Another etiquette question (Full Version)

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all4yourplsr -> Another etiquette question (1/14/2010 10:23:11 AM)

Why do some Mistresses block people for just sending them a simple compliment?
i think thats kind of rude.  Anyone else??


AquaticSub -> RE: Another etiquette question (1/14/2010 10:25:10 AM)

~Fast Reply~

What was the compliement? Some compliements aren't actually compliements...

sunshinemiss -> RE: Another etiquette question (1/14/2010 10:27:58 AM)

Aqua, you have beautiful tits!

*that kind of compliment?

Aqua, I was reading your reply on x,y,z thread and it made me think of that subject in a whole other way.  Thank you for posting what you did.

*or that kind of compliment?

AquaticSub -> RE: Another etiquette question (1/14/2010 10:31:13 AM)


ORIGINAL: sunshinemiss

Aqua, you have beautiful tits!

*that kind of compliment?

Ahh... an excellent example! that is the kind of compliment that gets a guy blocked, ignored and/or snarked.

Aqua, I was reading your reply on x,y,z thread and it made me think of that subject in a whole other way.  Thank you for posting what you did.

*or that kind of compliment?

And that is the kind that gets a response!  [:)]

Lockit -> RE: Another etiquette question (1/14/2010 10:40:50 AM)

Well... let's see. Ten emails in a day with nothing but a compliment from a total stranger... all having to do with something I find less important than many other things... like nice picture... you don't look your age... you seem really nice, I would love to serve someone like you... it's that smile that does it for me... I like what you said and they haven't read a thing you have said and can't tell you without going to your profile again.

Why waste our time on someone who can only use a compliment to capture our attention and maybe get a response? Most compliments around here are a short cut to getting communication. See me... without reading her profile... challenging her to be nice because I did give her a compliment... I might get her talking and are all things that many of us have experienced many times a day. Why waste time with pretty words when they have no real meaning or display of who the person is other than he takes short cuts, trying to impress?

joether -> RE: Another etiquette question (1/14/2010 10:44:49 AM)

It does really depend on what the short answer is and isn't. Many guys send one sentence (and some arent even that) to Dommes expecting (read: demanding) something in return.

I rarily use one sentence emails, unless I know the person for a while. Usually the one liner jokes get swapped, for a good chuckle here and there. But for someone new, its just like a letter. I will have read their profile, and personal journals if they have any. Study their picture and if they have posted on the message boards. So that when I do contact them, it says I actually put effort and thought to compose something meaningful. And yes, even after all that, I too, sometimes do not get an answer immidiately or ever. Believe it or, Dommes, like most women, can be busy in a day. And do not get back for a few days. That's understandable and acceptable. Some will never response, as they do not like what they see in my profile.

Just send one mailing. If nothing is heard, wait a few months.

LadyChallene -> RE: Another etiquette question (1/14/2010 10:50:35 AM)

I know it reflects badly on me, but once I did accidentally block someone ...

Perhaps it was a mistake. [sm=dunno.gif] Do not judge all of us because of a few accidents or personal choices.

While it may be rude to you, it is someone's right to choose who they speak to, write to or read things from...

No, it is not a good way to make many friends or positively influence someone by doing things that way, but it is still their right to choose to be that way.

[sm=2cents.gif]Was the compliment sexual in nature? Was it generic or specific to her? Do you know if she was having a bad day? Was the compliment a follow-up to, or in itself a one-liner message, or previous one-liner message? Was it spelled out or 'text' speak? Was it engaging or a put-off? Was it sent on a Tuesday when she was having a bad hair day (sorry that sounded a bit shallow), did her boss ride her ass in a bad, unwanted way and maybe her house was totally wrecked when she finally got home just to have to cook dinner for a bunch of people who neglected to say anything except how bad their day was ... and whined that their favorite socks were still dirty because she is the only one who knows how to turn a dial on the washer and dryer - had the hot water run out just as she was trying to take a moment for herself and have a bath to relax, unwind and just simply breathe in a space that was not occupied by children, significant others, pets (two and four legged), an animal that no one thought to let outside to go potty so she would not have to be the only one that didn't walk past the poop on the floor - but picked it up instead, toys strung out all over hell and back, dirty dishes, ringing phones, clothes thrown willy-nilly down the hallway and an e-mail box filled to overflowing with messages from additional people that wanted something else from her?

Surely I can't be the only one who has had days, even weeks like that ... please tell me I am not the ONLY one.

Lady Challene [sm=cactus.gif]

<---- Edited because I suddenly felt the need to rant and vent in the same breath! Sorry.

LadyPact -> RE: Another etiquette question (1/14/2010 10:53:58 AM)

Did the compliment include reading her profile and noticing that she was only interested in talking with local people?

RedMagic1 -> RE: Another etiquette question (1/14/2010 10:55:12 AM)


ORIGINAL: all4yourplsr
Why do some Mistresses block people for just sending them a simple compliment?
i think thats kind of rude.  Anyone else??

I think spending more than half a second on it is pointless.  You're not going to change that woman's behavior, and you're not going to find anybody else by continuing to think about someone who is permanently out of your life.

I suggest you worry less about rejection, and why other people foolishly distance themselves from you.  Instead, focus on attraction and what you can do so other people will actively want to be around you.

CarrieO -> RE: Another etiquette question (1/14/2010 10:57:44 AM)

I got the nicest email this morning from a man complimenting me on a journal entry.  Nothing over the top, just letting me know he enjoyed it and could relate.

He got a lovely "thank you" email in return.

Like I say in my signature line..."This really isn't rocket science"

edited to add.....OP, if you're having a problem with ladies blocking you, maybe you need to look at what it is you're complimenting them on.  I see it as how you would act if you met this person say at a bar or art gallery.  Would you walk up to her and say " nice tits...can I serve you?"  or would you be a bit more polite? 

To pull a quote from that wonderful source of philosophy...Disney (The Lion King in particular)... "It doesn't matter, it's in the past".  Use your past as a learner tool and move forward.  Like RedMagic1 said..."Instead, focus on attraction and what you can do so other people will actively want to be around you."

Domin8tingUrDrmz -> RE: Another etiquette question (1/14/2010 11:10:37 AM)

I often get "compliments" stating "nice pussy" because of the kitty kitty in my lap.

That one line ALWAYS gets blocked. It isnt a compliment, it isn't cute, it isnt funny. It's annoying. If the first comment someone makes to me annoys me, they will get blocked.

Now, some people say, "that sounds like a good beer". Again, one line, but that one line shows they read something I've written. That one line gets one line in return, "thank you, it is a good beer".

So if your complement sounds like the first one you now know why it gets blocked. If it sounds like the second, perhaps the lady wanted more than one simple line of text, maybe she posted a key word in her profile to indicate that you've read it, read her profile and find out.

LadyChallene -> RE: Another etiquette question (1/14/2010 11:24:07 AM)


ORIGINAL: Domin8tingUrDrmz

I often get "compliments" stating "nice pussy" because of the kitty kitty in my lap.

That one line ALWAYS gets blocked. It isnt a compliment, it isn't cute, it isnt funny. It's annoying. If the first comment someone makes to me annoys me, they will get blocked.

Now, some people say, "that sounds like a good beer". Again, one line, but that one line shows they read something I've written. That one line gets one line in return, "thank you, it is a good beer".

So if your complement sounds like the first one you now know why it gets blocked. If it sounds like the second, perhaps the lady wanted more than one simple line of text, maybe she posted a key word in her profile to indicate that you've read it, read her profile and find out.

Yeah, what she said! ... I know, bad one-liner, I just could not resist ... ok, I could have - but it just seemed to make her point all the more.

Lady Challene

Domin8tingUrDrmz -> RE: Another etiquette question (1/14/2010 11:27:23 AM)

No no, LadyChallene, that is an example of a GOOD one liner. It shows you read what I've written [:D]

LadyChallene -> RE: Another etiquette question (1/14/2010 12:13:16 PM)

:: chuckles :: Thank goodness, I finally got a one-liner right! It's about damn time.

Lady Challene


Domin8tingUrDrmz -> RE: Another etiquette question (1/14/2010 12:19:46 PM)

You got the one-liner correct, but you were wrong in thinking it was wrong at first. [:D]

Nothing wrong with being right and wrong at the same time[;)]

Is that confusing enough for you? I think I almost managed to confuse myself.

sunshinemiss -> RE: Another etiquette question (1/14/2010 12:21:42 PM)


4 out of 3 people have trouble with fractions.

Dear Ms. D8etc.

I like your tag line.  You funny.

onlyme32111 -> RE: Another etiquette question (1/14/2010 12:31:02 PM)



Why waste our time on someone who can only use a compliment to capture our attention and maybe get a response? Most compliments around here are a short cut to getting communication.

Why waste time with pretty words when they have no real meaning or display of who the person is other than he takes short cuts, trying to impress?

My, that's a tad cold. What's bad about a man trying to capture your attention with a simple compliment? Give them some credit, at least they're trying to make you smile. It doesn't always have to mean it's a short cut. Why not be open to it potentially being a starter for something more? And if given the opportunity, you could likely see there's more to him to discover. I'm not saying all compliments aren't a clandestine ploy, but goodness you sound a little jaded.

LadyChallene -> RE: Another etiquette question (1/14/2010 12:41:55 PM)


ORIGINAL: Domin8tingUrDrmz

You got the one-liner correct, but you were wrong in thinking it was wrong at first. [:D]

Nothing wrong with being right and wrong at the same time[;)]

Is that confusing enough for you? I think I almost managed to confuse myself.

I'll take it anyway I can get it! :: winks ::

Domin8tingUrDrmz -> RE: Another etiquette question (1/14/2010 1:07:19 PM)


ORIGINAL: sunshinemiss


4 out of 3 people have trouble with fractions.

Dear Ms. D8etc.

I like your tag line.  You funny.

Why thanks there sunnylady [:)]. Another fine example of a compliment that goes well received. [;)]

PS. I know my screen name is excessively long. Please feel free to refer to me as the one who ate your dreams [:D] or D8uD works.

Lockit -> RE: Another etiquette question (1/14/2010 1:28:21 PM)


ORIGINAL: onlyme32111



Why waste our time on someone who can only use a compliment to capture our attention and maybe get a response? Most compliments around here are a short cut to getting communication.

Why waste time with pretty words when they have no real meaning or display of who the person is other than he takes short cuts, trying to impress?

My, that's a tad cold. What's bad about a man trying to capture your attention with a simple compliment? Give them some credit, at least they're trying to make you smile. It doesn't always have to mean it's a short cut. Why not be open to it potentially being a starter for something more? And if given the opportunity, you could likely see there's more to him to discover. I'm not saying all compliments aren't a clandestine ploy, but goodness you sound a little jaded.

LOL... It is because I have given many the opportunity to show themselves... give them time, be understanding and maybe even with a slow start... they will get better, that I have the jaded parts going well and strong. Not one... not even one... ever made it past months of one liner's. If the man can't speak from the get go... there is one thing to do in my world... get on goin down the line to someone who wants to coddle you and play the one line for months thing. I am not here to teach them to talk, to drag it out of them or wait patiently while we do it his way.

So jaded and cold... maybe... but I find more depth in those who can at least put a paragraph together in an attempt to get to know someone. Now, I have had one liner's that made me laugh my ass off and those were different. They weren't trying to break into anything with pretty words... and were typically responding to something I had said somewhere. But for the most part... like I said, if he can't put a paragraph of something together... he is barking up the wrong tree with me, because I need a communicator and that is just the way it is and will be.

You can take all the one liner's if you like and you can do all that work. lol Just not my thing. lol

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