The White House vs. Fox News (Full Version)

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TheHeretic -> The White House vs. Fox News (10/12/2009 5:10:05 PM)

News article here

WASHINGTON (AFP) – The White House has gone on the offensive against its critics in the press, singling out Fox News and going so far as to accuse the News Corp.-owned network of waging a "war against Barack Obama."
White House Communications Director Anita Dunn has led the charge, appearing on CNN television and conducting interviews with Time magazine and The New York Times in recent days to make her case.
This strikes me as a bad move on the part of the Obama Administration.  Presidents should try to remain above getting down in the mud for a roll-about.  Especially since he is Constitutionally prohibited from doing a damn thing about it.  I'm not going to debate the subject, but the article seems like something people here might want to read.

Bon appetit!

servantforuse -> RE: The White House vs. Fox News (10/12/2009 6:40:49 PM)

Bill O'reilly did an extensive interview with Obama during the campaign. Obama and his campaign had to admit that he was treated fairly by FOX and thanked O'reilly for being fair. I guess if you don't agree with his policies and report on it that is now different. How come she didn't include MSNBC when she cried about FOX. She included the other left wing rags ?

tazzygirl -> RE: The White House vs. Fox News (10/12/2009 6:45:15 PM)

Fox.. the agency allowed to lie? [:D]

servantforuse -> RE: The White House vs. Fox News (10/12/2009 6:51:02 PM)

It's a cable just like all of the other cable stations, except they actually have viewers. Number 1 in the ratings for the last quarter.

tazzygirl -> RE: The White House vs. Fox News (10/12/2009 6:53:26 PM)

LOL.. lies usually are titillating .. make believe so much more fascinating... soaps bank on these two facts about the human psyche.

servantforuse -> RE: The White House vs. Fox News (10/12/2009 6:55:33 PM)

The ratings do not lie. Fox news has been number 1 in prime time for years. No one else even comes close.

Sanity -> RE: The White House vs. Fox News (10/12/2009 6:56:38 PM)

That explain Obama's popularity too? 


ORIGINAL: tazzygirl

LOL.. lies usually are titillating .. .

tazzygirl -> RE: The White House vs. Fox News (10/12/2009 6:56:58 PM)

and i explained why. do you deny Fox won the right to lie?

servantforuse -> RE: The White House vs. Fox News (10/12/2009 7:01:33 PM)

The newest Rassmussen poll: Obamas approval rating 49%. His disapproval ratting is 49%. He is fading fast. FOX just reported on it.

tazzygirl -> RE: The White House vs. Fox News (10/12/2009 7:04:12 PM)

LOL.. skirting the question.. how i love it!

Sanity -> RE: The White House vs. Fox News (10/12/2009 7:06:34 PM)

Okay... former popularity then. I stand corrected! 


ORIGINAL: servantforuse

The newest Rassmussen poll: Obamas approval rating 49%. His disapproval ratting is 49%. He is fading fast. FOX just reported on it.

servantforuse -> RE: The White House vs. Fox News (10/12/2009 7:09:20 PM)

Just go to you tube and listen to 'barrack obama school song' They are being indoctrinated.

tazzygirl -> RE: The White House vs. Fox News (10/12/2009 7:11:19 PM)

LOL.. we had that thread, or are you on some good drugs tonight and you forgot? I asked you about Fox being allowed legally to lie.. and you have yet to answer that.. i wonder why.

servantforuse -> RE: The White House vs. Fox News (10/12/2009 7:15:41 PM)

It's not against the law to say anything on cable TV. If you don't like the network you can change the channel.Apparently not to many are turning off FOX though. It's CNN and MSNBC that have lost their viewers

tazzygirl -> RE: The White House vs. Fox News (10/12/2009 7:17:21 PM)

AND, as i have said before... a lie is so much juicier than the truth. God, you are dense tonight.

Lucylastic -> RE: The White House vs. Fox News (10/12/2009 7:18:32 PM)

Ramussen is as reliable as fox too
so  I wouldnt worry about that too much

TheHeretic -> RE: The White House vs. Fox News (10/12/2009 7:19:37 PM)


ORIGINAL: tazzygirl

LOL.. we had that thread, or are you on some good drugs tonight and you forgot? I asked you about Fox being allowed legally to lie.. and you have yet to answer that.. i wonder why.

Where are you getting this spin on the subject, Tazzy?  Within the guidelines of libel and slander, press is press, and they say what they say.  Are you suggesting that Fox has some special priviledge, or are you apparently as ignorant as the White House Communications Deputy about the implications of the First Amendment???

If the first, do be ready to discuss how CBS aired an evening newscast, on a broadcast network (which IS on the public airwaves, unlike Fox on cable) with forged documents, in order to attack and discredit a sitting American President (or do you figure that was okay. because it was Bush???).

If the latter, read the fucking Bill of Rights and figure out that President Obama doesn't get a whole new set of rules because you like him better than the last guy.

SimplyIsaac -> RE: The White House vs. Fox News (10/12/2009 7:21:08 PM)


ORIGINAL: tazzygirl

LOL.. we had that thread, or are you on some good drugs tonight and you forgot? I asked you about Fox being allowed legally to lie.. and you have yet to answer that.. i wonder why.

Tazzy is correct. Rupert's little empire and those associated with its aims are disseminating misinformation, political rhetoric and conspiracy theories in the guise of "news". They say some pretty outrageous things from time to time. What I find unfortunate is the fair critique of the administration gets lost in the shuffle in favor of fear mongering.

Sanity -> RE: The White House vs. Fox News (10/12/2009 7:26:20 PM)

Video - Wolf Blitzers' crew openly worries that the White House's "very risky strategy" is serving only to increase Fox's ratings and building their credibility while diminishing credibility of the current White House:

MarsBonfire -> RE: The White House vs. Fox News (10/12/2009 7:45:56 PM)

Fox is no longer reporting the news... they have moved into the business of creating the news. They created and financed the "grassroots" teabagger movement, they pushed their march on Washington, they cooked the numbers when they got jack shit in attendance.

They are becoming the network that is nothing more than a political lapdog. It was quite deliberate that "V for Vendetta" parodied them in the movie. Now, life is imitating art.

Although the first ammendment forbids the government from passing any laws against free speech, there are other way of putting pressure on their sponsors...  Let's hope that FOX owns up to the fact that it's become nothing more than a propaganda network for some pretty slimey corperations, will distance itself from this shit it's been hurling at the American people, will survive it's current CEO, with the board of directors replacing him and his staff with someone with some shred of ethics.

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