RE: Defended my home (Full Version)

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Justme696 -> RE: Defended my home (12/6/2009 1:20:11 PM)

you have to start somewhere.
many things start with a wish.

ThatDamnedPanda -> RE: Defended my home (12/6/2009 1:21:00 PM)


ORIGINAL: Politesub53

Orion, I have always been against gun ownership in the UK. I realise it is different in the US due to some people living miles from nowhere.

I don't understand what relevance that would have. By far, most burglaries and home invasions happen in metropolitan areas, just minutes from the nearest police station. Even if Orion lived right across the street from a police station, he still had an armed intruder in his house, right there, right now. Miles from nowhere or in the middle of the city, he still needed that firearm to defend himself at that instant.

rockspider -> RE: Defended my home (12/6/2009 1:22:46 PM)




ORIGINAL: rockspider
Another story I read in the news down there countless times was: Gun owner hears something puzzle in his house at some ungodly hour. Grabs gun and go to investigate. In the dark he sees some shadowy figure moving towards him and fires at it. Gets the light on and finds his 18 year old son, who tried to sneak in, dead in front of him. Also every weeks brought a new story of someone who in play and stupidity killed or maimed someone. Or the countless guys, when they became unemployed or bankrupt, shot kids, wife and them self.

We get the "countless" argument here, too. The facts are that these incidents can indeed be counted and they represent a fractionally small amount when factored per capita or even per gun owner or number of guns owned. Sad stories nonetheless but they aren't anywhere near the carnage that the gun control advocates would make them out to be.

I shall not make me an expert on american figures. But in South Africa the amount of perbs shot by private gunowners was lower that that of the mistaken shot was. It was and probably still is a sad fact. Having a gun is not the same as knowing when to use it. Even you receive the right training it still is a problem. You can take the absolute professionals as such. The troops figthing in Iraq and Afghanistan. We are hearing report after report of our guys caught in friendly fire as it is called. The same with killings of inocent civilians. I am not blaming the troops for it. As a matter of fact it was much worse in previous wars. Just pointing out if those guys gets it wrong so often, how do you think Joe Plumber is when he runs around with one and suddenly have to take that split second decision to fire or not. I am also aware of the argument "Outlaw guns and only outlaws have them" The issue is a horrible one in a country where you allready have so many guns in the population. But my argument still stands. More, much more police. We need to win this fight for our countries back from the criminals. They shouldn't own our streets. I have been a tradesman all my life. When you go to do a job bring a hammer big enough. When you are going to stop the criminals have enough cops to do the job. None of us wish to live in a fortress behind barbed wire with a gun on the bedside table, behind steel gates, tre big dogs and a private security company running the streets. Believe i have tried. The government in South Africa starved the police force and the criminals took the streets. It is still the murder capital of the world. And you with your peashooter can do nothing the day you face 5 of them with an AK 47.

slvemike4u -> RE: Defended my home (12/6/2009 1:30:27 PM)

Have you heard from the reporters yet?

ThatDamnedPanda -> RE: Defended my home (12/6/2009 1:37:10 PM)


ORIGINAL: OrionTheWolf
I am sure there will be second guessing on things to do, I have been sitting here myself and doing that, but regardless the outcome is better than what it could have been,

Under the circumstances, I'd say the outcome is better than any possible alternative. You're alive and unhurt, every member of your family is alive and unhurt, and even the burglar is apparently still alive, in spite of ignoring 3 clearly worded warnings to comply. That's 2 more than he would have gotten from most people. If he survives, it's only because he was lucky enough to break into your house and not mine. I would have probably shot him after he ignored the first warning, and 15 pellets of OO buckshot from 10 feet away would probably have been more than any emergency room staff could have overcome.

Thank god you and your loved ones are OK. You not only did exactly the right thing, you did the only thing you could have done under the circumstances. You're a damned good man, and you gave the little bastard every possible chance to walk out of there alive and unhurt. There was nothing more you could have done without putting your family in serious danger. It's all well and good to put yourself at greater risk by giving him more chances, but the fact of the matter is, you were the only thing standing between him and your family. If he'd somehow managed to turn the situation to his advantage, and get the drop on you, your loved ones could have been injured or killed after he shot you.

Good luck putting this to rest in your mind. I'm sorry to hear that you have to deal with this, but I just thank god you handled it the way you did and that it turned out  the way that it did. We'd have hated to lose you. My best wishes to you and yours, and I hope you all have as happy a holiday season as possible under the circumstances.

DomImus -> RE: Defended my home (12/6/2009 1:42:42 PM)



I don't have a problem with what you did but I still don't want or like people having guns. I'm not interested in learning how to use a gun because I have other things to do. I don't like risking my life because somebody wants to steal things from my garage.

Nobody is making you learn how to use a gun. Nobody is making you lift a finger to stop a burglar from stealing your possessions. You are free to be handgun free and let burglars clean you out (with their own handgun in their pocket) if you so choose. Why you want everyone else to have to make the same choices that you make is asinine. Maybe this should be the new "pro-choice".

wulfgarw -> RE: Defended my home (12/6/2009 1:50:55 PM)

I say to you Orion, well done!!!

Like others have said, the post traumatic stress or "what if's" can be a real bitch.  It was a clean shoot.  I, with my training and experience, would have done the exactly the same thing.  I was involved in a shooting incident once and a couple of 'weapon drawn' or 'almost had to draw' and know it's not a easy thing to do, under any circumstances.  He did what he did, you had to do what you had to do

.40 S&W you say?  Where do I send the box of premium personal defense JHP ammo and the bottle of scotch?

popeye1250 -> RE: Defended my home (12/6/2009 2:26:12 PM)



I don't have a problem with what you did but I still don't want or like people having guns. I'm not interested in learning how to use a gun because I have other things to do. I don't like risking my life because somebody wants to steal things from my garage.

If you don't have a gun the criminal doesn't either. Additionally, the police could have handled what you did. You said yourself they were there in three minutes. I think if somebody tries to steal something from my garage, I will let them because it will be a lot less stressful to let a police officer handle the situation. Besides, that's what we pay them for. And I don't care if you want me to go fuck myself because I'm not interested in using a gun and I'm not interested in risking my life for materialistic things. I'm glad to know everyone is okay.

Brain, you're so smart you must be walking around with a headache all the time!

Orion, good shooting!
Many years ago I read a book by Masaad Ayoob (Sp) a gun/defense expert from Manchester, N.H. "In the Gravest Extreme."
He said that once someone gets inside your home all bets are off! "Don't try to talk to them, don't say anything." "Shoot them! In the back if you must but shoot them!"
"THEY called it, not YOU at that point!"
In South Carolina where I now live we have the "Castle Doctrine" and also the homeowner does not have to "retreat."
In short, you break into someone's home and they can shoot you no questions asked.
I live in a ground level condo and the master is in the back with only one way in. Now if I heard someone in the place I'd get on the floor behind the bed, put a blanket above my head for camoflague with just my eyes and my .45 cal Mod 21 Glock with night sights sticking out and wait for "them" to come to me.
They'd never know what hit them and they wouldn't survive either due to the type of ammo I have in that weapon.
Thing is I'd wait for about ten minutes before calling the cops to let them bleed out first or just walk up to them and head shot them just to make sure.
No urgency in calling them at that point anyway.
I just don't want any "alive" burglers walking/running/crawling/ being carried out of my house. But that's just me. ;)
And if I lived in the "country" I wouldn't even bother calling the cops, I'd just dig a hole.
When someone gets into your home you don't know if they are a druggy looking for money or that "Night Stalker's " cousin looking for something else entirely!
As far as I'm concerned I could care less about their "motive," once they cross that line they're dead! PERIOD.
And you shouldn't feel the least bit of guilt about shooting this scumbag, again, *HE* called it, not YOU!
You are the "victim" not him, HE violated your home. If it were me I'd be looking to sue his parents for unleashing this monster onto the world.
When are we going to start holding parents responsable for their spawn?
You probably saved unknown people from having their homes broken into.
You did a LOT more than you had to do!

OrionTheWolf -> RE: Defended my home (12/6/2009 2:55:36 PM)


Well I got about 4 1/2 hour sleep, and feel a bit better. Yes the phone has been ringing with reporters, and a few others. They must have a contact in the Sheriff's Dept, as it is a cellphone. One of the Deputies that lives in the neighborhood came by to check on things, and updated me. It was not a .25, it was a "Pocketlite" .380, and there was one in the chamber. He was at the wrong address, street name was incorrect but house number wasn't, it was part of a gang initiation, and they will likely offer him a deal if he gives up the people that gave him the pistol, and burglary tools, and it points to someone higher up in the gang. The official time from time of dispatch to time of arrical was 7 minutes and 23 seconds, which is about average for this area. They are not making any official statements, other than the "blotter" information.

In reply to Brain, the storage room is the first room off the garage, from there is the small hallway to two rooms, mine and across the hall, my 4 year old sons, and stairs that go up into the main part of the house, opening into the Great Room. In the Great Room is the Granny, and down the hallway from the Great room is the other bedrooms, including where the Papa is. Yeah I should have stayed locked in my Bedroom, waiting on the police, as I am sure that is what you would have done.

All of this has convinced me to get a Rottie that I will have trained, but not giving up my firearms.

Everyone in the house has settled down quite a bit, and I will be fine after a few days. I am using a journal to write some things in, which should help me keep from bottling up the emotional part, as I am the stoic type usually.

Malkinius -> RE: Defended my home (12/6/2009 2:58:14 PM)

Greetings Brain....



I don't have a problem with what you did but I still don't want or like people having guns. I'm not interested in learning how to use a gun because I have other things to do. I don't like risking my life because somebody wants to steal things from my garage.

If you don't have a gun the criminal doesn't either. Additionally, the police could have handled what you did. You said yourself they were there in three minutes. I think if somebody tries to steal something from my garage, I will let them because it will be a lot less stressful to let a police officer handle the situation. Besides, that's what we pay them for. And I don't care if you want me to go fuck myself because I'm not interested in using a gun and I'm not interested in risking my life for materialistic things. I'm glad to know everyone is okay.

You really really are not in touch with reality are you? In England, where handguns are illegal, more and more the criminals have handguns. In the US, most crimes with firearms (except for suicide and domestic murder, suicide) are done with illegal weapons. When the weapon is legal, it has usually been owned by the person, who usually has no criminal record, for years.

The reality is that the criminals will have guns. When their victims are disarmed, they want guns even more. What you want to do for yourself is fine. Where do you live so I can make some money selling your address as a safe place to rob?

Be well....


Malkinius -> RE: Defended my home (12/6/2009 3:00:41 PM)

Tal Orion....

Good work. Job very well done.

You left one very important question unanswered from your description of what happened.


They were bent over and looking through some of our storage boxes, and had pulled out a small fireproof safe that was at the bottom.

How did he find that or know where to look or just be happening to look in a storage room?

Be well....


Aynne88 -> RE: Defended my home (12/6/2009 3:00:44 PM)



I don't have a problem with what you did but I still don't want or like people having guns. I'm not interested in learning how to use a gun because I have other things to do. I don't like risking my life because somebody wants to steal things from my garage.

If you don't have a gun the criminal doesn't either. Additionally, the police could have handled what you did. You said yourself they were there in three minutes. I think if somebody tries to steal something from my garage, I will let them because it will be a lot less stressful to let a police officer handle the situation. Besides, that's what we pay them for. And I don't care if you want me to go fuck myself because I'm not interested in using a gun and I'm not interested in risking my life for materialistic things. I'm glad to know everyone is okay.

Are you fucking kidding me Brain? Don't learn how to use a gun then, but when someone intrudes on my home, my family and my possessions I am going to shoot first and not ask any questions, and yes, I have had to pull my gun, at the time it was a .38 S&W and I have never ever been so glad as to have that in my very capable hands. I was not robbed, raped or compromised. How on earth do you know it was only for material things and even if it was, they are MY material things, not the scumbag robber  that wants them, so he took a very bad chance and he lost. I work my ass off for what I have and no one is going to take them, and that's that. Orion don't listen to this shit, you did what you had to do.     

Level -> RE: Defended my home (12/6/2009 3:03:18 PM)

Orion, I'm glad you and yours are okay. Sounds like you did the right thing.

thishereboi -> RE: Defended my home (12/6/2009 3:03:29 PM)

I'm glad things worked out and you and your girl are safe. [:)]

OrionTheWolf -> RE: Defended my home (12/6/2009 3:10:26 PM)

There was only old papers in it, and it had been in a box for over four years. No one could have seen it, unless they packed that box four years ago. The Deputies are pretty sure he started there, and would have worked his way through the house. My son was gone for the night, so it would have appeared as either no one home, or if they had ever watched, just my elderly parents home.


ORIGINAL: Malkinius

Tal Orion....

Good work. Job very well done.

You left one very important question unanswered from your description of what happened.


They were bent over and looking through some of our storage boxes, and had pulled out a small fireproof safe that was at the bottom.

How did he find that or know where to look or just be happening to look in a storage room?

Be well....


gehennasfury -> RE: Defended my home (12/6/2009 3:10:31 PM)

In response to an obvious person living in fantasy land, whose post I will share next.

I don't have a problem with what you did but I still don't want or like people having guns. I'm not interested in learning how to use a gun because I have other things to do. I don't like risking my life because somebody wants to steal things from my garage.

If you don't have a gun the criminal doesn't either. Additionally, the police could have handled what you did. You said yourself they were there in three minutes. I think if somebody tries to steal something from my garage, I will let them because it will be a lot less stressful to let a police officer handle the situation. Besides, that's what we pay them for. And I don't care if you want me to go fuck myself because I'm not interested in using a gun and I'm not interested in risking my life for materialistic things. I'm glad to know everyone is okay.

Brian, I wn'twast time telling you to fuck yourself as that would be far too easy as well as pointless. What I will do is tell you that you're a damned fool. As soon as a society gives up it's means to defend itself, the criminals and government will run rampant. Want proof of my statement? Go read up on fuedal Japan. The government forbid the populace from owning weapons except for the warriors class, aka samurai. That was how te martial arts were developed in Japan. Karates main weapons were originally farming implements. In the world of today however, the outlaws don't carry swords and knives. Instead they're carrying pistols and other other firearms. If you think that by making firearms, and sidearms in particular illegal that you'll somehow miraculously save society, you're sadly mnistaken. You need to leave the Emerald City and Oz behind you, read up on actual statistics on how many crimes are prevented because a legally owned firearm was present, and then maybe your opinion would be worth more than a cup of warm spit.

Aynne88 -> RE: Defended my home (12/6/2009 3:12:10 PM)

[sm=applause.gif]  Damn right. You rock. 

lronitulstahp -> RE: Defended my home (12/6/2009 3:12:55 PM)

Not only did You defend Your home, and possesions; but most importantly, You protected those You love and for whose safety You are responsible.

May danger never darken Your doorstep again. But should danger come, may You always be prepared.

gehennasfury -> RE: Defended my home (12/6/2009 3:14:16 PM)

Thank you Aynne. My high school graduation gift/18th birthday present was a lifetime membership in the N.R.A..

jackod -> RE: Defended my home (12/6/2009 3:33:02 PM)

Congratulation,just another example of guns saving lifes,couple years ago i was driving with my wife to a appointment in south central  los angeles,one of the deadly areas.I stopped on red lights and to the right was a bar and men facing the bar,with big knife behine his back,then he turned around and i can see his vicios smile as he started to move towards my car,i took .38 in my hands so he can see,he rapidly left,jack,los angeles

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