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Living in Authority - 11/10/2009 5:32:16 AM   

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I was driving through Houston a few years ago, and I found myself saying over and over, "Houston, we have a problem," and giggling to beat the band.  I allowed myself to go to the NASA Space Center there and had a great time.  I loved it.  I had never told anyone how much I love space stuff, and since I was alone, I felt like I could do it without any of the silly "ooo space girl" kind of taunting.

On that same trip, I was listening to Dwight Yoakum and had the music turned wayyyyyyyy down and was whisper singing along.  Then I realized... "Hey I'm ALLOWED to like Bluegrass music."  I turned the music up, rolled the windows down, and sang at the top of my lungs. 

It was in that moment that I began to live within my own authority.  I stopped apologizing for who and what I am.  I'd been living my life in a defiant kind of way, daring people to disagree with me.  That music moment comes back to me frequently, and I think that is one of the steps to maturity for me.

Recently, conversations have gone to that - the moment of becoming aware of our authority and dropping away the box that society puts us in.  At some point, every adult says, "I don't care if that's what you think.  THIS is what I'm going to do."

Because the people here tend to live pretty much outside of society's norms, it occurred that this kind of "coming out" would be something we pretty much all had in common.  Obviously, mine wasn't about WIITWD, but no longer apologizing for my taste in music.  And frankly it was just one of many steps on this road.

Care to share your experience?


Yes, I am a wonton hussy... and still sweet as 3.14
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RE: Living in Authority - 11/10/2009 5:46:24 AM   

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Hero In Me



Humility is where weakness and strength meet and humanity begins.

one voice

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RE: Living in Authority - 11/10/2009 5:49:53 AM   

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Interesting thought.  As a Dom, I HAVE to live within my own authority, and impose it on others as well.

I suppose my "epiphany" moment occurred when I made a phone call to my ex and I thought that I bent over backwards to NOT be Dominant to her (she reacts negatively to anyone telling her what to do.  Yeah, I know - NOT a good match), and a sub friend of mine who overheard the call told me afterward, "That was the most Dominant phone call I've EVER heard!"


"You women....

The small-breasted ones want larger breasts. The large-breasted ones want smaller ones. The straight-haired ones curl their hair, and the curly-haired ones straighten theirs...

Quit fretting. We men love you."

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RE: Living in Authority - 11/10/2009 5:51:21 AM   

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Hi Kim,
I don't understand what this link is for... Could you expand please?


Yes, I am a wonton hussy... and still sweet as 3.14

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RE: Living in Authority - 11/10/2009 6:06:22 AM   

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I had a series of similiar "aha!" moments when I left my 1st husband ... I can watch/listen to/DO what I want! LOL Of course, quickly on the heels of that came the realizations of the responsibilities now squarely on my shoulders ... financial, child rearing, learning from this relationship so as not to repeat the mistake ... THAT was the most liberating factor for me ... as I moved on with my life I became more rooted in ME & just who it is that I AM & feeling pretty damned good about it! I didn't just drop out of the box that I'd been shoved into for so long, I tore that box up & left it scattered on the ground as I walked away Almost 20 years later & even my bosses know that while I am polite & discretionary with what I say, I will speak & act with knowledge, forethought, & authority

edited to add: not a D/s moment, no ... but a definitive step that led to further self realization & discovery, & that does include bdsm

< Message edited by MsD -- 11/10/2009 6:12:30 AM >

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RE: Living in Authority - 11/10/2009 6:10:04 AM   

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From: Apple County NY
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This is what I call needing to have my authentic self accepted. And I also  had the moment of knowledge about music.

A friend was talking about her new husband and how one of the best things was that they shared the same taste in music and how exciting it was to be able to listen to what she liked, not to have to turn it off the moment her ex entered the house.

At that point I was overwhelmed with envy, I also wanted that, to be with someone who liked me just as I was and who liked the same things.

If I ever get to Houston, I'd want to tour the space center also. And although he might not be interested, I do know he wouldn't put me down for wanting this. It's incredibly empowering to be allowed to be who you are without having to fight for it every minute/


Slave to laundry

Cynical and proud of it!

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RE: Living in Authority - 11/10/2009 6:12:20 AM   

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Hi Sunny,

I lubs ya. And I like Bluegrass unapologetically too!
I was wondering having your own authority as you do,
how are you are approaching giving some of that up in a foreign country?
I would love you to share your thoughts if you are willing too.
I also think a journal about the feelings that may arise or the experiences good and bad would be really cool.


Original Pimpette,
Keeper of Original Home Flag and Fire of Mr. Lance Hughes
Charter member of Lance's Fag Hags,
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RE: Living in Authority - 11/10/2009 6:14:24 AM   

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ORIGINAL: DarkSteven

I suppose my "epiphany" moment occurred when I made a phone call to my ex and I thought that I bent over backwards to NOT be Dominant to her (she reacts negatively to anyone telling her what to do.  Yeah, I know - NOT a good match), and a sub friend of mine who overheard the call told me afterward, "That was the most Dominant phone call I've EVER heard!"

That is hilarious! Makes me think of Popeye's "I yam what I yam" saying.


“There are those who give with joy, & that joy is their reward.” Gibran / "Those who are willing to be vulnerable move among mysteries." Roethke / "Let the beauty we love be what we do. There are hundreds of ways to kneel & kiss the ground." Rumi

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RE: Living in Authority - 11/10/2009 6:15:19 AM   

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for me, the "aw" moment happened while driving home from work one morning. I just.. knew that I was worth happiness.

then, another aw moment happened while I was looking in the mirror... that time, I was beautiful.

(in reply to MsD)
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RE: Living in Authority - 11/10/2009 6:18:00 AM   

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I shared my latest epiphany in the mental health forum in an epihany thread WAY early this morning. I love epiphany's. They bring you to yourself or for me back to myself.

Its like finding my happy thought so I can fly!

I guess Sunshine we are Epiphanying all over the place!

< Message edited by lusciouslips19 -- 11/10/2009 6:21:10 AM >


Original Pimpette,
Keeper of Original Home Flag and Fire of Mr. Lance Hughes
Charter member of Lance's Fag Hags,
Member of the Subbie Mafia
Princess of typos and it's my prerogative

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RE: Living in Authority - 11/10/2009 6:42:05 AM   

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ORIGINAL: sunshinemiss

Hi Kim,
I don't understand what this link is for... Could you expand please?

Hello Sunshine,

Technically, it was my way to say thank you; a sharing.

Your thread reminded me of the song, which speaks of how people are prone to ‘fall into line’, become conditioned; and the one who realizes it in their self.

Hearing it always reminds me of the time I had it cranked on the radio, as I broke the ‘speed limit’ racing my future husband to my parents house. (I left him in my dust) : )

The connection?

It dawned on me, while reading your post, and thinking of that song; singing it at the top of my lungs, wasn’t just me singing; I was asking to find the’ hero in me’.

While it took awhile for it to come about, becoming involved in D/s relationships was very influential in that quest.

Yesterday; I was learning of it; today, I am practicing it; tomorrow, I will be.

Thank you, for helping me see it.



Humility is where weakness and strength meet and humanity begins.

one voice

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RE: Living in Authority - 11/10/2009 6:44:38 AM   

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Hero In Me


One of my favorites.

She’s seen these walls and they never change
Everything’s in its place.
Her relationships so neatly arranged
Down to religion and race, and she says

Here in my security
I don’t make a move unless my friends approve, I do what’s expected of me.

In July 08, my daughters were with their dad for the day and I was cleaning the house. It was in the middle of picking up one of their rooms that I said (outloud to myself) 'screw this. life is too short.' grabbed the book I was in the middle of and headed to a nearby coffee shop with outdoor tables to enjoy the afternoon.

Such a silly, yet defining moment. It was when I stopped putting ridiculous expectations on myself, and started to get to know myself again outside the role of mom and mrs.


Mann traoch, Gott läuch.

(in reply to cpK69)
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RE: Living in Authority - 11/10/2009 8:45:41 AM   

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I was around 12 when some of my friends were defining themselves. Surfer was heavy on the list and something I most closely identified with at that time, so I said, surfer and was promptly told I could not be a surfer (yes I did surf) because I wasn't (blond, white, insert adjective here).
This bothered me for a while since these were people I knew and liked and eventually I set out to find my own label. It took about 2yrs for me to realise I am a non sheep. From that point on I hung out with surfers, artists, geeks, bad boys or adults.. anyone and anywhere I could step in and become accepted as someone with a valid point of view. What I learned is that I have the skill to adapt to what life is around me.

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RE: Living in Authority - 11/10/2009 3:36:18 PM   

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ORIGINAL: curiousINct

It was in the middle of picking up one of their rooms that I said (outloud to myself) 'screw this. life is too short.' grabbed the book I was in the middle of and headed to a nearby coffee shop with outdoor tables to enjoy the afternoon.



"People don't think it be like it is, but it do."

Oscar Gamble

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RE: Living in Authority - 11/10/2009 4:22:26 PM   

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Within a week of him moving out, I had taken over his closet and put a profile up on

I began the journey.

That was over 5 years ago now.

And how far I have come.......


Property of Cuffkinks

The Pimpettes
MoGa's IN-Crowd

"You're the gleam in my eye, the smile on my face and the bulge in my pants" - Cuffkinks

(in reply to ShoreBound149)
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RE: Living in Authority - 11/10/2009 4:38:10 PM   

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ORIGINAL: lusciouslips19

I was wondering having your own authority as you do,
how are you are approaching giving some of that up in a foreign country?
I would love you to share your thoughts if you are willing too.
I also think a journal about the feelings that may arise or the experiences good and bad would be really cool.

Hi Lushy - lubs you right back!

The easy part - I do have a jounal about this journey.  I have a blog on blogspot.  I'll send you a link.  Anyone else that wants the link, just send me a little love note on the other side, and I'll be happy to share it with you.


I was wondering having your own authority as you do,
how are you are approaching giving some of that up in a foreign country?

This part above is the difficult piece.  I have considered this quite a lot - particularly over the last two months while people have been questioning my decision and have been fairly unsupportive for the very reason you elude to.  Where I am to go is a place where women are deeply submissive and are locked away in dark clothes, hidden, unable to make their own choices... or so we think.

My experience with travel is that the USA is often under misconceptions about other places around the globe.  Your question if I understand it is really two parts... First I will be giving up my authority.  And how am I approaching that sacrifice.  I think the initial premise is incorrect.  I am not giving up my authority.  I am CHOOSING to go some place with very different customs.  I am CHOOSING to work the job I do.  I am CHOOSING to experience something that many people don't have the opportunity (or dare I say gumption) to live through.  I am not giving up my authority.  I am making some adjustments in order to make my life easier and to get the thing that I want - the global experience.

As for my approach to the sacrifice?  I choose to view this as extraordinary.  Not only am I lucky that I will be able to teach women who are viewed as second class citizens, valued only in the manner they are attached to a man, but I will perhaps be the first strong woman of my age, unmarried, to go to that place and show that it is possible to live without a man.  I am an inspiration to the people I teach.  That's a pretty heady thought. 

I know that there will be a certain amount of letting go of my "rights" - I can't drive, I can't go out in public alone, I must be covered.  But how is this much different from where I live now or have lived in the past?  I have lived where I couldn't afford a car, and I've lived (in the USA) where it wasn't safe to go out in public alone.  In other countries, my adult students have escorted me home - not because it was required legally, but because it was required ethically, based on the code of conduct for their culture.  There have been places where I've lived where in the hottest days of summer, it was not appropriate to wear shorts - so I didn't.  There wasn't a law, but there was an understanding that a woman was to be covered in a certain manner.  I once had a job that required I wear a certain uniform.  Come to think of it, all of my jobs have had dress codes.  How different is this than that?  It is merely a different uniform. 

To some degree, we all give up our freedoms for our ability to earn a wage, live in society, enjoy relationships.  I have chosen a different set of freedoms to set aside for a time.  And while I will honor the society in which I live, I will not forget my own customs and beliefs.  I will not stop being who I am.  I will temper my words and my opinions - as I do in any work situation or interaction with new people.  But it does not change who I am.  Is this not what all of society does?    Is this not the price of being in society?

In the end, I love the work that I do.  I love living in new cultures, and learning the mundane to the sacred of that culture (ask me sometime about all the ways people can go to the bathroom).  Studying religion - actually where people practice it - is a great joy of mine.  I love going to a new place and learning how they cook, what dances they do, whom they admire.  I love learning the ways we are similar and how we express the same things in different fashions.  I love learning a new language and respecting the culture, and I absolutely adore when the same people who were leery of me (and my kind), turn to me and say "You are different.  Why do you wear your hair like we do?  Why do you learn our language?  Why do you come to our place of worship?"  And I tell them, "It is respect.  I respect your culture, and I will celebrate it with you if you will allow me."  And they see my country and my people as something other than the demons or bullies we have been or have been perceived as to them and their country.  They see something real.  My students in Korea gave me a name - a Korean name.  The deaf gave me a name sign.  In Peru, they told me I am Peruana en mi corazon (Peruvian in my heart).  Because I accepted them, they accepted me.  I like to think that I am an ambassador for peace and communication in the world.  For this experience, I am willing to give up many things.

We all sacrifice for what we love.  My depth of sacrifice is no different from anyone else's.  The details are merely different. 

And that, my dear lushy, is how I approach the changes that come into my life when I go to a new culture.


*edited for clarity.

< Message edited by sunshinemiss -- 11/10/2009 4:49:21 PM >


Yes, I am a wonton hussy... and still sweet as 3.14

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RE: Living in Authority - 11/10/2009 4:54:33 PM   

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ORIGINAL: ShoreBound149


ORIGINAL: curiousINct

It was in the middle of picking up one of their rooms that I said (outloud to myself) 'screw this. life is too short.' grabbed the book I was in the middle of and headed to a nearby coffee shop with outdoor tables to enjoy the afternoon.


We all have our own private revolutions.

Good going, curiousINct.


Fake the heat and scratch the itch
Skinned up knees and salty lips
Let go it's harder holding on
One more trip and I'll be gone

~~ Stone Temple Pilots

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RE: Living in Authority - 11/10/2009 5:36:00 PM   

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ORIGINAL: onlyfreelycaged

for me, the "aw" moment happened while driving home from work one morning. I just.. knew that I was worth happiness.

then, another aw moment happened while I was looking in the mirror... that time, I AM beautiful.

typo fixed. you're welcome


Patience, grasshopper.

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RE: Living in Authority - 11/10/2009 6:09:50 PM   

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ORIGINAL: ShoreBound149

We all have our own private revolutions.

Good going, curiousINct.

ha. Like I said, it was such a silly thing but made all the difference in the world for me.

Thanks Level.


Mann traoch, Gott läuch.

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RE: Living in Authority - 11/10/2009 6:24:34 PM   

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I don't have one particular moment, but I've found as i've matured I've obtained a certain 'don't give a shit' attitude about some things.  It enables me to be silly in public and embarrass my teenagers, speak confidently at work when I know what I'm talking about and also to ask an obvious question when needed and not feel stupid doing so, and yeah, toss aside the housework and enjoy a gorgeous day.  I used to be so self-conscious about my actions and wondered about other's opinions, but now I care about those people who care about me, and it's very liberating. 

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