RE: Obama wins Nobel Prize (Full Version)

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ThatDamnedPanda -> RE: Obama wins Nobel Prize (10/9/2009 8:39:20 AM)


ORIGINAL: SpinnerofTales

Frankly I’m shocked. I was sure that our bretheren on the right would be at least happy about an American receiving this commendation. I thought that they would say “While I may disagree with many of his policies I am glad, as an American, to see our president honored.”

Why? It's completely meaningless.  He did absolutely nothing to earn it, so why should anyone be happy it was awarded to him? It's like being proud of someone for winning the lottery. All he did was walk into the room, and they threw it at him as a door prize. I'm about as far to  the left as you can get on most issues, an I'm not happy about it. It's a joke.

Sanity -> RE: Obama wins Nobel Prize (10/9/2009 8:41:37 AM)

Obama is escalating the war in Afghanistan. And Al Gore (another "winner") favored extraordinary rendition... and he also favored Clinton's bombing raids.

And Ronald Reagan's efforts lead to the end of the cold war.



Isn't that just because republicans have this tendency for warmongering which contradicts the idea of a peace prize?

SpinnerofTales -> RE: Obama wins Nobel Prize (10/9/2009 8:43:52 AM)



Orrin Hatch just pointed out how the Nobel Committee only awards their prize to Liberal American politicians, which is true. Al Gore, Jimmy Carter... Bill Clinton is probably overdue.

Perhaps they should have given one to Bush. He made lot's of American soldiers as well as Iraqi soldiers and civillians real peaceful...permanently.

However, we can work on conservative politicians a peace prize....right after we get AA to honor the owners of Smirnoff for promoting sobriety.

FullfigRIMAAM1 -> RE: Obama wins Nobel Prize (10/9/2009 8:46:22 AM)


Obama is escalating the war in Afghanistan.

Isn't that just because republicans have this tendency for warmongering which contradicts the idea of a peace prize?
Once already engaged in a war, he knows he must try to end it successfully for the US...   Besides, no one would have blamed Bushwacked for a thing, if he had flattened Afghanistan after evidence regarding Osama and Afghanistan came to light (in response to sept 11).    M

Musicmystery -> RE: Obama wins Nobel Prize (10/9/2009 8:48:30 AM)


Are there any laws on the books now, that relate to an elected official receiving money from a foreign organization

I believe there are laws governing gifts, amounts, and reporting those. I don't know the specifics or what would apply.

I'm sure his armies of foes will get right on that, though!

Nice to see you, Thadius.

Sanity -> RE: Obama wins Nobel Prize (10/9/2009 8:50:26 AM)

I think we're in agreement. This is a political statement, a slap at Bush.

Musicmystery -> RE: Obama wins Nobel Prize (10/9/2009 8:52:46 AM)

...and it's not like a lot of people are trying to bring about peace these days.

Lucylastic -> RE: Obama wins Nobel Prize (10/9/2009 8:53:09 AM)

maybe if you ask them nicely they will give shrub the boobie prize????

Sanity -> RE: Obama wins Nobel Prize (10/9/2009 8:56:23 AM)

Bill Clinton has been working for some truly great causes of late.


ORIGINAL: Musicmystery

...and it's not like a lot of people are trying to bring about peace these days.

Sanity -> RE: Obama wins Nobel Prize (10/9/2009 8:59:39 AM)

Like I said, they'll never award it to a Conservative, no matter what he or she does. It's okay of course, its their prize and they can do however they please. It would be nice if they called it the Liberal Political Prize, and acknowledge their leanings.

But at least they're establishing that it is utterly meaningless, which is good.


ORIGINAL: Lucylastic

maybe if you ask them nicely they will give shrub the boobie prize????

Musicmystery -> RE: Obama wins Nobel Prize (10/9/2009 9:17:35 AM)

Theodore Roosevelt, a Republican, won it.

But reality is--yeah, more liberals than conservatives tend to work for peace.

Musicmystery -> RE: Obama wins Nobel Prize (10/9/2009 9:20:52 AM)

From the end of the New York Times article:

Mr. Obama’s foreign policy has been criticized bitterly among neoconservatives like former Vice President Dick Cheney, who have suggested his rhetoric is naïve and his inclination to talk to America’s enemies will leave the United States vulnerable to another terrorist attack.

In its announcement of the prize, the Nobel Committee seemed to directly refute that line of thinking.

“Obama has as president created a new climate in international politics,” the committee wrote. “Multilateral diplomacy has regained a central position, with emphasis on the role that the United Nations and other international institutions can play.”

Interviewed later in the Nobel Committee’s wood-paneled meeting room, surrounded by photographs of past winners, Mr. Jagland brushed aside concerns expressed by some critics that Mr. Obama remains untested.

“The question we have to ask is who has done the most in the previous year to enhance peace in the world,” Mr. Jagland said. “And who has done more than Barack Obama?”

He compared the selection of Mr. Obama with the award in 1971 to the then West German Chancellor Willy Brandt for his “Ostpolitik” policy of reconciliation with communist eastern Europe.

“Brandt hadn’t achieved much when he got the prize, but a process had started that ended with the fall of the Berlin Wall,” said Mr. Jagland. “The same thing is true of the prize to Mikhail Gorbachev in 1990, for launching perestroika. One can say that Barack Obama is trying to change the world, just as those two personalities changed Europe.”

“We have to get the world on the right track again,” he said. Without referring specifically to the Bush era, he continued: “Look at the level of confrontation we had just a few years ago. Now we get a man who is not only willing but probably able to open dialogue and strengthen international institutions.”

President Obama is the third leading American Democrat to win the prize this decade, following former Vice President Al Gore in 2007 along with the United Nations climate panel and former President Jimmy Carter in 2002.

The last sitting American president to win the prize was Woodrow Wilson in 1919. Theodore Roosevelt was selected in 1906 while in the White House and Mr. Carter more than 20 years after he left office.

The full citation read: “The Norwegian Nobel Committee has decided that the Nobel Peace Prize for 2009 is to be awarded to President Barack Obama for his extraordinary efforts to strengthen international diplomacy and cooperation between peoples. The Committee has attached special importance to Obama’s vision of and work for a world without nuclear weapons.

“Obama has as President created a new climate in international politics. Multilateral diplomacy has regained a central position, with emphasis on the role that the United Nations and other international institutions can play. Dialogue and negotiations are preferred as instruments for resolving even the most difficult international conflicts. The vision of a world free from nuclear arms has powerfully stimulated disarmament and arms control negotiations. Thanks to Obama’s initiative, the United States is now playing a more constructive role in meeting the great climatic challenges the world is confronting. Democracy and human rights are to be strengthened.”

Sanity -> RE: Obama wins Nobel Prize (10/9/2009 9:24:57 AM)

Ah, yes. The Noble Liberal, and "Peace in our time".


ORIGINAL: Musicmystery

Theodore Roosevelt, a Republican, won it.

But reality is--yeah, more liberals than conservatives tend to work for peace.

Musicmystery -> RE: Obama wins Nobel Prize (10/9/2009 9:26:24 AM)

I think's it's that "Let's invade ______" that gets 'em the bad rap...

willbeurdaddy -> RE: Obama wins Nobel Prize (10/9/2009 9:29:10 AM)


ORIGINAL: SpinnerofTales


Admittedly the Nobel committee has acted strangely at times, and this is certainly more of a pat on the back for intentions than results (Although I think it a good thing that ovatures towards better diplomatic relations have been made and certain talks scheduled it certainly isn’t a resolution to problems but rather a step towards resolution). Still, it is a nobel prize and having it given to an American reflects well upon us, at least as much as being snubbed by the IOC reflects badly upon us. In short, it’s a nice pat on the ass for America and I don’t see any downside to it.

Frankly I’m shocked. I was sure that our bretheren on the right would be at least happy about an American receiving this commendation. I thought that they would say “While I may disagree with many of his policies I am glad, as an American, to see our president honored.” The fact that there is such negative response to this purely innocuous award absolutly is unexpected. Perhaps the open minded rationality of those to the right of our President’s position is lessening somewhat on this issue.

You apparently havent noticed that it isnt just your "brethren on the right" critical of the award. It is pretty much unanimous that it is premature, but no one, including your "brethren on the right" has said its in any way negative for the US.

what I heard of Obama's acceptance speech even acknowledged that it in no way reflects accomplishments, although he didn't offer to donate it, which I think he should have.

Carter's winning it rendered the prize a joke, this is just overkill.

Musicmystery -> RE: Obama wins Nobel Prize (10/9/2009 9:34:03 AM)


Carter's winning it rendered the prize a joke

I think it's more that the world looks differently from Oslo than it does from the center of U.S. political debate.

And in this instance, they're the deciders.

Mercnbeth -> RE: Obama wins Nobel Prize (10/9/2009 9:34:32 AM)

~ Fast Reply ~

Obama Presidential Inaugural January 20th - Nobel Prize nominations deadline February 1st

Eleven Days in office and he wins!

Whether this speaks to the qualifications of the other candidates or not -


It represents the accomplishments of President Obama perfectly. Award winning rhetoric generates the appropriate reward. Looking back, those first 11 days have represented the best of this administration. I'm happy to see all those accomplishments recognized even if its been all down hill since.

There HAS been enough time after all!

BTW - Contrary to the rumors going around on the internet, Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad did NOT come in second as a result of his stated policy of wiping Israel off the face of the earth. Although the members of the Nobel committee did agree that would be the best method of insuring peace in the middle east.

Sanity -> RE: Obama wins Nobel Prize (10/9/2009 9:36:17 AM)

One person's "invade" is another person's "liberate". For example, how many American invasions were less than honorable during the last world war? Yours is a political judgment, and so was that of the Nobel Committee.


ORIGINAL: Musicmystery

I think's it's that "Let's invade ______" that gets 'em the bad rap...

Musicmystery -> RE: Obama wins Nobel Prize (10/9/2009 9:38:08 AM)

And that is what I'm trying to tell you.

Don't be surprised when they don't win Peace Prizes.

Lucylastic -> RE: Obama wins Nobel Prize (10/9/2009 9:40:06 AM)


ORIGINAL: Musicmystery

I think's it's that "Let's invade ______" that gets 'em the bad rap...


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