being able to be bruised. I've been caned, cropped, paddled, single tailed, slapped, hit, belted and punched with a closed fist. And he is not gentle. I will usually get very red in the spots he's hit ( he tends to focus on my butt, legs and back) and sometimes I'll even get a welt....but by morning all marks are completely gone. Nothing. Nada. Boohoo.
Sooooo...any recommendatons as to toys, locations, etc. that we can try in order to achieve the elusive bruise?

People's bodies react in different ways to sensation.  I've certainly seen that in 26 years of practice where a wife will fall off a tractor and respond well to treatment in a couple of visits and a husband will trip and stumble over a rug edge and be laid up for 4 weeks with treatment every other day.  ~groans~  So many factors come into play.

Several things you could try...first, try taking Niacin.  It's a water-soluble vitamin and what you don't need will be flushed out of your system but it is great for increasing circulation, especially to the skin.  This may help to increase bruising.  Second, you might try a little less intensity on the strikes being delivered and decrease the amount of time between scenes.  If he has used his belt on you today and your usual is to go two or more days between scenes, try asking him to use the belt on the same spot only 12-24 hours later. 

Just one note of caution...though you are not bruising, be aware that the strikes to the tissue are doing damage of a sort.  Too much intensity...either through strength of hitting or repetition can lead to damage that becomes harm in that it becomes a more serious condition.


tammystarm -> RE: Bruising (9/23/2009 8:02:19 AM)

i also understand it that over time, the marks will stop. your body has either built up a tolerance or the is some scar tissue built.

i love the marks too!!! yummy

worthlesstrash -> RE: Bruising (9/23/2009 8:02:44 AM)


ORIGINAL: CreativeDominant


ORIGINAL: Aileen1968

A slightly different question on bruising. I'm kinda weird in that I want bruises. I like em. I like em a lot. And so does he. This question has nothing to do with the reasons why that is. It has to do with how to get them. It appears as if I am pretty good at not being able to be bruised. I've been caned, cropped, paddled, single tailed, slapped, hit, belted and punched with a closed fist. And he is not gentle. I will usually get very red in the spots he's hit ( he tends to focus on my butt, legs and back) and sometimes I'll even get a welt....but by morning all marks are completely gone. Nothing. Nada. Boohoo.
Sooooo...any recommendatons as to toys, locations, etc. that we can try in order to achieve the elusive bruise?

People's bodies react in different ways to sensation.  I've certainly seen that in 26 years of practice where a wife will fall off a tractor and respond well to treatment in a couple of visits and a husband will trip and stumble over a rug edge and be laid up for 4 weeks with treatment every other day.  ~groans~  So many factors come into play.

Several things you could try...first, try taking Niacin.  It's a water-soluble vitamin and what you don't need will be flushed out of your system but it is great for increasing circulation, especially to the skin.  This may help to increase bruising.  Second, you might try a little less intensity on the strikes being delivered and decrease the amount of time between scenes.  If he has used his belt on you today and your usual is to go two or more days between scenes, try asking him to use the belt on the same spot only 12-24 hours later. 

Just one note of caution...though you are not bruising, be aware that the strikes to the tissue are doing damage of a sort.  Too much intensity...either through strength of hitting or repetition can lead to damage that becomes harm in that it becomes a more serious condition.


Does that include hard squeezing? Not to derail, but M does this to my breasts pretty much every time we do anything and I am a bit concerned.

Thanks for the niacin tip..I will look into that.

DesFIP -> RE: Bruising (9/23/2009 8:03:33 AM)

Take a baby aspirin to thin the blood and you'll probably get bruising. Caveat, not to be done if you aren't opposed to breaking the skin. Obviously you want clotting to occur so a big no to aspirin and cutting, needleplay etc.

Hot bath afterwards should also help get the blood to these areas.

sirsholly -> RE: Bruising (9/23/2009 9:23:41 AM)


Sooooo...any recommendatons as to toys, locations, etc. that we can try in order to achieve the elusive bruise?

i am the same way when it comes to wanting the bruises and not getting them, no matter how hard the action is.
This is not to say i do not arms and legs actually bruise easily. But my butt....nothing!!!
The only thing i can think of is i have a small butt. Oh butt is as flat as a pancake (go ahead, ya my flap-jack fanny to my tits. Go ahead...i dare ya!!). I am not sure if it is the lack of muscle or the lack of fat, but it will not bruise.

If you get the ok from your PCP you might want to consider taking either a baby aspirin (81mg) or one adult aspirin every day. This is generally done as a mild blood thinner for stroke/heart attack prevention but can just give you the marks you are looking for.

sirsholly -> RE: Bruising (9/23/2009 9:25:11 AM)


if you are a bit dehydrated (no liquid for a day or so). it may sound a bit extreme, but that should work.
i seriously would not recommend this at all.

sirsholly -> RE: Bruising (9/23/2009 9:28:50 AM)


I've certainly seen that in 26 years of practice where a wife will fall off a tractor and respond well to treatment in a couple of visits *FARMGIRL* and a husband will trip and stumble over a rug edge and be laid up for 4 weeks with treatment every other day *PUSSY*.

of course you know i am kidding.[:)]

tammystarm -> RE: Bruising (9/23/2009 9:54:36 AM)


JIM !!! o JIM!!!

ya gotta see this!!!


looking4princess -> RE: Bruising (9/23/2009 11:02:03 AM)

Oh please, be wary of baby aspirins and other blood thinners. Frequent use is being citied as a possible cause of bleeding stomach ulcers! Take my word tis not pleasant to endure an endoscopy when your stools have blackened.

sirsholly -> RE: Bruising (9/23/2009 11:05:25 AM)


ORIGINAL: looking4princess

Oh please, be wary of baby aspirins and other blood thinners. Frequent use is being citied as a possible cause of bleeding stomach ulcers! Take my word tis not pleasant to endure an endoscopy when your stools have blackened.
yeah...thats why i said with your PCPs approval. I doubt he'd approve if there is a hx of stomach ulcers, but if you are healthy, taking an aspirin a day can be the lesser of two evils.

sirsholly -> RE: Bruising (9/23/2009 11:07:08 AM)


ORIGINAL: tammystarm

JIM !!! o JIM!!!
ya gotta see this!!!


Phoenixpower -> RE: Bruising (9/23/2009 11:12:51 AM)

I can't really advice you on that one as I already get bruised when someone places a sharp look onto first caning years ago left me bruised for 2 bloody long weeks (and he wasn't overly cruel...just normal cruel). So I am more from the bodytype where the body likes to show off with displaying bruisings.

Phoenixpower -> RE: Bruising (9/23/2009 11:14:54 AM)


ORIGINAL: sirsholly
Oh alright...(go ahead, ya wise-asses...Go ahead...i dare ya!!).

Who would ever want to pick up on you, holly? [8|] Nobody here would do that [sm=dancing.gif]

CreativeDominant -> RE: Bruising (9/23/2009 12:01:58 PM)


ORIGINAL: Phoenixpower


ORIGINAL: sirsholly
Oh alright...(go ahead, ya wise-asses...Go ahead...i dare ya!!).

Who would ever want to pick up on you, holly? [8|] Nobody here would do that [sm=dancing.gif]
Sure we would, especially when she deserves it after the last couple of days...weeks...months...

There was a young sub named holly
Whose butt shape didn't make her too jolly
T'was as flat as her top
On which you could grow a crop
And resulted in people saying "hey fella" instead of "holly"

Phoenixpower -> RE: Bruising (9/23/2009 12:07:25 PM)


ORIGINAL: CreativeDominant


ORIGINAL: Phoenixpower


ORIGINAL: sirsholly
Oh alright...(go ahead, ya wise-asses...Go ahead...i dare ya!!).

Who would ever want to pick up on you, holly? [8|] Nobody here would do that [sm=dancing.gif]
Sure we would, especially when she deserves it after the last couple of days...weeks...months...

There was a young sub named holly
Whose butt shape didn't make her too jolly
T'was as flat as her top
On which you could grow a crop
And resulted in people saying "hey fella" instead of "holly"

[sm=writing.gif]*note to self: Don't mess with CD...he is eeeeeeeeeeeevil* [&o] 

[sm=hellno.gif] ....* am I going to fix that one now*

[sm=imsorry.gif] Holly...ya know...I left all those words out of my citation...I did not mean to prompt that one here above something like that [sm=confused.gif]

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