RE: Jew Hitler a Rothschild? ?? huh? (Full Version)

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Rule -> RE: Jew Hitler a Rothschild? ?? huh? (2/13/2010 12:39:11 AM)


is there anything you are not an expert in

Indeed, there is plenty I am not an expert in.

Rule -> RE: Jew Hitler a Rothschild? ?? huh? (2/13/2010 1:28:04 AM)


I said there is no frequency for a new lethal mutation and there isn't.

The fact is NF-1 is not caused by a single point mutation but by many different variations of the same gene. Over 300 of those mutations have been identified but that doesn't mean that there aren't more. Furthermore NF-1 occurs not only as the result of point mutation but as a result of other more complicated mutations, splices and other multiple base errors.

However we don't even know which changes will result in disease. Even on this gene many thousands, tens of thousands probably, sites can mutate with no deleterious effect. This is true for virtually the entire genome. Therefore we have no way to even estimate the rate of new lethal recessive mutations because we have no idea how many sites are even vulnerable to such much less which specific mutations at those sites will result in disease.

There is a mutation rate for every gene and for every allele and for every specific base-pair and for the genome as a whole (in the latter case called the molecular clock).

In the case of the neuro-fibromatosis gene the mutation rate for dominant deleterious mutations has been measured - not estimated - to be one in seven thousand births.

There is a rate for everything, like stock exchange rates and supernova explosion rates. In practice these rates are measured, not estimated. DomKen's attempts to estimate point mutation rates for specific recessive deleterious mutations are impractical and a waste of time, as demonstrated by his admitted failure.

I find his inability to grasp that there is a rate for everything, fascinating. As is his inability to admit that one in seven thousand - a rate - births presents with a new dominant deleterious mutation in one of the two neuro-fibromatosis genes. His mind appears to function according to the principle "If I ignore it, it does not exist. If I close my eyes, the point of my nose does not exist because I do not see it".

Real0ne -> RE: Jew Hitler a Rothschild? ?? huh? (2/13/2010 7:36:50 AM)


ORIGINAL: europeantrainer

It was very common in europe to be jewish "pankhart",many maids where forced to have sex/rape by jewish and others in power,my own grandfather from my mother side was one of such child and his name was Adolf-many years before Hitler was put in power by the same ELITE that control us today,JACK

its our fault you know? 

Mass medai and control is a fine art and always has been all the way back to Christs day where whats his name burned down rome and blamed the christians.    People are for the most part dumb ass cattle and treated that way.   The deeper I dig the more I understand why.   Its all the deserve.   Few such as yourself apparently ever educate themselves to that point to actually know whats going on beyond the scenes and governments keep it a well hidden secret with their blessings.   The kool thing is that the elite can rob from both peter and paul at the same time that way with impunity and the people enmass are non the wiser threfore it continues unimpeded.

(and God help the evil whisleblower!)   Look how they are treated even on this "open monded" board.

mnottertail -> RE: Jew Hitler a Rothschild? ?? huh? (2/13/2010 8:03:26 AM)



so in response to your last inchoate and imbicilic post to me, I misunderstood grade school water cycles, that is, you now effectively tell me that rain wells from the ground instead of falls from the sky.

I got some shocking news for you that everyone else on this planet above the age of nine knows, and that is that the air is colder 1000+ feet off the ground than at ground level, making water vapor become visible....we call these clouds, now perhaps you have never heard of distillation and some advanced concepts that have been discovered in say the last 6-8000 years, but if you heat water you see steam (well below the boiling point) if you heat water in cold conditions the water vapor is easily visible (that is, where there is a diffferentiation in some local aspect of the surrounding humid air and the general surrounding air.) So, buy example, build a fire, if you dont see smoke, you dont have a fire. The reason that in the summer (not in mid september usually, unless it is very warm) that you do not see exhaust smoke is that like a distillery, the water has traveled a pipe and cooled down by the time it gets to the end of your tailpipe, stick your finger in there , or watch the water drip off the end of the pipe.

I never said anything about 'burning' water.

But you are arguing against very basic physics and more becoming even more incoherant and illogical with each post.

You are laughable.


DomKen -> RE: Jew Hitler a Rothschild? ?? huh? (2/13/2010 8:33:19 AM)




I said there is no frequency for a new lethal mutation and there isn't.

The fact is NF-1 is not caused by a single point mutation but by many different variations of the same gene. Over 300 of those mutations have been identified but that doesn't mean that there aren't more. Furthermore NF-1 occurs not only as the result of point mutation but as a result of other more complicated mutations, splices and other multiple base errors.

However we don't even know which changes will result in disease. Even on this gene many thousands, tens of thousands probably, sites can mutate with no deleterious effect. This is true for virtually the entire genome. Therefore we have no way to even estimate the rate of new lethal recessive mutations because we have no idea how many sites are even vulnerable to such much less which specific mutations at those sites will result in disease.

There is a mutation rate for every gene and for every allele and for every specific base-pair and for the genome as a whole (in the latter case called the molecular clock).

In the case of the neuro-fibromatosis gene the mutation rate for dominant deleterious mutations has been measured - not estimated - to be one in seven thousand births.

There is a rate for everything, like stock exchange rates and supernova explosion rates. In practice these rates are measured, not estimated. DomKen's attempts to estimate point mutation rates for specific recessive deleterious mutations are impractical and a waste of time, as demonstrated by his admitted failure.

I find his inability to grasp that there is a rate for everything, fascinating. As is his inability to admit that one in seven thousand - a rate - births presents with a new dominant deleterious mutation in one of the two neuro-fibromatosis genes. His mind appears to function according to the principle "If I ignore it, it does not exist. If I close my eyes, the point of my nose does not exist because I do not see it".

No you blithering idiot. You claimed that new lethal recessive mutations occur at a predictable rate. I told you that isn't correct and have shown you why it isn't. You're grasping at straws and have found a gene particularly vulnerabe to mutation and extrapolated it to the whole genome which is quite simply wrong. For every NF gene that has hundreds of disease causing mutations there are other genes that can differ dramatically and still function normally.

Once more, and try reading this and trying your best with your limited ability to grasp reality to let it sick in, even simple point mutation is a very rare event. We don't have any idea how many points in the genome are vulnerable to a single mutation causing a lethal change to a gene. We don't have any idea at all which specific mutations at those vulnerable points will result in lethal disease. We don't know whether a specific new muation will kill sperm or ova that carry the lethal gene before fertilization or if it will effect viability of sperm or ova to effect fertilization rates.

Answer all those questions and I can give you a rate until then, since the event occurs silently, there is no way to measure when it occurs and therefore since the number cannot be measured or arrived at by mathematical means then there is no predictable rate.

kiwisub12 -> RE: Jew Hitler a Rothschild? ?? huh? (2/13/2010 9:24:47 AM)







Why dont all these "remember the holocaust" wesites show you these pics?

Simple.  Because it didnt happen the way they want you to BELIEVE it happened.

You are the most fucked up person I have come across so far on this site. The picture was taken when the allied troops liberated one of the camps. You don't think those held in the camps would look happy with that?

The you are more of a fucking idiot than I first thought.

well all the pictures were taken when the allies liberated the camps.  They dont tell you about typhus breaking out after the liberation either and killing jews while under amercian control either.

It was bad, lots of water and breeding gouds for fleas lice etc.

They looked quite happy and healthy to me.

Well - dah! You were the one that said the allies were shipping in food for weeks before they were officially liberated. Perhaps you should keep your stories straight - but when you are making up nonsense from whole cheese, i guess that is difficult.

Real0ne -> RE: Jew Hitler a Rothschild? ?? huh? (2/13/2010 4:38:55 PM)


ORIGINAL: kiwisub12
Well - dah! You were the one that said the allies were shipping in food for weeks before they were officially liberated. Perhaps you should keep your stories straight - but when you are making up nonsense from whole cheese, i guess that is difficult.

Feel free to quote it if you like but I am sure I said that the allied bombed the shipping lines, meaning hitlers shipping lines.

Now the Nazies did let americans and anyone else send food to the prisoners and clothing etc, so there were a lot of care packages sent from the US and other places but that is not enough to feed thousands of people obviously.


DomKen -> RE: Jew Hitler a Rothschild? ?? huh? (2/13/2010 4:46:12 PM)

What do you think a postcard being sent from Auschwitz to Lublin on Febuary 2, 1942 proves?

Arpig -> RE: Jew Hitler a Rothschild? ?? huh? (2/13/2010 4:52:32 PM)

oh do go away, you are tiresome and annoying. You know nothing of what you speak, and your paranoid revisionist ravings on any and every subject claiming to be an expert in every field is old by now and most unwelcome. You, sir, are an imbecile of the highest degree.


Real0ne -> RE: Jew Hitler a Rothschild? ?? huh? (2/13/2010 4:55:19 PM)


ORIGINAL: mnottertail



so in response to your last inchoate and imbicilic post to me, I misunderstood grade school water cycles,

I can see that

that is, you now effectively tell me that rain wells from the ground instead of falls from the sky.

No I never talked about rain.

I got some shocking news for you that everyone else on this planet above the age of nine knows, and that is that the air is colder 1000+ feet off the ground than at ground level, making water vapor become visible....we call these clouds,

Yup I know Its amazing how it will be 95 in the shade at ground level and 40 below on the 100th floor right?

How fucking retarded man, if you wanna come out here will absolute bottom of the gene pool bullshit at least try and make it good bullshit.

You need to go up at least to 4000 feet before you notice any significant temperature change and even then you wont get 20+ degrees change until you go nearly twice that high.

If what you said were remotely correct the towers would be in the clouds all the time LMFAO

now perhaps you have never heard of distillation

Oh yeh you put a bunch of water in a pot and boil the shit otta it and collect the steam and run it through a condenser to make distilled water!  Yup I know about it alrightee built one with my little bunsen burner when I was a child.

and some advanced concepts that have been discovered in say the last 6-8000 years,

Can they do it without heat yet?  That would be novel!

but if you heat water you see steam (well below the boiling point) if you heat water in cold conditions the water vapor is easily visible

Wow way to go ron!  Under what conditions?  The imaginary ones that did not exist on that day?

(that is, where there is a diffferentiation in some local aspect of the surrounding humid air and the general surrounding air.)
So, buy example, build a fire, if you dont see smoke, you dont have a fire.

Thats bullshit you have a fire every time your piston hits off in your car and you do not see smoke exhaust pipe or not...but you do when its 40 below outside RIGHT???? and it disappears 2 feet from the exhaust pipe not continue on all the way across the river roin.

The reason that in the summer (not in mid september usually, unless it is very warm) that you do not see exhaust smoke is that like a distillery, the water has traveled a pipe and cooled down by the time it gets to the end of your tailpipe, stick your finger in there , or watch the water drip off the end of the pipe.

HA!  Cut you off at the pass!

I never said anything about 'burning' water.

So they got steam that went all the way across the river and billowed out the building without any water.  this is getting more looney as we go.

But you are arguing against very basic physics and more becoming even more incoherant and illogical with each post.

You are laughable.


While what you say "can" be correct under specific circumstances they did not exist.  but it was a great bullshit story otherwise.

Real0ne -> RE: Jew Hitler a Rothschild? ?? huh? (2/13/2010 5:01:19 PM)




what was that you were saying?

DarlingSavage -> RE: Jew Hitler a Rothschild? ?? huh? (2/13/2010 7:06:22 PM)

Does this guy lend credence to Holocaust deniers? Just watching this and it seems that a lot of theories that are being tossed about by the far right, could have started with this guy.

Rule -> RE: Jew Hitler a Rothschild? ?? huh? (2/15/2010 8:05:05 AM)


You claimed that new lethal recessive mutations occur at a predictable rate.

I have not said that and you cannot quote me on it. (Otherwise you would have done so already.)

I have said that new lethal recessive mutations occur in all populations at the same frequency. I quote for truth from my post 104: "(Spontaneous deleterious mutations do not distinguish between populations, they occur at the same frequency.)"

Rule -> RE: Jew Hitler a Rothschild? ?? huh? (2/15/2010 9:04:38 AM)




You've repeatedly claimed that close breeding doesn't result in more frequent expression of genetic disease. You've also expressed the belief that close breeding will remove lethal recessives from the gene pool.

Please supply quotes of these my statements, including post numbers if necessary.

post 117

If you do agree, then please do explain why indigenous European Christian populations are so much better at removing deleterious mutations from their gene pool that the frequency of lethal inherited diseases among them is six times lower than among Jews and Muslims, despite not using the Jewish method of inbreeding in order to remove half of the deleterious alleles from their gene pool. I know why this is, but I am most interested in your answer.

post 119 in its entirety

I will supply the more complete quote from my long post 117:

Therefore: Do you agree that new deleterious mutations occur in the same frequencies in populations that circumcise the penis of their male offspring and in the indigenous European Christian population? (If you disagree, then I will be most interested in learning from you why you think that the frequencies differ.)

If you do agree, then please do explain why indigenous European Christian populations are so much better at removing deleterious mutations from their gene pool that the frequency of lethal inherited diseases among them is six times lower than among Jews and Muslims, despite not using the Jewish method of inbreeding in order to remove half of the deleterious alleles from their gene pool. I know why this is, but I am most interested in your answer.

This quote appears to pertain to your second statement. Again: so what? I have told the truth and you argued the same thing, agreeing with me.

As for my post 119, I do not see how either of your two above claims is pertinent to anything I said in that post.

Politesub53 -> RE: Jew Hitler a Rothschild? ?? huh? (2/15/2010 10:50:28 AM)



(and God help the evil whisleblower!)   Look how they are treated even on this "open monded" board.

It may help if you didnt blow the whistle with hot air straight from your arse....Just sayin.

Termyn8or -> RE: Jew Hitler a Rothschild? ?? huh? (2/15/2010 11:31:12 AM)

Despite being one of those who put their ear right up to a speaker at a concert bearing a sign "Keep 100 feet away or hearing damage will occur", whistles are by far, the most annoying thing ever invented.


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