RE: Take the Fox Balance/Bias Challenge! (Full Version)

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willbeurdaddy -> RE: Take the Fox Balance/Bias Challenge! (11/28/2009 8:59:14 AM)


ORIGINAL: luckydawg

um MM is the one whittling things down, by removing parts (that is what whittling means) of the challenge, when he doesn't like what he sees.

And a challenge that was rigged to begin with!

He would have made a great climatologist though.

Lucylastic -> RE: Take the Fox Balance/Bias Challenge! (11/28/2009 9:38:35 AM)



Not quite an epic FAIL but close

Sanity -> RE: Take the Fox Balance/Bias Challenge! (11/28/2009 10:08:50 AM)

Never mind the trolls, that was fucking HILARIOUS willbeur... dead on right, too. [sm=applause.gif]


ORIGINAL: willbeurdaddy


ORIGINAL: luckydawg

um MM is the one whittling things down, by removing parts (that is what whittling means) of the challenge, when he doesn't like what he sees.

And a challenge that was rigged to begin with!

He would have made a great climatologist though.

Musicmystery -> RE: Take the Fox Balance/Bias Challenge! (11/28/2009 4:25:19 PM)


And a challenge that was rigged to begin with!

Reliable source next to alleged biased source, that's the deal. I even let you choose the reliable source. Same story, head to head. Inability to demonstrate this is inability to show the bias.

It's called a control. Without it, you have only subjective perception--which is how you'd like it.

Instead, we have a few of the loudest protesters complaining about coverage boycotts when others can readily find that coverage in just a few minutes--not to mention complaints in sources clearly they never use, and wouldn't know the difference.

So yup, this challenge is pegged to demonstrable data. And you know, suppressing the data doesn't really work...

TheHeretic -> RE: Take the Fox Balance/Bias Challenge! (11/28/2009 4:42:51 PM)

And of the theory that every outlet is going to emit their own particular odor of bias and preconceived perception?

Musicmystery -> RE: Take the Fox Balance/Bias Challenge! (11/28/2009 4:48:27 PM)

Forthcoming. Basically, agreed. But doesn't negate the premise.

If it can only be perceived by its followers, there's not much by way of evidence for the claim.

TheHeretic -> RE: Take the Fox Balance/Bias Challenge! (11/28/2009 5:10:27 PM)

I think there will be plenty of ground for reasonable people to find rational discussion, but we'll need to expect a margin for reasonable disagreement as well.  I guess it would be foolish to expect it to happen without some cheerleaders and hecklers, but you are the one who chose to open the can of worms.

eldervelvet -> RE: Take the Fox Balance/Bias Challenge! (11/29/2009 7:49:54 AM)

I'll take a shot here. It doesn't quite fit the parameters you've set, but it's easy. I like easy.
Google "climategate"
See who is covering it, and who isn't.
A massive fraud, that will enrich a select few, that has been spun up to place us all under a non elected world government, destroy our economy, and do nothing to solve a non existent problem is being ignored by the mainstream media. FOX and the blogs are all over it.
Where is CBS? NBC? CBC? BBC?

Musicmystery -> RE: Take the Fox Balance/Bias Challenge! (11/29/2009 7:59:52 AM)


We've been there, done that already.

Lots of coverage--see my responses to Sanity here (NPR and the Times have extensive coverage), and Lucy's responses to dawg on the climate thread.

I've many complaints about TV news before I get to this issue (I'll try to get this post finished if I catch up with work clean up this afternoon). I think the problem is much larger than simple bias. I have posted a few things here and in other threads--TV is fluff and entertainment. More later.

I haven't looked at the BBC, but every time someone tells me there's no coverage, I find it in just a few minutes. Go to the BBC site and do a search for hacked emails. I'd bet there's a bunch of coverage.

TheHeretic -> RE: Take the Fox Balance/Bias Challenge! (11/29/2009 8:22:11 AM)


ORIGINAL: Musicmystery

TV is fluff and entertainment.

Muse, if you are going to try and dismiss TV broadcasts as somehow separate from the issue of bias in the media, I'm going to start mocking you again.  Those three networks that are ignoring the story are the biggest chunk of where Americans get their information.  They ARE the mainstream media, they ARE what created the market Fox News seeks to capture.

Where Americans get their news

Any dismissal of TV news is going to make what you present intellectually dishonest, with very predictable results in how the conversation goes.  If that is the approach, I'd go with plan B, and get yourself moderated until the fire you started burns out.

Musicmystery -> RE: Take the Fox Balance/Bias Challenge! (11/29/2009 8:40:22 AM)


I'll build a case for it. In the meantime, look at their homepages--celebrities and puff pieces. You tell me.

By all means discuss it. I'm not the poster child for all things media. I don't even have a television, so I leave that stuff to others--the tea party name thing, for example. I just don't care, and I don't know much about it other than a few headlines. Others who do know and do care can debate--as they have in this thread.

TV not withstanding, though, it's not a reason to dismiss a Times or NPR piece out of hand on an unsupported claim. And as I've already said, in the case of TV, I don't think bias is the problem--I think the problem is much larger than that.

Look, folks, I'm stepping out of these point by point rebuttals for a bit, or I'll never get to the longer, comprehensive piece so that we can deal with actual positions and claims instead of the crumbs. Yes, that's my fault--you can't be expected to read my mind. But I think this will both clarify a lot of things as well as give us fruitful avenues for discussion.


ORIGINAL: TheHeretic

there will be plenty of ground for reasonable people to find rational discussion


we'll need to expect a margin for reasonable disagreement as well.


This is all part of a larger inquiry...I'll explain that too.

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