Conspiracy theories ? (Full Version)

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Aneirin -> Conspiracy theories ? (1/24/2010 2:52:00 PM)

When posters who use this forum and others come up with some information in a posting that others decry as a conspiracy theory, I just got to ask, what exactly is wrong with a conspiracy theory ?

A conspiracy theory is another version of events, just not one accepted by the majority, what does this say, could it even be the majority are blind to other possibilities other than the standard accepted version, if so, I have to ask whose standard accepted version, government, so called experts or media ? Because a singular or minority have a different view on events, does it mean they are wrong or is this majority vote itself flawed ?

Is it wrong to be able to think beyond what we are told, or do we have to accept what we are told as the only truth ?

Musicmystery -> RE: Conspiracy theories ? (1/24/2010 2:59:16 PM)

It's nice when people have actual support for their theories.

Everything else is just speculation. Sitting around coming up with weird shit is hardly the same as interpreting events.

thornhappy -> RE: Conspiracy theories ? (1/24/2010 3:01:53 PM)

Because they're not based in reality?  Because they require an incredible, impossible series of events to occur with no intervention?

It would be interesting to see all the energy and attention required to generate, support, and spread conspiracies involved in solving real problems.

Aneirin -> RE: Conspiracy theories ? (1/24/2010 3:04:28 PM)

There are many interpretations of events and  interpretations depend on many things.

Is there an accepted train of thought when examining events, if so, what is that train of thought ?

Musicmystery -> RE: Conspiracy theories ? (1/24/2010 3:07:21 PM)

Have you heard of logic?

Or evidence?

Do you know the difference between proof and supposition?

AnimusRex -> RE: Conspiracy theories ? (1/24/2010 3:13:29 PM)

Actually, sometimes conspiracy theories are proven right. An example is Enron's manipulation of California's electric supply for their own proift.

When I heard people sy that skyrocketing electricity rates were teh fault of greedy electricity providers, I laughed it off as paranoid fringe stuff...until it was shown to be correct.

So not all conspiracy theories are wrong- but when they have no facts to back them up, they are just foolishness.

Musicmystery -> RE: Conspiracy theories ? (1/24/2010 3:17:32 PM)

And there's a world of difference between a hypothesis based on observable phenomena--a hypothesis then tested, a test able to be reproduced with the same results--and sitting around with a joint proclaiming "But Dude! So like, what if...."

heartcream -> RE: Conspiracy theories ? (1/24/2010 3:21:46 PM)

God Lord, the anti conspiracy theorists bore me to smithereens. They sound like barking, harsh, heartless and superior, bores.

There is plenty of evidence to show what is really going on on this saddened planet of ours. People dont want to hear it. They look at information to let them know what the heck is transpiring and start yelling, Reality, Scientific Proof, Logic

People can only see and know what they are capable of. Yeah in the same school of thought that 13 is an unlucky number. Oh is it? Or is it the number of times the moon goes around the Earth in the year and the boogie man who does all the GMO, Global Warming, Creating Money, and Generally Seriously Fucking up would love us to feed into the shite that 13 is unlucky.

Que sera maing.

Moonhead -> RE: Conspiracy theories ? (1/24/2010 3:25:15 PM)

The basic problem with most conspiracy theories (and certainly the ones that get discussed on here) is that all they really provide is an excuse. Somebody has a shit job (or no job at all), not because they have no qualifications and a foul personality, but because the NWO/ZOG/OTO/GPO/other has blacklisted them. It isn't their fault, and because the conspiracy is all powerful and controls everything, there's nothing they can do about it, so it frees them to spend all their free time bitching and whining.
Fuck that shit with a spikey dildo.

Aneirin -> RE: Conspiracy theories ? (1/24/2010 3:25:16 PM)

Whatever comes to pass often has a trail of evidence and proof, there can be many proofs with the evidence to provide that proof, but what makes one proof more accepted than other proofs ?

Lucylastic -> RE: Conspiracy theories ? (1/24/2010 3:32:15 PM)

I like them in the sense that I liked fairy tales...a different outlook on events, a posssibility of wrongdoing or some bad shit around the corner, but I do recognise them for what they are...... because mankinds abilities to do bad and good are always fascinating

TheHeretic -> RE: Conspiracy theories ? (1/24/2010 3:32:42 PM)

I am a bit of a fan of conspiracy theories, but it has just been so long since we had a really good one.  9/11 was useless.  So are the birthers.  Now JFK we can have some fun with (my own hypothesis is that the real truth of that day is already public, but it is so surrounded by bullshit alternative theories, it will never be recognized.  No.  I don't have a clue which one it is.) and the moon landing is good for some tongue in cheek laughs.

There are conspiracies taking place around us every day.  My wife and I were the victims of just such a conspiracy last week.  It seems a group of corporate types went into a private room and tried to figure out how to get Americans to change their habits in order to benefit their corporation at the expense of others.  Only when all the pieces were in place did they begin their assault on American consumers.  It worked, too.  We called Domino's for the first time in years, and their new recipe wasn't awful.  It's still not good pizza, by any stretch, but for inexpensive food that comes to your door at 10:30 at night in a small town, it's not awful at all.

pahunkboy -> RE: Conspiracy theories ? (1/24/2010 3:32:55 PM)



When posters who use this forum and others come up with some information in a posting that others decry as a conspiracy theory, I just got to ask, what exactly is wrong with a conspiracy theory ?

A conspiracy theory is another version of events, just not one accepted by the majority, what does this say, could it even be the majority are blind to other possibilities other than the standard accepted version, if so, I have to ask whose standard accepted version, government, so called experts or media ? Because a singular or minority have a different view on events, does it mean they are wrong or is this majority vote itself flawed ?

Is it wrong to be able to think beyond what we are told, or do we have to accept what we are told as the only truth ?

In short greed and corruption know no bounds.  We are not immune from it and such persists in hyper form.   Life is now a 24 hour infomercial- where reality can only be what our corporate masters declare it to be.    It will get worse when TV expands signals - where the FCC just cleared the broadcast band- can now be used to trigger RFIDs. 

Anyhow- the nay sayers live in a world where reality is delicate and the least little bit of questioning it - is highly disruptive to the comfort of that creature.  Their world is shattered when they are told there is no Santa Claus- that life is not fair and that in real life people do not take turns.

Picture how a little kid will put fingers in both ears and na na na,- to block out the unwanted information.

This is particularly true when said people believe they are part of the power structure- when in fact they are quite disposable.

Always question authority.  There is no other way.

Moonhead -> RE: Conspiracy theories ? (1/24/2010 3:36:32 PM)

There's a slight difference between questioning authority and accepting fairystories about zionist conspiracies at face value though: just because the latter worked well for Hitler and is doing a lot of good for Ahmenidinejad and his boss even as we speak doesn't make it a good thing.

pahunkboy -> RE: Conspiracy theories ? (1/24/2010 3:38:05 PM)



pahunkboy -> RE: Conspiracy theories ? (1/24/2010 3:41:19 PM)   a 2 min vid.

Real0ne -> RE: Conspiracy theories ? (1/24/2010 3:44:44 PM)



When posters who use this forum and others come up with some information in a posting that others decry as a conspiracy theory, I just got to ask, what exactly is wrong with a conspiracy theory ?

A conspiracy theory is another version of events, just not one accepted by the majority, what does this say, could it even be the majority are blind to other possibilities other than the standard accepted version, if so, I have to ask whose standard accepted version, government, so called experts or media ? Because a singular or minority have a different view on events, does it mean they are wrong or is this majority vote itself flawed ?

Is it wrong to be able to think beyond what we are told, or do we have to accept what we are told as the only truth ?

here is the best conspiracy the theory  of all times "it just collapsed".


and you are a troublemaker!  LOL

Bin Laden DID IT! 

Really he did! 

Honest Joe!  LMAO

wow lowering the resolution to fit on this site really fucked that pic up!

philosophy -> RE: Conspiracy theories ? (1/24/2010 3:55:30 PM)



Whatever comes to pass often has a trail of evidence and proof, there can be many proofs with the evidence to provide that proof, but what makes one proof more accepted than other proofs ?

...a proof can be said to be more accepted than other proofs, once it has stood up to more scrutiny than other proofs.

More generally, remember the basic dialectic process, it is your friend here.

Hypothesis, antithesis, synthesis. Conspiracy theories are almost all stalled at hypothesis. Those forwarding them do not usually let them be exposed to antithesis.

Real0ne -> RE: Conspiracy theories ? (1/24/2010 4:02:05 PM)

reducing this pic destroyed it imo but here it is.

Have fun with it.


cpK69 -> RE: Conspiracy theories ? (1/24/2010 4:06:24 PM)



Is it wrong to be able to think beyond what we are told, or do we have to accept what we are told as the only truth ?

Yes; otherwise, you might grow suspicious of the lies.


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