Posts: 33061
Joined: 2/26/2006 From: Central Pennsylvania Status: offline
$10,000 reward offered for scientific proof of H1N1 vaccine safety and effectiveness – Mike Adams This is not a satire story or a parody. This $10,000 reward for scientific proof of the H1N1 vaccine safety and effectiveness is being offered in all seriousness. The offer is valid through March 31, 2010. If proof of the H1N1 vaccine safety and effectiveness is produced in accordance with the reasonable requirements published here, NaturalNews will publish a public apology regarding our condemnation of H1N1 vaccines and issue a $10,000 check to the winner of the reward within five business days. (Per IRS regulations, we may require proper income reporting details from the reward recipient if they reside in the U.S. or are a U.S. citizen). If you, the NaturalNews readers, encounter any blogger, journalist, debater or newsgroup poster who invokes the word “science” in the context of supporting H1N1 vaccines, simply point them to this $10,000 reward offer and challenge them to claim the reward for themselves. All they have to do is search Google Scholar (or their local university library) for just one published scientific article proving the safety and effectiveness of any H1N1 swine flu vaccine through two randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled studies according to the criteria described here. It’s simple, really. If such scientific proof exists, it should require less than an hour to find it. With all these doctors, journalists and FDA decision makers talking about the amazing “science” behind the H1N1 vaccines, you would think that there must be at least one of them who would like to earn $10,000 in one hour while proving the safety and efficacy of these vaccines. Is there one such person who would claim this $10,000?/snip I know some of you are good at searches. You can paypal me a finders fee for this one. ;-)