Have relations during certians times of the month (Full Version)

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yellowroses -> Have relations during certians times of the month (10/1/2009 4:28:43 PM)

I have read through most of the threads and I don't think this subject has ever come up.  I posted this in the Ask a Master forum because I wanted to know what they usually do.

How do you handle things during those certain times of the month when your female slave/submissive may not be quite up for things.  My personal experience with my wonderful Man is that I always make sure that He is taken care of.  He is very understanding that I am not so comfortable so like I said I still make sure that He is taken care of and He is happy.  I wanted to get a idea of what others do and maybe I can changed things up a bit during those 4 days during the month.

I appreciate your opinions.


leadership527 -> RE: Have relations during certians times of the month (10/1/2009 4:36:50 PM)

Heh... well... my big strategy is just to get a post-menopausal slave and then it's not an issue anymore *laughs*. Thinking back though, I think our coping strategies went something like this in order of importance...

a) It would appear that I could go at least 4 or 5 days without actually having my balls explode. I think more often than not, we watched movies and did other exciting couples activities.

b) A bit of blood didn't seem like that big of a deal to either of us and her period didn't cause other problems.

c) My slave came with three separate and fully wired holes and a vivid imagination.

Honestly, it just never seemed like an issue.

Toppingfrmbottom -> RE: Have relations during certians times of the month (10/1/2009 4:37:45 PM)

Some men just take what they want be damned what the girl is up for and the girls consent to this and some are more considerate and take their girls needs into consideration.

TwistedHeart74 -> RE: Have relations during certians times of the month (10/1/2009 4:39:20 PM)

First of all..FOUR days?? Lucky you...mine put me out of commission for a solid week!

Anywho, I found that during the middle of that week I wasn't as cranky or hurting nearly as bad so I was more open and willing to exploring other types of interaction. Sex in the shower is good if you or he is a bit squidgy about the potential mess. We called it towel sex heh.
As for playing, that week it was off limits as I tended to bruise easier and was far more sensetive than any other time.

markbugger -> RE: Have relations during certians times of the month (10/1/2009 4:47:02 PM)

Heck, just because one ride is broken, they don't shut down the whole amusement park!  Play on!

yellowroses -> RE: Have relations during certians times of the month (10/1/2009 5:08:50 PM)

I absolutely love the responses.  I think that I have been the one to be a bit on the squidgy side and He is just wonderful and appreciates the "attention" that I do give Him during that time.  I do not have bad cycles either emotionally or physically so it isn't that bad really.  We have talked about other "rides" we could use while the one ride is out of service and think that I will be more open to change. 

Thank you again for all of your input.


DesFIP -> RE: Have relations during certians times of the month (10/1/2009 6:23:58 PM)

I bled very heavily and was crampy so there was no way I would have been into it. And he prefers that I'm involved as opposed to watching the clock and hoping he finishes soon. But if I did feel up to it, a blow job was always welcome.

MasterFireMaam -> RE: Have relations during certians times of the month (10/1/2009 6:37:59 PM)

I have sex when I'm having my menstrual cycle. If I can get over the blagh feelings in order to have sex, the orgasm always makes me feel better. Plus, we (the boyfriend and I) like the blood. Sometimes, he'll write on me with it. HOT!

Master Fire

RavenMuse -> RE: Have relations during certians times of the month (10/1/2009 6:52:06 PM)

The pain I take into account.... mood swings maybe a reason for cranky feelings but they are not an excuse for cranky behaviour. As for anything else, if *I* want it and *I* deem My girl to be capable of it without harm then it is Mine to take.

As for blood/mess, it bothers her, it doesn't bother Me.... she gets over it, not easily but she gets over it.

daddysprop247 -> RE: Have relations during certians times of the month (10/1/2009 7:02:05 PM)

as others have stated, we slaves are equipped with more than one hole. *giggles* my Master is not into the blood thing, especially not that kind of blood, so he will stay away from that area for the 5-8 days of my cycle. i don't get pms or mood swings, but the first couple of days i do have some pretty intense cramping and tenderness, but i am expected to suck it up, take some Rx ibuprofen and serve as normal, sexually and domestically.

Sunnyfey -> RE: Have relations during certians times of the month (10/1/2009 7:48:43 PM)

Not an issue for us. My cramps are BAD and my mood swings are not as bad as the used to be, but are still, not good. He expects it even when I warn him of it. And We'll we do other things, not particularly sexual, but I still serve and really that's all it is.

Toppingfrmbottom -> RE: Have relations during certians times of the month (10/1/2009 7:51:44 PM)

I actually w/ish I got periods on ocasion so I can do that kind of play because I never had a male willing to do period play. But the depo pervera bc stopped my period about 5 years ago.

porcelaine -> RE: Have relations during certians times of the month (10/1/2009 8:52:26 PM)

i'm fortunate to be relatively free of physical discomfort during this time. my mood isn't impacted negatively nor do i find my sex drive decreases at all. my desire often amplifies and i'm much more aroused. given the short duration of my cycle, it is three days of inconvenience at best if he's uncomfortable having intercourse during that time. i have no issue either way, i like it in all honesty.


Musicmystery -> RE: Have relations during certians times of the month (10/1/2009 9:26:46 PM)

I'm with porcelaine. Beyond a few towels perhaps, I've never found it an issue or an obstacle.

MissCake -> RE: Have relations during certians times of the month (10/1/2009 9:47:48 PM)

Yeah, the blood is just no big deal for me.  I got used to how my own tasted when I was younger and tasting my girl's is just no biggee.  Nothing soap and water can't fix.  My boy gets a little squicky, so I just don't mention it until I am done with him and he has a dirty condom on.  (Poor boy, poor, poor boy.)  I do respect a person not wanting to "go down" when I am flowing - it is an incredibly intimate act, and not everyone is ready and up for it.  I can dig.  Then we just use toys, fingers, hired labor.

BUT, if it IS a biggee for you, I would suggest getting a copy of Our Bodies, Ourselves (preferably a late 70's/early 80's copy) and reading it cover to cover.  Really, some good body positive non-oogie factor acceptance is in order.  There is nothing yucky, gross, wrong, or bad about your blood and endometrial lining. 

If your cramps center in your cervix so that the impact of his cock is excruciating, explain that to him.  Try positions with more shallow penetration - spoon position comes to mind.  Examine your body - give yourself a mental once-over so you can really focus on what, exactly, feels uncomfortable in your body.  Maybe you just cant take the feeling of his body on yours?  Maybe your back is sore so a good dog-style fuck is better to strech your back during.

I figure, if a man is gonna own a woman, he's gotta be prepared to own all of her, even the menstrual part.  If he can't bring game, he should take his ball and go home.

Verfor99 -> RE: Have relations during certians times of the month (10/1/2009 10:58:55 PM)

As a wonderful slave I was chatting with said, "That's what anal's for lol"
And as to why the topic often doesn't come up, it's because there are a number of folk who don't even know that women have periods. While chatting with the aforementioned slave, she just about e-pounced me when I displayed knowledge of the fact.

Sunnyfey -> RE: Have relations during certians times of the month (10/1/2009 11:07:16 PM)



Yeah, the blood is just no big deal for me.  I got used to how my own tasted when I was younger and tasting my girl's is just no biggee.  Nothing soap and water can't fix.  My boy gets a little squicky, so I just don't mention it until I am done with him and he has a dirty condom on.  (Poor boy, poor, poor boy.)  I do respect a person not wanting to "go down" when I am flowing - it is an incredibly intimate act, and not everyone is ready and up for it.  I can dig.  Then we just use toys, fingers, hired labor.

BUT, if it IS a biggee for you, I would suggest getting a copy of Our Bodies, Ourselves (preferably a late 70's/early 80's copy) and reading it cover to cover.  Really, some good body positive non-oogie factor acceptance is in order.  There is nothing yucky, gross, wrong, or bad about your blood and endometrial lining. 

If your cramps center in your cervix so that the impact of his cock is excruciating, explain that to him.  Try positions with more shallow penetration - spoon position comes to mind.  Examine your body - give yourself a mental once-over so you can really focus on what, exactly, feels uncomfortable in your body.  Maybe you just cant take the feeling of his body on yours?  Maybe your back is sore so a good dog-style fuck is better to strech your back during.

I figure, if a man is gonna own a woman, he's gotta be prepared to own all of her, even the menstrual part.  If he can't bring game, he should take his ball and go home.

I friggin love you MissCake

GYPSYMAMBO -> RE: Have relations during certians times of the month (10/1/2009 11:32:49 PM)

The cervix is more open I think..to me anyway... at this time and you can have a very different O..higher up..
Water temporarily stops flow so you can hop from tub to bed or couch etc..

THE man can ALWAYS still be satisfied..orally..hand..mouth..anus..
if it is penetration he seeks
The woman can too....orally as well..with a tampon or not depending on what they discuss.

Blood and semen was considered nectar of the gods in ancient times and to MIX the two a sacred thing...there were even ceremonies..where a man and woman marked each other..
and more


catize -> RE: Have relations during certians times of the month (10/2/2009 1:49:47 AM)

“Have relations during certain times of the month”?  Such a delicate euphemism!  Makes me think you could be talking about my sister stopping by to visit when I am writing out the rent check!
Since others have assumed you mean <<sex during menstruation>> I will too.  With the ebb and flow of hormones our bodies, and sometimes our emotions, respond differently with those fluctuations.  Before I had the hysterectomy, some periods would make me curl up in a ball and any touch was uncomfortable.  Other times I’d bring a bunch of towels to the bed and we would have hot, messy sex. 
Some people are grossed out by the blood; although some can overcome their squicky feelings, others cannot. .    
One step in managing sex during your period is to learn to accept that menstruation is a normal healthy bodily function. Do whatever you are able to do, and consider exploring ways to be more comfortable with the blood flow and mess. 

Lashra -> RE: Have relations during certians times of the month (10/2/2009 2:39:08 AM)

I do not have a female subsmissive so this is not an issue for me, however I do have a male Dom friend who put his slave on a medication that causes her to only have her period only once a year. During that week he goes on vacation lol seriously he does. So that may or may not be an option for you.


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