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"Happy Holidays Mateys!!"/Am I My Brother's Keeper?

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"Happy Holidays Mateys!!"/Am I My Brother's K... - 12/19/2009 7:25:07 PM   

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"Happy Holidays!" and "Cheers" to ALL my mate’s that hang out here in the Political section of CollarMe!
This goes for everyone, regardless of your political affiliation or points of view!
I enjoy the diversity of opinions.
I always say, the world would be SO boring if everyone thought the same way.

At first, I did not think creating this section was a good idea.
Now, I think it is wonderful that we have our own forum!
How did we get along so long without it?
We no longer have to "listen" to people complaining about all these long boring political topics!!

We have our own little "boring" political topic section to enjoy ourselves in!

 I always liked the concept of a "Cheers" bar.
I think of this little section of CollarMe, as my little online "Cheers bar".
 It is often so warm and cozy here.
I want to thank the creators, owners and moderators of CollarMe for creating this section, and allowing us to share and express our thoughts here.

CHEERS again to all my mates!
Now, back to the legitimate topic at hand.
I have a question for the holiday season, riddle me this.

Are we our brothers keeper? 
I just read a very interesting article in the Washington Post about our current Depression and welfare.
I have wondered since all the "welfare reforms" in the 90’s, what would happen if there came a time similar to the Great Depression and many people, for whatever reason might need government assistance/welfare?
I have always felt people need a "safety net" in life.
According to this article in the Washington Post, many people are going to be in for a big surprise if they think that welfare is still easily available.
Why Welfare Reform Fails its Recession Test - Peter Edelman and Barbara Ehrenreich - Democratic Underground

Many people really think that there are automatically programs available if/when they fall on hard times.
This recession/depression is showing and will continue to show many more, that there are not as many "safety nets" as they thought there were.
I am predicting that many will be thinking and re-thinking government assistance and welfare programs in the very near future.

Riddle me this? Isn’t extending and re-extending unemployment benefits for YEARS, a form of welfare????

Happy Holidays, again to all, and my question is:  "Are we our brother's keeper?, and if so, how are we going to take care of the thousands if not millions of people that may be needing that help real soon.
Should people be able to get unemployment benefits for 3-5 years?

< Message edited by MzMia -- 12/19/2009 7:32:11 PM >


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RE: "Happy Holidays Mateys!!"/Am I My Brother... - 12/19/2009 7:36:02 PM   

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Mia, we won't be able to afford it if Hillary Clinton gets her wish and gives a $100 Billion U.S. Taxdollar lottery giveaway to third world countries for "global warming assistance" wink, wink, nod, nod.
I will just never understand why our govt insists on giving our money to foreign countries when they know that the American People are so against it.


"But Your Honor, this is not a Jury of my Peers, these people are all decent, honest, law-abiding citizens!"

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RE: "Happy Holidays Mateys!!"/Am I My Brother... - 12/19/2009 7:45:43 PM   

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Humm, I take it you are totally against foreign aid.
But, what about aid to those right here in America, Popeye?
Are we our brothers keeper?


To Each His/Her Own
"DENIAL ain't just a river in Egypt." Mark Twain

What's your favorite fetish?
"My partner's whisper"--bloomswell

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RE: "Happy Holidays Mateys!!"/Am I My Brother... - 12/19/2009 7:54:27 PM   

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I always thought a separate Politics forum was a good idea. The Off Topic forum is so much cleaner without all the political threads and it's nice to have them all in one place. I can't imagine why you did not like the idea in the beginning. Separate basic forums are always a good idea.


"Regret for the things we did can be tempered by time; it is regret for the things we did not do that is inconsolable." Sidney J. harris

(in reply to MzMia)
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RE: "Happy Holidays Mateys!!"/Am I My Brother... - 12/19/2009 8:00:52 PM   

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I always thought a separate Politics forum was a good idea. The Off Topic forum is so much cleaner without all the political threads and it's nice to have them all in one place. I can't imagine why you did not like the idea in the beginning. Separate basic forums are always a good idea.

I was not sure we would not have enough to talk about.
But then, Brain will never let this forum become dull.

I agree that creating this forum was a marvelous idea.
I expect it to continue to be a great place to come.
Happy Holidays!!!


To Each His/Her Own
"DENIAL ain't just a river in Egypt." Mark Twain

What's your favorite fetish?
"My partner's whisper"--bloomswell

(in reply to DomImus)
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RE: "Happy Holidays Mateys!!"/Am I My Brother... - 12/19/2009 8:16:44 PM   

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If this guy can go on welfare I don't see why anyone else can't use it. Video

Joe the Plumber is a welfare queen too... | Crooks and Liars

Colmes: Well, let me ask, you were on welfare once, was that taking somebodies else's money and giving it to you? Plumber Joe: Paid into welfare. It something to be used, not to be abused like it often is.

(in reply to MzMia)
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RE: "Happy Holidays Mateys!!"/Am I My Brother... - 12/19/2009 8:27:05 PM   

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Brain, did you read the link you posted?
Joe was on welfare TWICE, as a child.

That had to be over 20-25 years ago.
The welfare reforms were made long after that.
Welfare is not that easy to get any more.
What does the fact that he was on welfare as a child, have to do with my post?

< Message edited by MzMia -- 12/19/2009 8:28:33 PM >


To Each His/Her Own
"DENIAL ain't just a river in Egypt." Mark Twain

What's your favorite fetish?
"My partner's whisper"--bloomswell

(in reply to Brain)
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RE: "Happy Holidays Mateys!!"/Am I My Brother... - 12/19/2009 8:37:01 PM   

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Merry Christmas, and a very Happy New Year, to you, and your family! Health, and happiness, to you all this up coming New Year. 


Romans 10:13,For whosoever shall call upon the name of the Lord shall be saved.
Mike posts in black font
candy posts in pink font

(in reply to MzMia)
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RE: "Happy Holidays Mateys!!"/Am I My Brother... - 12/19/2009 8:38:36 PM   

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ORIGINAL: breatheasone

Merry Christmas, and a very Happy New Year, to you, and your family! Health, and happiness, to you all this up coming New Year. 

Thank you so much, I love being able to NOT have to be politically correct .
""Merry Christmas"", and a Happy to New Year, to you and yours!

< Message edited by MzMia -- 12/19/2009 8:57:34 PM >


To Each His/Her Own
"DENIAL ain't just a river in Egypt." Mark Twain

What's your favorite fetish?
"My partner's whisper"--bloomswell

(in reply to breatheasone)
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RE: "Happy Holidays Mateys!!"/Am I My Brother... - 12/19/2009 9:23:15 PM   

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There wouldn’t be any problems with having an economic recovery or money for healthcare or money for welfare if they only spent half the money ($318 billion) on military spending. They should spend the money at home and stimulate the American economy, not foreign countries.

Senate approves $636 billion military spending bill -

WASHINGTON - The U.S. Senate approved a $636 billion military spending bill on Saturday that funds the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan and also includes money to extend jobless aid and Medicare payment rates for two months.

(in reply to MzMia)
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RE: "Happy Holidays Mateys!!"/Am I My Brother... - 12/20/2009 12:30:09 AM   

Posts: 18104
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From: New Hampshire
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Humm, I take it you are totally against foreign aid.
But, what about aid to those right here in America, Popeye?
Are we our brothers keeper?

Mia, sure, I have no problem helping our own. That was kinda my point.
I think we have a duty to help our own period.


"But Your Honor, this is not a Jury of my Peers, these people are all decent, honest, law-abiding citizens!"

(in reply to MzMia)
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RE: "Happy Holidays Mateys!!"/Am I My Brother... - 12/20/2009 8:23:02 AM   

Posts: 19100
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From: California, USA
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Thanks, Mia!  And a very Merry Christmas to you and yours!

Quick answer to the big question.  No, we are not our brother's keeper, but our brother is still our brother.

On unemployment benefits, I think we are pretty close to right in having time limits with a pretty generous extension policy.  These are tough times.  One place where I feel we could be doing better would be in the restrictions on earning additional income.  As it stands, if someone on unemployment gets the opportunity for some day work, or a part-time job, everything they might earn is pulled from the benefits (with inevitable bureaucratic bullshit and errors).  What is the point of individual initiative?  They can easily cut their own throat as some moronic, chairwarming pencil-pusher with a gov't pension plan decides that since they made $1500 selling Christmas trees in December, they can expect the same income in January and cuts the unemployment benefits accordingly (true story).

People receiving unemployment benefits should not only be able to earn additional income, it should be encouraged.  The benefits cutback shouldn't kick in until the combined income reaches what they were earning previously. 

Just my two cents.


If you lose one sense, your other senses are enhanced.
That's why people with no sense of humor have such an inflated sense of self-importance.

(in reply to MzMia)
Profile   Post #: 12
RE: "Happy Holidays Mateys!!"/Am I My Brother... - 12/20/2009 9:22:10 AM   

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The day has come. Rich is more liberal than I.

Actually, I agree with most of that. Extensions and incentive, yes, absolutely. But not a dollar for dollar incentive. It's reasonable to be credited for only part of that extra income--whatever the fraction...just for illustration, say for each dollar earned, 50-75% cut back in benefits for that period. I would, though, like to see very liberal education/retraining benefits.

I can't blanketly agree with "until what they were earning previously" idea, because often this is not a matter of getting back to where we were, but rather adjusting to new market conditions and needs. If we no longer need farriers because the horseless carriage is replacing the horse, those workers need new skills, and not to be paid farrier wages to work at Wal-Mart...hence the emphasis on education/retraining. I'd absolutely support free education. If you're going to subside their lost industry, where's the incentive to learn new skills and enter new markets? Yes, I understand that underemployment really, really sucks, even seriously, but then that's a function of how generous initial unemployment wages should be.

Generally, helping others is necessary. Newt Gingrich maintained that if government cut back, individual charitable giving would increase to pick up the slack. He was proven absolutely, completely incorrect. It didn't. At all.

As for the foreign aid issue others raised...

Like it or not, foreign aid is often in our best interests. It's one of our best carrots. We can't invade everyone. Further, these people are our markets. Helping them often helps ourselves. Yes, I know that's an unpopular stance, and will probably be ridiculed, but it's reality. So is the reality that we spend a tiny fraction, less than 1%, on foreign aid. As budgetary pieces needing a fix, not even on the list.

Merry Christmas, everyone. Or Happy Holidays. I'm happy to hear or share either, with no political/religious reservations. Well wishes are well wishes.

And a Happy New Year.

< Message edited by Musicmystery -- 12/20/2009 9:24:30 AM >

(in reply to TheHeretic)
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RE: "Happy Holidays Mateys!!"/Am I My Brother... - 12/20/2009 9:22:50 AM   

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ORIGINAL: TheHeretic

Thanks, Mia!  And a very Merry Christmas to you and yours!

Quick answer to the big question.  No, we are not our brother's keeper, but our brother is still our brother.

On unemployment benefits, I think we are pretty close to right in having time limits with a pretty generous extension policy.  These are tough times.  One place where I feel we could be doing better would be in the restrictions on earning additional income.  As it stands, if someone on unemployment gets the opportunity for some day work, or a part-time job, everything they might earn is pulled from the benefits (with inevitable bureaucratic bullshit and errors).  What is the point of individual initiative?  They can easily cut their own throat as some moronic, chairwarming pencil-pusher with a gov't pension plan decides that since they made $1500 selling Christmas trees in December, they can expect the same income in January and cuts the unemployment benefits accordingly (true story).

People receiving unemployment benefits should not only be able to earn additional income, it should be encouraged.  The benefits cutback shouldn't kick in until the combined income reaches what they were earning previously. 

Just my two cents.

Happy holidays to all, no matter what form you follow.

Heretic, on this one I have to agree with you. I think not only unemployment but welfare has taken a big incentive for work from those receiving it. One of the big reasons that people work is that their lives are better for making the money their work provides. The government has decided, for a number of reasons, that this is not a good idea. Therefore, for someone on public assistance, the incentive to find work to supplement or improve their lives is taken away.

I agree with your formula on unemployment not being lessened for recipients until they are making somewhere near the area they were earning previous. For welfare, it would be a bit more complex. Still, the best way to get people working is to make sure that they do see some improvement in their lives for doing so.

(in reply to TheHeretic)
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RE: "Happy Holidays Mateys!!"/Am I My Brother... - 12/20/2009 9:46:31 AM   

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From: California, USA
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Good points, Muse.  To clarify, I was thinking specifically of those who have every expectation of returning to their occupation.  The displaced worker's situation needs to be addressed in ways that recognize his old job isn't ever going to call him back.


If you lose one sense, your other senses are enhanced.
That's why people with no sense of humor have such an inflated sense of self-importance.

(in reply to Musicmystery)
Profile   Post #: 15
RE: "Happy Holidays Mateys!!"/Am I My Brother... - 12/20/2009 10:06:51 AM   

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~ FR ~

Please accept, with no obligation intended or implied, my sincerest best wishes for a socially conscious, carbon-neutral, low-fat, non-addictive, gender neutral celebration comprising the most enjoyable traditions of the religious or cultural persuasion of your choice, or lack thereof, and with respect for the religious and cultural persuasions or lack thereof of others, on the upcoming holiday in this generally accepted year of 2009, but including the year of your calendar of choice, and with the understanding that the word celebration as used herein is not intended, and should not be considered, as intending observances of any particular form or nature, and may also include a lack thereof.


< Message edited by Kirata -- 12/20/2009 10:44:11 AM >

(in reply to TheHeretic)
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RE: "Happy Holidays Mateys!!"/Am I My Brother... - 12/20/2009 10:44:19 AM   

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Welfare is an entirely different kettle of fish, Spinner.  The multi-generational entitlement sub-culture that has been created by a well-intentioned, but poorly thought out, poverty maintenance program is a cancer on our society. 

I like that we have such a safety net, but we need to seriously rework how it operates.


If you lose one sense, your other senses are enhanced.
That's why people with no sense of humor have such an inflated sense of self-importance.

(in reply to SpinnerofTales)
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RE: "Happy Holidays Mateys!!"/Am I My Brother... - 12/20/2009 10:47:34 AM   

Posts: 40310
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I wish all of you, and that means ALLLLL Of you that read this, a happy and joyful
St. Nicholas Day, and Bodhi day, a Happy Hanukkah, a joyful Christmas, and warm Winter Solstice, have a great Ashura and Al Hijra - and a merry Kwanzaa.For the non believers have a happy holiday season, for scroooges, bah humbug:)
I made a traditional card online for anyone who cares to take a peek. Its not trickery or partisan, it is meant from my heart. Here....
With regards to the other part of the topic, I agree with Rich regarding unemployment,  and also with Music and Spinner up to and including those on welfare. MzMia, you are wonderful and everyone else who shared greetings, have a wonderful holiday

PS if your page brings up an antivirus thingy, it should be fine now, I have just re written some odd code.

< Message edited by Lucylastic -- 12/20/2009 11:09:08 AM >


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<) )> WOMAN
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Duchess Of Dissent
Dont Hate Love

(in reply to Kirata)
Profile   Post #: 18
RE: "Happy Holidays Mateys!!"/Am I My Brother... - 12/20/2009 4:19:35 PM   

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From: New Hampshire
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And for the Global Warming Moonbats, *no ice cubes for you!*


"But Your Honor, this is not a Jury of my Peers, these people are all decent, honest, law-abiding citizens!"

(in reply to Lucylastic)
Profile   Post #: 19
RE: "Happy Holidays Mateys!!"/Am I My Brother... - 12/20/2009 5:20:49 PM   

Posts: 5333
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ORIGINAL: TheHeretic

Thanks, Mia!  And a very Merry Christmas to you and yours!

Quick answer to the big question.  No, we are not our brother's keeper, but our brother is still our brother.

On unemployment benefits, I think we are pretty close to right in having time limits with a pretty generous extension policy.  These are tough times.  One place where I feel we could be doing better would be in the restrictions on earning additional income.  As it stands, if someone on unemployment gets the opportunity for some day work, or a part-time job, everything they might earn is pulled from the benefits (with inevitable bureaucratic bullshit and errors).  What is the point of individual initiative?  They can easily cut their own throat as some moronic, chairwarming pencil-pusher with a gov't pension plan decides that since they made $1500 selling Christmas trees in December, they can expect the same income in January and cuts the unemployment benefits accordingly (true story).

People receiving unemployment benefits should not only be able to earn additional income, it should be encouraged.  The benefits cutback shouldn't kick in until the combined income reaches what they were earning previously. 

Just my two cents.

***Merry, Merry, Christmas, Rich!!****
Isn't it great to have the religious freedom to STILL be able to say this??

I agree with what you are saying about the unemployment benefits, BUT
what about welfare???
I don't see where anyone on hear has addressed the fact that getting welfare

will NOT be an option for many people!!
Should people be able to get welfare when they fall on hard times, or not???

< Message edited by MzMia -- 12/20/2009 5:21:52 PM >


To Each His/Her Own
"DENIAL ain't just a river in Egypt." Mark Twain

What's your favorite fetish?
"My partner's whisper"--bloomswell

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