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Predictions, the next decade ?

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Predictions, the next decade ? - 11/20/2009 6:50:37 PM   

Posts: 6121
Joined: 3/18/2006
From: Tamaris
Status: offline
Seeing as we are coming to the close of 2009, we have one more year left before we are into the next decade, what predictions do you have for that decade, what in your opinnion will come to pass ?

More wars, more humanitarian disasters, more understanding of others, the first female president of the USA,  what, given the state of affairs now, what do you predict will happen, on any front, be that political, humanitarian, natural, technological etc ?

And lets not just talk about the Western world, what about other parts of the world ?


Everything we are is the result of what we have thought, the mind is everything, what we think, we become - Guatama Buddha

Conservatism is distrust of people tempered by fear - William Gladstone
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RE: Predictions, the next decade ? - 11/21/2009 7:09:21 AM   

Posts: 10931
Joined: 6/30/2006
From: Stourport-England
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Increasing financial collapse in most of the western world due to the enormous borrowings necessary to maintain the standard of living against economies that no longer generate wealth but are based on consumerism funded by credit. Increasing homelessness, social problems, draconian government approaches to try to maintain law and order to keep the bond markets calmed as far as possible. The eventual downgrading of credit status for western nations, occasioning an inability to fund imports of foodstuffs, culminating in starvation, riots and military rule. Economists will talk of a "correction". Politicians will talk of "hard times and tough decisions". Most people will be reduced to second world living standards on a downward spiral, some to third world.

Unless that is, currencies are manipulated to reduce the borrowings to more manageable levels, in which case multiply the above problems by two and add a war or few.

Increasing economic success for emerging nations, with China taking the lead in a new world leading coalition of similar styles of regime, on which the west will come to model itself out of necessity to maintain law and order and out of a desire to maintain a good standard of living for those at the top.

Our only real hope is to develop green technology and push for climate change controls worldwide that will mean we can reassert a manufacturing base and begin to produce wealth again. This perhaps explains why these things are being promoted as they are right now as a political matter.



In a test against the leading brand, 9 out of 10 participants couldnt tell the difference. Dumbasses.

(in reply to Aneirin)
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RE: Predictions, the next decade ? - 11/21/2009 7:21:03 AM   

Posts: 4206
Joined: 10/8/2005
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Thanks for posting here, your rational and informative content lends credibility to your points that get my attention.

Must be a English thing, Philosophy has the same effect.



Increasing financial collapse in most of the western world due to the enormous borrowings necessary to maintain the standard of living against economies that no longer generate wealth but are based on consumerism funded by credit. Increasing homelessness, social problems, draconian government approaches to try to maintain law and order to keep the bond markets calmed as far as possible. The eventual downgrading of credit status for western nations, occasioning an inability to fund imports of foodstuffs, culminating in starvation, riots and military rule. Economists will talk of a "correction". Politicians will talk of "hard times and tough decisions". Most people will be reduced to second world living standards on a downward spiral, some to third world.

Unless that is, currencies are manipulated to reduce the borrowings to more manageable levels, in which case multiply the above problems by two and add a war or few.

Increasing economic success for emerging nations, with China taking the lead in a new world leading coalition of similar styles of regime, on which the west will come to model itself out of necessity to maintain law and order and out of a desire to maintain a good standard of living for those at the top.

Our only real hope is to develop green technology and push for climate change controls worldwide that will mean we can reassert a manufacturing base and begin to produce wealth again. This perhaps explains why these things are being promoted as they are right now as a political matter.



Live well,


I'm not an asshole; I'm simply resolute...

"A Republic, If You Can Keep It."

Caution: My humor is a bit skewed.

(in reply to LadyEllen)
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RE: Predictions, the next decade ? - 11/21/2009 7:35:31 AM   

Posts: 10931
Joined: 6/30/2006
From: Stourport-England
Status: offline
Well thanks Bull; it was mainly intended to stir the pot, but I'm glad you liked it!



In a test against the leading brand, 9 out of 10 participants couldnt tell the difference. Dumbasses.

(in reply to xBullx)
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RE: Predictions, the next decade ? - 11/21/2009 8:00:05 AM   

Posts: 6121
Joined: 3/18/2006
From: Tamaris
Status: offline
Energy, water and food I see as the forthcoming problems, that and the world population is increasing without the resources necessary to fund that.

I was at a commune last night, a collective of crusty dread locked farmers living in caravans, they practice sustainable living, organic food produce, and produce foods to serve the chefs in the major cities, unusual food stuffs grown in a Cornish climate. They recycle everything and engage in permaculture, that big green pond there, you don't want to go wading around in, as that is their sewer, the plant life thrives on it. Their energy, well they at the moment pump water via an ancient lister diesel motor that they run on fuel they make,electricity is used minimaly, and is a luxury but oil lamps and candles are just as good. No internet of phones though, even cell phones are useless out there, but in reality, who really needs them living like that, and the communication we have is a direct product of our present failing society.

To me, the commune life is apealing, when my marriage broke up some years ago, I had ideas of running for Findhorn, but I didn't have the money to buy in.

Perhaps in the future, the commune, the workers collective, will be the way forward, stuff big industry, people can exist for themselves.

< Message edited by Aneirin -- 11/21/2009 8:01:52 AM >


Everything we are is the result of what we have thought, the mind is everything, what we think, we become - Guatama Buddha

Conservatism is distrust of people tempered by fear - William Gladstone

(in reply to LadyEllen)
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RE: Predictions, the next decade ? - 11/21/2009 8:00:56 AM   

Posts: 1586
Joined: 5/30/2006
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Well thanks Bull; it was mainly intended to stir the pot, but I'm glad you liked it!

I have to agree with Bull. It was a well thought out and realistic view of what might happen. It must be an English thing.

Of course, it does lack the fun factor of "You liberals are going to fuck up the world" or "You conservatives are going to send us back to the stone age". I suppose there's always a trade off.

(in reply to LadyEllen)
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RE: Predictions, the next decade ? - 11/21/2009 8:09:40 AM   

Posts: 10931
Joined: 6/30/2006
From: Stourport-England
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I am similarly inclined Aneirin - sadly though my understanding of human psychology indicates to me that Animal Farm by George Orwell would be rapidly fulfilled, bringing us back to a similar situation as we have now in fairly short order.

But then again I'm somewhat pessimistic about the human species in general, which is all too easily swayed by its animal instincts from achieving its godly potential.



In a test against the leading brand, 9 out of 10 participants couldnt tell the difference. Dumbasses.

(in reply to SpinnerofTales)
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RE: Predictions, the next decade ? - 11/21/2009 8:26:28 AM   

Posts: 19100
Joined: 3/25/2007
From: California, USA
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There shall in that time be rumors of things going astray, erm, and there shall be a great confusion as to where things really are, and nobody will really know where lieth those little things with the sort of raffia-work base, that has an attachment. At that time, a friend shall lose his friend's hammer, and the young shall not know where lieth the things possessed by their fathers that their fathers put there only just the night before, about eight O'clock


If you lose one sense, your other senses are enhanced.
That's why people with no sense of humor have such an inflated sense of self-importance.

(in reply to Aneirin)
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RE: Predictions, the next decade ? - 11/21/2009 8:33:59 AM   

Posts: 6121
Joined: 3/18/2006
From: Tamaris
Status: offline
Ha, I did have to ask about the what if scenario, where production becomes so good, funds prosper and one person starts saying how more important their function is than the rest, thus creating a representation of life outside the commune. The answer was what profit is made goes to the land, it is not so much improved, but maintained. Land, the role of the farmer, is a hard life, especially so, when mechanisation is basic mechanisation, i.e. things that can be fixed locally, by someone with a rudimentry grasp of how to fix things, and horse power assisted by people. The engine they have to pump water is one of those old single pot Listers, that require oil being dripped into the top to enable the hand crank starting of the thing.I remember those, a pig to start in the cold, but simple and dependable. In the case of someone gets uppity and starts demanding more than others, they simply get asked to leave, that, or others drift off as what they had has gone. The people I met last night, were a very gentle people, who defiately knew how to party, live drums and dancing to candle and oil light, beverages of the home produced variety, and the food similarly. Djembe and Darbuka drums, finger cymbals, rattles, homemade stringed instruments made out of gourds, ( which they grow), whistles and digeridoo, which they also grow and make. Yeah, a good time, and an enlightening time, but Cornwall, it rains a lot, so obviously, it is not so wonderful all the time, I just saw some of the good bits, but the commune lifestyle does still appeal despite the sogginess, as well, soggy is Britain most of the time, depressive feeling goes with the climate.


Everything we are is the result of what we have thought, the mind is everything, what we think, we become - Guatama Buddha

Conservatism is distrust of people tempered by fear - William Gladstone

(in reply to LadyEllen)
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RE: Predictions, the next decade ? - 11/21/2009 9:47:12 AM   

Posts: 30259
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Seeing as we are coming to the close of 2009, we have one more year left before we are into the next decade, what predictions do you have for that decade, what in your opinnion will come to pass ?

More wars, more humanitarian disasters, more understanding of others, the first female president of the USA,  what, given the state of affairs now, what do you predict will happen, on any front, be that political, humanitarian, natural, technological etc ?

And lets not just talk about the Western world, what about other parts of the world ?

In the U.S., we will continue the same discussions about the same issues we have for years, and with the same results, until one day, maybe not in the next decade, we reach a crisis point and it falls apart on its own.

Globally, to the extent the U.S. remains aloof, the world will work around us. This is already happening, and will absolutely increase in the next decade and beyond, until the U.S. is essentially marginalized.

Unless we change. But that doesn't look promising, from any party.

(in reply to Aneirin)
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RE: Predictions, the next decade ? - 11/21/2009 10:16:09 AM   

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The western world economies will continue to suffer for reasons Lady Ellen touched upon. You can't solve the problem of excessive debt with even more debt. The current debt system cannot sustain itself without an equal amount of value/wealth being produced.

Those at the very top of the food chain (AKA the international elite, the PTB, the invisible government, etc.) know this, and will use increasing civil unrest as a means of justifying increased restrictions upon civil rights and freedoms. There will also be provocateur "terrorist" events to maintain the support of the sheeple.

In the past, these boom and bust cycles intentionally created by the PTB could be sustained by the use of large-scale wars. But with modern weaponry, a WW3 could do more harm than good... a risk the PTB is not likely to take.

The PTB will continue to move forward their agenda for world domination by additional installations of central banks worldwide, and increased control of natural resources globally. This will be accomplished either by force or by creation of debtor nations via World Bank/IMF. Those with unservicable debt tend to play ball with their masters.

The actions of the PTB will continue to be brazen and transparent, causing a greater number of sheeple to finally wake up to reality during the next decade. The initiation of such topics will no longer be limited to the voices of a few "paranoid conspiracy theorists." Nevertheless, their numbers are likely be too few and too late to make any impact. If the sheeple do become a perceived threat, however, we will see internet restrictions initiated.

(in reply to Aneirin)
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RE: Predictions, the next decade ? - 11/21/2009 10:16:35 AM   

Posts: 33061
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From: Central Pennsylvania
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people will get into a HUGE dance craze.   it will be fun and simple and just about everyone will do it.

(in reply to Musicmystery)
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RE: Predictions, the next decade ? - 11/21/2009 10:28:08 AM   

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It depends. If the trend of overpopulation continues it goes one way, if there are enough plagues and wars to reduce population to reasonable levels it will go another way. But you are only asking for ten years, so based on that I will assume a world population near double it's current level in ten years.

Without doubt that means things will get worse before they get better. Nothing they are doing today looks at the big picture nor the future. People have the mentality of Homer Simpson. The bar owner is unloading a huge deepfryer off a truck and says "With this baby I can deep fry a yak in five seconds" to which Homer whinily replies "But I want it now". If we don't weed this tendency out of the common people we will never weed it out of the power structure.

I'm thinking such a fundamental change will take longer than a decade. If forward thinkers even got into power within the next decade it does not change the fact that things will get worse before they get better. They can only start such a change.

We have two colliding trends in the world, more people and more selfishness. It is pretty obvious to me what is going to happen. There will be more problems, violence, theft, all of that. More people will probably turn to drugs, legal or illegal. They will be zoned out and all the time become less and less useful to the PTB, and the PTB will respond in kind as they already have proven to be their only talent.

I'll get more specific later, dammit it's Saturday. Can't be wrecking a Saturday now right ?


(in reply to Musicmystery)
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RE: Predictions, the next decade ? - 11/21/2009 11:27:09 AM   

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From: Central Pennsylvania
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Nuclear war is planned- possibly in 2 years.

Despite that happening or not- a lot of people on the planet are going to die in the next 10 years.   It could be war- famine, disease you name it.

The last huge economic collapse was just before the dark ages.   There have been others-- but consider that the earth has close to 7 billion people on it now.  All shitting and peeing day after day after day.  Add in bodily fluids.  

Wheat crops are at a low- other crops are not the best either.

Alot of people are going to die.

So- there is not much we can do about it.   It does rather change the trivial annoyances of life tho.

Each day is a bonus....

(in reply to Termyn8or)
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RE: Predictions, the next decade ? - 11/21/2009 11:34:01 AM   

Posts: 40310
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ORIGINAL: TheHeretic

There shall in that time be rumors of things going astray, erm, and there shall be a great confusion as to where things really are, and nobody will really know where lieth those little things with the sort of raffia-work base, that has an attachment. At that time, a friend shall lose his friend's hammer, and the young shall not know where lieth the things possessed by their fathers that their fathers put there only just the night before, about eight O'clock

Love it.... as long as Python is still funny Ill be ok


<) )╯SUCH
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( (> A NASTY
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<) )> WOMAN
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Duchess Of Dissent
Dont Hate Love

(in reply to TheHeretic)
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RE: Predictions, the next decade ? - 11/21/2009 11:46:26 AM   

Posts: 17896
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I will,if I'm lucky turn 60...other than that I will leave the prediction business to the Nostradamus's of the world(and of course Lay Ellen and Pahunk


If we want things to stay as they are,things will have to change...Tancredi from "the Leopard"

Forget Guns-----Ban the pools

Funny stuff....

(in reply to Lucylastic)
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RE: Predictions, the next decade ? - 11/21/2009 11:52:04 AM   

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The Republican and Democrat parties fade into the bowels of history.
All the left wing and right wing holy rollers and global warmers are "Raptured" up into the skies by God and the world enjoys 10,000 years of peace.
"C'mon God! Rapture their asses!"


"But Your Honor, this is not a Jury of my Peers, these people are all decent, honest, law-abiding citizens!"

(in reply to slvemike4u)
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RE: Predictions, the next decade ? - 11/21/2009 1:20:22 PM   

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I see a global financial meltdown that dwarfs what we are seeing today. If it were not for China's growth the global numbers would be even worse.  In 10 years we'll see the collapse of the chinese bubble.  The Chinese growth is partly caused and funded by our worthless debt.  Also since they still have a quasi planned economy they have huge emerging inefficiencies.  For instance, they have enough EXCESS cement production capability to supply the US, Japan, and India.  Their economy is a bubble, and the bursting of our economy caused all this havok imagine when their's bursts.  Who the emerging leaders will be will depend on how different countries reacts to this crisis.  If they continue to invest their money into bubble economies they will continue to suffer if they instead invest in infrastructure and self-reliance they may well emerge as a power player in the same way the US emerged after WW2 as a power when everyone else tore themselves to shreds.
My 2 cents.

(in reply to popeye1250)
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RE: Predictions, the next decade ? - 11/21/2009 1:27:32 PM   

Posts: 2839
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Thank you, Aneirin. Some people actually think 2009 is the end of the decade.


Download SLAVE LOVER. Explicit BDSM porn, with a plot! A love story, on a FemDom planet!

(in reply to Aneirin)
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RE: Predictions, the next decade ? - 11/21/2009 8:10:18 PM   

Posts: 33061
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333,   China has tho a colorful history and is very interconnected with the US house of cards.
There is no bubble in China.  The effects of the crises simply have yet to filter thru.

-- Now as to my final answer- I will go with my first reply- that being that we will all be dancing!@   yeHaa!!

(in reply to dreamerdreaming)
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