RE: I wrote everything in my profile and journal (Full Version)

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xxblushesxx -> RE: I wrote everything in my profile and journal (1/30/2010 1:35:40 PM)

When someone shows you who they are; believe them... (Maya Angelou)

theobserver -> RE: I wrote everything in my profile and journal (1/30/2010 1:53:20 PM)

To osf, I haven't read all the post in this thread, two pages was enough to gauge the temperature. I have simple advice. Just be yourself and be honest. If that's in the form of one sentence or 100 so be it. You'll weed out those that are really interested from those who are not and I agree with the person who said that what some people may be asking for is a 'clever' pick up line, which is just as disingenuous as a copy and paste stock job.

littlewonder -> RE: I wrote everything in my profile and journal (1/30/2010 4:16:38 PM)


so if you gave a question, my profile is the authoritative source or you could just ask for clarification, i'm always up for that

Others have tried that with you. You refuse to answer their questions saying you'd rather not answer.

And your profile really doesn't answer anything.

osf -> RE: I wrote everything in my profile and journal (1/30/2010 4:18:02 PM)


ORIGINAL: littlewonder


so if you gave a question, my profile is the authoritative source or you could just ask for clarification, i'm always up for that

Others have tried that with you. You refuse to answer their questions saying you'd rather not answer.

And your profile really doesn't answer anything.

i refused to answer 1 question

RealSub58 -> RE: I wrote everything in my profile and journal (1/30/2010 4:44:19 PM)



how do you feel when you open a female profile and they insist you write them a literary masterpiece?

Obviously they do NOT read your forums... ask them too, if they are really interested, they will

crazyml -> RE: I wrote everything in my profile and journal (2/7/2010 1:42:27 AM)



how do you feel when you open a female profile and they insist you write them a literary masterpiece?

What - as in "Jane Eyre" or "Catch 22?" - alas I don't think I'd have the time. If you're asking about those female profiles where they make it clear that they'd like a decent, relevant, non "cut-and-pasted" email then I have a pretty simple choice - either I go to some effort or I don't.

As a general rule, I'm happy to write a relevant email because I regard it as a simple courtesy.


i mean i put everything in my profile and journal so i write a few lines of wit and suggest they see my profile

is that so terrible or must i submit to their demands?

It's not terrible, but it is lazy. No, of course you don't have to submit to their demands, but you'll be more likely to get a response from the type of female you refer to if you do.

Of course, given your evident self-confidence - part of me is surprised you ever email at all - surely you just favourite them, wait for them to see your domliness in your profile and your erudtion in your forum posts and then worry about dealing with the avalanche of wanton sluts begging to be your slave?

osf -> RE: I wrote everything in my profile and journal (2/7/2010 3:10:48 AM)


ORIGINAL: crazyml



how do you feel when you open a female profile and they insist you write them a literary masterpiece?

What - as in "Jane Eyre" or "Catch 22?" - alas I don't think I'd have the time. If you're asking about those female profiles where they make it clear that they'd like a decent, relevant, non "cut-and-pasted" email then I have a pretty simple choice - either I go to some effort or I don't.

As a general rule, I'm happy to write a relevant email because I regard it as a simple courtesy.


i mean i put everything in my profile and journal so i write a few lines of wit and suggest they see my profile

is that so terrible or must i submit to their demands?

It's not terrible, but it is lazy. No, of course you don't have to submit to their demands, but you'll be more likely to get a response from the type of female you refer to if you do.

Of course, given your evident self-confidence - part of me is surprised you ever email at all - surely you just favourite them, wait for them to see your domliness in your profile and your erudtion in your forum posts and then worry about dealing with the avalanche of wanton sluts begging to be your slave?

you're going to find this hare to believe but i do get contacts because of what i write

why do you think i persist in going my own way in the face of all this oh so wonderful advice if it wasn't working for me

let me ask you this, is what you're doing working for you and would you change just because somebody said you should, now that would be insanity

so if any of you think i have a low iq and go on doing what i do because it isn't working, well you're welcome to keep believing that, it matters not to me

DesFIP -> RE: I wrote everything in my profile and journal (2/7/2010 4:30:12 PM)


ORIGINAL: crazyml



how do you feel when you open a female profile and they insist you write them a literary masterpiece?

What - as in "Jane Eyre" or "Catch 22?" - alas I don't think I'd have the time. If you're asking about those female profiles where they make it clear that they'd like a decent, relevant, non "cut-and-pasted" email then I have a pretty simple choice - either I go to some effort or I don't.

As a general rule, I'm happy to write a relevant email because I regard it as a simple courtesy.


i mean i put everything in my profile and journal so i write a few lines of wit and suggest they see my profile

is that so terrible or must i submit to their demands?

It's not terrible, but it is lazy. No, of course you don't have to submit to their demands, but you'll be more likely to get a response from the type of female you refer to if you do.

Of course, given your evident self-confidence - part of me is surprised you ever email at all - surely you just favourite them, wait for them to see your domliness in your profile and your erudtion in your forum posts and then worry about dealing with the avalanche of wanton sluts begging to be your slave?

Best post ever!!!

You rock!

crazyml -> RE: I wrote everything in my profile and journal (2/10/2010 2:12:36 PM)


you're going to find this hare to believe but i do get contacts because of what i write

I don't find it hard to believe at all! There are all sorts on this site afterall.


why do you think i persist in going my own way in the face of all this oh so wonderful advice if it wasn't working for me

In part, I think your persistence in going your own way is laudable, so I've no issues at all with what path you choose. You asked a question and I replied to it.


let me ask you this, is what you're doing working for you and would you change just because somebody said you should, now that would be insanity

I don't think it would be "insanity" necesarily - the person giving me advice may be suggesting something that would work even better - for example


so if any of you think i have a low iq and go on doing what i do because it isn't working, well you're welcome to keep believing that, it matters not to me

Good for you! That's the really important point - The fact that I think you have a low iq and at times wish it was the gosling posting to the forum and not you, shouldn't deter you one little bit!

I am not your target audience; And I'm sure that you don't care a jot what I think (nor should you), the key is that if it's working for you, then as you say - why change a winning formula.

My heartiest congratulations to you - sincerely.

[Edited to replace "duck" with "gosling", with apologies to Ducks everywhere]

crazyml -> RE: I wrote everything in my profile and journal (2/10/2010 2:18:09 PM)



Best post ever!!!

You rock!


You are too, too kind ;-)

osf -> RE: I wrote everything in my profile and journal (2/10/2010 3:34:52 PM)


ORIGINAL: crazyml


you're going to find this hare to believe but i do get contacts because of what i write

I don't find it hard to believe at all! There are all sorts on this site afterall.


why do you think i persist in going my own way in the face of all this oh so wonderful advice if it wasn't working for me

In part, I think your persistence in going your own way is laudable, so I've no issues at all with what path you choose. You asked a question and I replied to it.


let me ask you this, is what you're doing working for you and would you change just because somebody said you should, now that would be insanity

I don't think it would be "insanity" necesarily - the person giving me advice may be suggesting something that would work even better - for example


so if any of you think i have a low iq and go on doing what i do because it isn't working, well you're welcome to keep believing that, it matters not to me

Good for you! That's the really important point - The fact that I think you have a low iq and at times wish it was the gosling posting to the forum and not you, shouldn't deter you one little bit!

I am not your target audience; And I'm sure that you don't care a jot what I think (nor should you), the key is that if it's working for you, then as you say - why change a winning formula.

My heartiest congratulations to you - sincerely.

[Edited to replace "duck" with "gosling", with apologies to Ducks everywhere]

and i drool a lot, ruins two keyboards a week

dragon200070 -> RE: I wrote everything in my profile and journal (4/27/2010 3:29:38 PM)

Your profile is a brief description. You should be able to supplement it when required. When I'm looking for a sub, I do a lot of corresponding. Hours and hours of talking. I also ask prospective subs to write me a scenario or ideal play scene. This tell me lots about how they think, and where they are versus me. If their scenario is interesting to me, we can talk more. By the way, the sub I picked 11 years ago is still with me.


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