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BitaTruble -> Power and Spirit (3/21/2006 1:23:20 PM)

I tried to write of spirit without talking about power and found I couldn't do it, so the 'power' part of this is a repost only as to bring clarity to the spirit portion. If you've read this already, please feel free to skip it. No harm, no foul. This is for Level, because he thought it would make a good thread.  I would love to hear how others meld their spirituality with their M/s dynamics.

Darkness, that stormy weather of the soul and the ability to harness it and unleash it with control. It's no wonder to me that some Masters who have that ability think they are Gods. To shape and dictate where the lightening strikes, when the rain falls, how fast the heart beats, such, to me, are elements of BDSM power. Without that bit of darkness, the sunshine blinds me. Without the shadows, there is no unknown and I need that because my own shadows love the dance, the touch of fear, the primal and visceral that lays within me and can't be pulled out by 'kind' or 'nice.' Kind and nice are eaten alive in the face of that power. Without the unknown, there is no journey to take, no territory to discover, no growth to be had. "Firm but gentle." How often I see those words and to my mind, they do not hold hands very well with power and control. They have their place and, indeed, gentle and tender thoughts are part of an intimate and loving relationship, but it's not the relationship I may have with another which feeds the beast. Relationships feed my humanity, but the darkness, the blood, the roar and rage of controlled power feeds those things which fall outside of my humanity. Those things I sought and which brought me to where I reside today, in BDSM. The deer makes no gift of her meat to the hunter. He takes it and eats it at his leisure. What is beautiful for me, is that there is no death when he eats my power because it remains in tact and whole within him. He digests it then utilizes it and snaps it out the end of his whip, the blade of his tongue.. he makes the rain fall in the form of my tears. He makes the Earth stand still or rotate with single words dropped from great height so that I quake with unknowing. Shall the world spin to the left or right today? Always, always, his choice. Such is why his direction and clarity are so important. Without being told right or left, I can spin out into the void, not knowing where the handholds may be. This is how it is for me.. how I wanted it, how I craved it.. how I live it .. without that.. without that darkness.. without the control of that wild.. I am lost. The ability to stay in my center is the last thing that I need. It's the edge, the very edge.. to the point where you fall or fly that brings me back again and again.. so I can dance knowing I may trip and fall .. yet still taking that chance.
I believe in Higher Power. Something greater than myself which feeds me and gives life to my soul. That power allows me to feel a connection to Earth and humanity and no less to the Universe and when it's harnessed by one with ability and who knows it's potential, it can be used to fuel flights I never dreamed possible. I am the conduit, the cord which goes to that which is power and creates the energy within me. What's beautiful about that power is the source, which is unending, so at the same time that power is flowing from me to Himself, it is continually renewed so that I am never drained and my soul never hungers. As that Higher Power feeds me, in turn it flows from me and feeds the hungry beast which is Himself. That's not all though, because at the same time as I have the power flowing to me and then from me to him as energy ... he has his own power which flows directly to him and the very thought of it makes me giddy. The flow is, while not tangible in manifestation, opening my mind to new thoughts and ideas, enabling me to release that which would weigh me down or cause immersion into self. It allows me to become more than I am of body and mind.. it allows my spirit to reign, to seek new destinations, new understandings. There are times I watch myself and am amazed at the astral projections which are enabled through the power of spirit and the release of the spirit from the physical body which holds it. Being able to touch someone else with everything that is the embodiment of who I am, soul to soul.. it's touch in it's purest form, involving no flesh. There were days when I had not been able to release that which flows to me.. days when I wasn't been able to meditate to give it back to it's source and I felt overwhelmed by it. Those are screaming days or crying days.. and without that release, I can fall into exhaustion from trying to keep it contained. You can't just go around screaming or crying at the drop of a hat though, so there are other methods.. physical pain which is so good at releasing that soul pain and so much less damaging. Blood letting works wonders for me. Piercing gives a twofold benefit, allowing both the release from pain and a chance to speak to those who came before me and who's blood runs through my veins. Karezza, Tantra, meditation, S/m ... all hold a sacred place in my life as it relates to both my spirituality and my sexuality to help in the release of the pain when the power is overwhelming. If you have ever had a sexual ache, needing something so bad that you'll do almost anything for it.. and I get that as well, but I also have a spiritual pain that is no less but vastly different if it's not addressed. Try to bottle up grief.. and see if your soul does not suffer in time. Try to suppress joy and see how far you go. Laughter, all emotions take their due or the soul suffers the consequences. The piper needs must be paid at some point or the body is a shell holding simply.. emptiness.  That power flow has allowed a complete connection with Himself that transcends humanity and we are transformed as we move from human to energy. That's when I would have to say that he is a God because it's he who guides us, keeps us safe and when needed, brings us back to the surface, back to ourselves. Such is the trust I have in him, the faith.. because it's not my life confined by this physical flesh which he takes care of in those precious moments.. it's my very soul. The flesh, being so finite in duration, so limited in capacity pales next to the spirit which is never ending, never dying, and ever evolving.  Master is the guardian, the shaper and molder and the director of when and where the spirit flies. Thus is how my spirituality and the M/s S/m power dynamic, which is the path Himself and I walk, conjoin with one another, melding together and enabling us to be more than the sum of our parts. Celeste

LuckyAlbatross -> RE: Power and Spirit (3/21/2006 1:26:19 PM)

Other than my own system as being that we are all gods, I think this is beautiful and eloquently put.

MasterFireMaam -> RE: Power and Spirit (3/21/2006 1:40:57 PM)

Lovely. There are more and more of us who find that SM and Ms dynamics can make us look within to find the Divine. If you, or anyone else reading this, agree that such a connection exists, you might be interested in the APEX Academy in the Butchmanns Tradition. It is a 2.5 day hands-on workshop about SM/Ms spirituality. http://www.arizonapowerexchange.org/academy/index.htm


IronBear -> RE: Power and Spirit (3/21/2006 2:20:11 PM)

Celeste, thank you ~ Tyuskinyan wancinyankelo

I may have worded things a little different due to my own experiences, but I could not have said this anywhere near as well as you. It would not matter if we stood to greet the Summer Solstice with Druidic Brethren at the great Standing Stones. Or if we stood before a Pagan Altar as the circle was being woven with tendrils of the life force connecting all of us, or even sat in a Medicine Circle, what you have written is universal…

ArtCatDom -> RE: Power and Spirit (3/21/2006 3:00:29 PM)

Wonderfully beautiful. Much of what you said struck a chord with me.

I must say that you know how to write between the words. It is an ability I greatly admire.

To summarize, I believe in a singluar Creator and I seek the Tao in my life. I do daily devotions and prayers. I meditate and practice chi kung daily. I've studied taoist medicine and acupressure, as well as practice Hsing Yi Chuan (an "internal martial art"). I also believe the act of embracing life, emotions and reason to be acts of worship.

All of these aspects of my spiritual life come into a BDSM relationship. If you want a Taoist perspective on power exchange, give the Art of Way by Sun Tzu a good read. It will describes the essence of a Taoist approach to any struggle. My devotional attitude towards the daly living of my life comes seriously into play. I believe the Dom/me-sub relationship to be one of exceeding intimacy and trust. I also believe it should be one filled with love and passion. Every act with a sub is an offering, a devotion, a mitzvah (if you will). The study of Hsing Yi and medicine makes it very easy to evoke a variety of physical sensations, which is obviously useful. The same make it easier to care for a sub overall, but especially in terms of aftercare and consistant health maintenance.

Hope that all makes sense.


BitaTruble -> RE: Power and Spirit (3/21/2006 4:54:18 PM)

I'd like to thank everyone for the kind words. They were unexpected and mean a great deal to me.

LA - I have heard of your philosophy, about each man being a God. I can't say it's something which I would disagree with because there are times when I feel as if I, too, can create universes. I think it's a subject that I'll delve into further.

MFM - APEX inspired me to start UPEX and it will always hold a special place in my heart, for it was there that I first met Fakir and subsequently embraced piercing as a way of prayer and connection. It doesn't surprise me that they would enhance others through things like the Butchman's Tradition. The first time I participated in a ball dance was through APEX.. in fact, I believe it was the first one they had ever sponsored, so it's been several years now. I would fulfill a longed for wish to be able to live close enough to become a APEX member once again.

IB - I'm gonna get back to you in a minute. ;)

Art - Eastern philosophy has been a fascination of mine for several years. I've studied Taoism just a bit and find it a fascinating subject. One I'm going to make sure to revisit. Thank you for bringing it up.


BitaTruble -> RE: Power and Spirit (3/21/2006 4:58:19 PM)


I may have worded things a little different due to my own experiences,

I'm not going to let you off that easy you Ol' Bear. Sex magic, Sir...... um.. please. ;) Just a taste.. a morsel, a crumb. I am really good at begging. What's it going to take?


kyraofMists -> RE: Power and Spirit (3/21/2006 5:10:27 PM)

Thank you, Celeste for sharing. 

This really struck a chord with me, especially the line "those are screaming days or crying days".  There are days like this for me and there is no rational explanation for them, nothing appears different from a day when I am happy and joyful.  I have only recently started to accept that nothing is wrong and I just need to empty out the emotion.  Your writing gives new possibilities to consider.

Knight's kyra

LuckyAlbatross -> RE: Power and Spirit (3/21/2006 5:46:59 PM)


ORIGINAL: BitaTruble
LA - I have heard of your philosophy, about each man being a God. I can't say it's something which I would disagree with because there are times when I feel as if I, too, can create universes. I think it's a subject that I'll delve into further.

My system of belief is a form of pantheism and yet it's not. It's more like "We're all one god having an infinite experience of ourself" and even that's a pretty poor way of saying it. Words are so useless when they really matter and while I don't think this is a topic either of us discuss casually, I'd definitely be open to deeper delvings in private if you'd like.

But thanks again for the good words. My headlight went out tonight finally after knowing it would happen since Sunday- your post allowed me to smile over it.

MistressDREAD -> RE: Power and Spirit (3/21/2006 7:26:24 PM)

allright Bita,
loved the works.
It invoked My own
simply put.


spirit: My definitions....
watching a very delicate petal of a lilly bloom.
         is there power in the action or power in the bloom ?
         No just the spirit of the cycle everlasting.
hearing a child cry with a fallen bike beside them.
         is there power in the action or power in the bike?
         No just the spirit of determination quelled a moment.
speaking to a sun set over a glorious ocean wide, the moon and stars shining.
         is there power in the decending of the planets or power in the waves?
         No just the spirit of life that gives Us inspiration to live it.
see no power, hear no power, speak no power, but it resides.

Submotive -> RE: Power and Spirit (3/21/2006 7:30:47 PM)


I would love to hear how others meld their spirituality with their M/s dynamics.

Submission is not an easy task for me because my personality is quite dominant. Some have said i should just be a Domme. But i believe in the deepest recesses of my Soul that my mission in this life is to learn to submit and in learning to submit to my Master, i learn to submit on a much deeper level to the Powers that be. To have a strong will and just as strong a desire to surrender it, not because it is brutally ripped from me, but because it is treasured as a gift - For me, there is nothing more Divine.

ownedgirlie -> RE: Power and Spirit (3/21/2006 7:49:31 PM)

You know i loved the "Power" part already... :)

The Spirit part was also quite powerful.  i have also had those screaming/crying days (a normal part of my childhood and marriage).  The aches, the suppression you spoke of, were my normalcy.  So much energy building up over the years, unable to find release, until the damn broke.  To now be allowed to let the energy flow, to express who and what i am and think and feel...is to know happiness and peace.

Where i differ somewhat is i do not see Master as a God, but God-like, and a gift from God as i know him to be.  But he has touched my very soul, literally, and has brought me with him in doing so, showing me the beauty that is within.

Thank you for sharing such a personal side of  yourself, and for opening the door to the rest of us to consider the same.

catize -> RE: Power and Spirit (3/21/2006 9:05:48 PM)

Your beautiful words are apt, and dare I say it, powerful.  And yet I have an alternative viewpoint about the source of what you have described.  I have felt that energy you speak of, but I am too pragmatic to accept it as mystical, too agnositc to perceive it as spiritual.
'Strength of mind' is a phrase that can be synonymous with 'spirit'.  The brain, the human mind, has amazing capabilities.
It is true that some will achieve mental levels of practice that many others are not aware are possible.  It is my belief that those accomplishments are human rather than other-worldly.
The machinations of the brain have yet to be fully understood. The intricacies of the material we carry beneath our skulls are akin to a miniature universe and just as awe-inspiring.
Perhaps I am the only person in the entire world who does not grasp the concept of the soul or feel the need for spiritual fulfillment.  At the very least I think I am one of the few who will admit it.
I can relate to the feelings and the experiences you illustrate here, but I draw a blank when you speak of it as more than physical.
Call it simple semantics, perhaps, but what you define as transcending humanity, I chalk up to endorphins; a very human element. 

BitaTruble -> RE: Power and Spirit (3/21/2006 9:25:34 PM)


Call it simple semantics, perhaps, but what you define as transcending humanity, I chalk up to endorphins; a very human element. 

I think everyone's path is unique unto themselves and what it's called doesn't really matter all that much. To embrace what I call spirit is a personal choice. Frankly, becauwe I don't know what else 'to' call it. Endorphins have played into many of my personal moments maybe even most of them in which I have achieved a trancelike state. Personally, I call that subspace. What I spoke about above, is different, but for all I know, it only feels different to me. Subspace is all within body for me, contained and confined within a finite space although my mind is free to go where it will. An out of body experience, such as I have experienced goes outside of my physical self and it's not my mind which wanders about, it's my spirit. Chemical changes come about by many means and it may be explained by science and be quite accurate.. but like many who believe in spirit, the one does not, necessarily exclude the other. Science and nature can and often do hold hands. And prayer and endorphins, I dare say, can hold hands just as well. The mind is an incredibly powerful tool and most of us use the barest portion of it throughout our lives. I don't know, one way or another what is possible.. but I like to think that 'almost anything' would be fairly accurate.


IronBear -> RE: Power and Spirit (3/21/2006 11:31:18 PM)


ORIGINAL: BitaTruble


I may have worded things a little different due to my own experiences,

I'm not going to let you off that easy you Ol' Bear. Sex magic, Sir...... um.. please. ;) Just a taste.. a morsel, a crumb. I am really good at begging. What's it going to take?


Now how can I refuse such a magnificient display of begging? Tell you what Celeste, give me a few days, a week max to hunt through files and see what i canput together without too much magickal techno babble. I'll try to get you examples and techniques which are safe to practice with. Now what i will do is message you and perhaps I can put this on a file and send it to you. I don't necessarily have the time to start a separate thread and service it with regular responces ason a daily basis my time on line can be limites by others who need to use the computer..

BitaTruble -> RE: Power and Spirit (3/21/2006 11:43:41 PM)


Now how can I refuse such a magnificient display of begging? Tell you what Celeste, give me a few days, a week max to hunt through files and see what i canput together without too much magickal techno babble. I'll try to get you examples and techniques which are safe to practice with. Now what i will do is message you and perhaps I can put this on a file and send it to you. I don't necessarily have the time to start a separate thread and service it with regular responces ason a daily basis my time on line can be limites by others who need to use the computer..

I would be most grateful for anything you wish to share! Many thanks and bright blessings on you and yours.


Level -> RE: Power and Spirit (3/22/2006 2:59:31 AM)

Celeste, thank you so much. As the others have stated, what you wrote is eloquent, and beautiful. I've struggled with my beliefs and spirituality since I was a child, eventually tearing almost all of it down in order to simply have a hope of rebuilding it back. It's something I think about every day, and you and the other posters have added to that, and I'm grateful.

BitaTruble -> RE: Power and Spirit (3/22/2006 10:33:17 AM)



Celeste, thank you so much. As the others have stated, what you wrote is eloquent, and beautiful. I've struggled with my beliefs and spirituality since I was a child, eventually tearing almost all of it down in order to simply have a hope of rebuilding it back. It's something I think about every day, and you and the other posters have added to that, and I'm grateful.

I'm most happy to have been of service, Sir. ;)  I wish you joyful success on all of your spiritual quests.


slavejali -> RE: Power and Spirit (3/22/2006 2:59:41 PM)

In a condensed form:

There was some point in my life when I realised the fruitlessness of trying to be fulfilled by outside means, whether that was through a partner, a situation, job, whatever. I saw all those things as empty things, like I was a vessel with no bottom, the more I experienced, I was never filled up. I saw having dependance on external things was just idiotic, one day happy, one day sad, having my happinesses and sadnesses reliant on what was going on around me and for my sense of identification could only mean that I was like a leaf in the breeze being tossed this way and that depending on the weather. ..but surely there was more than that, I was more than that.

At that time in my life, I had this incredible urge for union, to join, to yoke with something, (btw "to yoke" is actually the literal translation for the sanksrit word "Yoga")  yet the more I looked around, the more I realised nothing in this world could fulfill me, the thing I wanted to yoke with, didnt exist in this world, it was perfect, unchanging, absolute.

I spent some time in a form of meditation. It wasnt a visualisation or anything, more of a surrendering kind of meditation. Letting go of everything and everyone, it was a process that occurred without actually attempting to do anything, no orchestration on my part.The more this occurred, I felt a power consume me, it was so intense I didnt care if I died, I had no concept of mind or body or emotion. No thought. No me and "it".  It was just pure "power" perhaps another word for it was "Life". Nothing else existed.

Fast forward....into time.

So then, I look at the world and everything has changed....and I am faced with the reality than I'm still in a body, yet have the knowledge through experience that there  is a an energy that is behind everything, call it what you will , but whatever you call it, it pervades everything and everyone, isn't divided, isnt reliant, doesnt make choices, is just "As it is".

I don't want to be here, I want to be there. All the time. Here, there, confusing. Am I a body? Am I a mind? Am I the things that I'm feeling? They all seemed so......transient. How can I be here and there? Where is there when its everywhere yet nowhere and certainly not defined? How can I still exist in this body, please let me die.

Fast forward...into time...

Then a realisation occurred that I wasnt going to die...damnit *grin*. Here I was in life, on earth, I felt the warmth of the soil under my feet and the sun shining down on me. I looked at the trees swaying in the breeze, heard the birds chirping and watched rain run down my windows, a single drop so amazing with all the life it contained.

Fast Forward into time....

It was then that I knew I had a choice. What was I going to do with my life? While I spent time here, living, how was I going to live it? It didnt really matter what I did or didnt do, life was all around me and inside me.

I saw man and woman as the complimentary forces.  A microcosm of the macrocosm I had experienced, a way to play out in life that amazing experience and revelation I had been part of....thats what a Master/slave relationship is to me in regards to power and spirit.

Thanks for sharing your revelations Celeste.

BitaTruble -> RE: Power and Spirit (3/22/2006 3:20:37 PM)


Thanks for sharing your revelations Celeste.

And to you, Jali.. every word you wrote spoke to me.. I've been in the same place..   I was doing a clothespins/needle demo at APEX and had been in breast bondage for a few hours while the lecturers went through the history of piercing etc.. and I remember, while it wasn't particular painful, it was.. hmm.. intense I guess would be the word to describe it. I remember Cleo bending close to my ear and whispering to me.. "Do what you want".. and in that moment, all I wanted was to die and I threw my head back to let that happen ... and damn if that's not what happened.. and from there I flew.. literally felt myself leave my body and watched myself on the stage with her. Afterwards, there were a few people who came up to me and said than there was a point when I threw my head back and shadow backlit on the wall behind us rose up .. almost as though my spirit could be seen being lifted out of me, because I know that moment when I threw my head back was the same moment when the thought of dying went through me. It's not something I can really explain, but it's what put me on the path towards embracing my spirit and the energy within me as a substantive aspect of my being.. no different from my intellect, my emotions.. it's all a part of me and I can no more dismiss one aspect of myself than another. I tried explaining this to my dad, and he just smiled at me and rather humored me about the whole thing.. he told me that he believed that I believed it was true.. so I'm aware of what it looks like, but as I've been rather strange or at least thought of as strange for most of my life from most of those who know me.. it's all good. :) If you ask me.. I think I'm one of the most normal people I know. hehehe


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