RE: how to be a slave in three easy lessons (Full Version)

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Lockit -> RE: how to be a slave in three easy lessons (12/16/2009 10:01:06 PM)



Well about all three?  LOL

Greedy fella! lol Nice!

LafayetteLady -> RE: how to be a slave in three easy lessons (12/16/2009 10:26:47 PM)



what part of shut the fuck up didnt you understand, lololololol

and heres the apostrophes ''

I don't know whether your reply was specifically to me, or to all of us in general, or to Elisabella about her apostrophe comment. Not that it matters.

First of all, the thing you seem to forget (or perhaps senility has begun to set in) is that NOT ONE PERSON here is your slave. We don't take orders from you and in case you missed it, it is highly doubtful anyone here would ever even want to explore the possibility of YOUR WORTHINESS to be their master.

As anitpode has already pointed out, you apparently have not had any new thoughts since 2006, and your opening comment in your far too long diatribe is how you like to write and essay about things to reaffirm your perspective or whatever nonsense you had written. Newflash, that would mean you had NEW thoughts, not just cutting and pasting a bunch of ridiculous crap that you wrote 3 years ago on another profile and now trying to pass it off as something brand new.

Between your profile and the various meaningless, insulting bullshit you have posted on the boards, there isn't a slave worth a damn that is going to even consider whether or not you are worthy of being their master. That's right, they are deciding whether YOU are WORTHY. Because here's the newflash, slaves CHOOSE who they want to serve, and obviously none of them have been choosing YOU. You are much too pompous to ever ask yourself why, so there's really no point in telling you.

Yes, people on these boards do joke around a lot, but it really is a place to exchange ideas, get helpful advice and commiserate about the lifestyle. We don't shut up just because some thickheaded AARP reject thinks that is what we should do.

It is quite obvious that the only reason that you post on these boards is because the responses that you get are as close to your #1, "showing up" that you are ever going to see. And in case you missed it, you are nothing more than a source of amusing entertainment for not only the slaves, but the subs, the switches, the dommes, the doms, the mistresses and the masters.

leadership527 -> RE: how to be a slave in three easy lessons (12/17/2009 12:23:05 AM)

Much as I hate to admit it, I think the OP is right.

Of course, the follow-on sequel to his post is, "How to be a dominant in one easy lesson."

#1) Get the girl to do all that.

OrionTheWolf -> RE: how to be a slave in three easy lessons (12/17/2009 4:34:10 AM)

Mainly because Jeff made me think with a simple statement. A slave does not enslave themselves, there must be something external to cause any of it. So....



#1 show up

1) Learn to pick the one's that have the charisma, leadership, and dominant personality skills. Then show them you are interested.


#2 shut the fuck up

2) Listen carefully to the D/M type you have met, and check for compatability. Once compatability is determined, continue to listen so that you may learn their preferences and serve them well.


#3 do as your told

3) Obedience is the staple of a slave. Based upon what you have learned of your D/M type, obey their wishes and slowly you will begin to surrender your will, if they display the qualities that draw this from you.

4) Be beautiful in all things. Beauty is determined by your D/M type, and they should guide you in this. This should be reflected in all things that you do.

Notice that all of these things must start with the D/M type, and draw the s type to them. If one does not have the charaisma, they will not get a slave to show up. If they do not have the leadership and dominance, then they will not be able to peel away the layers of surrender.

I was aksed once how to find a slave. My response was "be a person that others will follow, that you are strong in deed and thought, and that you have the ability to understand human nature. Then those that have a submissive personality will be drawn to you."

take care,
Orion (trying to draw something positive from this)

BoiJen -> RE: how to be a slave in three easy lessons (12/17/2009 4:39:24 AM)



#1 show up

#2 shut the fuck up

#3 do as your told

This should have read a little closer to this: (copied and pasted from a safe place)

Understand that this my vision on what it takes to "get" and "keep" the D-types of your dreams (plug in the appropriate gender pronouns, titles, etc). There's really only three rules to be able to get "there":
  1. Be attractive to the person (walk 30 minutes daily, take care of yourself, wear clean clothes and for god's sake SHOWER!)
  2. Be useful (it takes little to no effort to hold open a door or make your Saturday available to help Them with household chores, but don't stick your ass out there expecting play time for it...that only makes you an asshole)
  3. Be entertaining (having a sense of humor-especially self deprecating humor-will get you quick, use your wit, make Them smile)
Seriously, if you have these three things down, no D-type (whose looking) is gonna turn you down. Money doesn't matter as long as you're not sleeping in your parents' house and can pay for dinner (which isn't beyond the realm of chivalry for you cheap asses out there). In fact, they'll be stalking you.

If I seem a little harsh in regards to this, it's because I deal with these types of losers daily. Grow up, get a job (they're out there, despite the excuses you make), hell go to school instead-learn something useful-do something with your life instead of bitching why it's all going wrong. And if you can't get that right, go home and shut up cuz I'm not the only one tired of reading about why your life sucks.

The people you want to be with are out there in the real world...go find them.


The Object of Your Adoration

Property of MsKitty

DarkMasquerade -> RE: how to be a slave in three easy lessons (12/17/2009 5:43:30 AM)

lol... haven't laughed like this in a while, the thread just keeps getting better and better...
Good luck with that, OP

osf -> RE: how to be a slave in three easy lessons (12/17/2009 6:31:41 AM)

2 points

#1 you people take yourselves way too seriously

#2 stop raining on my fucking pathetic fantasy

Acer49 -> RE: how to be a slave in three easy lessons (12/17/2009 6:38:38 AM)



#1 show up

#2 shut the fuck up

#3 do as your told

This type of statement belongs in a profile or journal

Drifa -> RE: how to be a slave in three easy lessons (12/17/2009 6:52:14 AM)


2 points
#1 you people take yourselves way too seriously
#2 stop raining on my fucking pathetic fantasy

You remind me, osf, of a fellow I met when I was in college.

I was working at a convenience store as a clerk, and this fellow came up to the counter and set down a 16oz can of malt liquor. I turned briefly to the cash register to ring it up, when I turned my eyes back towards the customer, I saw that he'd unzipped and flipped his erect penis onto the counter and was standing there with his hands on his hips and a cocky grin like some oversized Peter Pan.

To this day, I don't know where the impulse came from, but I snatched up that 16oz can of malt liquor and slammed it into his cock about three or four times HARD before he fell down clutching his bits. He was still down there writhing on the floor when the police arrived.

Now, osf, you've come here and appear to have been deliberately trolling for a negative response. Maybe you're one of those guys who likes verbal humiliation and this is YOUR way of getting wanking material. Or maybe not. Either way, you have metaphorically whipped your dick out in an inappropriate way here, so don't be complainin' when people pick up your post and profile and beat the crap out of your tender bits with it.

You asked for it, and I suspect you are wanking to it.

osf -> RE: how to be a slave in three easy lessons (12/17/2009 7:06:05 AM)

wow, theres no joy in your life '

yellowroses -> RE: how to be a slave in three easy lessons (12/17/2009 7:32:47 AM)

This thread was put in the Ask a slave/submission catagory. So if the question is whether or not the OP is how to be a slave in 3 easy lessons then I don't think it is. At least not for me. But it has been entertaining reading this thread.


Wolf2Bear -> RE: how to be a slave in three easy lessons (12/17/2009 7:41:20 AM)

2 Points

#1 Yes you are pathetic and I'll rain on your parade any damn time I please.

#2 Run along as I believe your day pass expired an hour ago

osf -> RE: how to be a slave in three easy lessons (12/17/2009 7:46:45 AM)

if i tried i could not like you but then that would assume i gave a damn

sophiesback -> RE: how to be a slave in three easy lessons (12/17/2009 7:53:47 AM)

someone could DISLIKE bear?



sirsholly -> RE: how to be a slave in three easy lessons (12/17/2009 7:54:00 AM)



#1 show up

#2 shut the fuck up

#3 do as your told

[image][/image] oh hell are 65 years old?????

i wish you luck

VirginPotty -> RE: how to be a slave in three easy lessons (12/17/2009 7:56:52 AM)

Think it's another personality, Clumsy?
Maybe this male alter ego wants to abuse women because the OTHER ego is taken over by the FEMALE ego.................[image][/image]<<<You are getting sleepy.............who are you today??

Wolf2Bear -> RE: how to be a slave in three easy lessons (12/17/2009 8:02:23 AM)



if i tried i could not like you but then that would assume i gave a damn

And your bloody point is???????

breatheasone -> RE: how to be a slave in three easy lessons (12/17/2009 8:05:24 AM)


sirsholly -> RE: how to be a slave in three easy lessons (12/17/2009 8:16:53 AM)


<<<<<You are getting sleepy............

sexyred1 -> RE: how to be a slave in three easy lessons (12/17/2009 8:22:01 AM)

After reading the OP's profile, I hope everyone now sympathizes with me living in NJ. Ya see what we subs have to to put up with?[:o]

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