RE: Misogyny and BDSM (Full Version)

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Aynne88 -> RE: Misogyny and BDSM (1/7/2010 5:16:47 PM)


ORIGINAL: Psychonaut23


Kittin you know how much I love and respect you, and I am partially in agreement with you, but that comment re: Lushy's child....nope. He lost any sympathy or at least any reasoning on my part due to sympathy. That was so uncalled for. 

Oh stop fucking lying to yourself Aynne!  Jesus, you are so self-deluding it hurts to watch.  I'm pretty sure this the fourth or fifth time you've lost all sympathy for me.  Whatever the latest thing I did was, that's why you've now lost any sympathy for me.

You can't handle the truth, and so you make up bullshit.  You don't like me and you don't have any sympathy for me because I made you look like the self-deluding ass you are and you know it.  I wouldn't like me either.  But no one is buying this bullshit about how you were sympathetic towards my position until I made fun of luscious's kid.

Oh no darling I never said I liked you, I said I may have had sympathy for you, but please stop quoting Jack Nicholson, it hurts me to read it. I am pretty sure if no one is buying bullshit its yours because I don't sell it. I am a straight talking  up front no bullshit kind of woman. Where did you miss that part?

Hey at least you said you "made fun" of luscious's kid. Uber classy.

lusciouslips19 -> RE: Misogyny and BDSM (1/7/2010 5:20:03 PM)


ORIGINAL: Psychonaut23


ORIGINAL: lusciouslips19
Too stupid to know I was being completely sarcastic?? Whos an idiot now???

First of all, everyone who has been on the internet more than 15 minutes knows that sarcasm doesn't translate on the internet.

Second of all, many stupid people have said what you said in all seriousness. Many people on this thread have even made very similar accusations. And you've done nothing to convince me you aren't an armchair analyzing pinhead, with your inane Aspergers theory.

What possible reason would I have to assume sarcasm from that comment?

I smell backpedaling.

Dont blame me honey, blame the game![sm=dunno.gif]

ATTENTION ATTENTION: the above is Sarcasm do not take if thin skinned or on an empty stomach. For mature Adults only. No one under the maturity level of 10 admitted without their blankey, Tantrums will not be tolerated. Proceed at your own risk

lusciouslips19 -> RE: Misogyny and BDSM (1/7/2010 5:22:54 PM)


Oh, that's priceless. You manipulated me? You manipulated me into what? Dropping the hammer I'd raised two pages before? You manipulated me into completing the plan I had set in motion?

I'm impressed. (<-- SARCASM) Also, I think you're full of it. (<-- NOT SARCASM)

Finally, don't make fun of the abuse I suffered. That's not humorous. You lose any claim to any sense of decency or humanity when you do that. You want to claim that you're manipulating me and playing a game, then play it like a game. You don't make fun of child abuse, rape, loss of a loved one, race or someone's disabilities (and note that I did not make fun of your kid, I made fun of you).

You poor poor victim? Didnt you know that the gloves would come off when you insulted the mentally handicapped and then insulted my child and me?

Put your big boy panties on and bend over so you can get a dose of what ya dished.

rockspider -> RE: Misogyny and BDSM (1/7/2010 5:24:14 PM)


ORIGINAL: OrionTheWolf

Not sure how many will get this, but I feel that he resembles a Wilhelm Reich description of a personaility type. The other more straight forward may be he is an ICD-10, or some may recognize it as a 301.83.

Do you mean WHO ICD 10 F30.1.8 (The 3 don't exist in the classification) Main grouping is "Mania non psychotica" undergrouping (8) Reckless and iresponsible behaviour.
If using things like ICD 10 at least get your facts straigth.

OrionTheWolf -> RE: Misogyny and BDSM (1/7/2010 5:25:02 PM)

Does this sound like anyone? Thought my vague and obscure reference did go by many people not versed in it, so I have linked this to a wiki article:

A pervasive pattern of grandiosity (in fantasy or behavior), need for admiration, and lack of empathy, beginning by early adulthood and present in a variety of contexts, as indicated by five (or more) of the following:
  1. has a grandiose sense of self-importance (e.g., exaggerates achievements and talents, expects to be recognized as superior without commensurate achievements)
  2. is preoccupied with fantasies of unlimited success, power, brilliance, beauty, or ideal love
  3. believes that he or she is "special" and unique and can only be understood by, or should associate with, other special or high-status people (or institutions)
  4. requires excessive admiration
  5. has a sense of entitlement, i.e., unreasonable expectations of especially favorable treatment or automatic compliance with his or her expectations
  6. is interpersonally exploitative, i.e., takes advantage of others to achieve his or her own ends
  7. lacks empathy: is unwilling to recognize or identify with the feelings and needs of others
  8. is often envious of others or believes others are envious of him or her
  9. shows arrogant, haughty behaviors or attitudes

Link Here
Writing from my armchair in my parlour.

OrionTheWolf -> RE: Misogyny and BDSM (1/7/2010 5:27:27 PM)

I stand corrected, it has been a long while. That would be it.


ORIGINAL: rockspider


ORIGINAL: OrionTheWolf

Not sure how many will get this, but I feel that he resembles a Wilhelm Reich description of a personaility type. The other more straight forward may be he is an ICD-10, or some may recognize it as a 301.83.

Do you mean WHO ICD 10 F30.1.8 (The 3 don't exist in the classification) Main grouping is "Mania non psychotica" undergrouping (8) Reckless and iresponsible behaviour.
If using things like ICD 10 at least get your facts straigth.

thornhappy -> RE: Misogyny and BDSM (1/7/2010 5:30:57 PM)

Well, looks like folks are back from supper!

lusciouslips19 -> RE: Misogyny and BDSM (1/7/2010 5:33:05 PM)


ORIGINAL: lusciouslips19


Oh, that's priceless. You manipulated me? You manipulated me into what? Dropping the hammer I'd raised two pages before? You manipulated me into completing the plan I had set in motion?

I'm impressed. (<-- SARCASM) Also, I think you're full of it. (<-- NOT SARCASM)

Finally, don't make fun of the abuse I suffered. That's not humorous. You lose any claim to any sense of decency or humanity when you do that. You want to claim that you're manipulating me and playing a game, then play it like a game. You don't make fun of child abuse, rape, loss of a loved one, race or someone's disabilities (and note that I did not make fun of your kid, I made fun of you).

You poor poor victim? Didnt you know that the gloves would come off when you insulted the mentally handicapped and then insulted my child and me?

Put your big boy panties on and bend over so you can get a dose of what ya dished.


But no one is buying this bullshit about how you were sympathetic towards my position until I made fun of luscious's kid.

You didnt? You admitted it in response to Aynne. Its right there. I will go after you til I take you down now. And I started out liking you in the beginning. But you have no conceptof what is too far over the line. But cry fowl afterwards.

So now me and my friends are going to bat you around like a cat toying with the mouse until we go for the kill.

Have fun til then....[8|]

lusciouslips19 -> RE: Misogyny and BDSM (1/7/2010 5:34:34 PM)


ORIGINAL: Psychonaut23


ORIGINAL: lusciouslips19
You poor poor victim? Didnt you know that the gloves would come off when you insulted the mentally handicapped and then insulted my child and me?

Are the gloves coming off? Is that what this is?

'Cause it seems like the exact same empty bullshit and posturing.

Shup Pussy and go back to your Geek parlour.

AnimusRex -> RE: Misogyny and BDSM (1/7/2010 5:34:38 PM)


ORIGINAL: OrionTheWolf

Does this sound like anyone? A pervasive pattern of grandiositym need for admiration, and lack of empathy, beginning by early adulthood and present in a variety of contexts, as indicated by five (or more) of the following...

You nailed it. This is why despite his intelligence, he is unable to understand how others see him. He can't stand to be un-exceptional, so if he can't be acclaimed as our superior, he would prefer to be the singular villian. Then promptly pity himself for it.

lusciouslips19 -> RE: Misogyny and BDSM (1/7/2010 5:36:44 PM)


ORIGINAL: Psychonaut23


ORIGINAL: rockspider

ORIGINAL: OrionTheWolf
Not sure how many will get this, but I feel that he resembles a Wilhelm Reich description of a personaility type. The other more straight forward may be he is an ICD-10, or some may recognize it as a 301.83.

Do you mean WHO ICD 10 F30.1.8 (The 3 don't exist in the classification) Main grouping is "Mania non psychotica" undergrouping (8) Reckless and iresponsible behaviour. If using things like ICD 10 at least get your facts straigth.

I've been diagnosed as manic with non-psychotic tendencies.

It's why I've slept eight hours in the last four days.

Well geez, asswipe take a benydryl and get some sleep and come on back when you can think rationally and not like a toddler . Maybe that milk and cookies is what is in order?

OrionTheWolf -> RE: Misogyny and BDSM (1/7/2010 5:36:54 PM)

BTW, Luciouslips, it is not the actions of the Father that likely caused his problems, but the inactions of the Mother while his Father was doing whatever it was he was doing. Can't hate your Mother now can you, so you make them a saint and then project that hate on other females.

Of course it is all armchair, but that does not mean it is not on target.

Aynne88 -> RE: Misogyny and BDSM (1/7/2010 5:37:25 PM)


ORIGINAL: Psychonaut23


Oh no darling I never said I liked you, I said I may have had sympathy for you, but please stop quoting Jack Nicholson, it hurts me to read it. I am pretty sure if no one is buying bullshit its yours because I don't sell it. I am a straight talking  up front no bullshit kind of woman. Where did you miss that part?

It must have gotten lost in all of the bullshit that constantly comes from you.

You are seriously self-deluded.  Whether it be your belief that you're a feminist, that you're ethical, that you're independent, that you're strong-willed, all of those things are lies you tell yourself.  But the truth is pretty plain and obvious.

You're a weak-willed, easily manipulated, cowardly, craven and thoroughly bourgeois conformist who needs other people to support you, fight for you, and give you direction.  You are the exact opposite of what you claim to be.

Seriously Aynne, you've claimed to lose all sympathy for me more than once.  That alone tells us all just how full of shit you are and how empty your words are.  Plus, you're IN SALES.   Peddling bullshit is what you do for a LIVING.  It's your WHOLE LIFE.

From someone that quotes Anais call me bourgie? How cute are you!!!! I'm a cunt, no doubt about it love. No one fights for me, even my Man. His most used phrase to me when dealing with people like you is " Annie, love, easy girl."

So, I take it you never buy anything? Good. Off the grid you go granola geek.

lusciouslips19 -> RE: Misogyny and BDSM (1/7/2010 5:39:12 PM)


ORIGINAL: OrionTheWolf

BTW, Luciouslips, it is not the actions of the Father that likely caused his problems, but the inactions of the Mother while his Father was doing whatever it was he was doing. Can't hate your Mother now can you, so you make them a saint and then project that hate on other females.

Of course it is all armchair, but that does not mean it is not on target.

I was thinking that myself. Its kinda hard to be angry at the sweet saintly passive mother.

sexyred1 -> RE: Misogyny and BDSM (1/7/2010 5:39:40 PM)


ORIGINAL: Psychonaut23


Finally, don't make fun of the abuse I suffered.  That's not humorous.  You lose any claim to any sense of decency or humanity when you do that.  You want to claim that you're manipulating me and playing a game, then play it like a game.  You don't make fun of child abuse, rape, loss of a loved one, race or someone's disabilities (and note that I did not make fun of your kid, I made fun of you).

If you want to go down that road, I can't stop you.  And I will walk away from this.  You might even get a sense that you've won.  But everyone else here will see exactly how low and despicable you went to win, and any claim you might have had that you don't care and that I didn't successfully fuck with you will walk out with me.

Oh, give me a break. You have the gall to post this when you have done nothing since the thread began but make fun of everything, people's career choices, their IQ's, their ethics, their special needs children, their age, their ability to discern sarcasm, humor, etc.

Your hypocrisy is incredible. You dished out all your petty insults and now when you calculatingly threw your childhood abuse out as a way of scoring sympathy, it did not work as planned.

Hmmmm...I guess the mind fuck backfired, huh?

lusciouslips19 -> RE: Misogyny and BDSM (1/7/2010 5:41:05 PM)

i think Psychnaut should post a picture of his bedroom so we can really make fun of him.

EbonyWood -> RE: Misogyny and BDSM (1/7/2010 5:42:56 PM)


ORIGINAL: Psychonaut23

I've been diagnosed as manic with non-psychotic tendencies.

So, they got it half right. Meh.

thornhappy -> RE: Misogyny and BDSM (1/7/2010 5:44:13 PM)


Bathroom(s).  Gotta be all of them, too.  No cherry-picking.

kittinSol -> RE: Misogyny and BDSM (1/7/2010 5:47:07 PM)


ORIGINAL: Psychonaut23

I've been diagnosed as manic with non-psychotic tendencies.

It's why I've slept eight hours in the last four days.


lusciouslips19 -> RE: Misogyny and BDSM (1/7/2010 5:49:04 PM)


ORIGINAL: Psychonaut23


ORIGINAL: lusciouslips19
You didnt? You admitted it in response to Aynne. Its right there. I will go after you til I take you down now. And I started out liking you in the beginning. But you have no conceptof what is too far over the line. But cry fowl afterwards.

I misspoke. I used your kid to make fun of you.


So now me and my friends are going to bat you around like a cat toying with the mouse until we go for the kill.

Unless you wield the banhammer there is literally nothing you can do to me. I've gone up against far, far worse than you. But I love that you're claiming to be really engaged now. See now you've raised the bar. Now you have to bring it, or look like the chump you are. But you can't bring it. You've already brought it, we saw it, and it was nothing.

Also, you and your friends? Kinda chickenshit, aren't ya? Can't take me in a fair fight, gotta go get a gang to back you up. Sheep need their herd, right? On your own, you're just too weak and pathetic to go up against me. And clearly you know it.

At least you've learned something about yourself here luscious. You've learned that you're a chickenshit coward that can't stand by herself and needs a posse to feel strong. And that has to be worth something, right?

Not when you keep giving me such good ammunition. Go get some sleep manic boy.
Just a bit of advice though when you go without sleep it goes from just manic to psychotic and delusional.

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