RE: Forced Bi? (Full Version)

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GiveandGive -> RE: Forced Bi? (1/30/2010 11:13:19 PM)


ORIGINAL: NihilusZero

Really? Maybe I'm just a lot more liberal with general nudity that most people.

I guess finding a gay guy who wouldn't mind being dominated verbally by a woman but who would play sexually solely with you isn't the easiest thing to run into. It is a small niche.

I do understand the issue of having to deal with guys that just want to focus on sex with her, though.

The only gay guys that I've found who are willing to do what we're asking are not the kind of people I would want to do that sort of stuff with. My inbox has been stuffed with middle-age men asking if they can cheat on their wife and two kids with us, and I don't condone those sort of actions. Besides, I can't trust that those sort of people haven't been doing this for years on end, and that they don't have all sorts of nasty STDs.

NihilusZero -> RE: Forced Bi? (1/30/2010 11:18:03 PM)


ORIGINAL: GiveandGive

The only gay guys that I've found who are willing to do what we're asking are not the kind of people I would want to do that sort of stuff with. My inbox has been stuffed with middle-age men asking if they can cheat on their wife and two kids with us, and I don't condone those sort of actions. Besides, I can't trust that those sort of people haven't been doing this for years on end, and that they don't have all sorts of nasty STDs.

If you're speaking just of your experiences here, then give it time. Round out your profile a tad bit more. Switch your avatar (seriously! [:)]). Specify what you're looking for.

I can't imagine that too many young single gay/bi guys would decline casual play just because it is at the command of your girlfriend or because they're shy about being naked.

GiveandGive -> RE: Forced Bi? (1/30/2010 11:18:59 PM)


ORIGINAL: LadyAngelika
Most 19 year olds haven't figured it out as much as you have. Would you consider playing with people a bit older? If you were in Quebec, there is a swinger's site that is BDSM friendly where you could find exactly that. I'm not sure where to refer you in Ohio. I'm not big on munches (meetings for BDSM people) but you might meet people there:

Most imporantly, it might take a while to find the right person to do this with. Don't rush into this too fast or you might not like your first experience. When it will happen, if it's cool and happens naturally, pretty sure you'll have fun :-)

- LA

I have limits on age. I'd like to be attracted to the guy, and I'm really only attracted to young looking men. Not extremely young, mind you. A good example would be this man:

He is extremely attractive to me.

We're sort of in the closet about our sexual preferences, so I wouldn't be too keen on going to a munch. I sort of get the feeling that we'd be the oddballs there, most people that are into this sort of thing seem to be in their mid to late 20's, at the very least.

I've been looking for about a year now, so I'm definitely not going to rush. Don't want to have one bad experience to ruin all the potential other ones. We're also looking for people who are into the same hobbies as we are, so we can enjoy our time with them, and it wouldn't purely be a sex thing.

Also, thanks to all of you who have replied in a constructive way!

GiveandGive -> RE: Forced Bi? (1/30/2010 11:20:15 PM)


ORIGINAL: LadyAngelika


ORIGINAL: NihilusZero

Oh, and your current 2nd image should totally be your avatar instead of the current one. *nod*

Agreed! What a cutie pie :-)

- LA

I thought this one looked better? I messed up my haircut in the second picture. Plus enough people already ask me if I'm holding a ferret >.<

Domin8tingUrDrmz -> RE: Forced Bi? (1/30/2010 11:21:40 PM)


ORIGINAL: GiveandGive


ORIGINAL: LadyAngelika
I understand it. Here is what I hear from you and let me know if I got it wrong. You aren't gay. You probably don't want to be alone with a man. But the idea of a woman humiliating you by getting you (through persuasion) to suck a man's cock is a humiliation you are dying to experience, right?

This, yeah. I'm also into crossdressers and transvestites, but the idea of just being alone with them doesn't turn me on.


ORIGINAL: LadyAngelika
You say you have a girlfriend. Is she Domme? If so, maybe she shold be leading the search? She might have better results. And I say might hesitantly but I know I had more luck finding the men then my past boys did. I also used to turn to gay friends that didn't want to fuck me.

I have a girlfriend who is accepting of the idea, and wants to do it if I can find the right guy. However, it seems that every guy around my age group is only interested in banging her. I have no problem being with a gay guy, but I can't find any who are comfortable naked around a women.

I'm just curious. If your g/f will allow you to suck and fuck on another guy, why can't she? To be honest I LOVE forced bi. But, it gets me quite aroused and often I want to tacklefuck both boys afterward, or By limiting the other guy to 'just' you, you are making things far more difficult. Why not find a bi guy to participate and the 3 of you have a lovely evening of kinky fun?

GiveandGive -> RE: Forced Bi? (1/30/2010 11:23:07 PM)


ORIGINAL: NihilusZero


ORIGINAL: GiveandGive

The only gay guys that I've found who are willing to do what we're asking are not the kind of people I would want to do that sort of stuff with. My inbox has been stuffed with middle-age men asking if they can cheat on their wife and two kids with us, and I don't condone those sort of actions. Besides, I can't trust that those sort of people haven't been doing this for years on end, and that they don't have all sorts of nasty STDs.

If you're speaking just of your experiences here, then give it time. Round out your profile a tad bit more. Switch your avatar (seriously! [:)]). Specify what you're looking for.

I can't imagine that too many young single gay/bi guys would decline casual play just because it is at the command of your girlfriend or because they're shy about being naked.

I've actually not gotten a single message from anyone on this website that wasn't asking if I wanted to be their "cockslave" or "puppy". All the people I'm talking about are from a website that I really shouldn't be looking for people on, Craigslist. I actually didn't even know that websites like this existed until the day that I made this account.

And I guess I'll switch my avatar, haha.

ThatDamnedPanda -> RE: Forced Bi? (1/30/2010 11:23:36 PM)


ORIGINAL: NihilusZero

Have checked with us about this? Did you get a permission slip from your parents? How is this for the benefit of the community relationship at all?

You selfish bastard!



ORIGINAL: LadyAngelika

NZ... I almost begged the Panda to hang around here more often. Imagine that, me, a Domme, begging the Panda. But I adore his insights. Maybe I could lure him with soup... and save my Domme diginity.

There are people here i love, and will miss very much, but groups of people take on specific group personalities, and there's no longer any part of me that identifies with this one. The group as a whole has chosen a direction, and it's not mine. So we need to part company, the group and I, and follow our own directions.

I can't abide cliques, and just can't feel what I used to feel that made me want to participate and engage on a meaningful level. Add to that the fact that I'm no longer interested in finding a partner here, and I have no real investment. I'll still pop in every now and then, but it'll be as a visitor, not a member. I'll still see you guys sometimes, up until the day I just delete the account altogether. But I'm not at that point yet. I've already exchanged e-mail addresses with several people, and will so so with several more in the next week or two. There's a time for everything, and when the time is over, it's over.

GiveandGive -> RE: Forced Bi? (1/30/2010 11:24:38 PM)


ORIGINAL: Domin8tingUrDrmz


ORIGINAL: GiveandGive


ORIGINAL: LadyAngelika
I understand it. Here is what I hear from you and let me know if I got it wrong. You aren't gay. You probably don't want to be alone with a man. But the idea of a woman humiliating you by getting you (through persuasion) to suck a man's cock is a humiliation you are dying to experience, right?

This, yeah. I'm also into crossdressers and transvestites, but the idea of just being alone with them doesn't turn me on.


ORIGINAL: LadyAngelika
You say you have a girlfriend. Is she Domme? If so, maybe she shold be leading the search? She might have better results. And I say might hesitantly but I know I had more luck finding the men then my past boys did. I also used to turn to gay friends that didn't want to fuck me.

I have a girlfriend who is accepting of the idea, and wants to do it if I can find the right guy. However, it seems that every guy around my age group is only interested in banging her. I have no problem being with a gay guy, but I can't find any who are comfortable naked around a women.

I'm just curious. If your g/f will allow you to suck and fuck on another guy, why can't she? To be honest I LOVE forced bi. But, it gets me quite aroused and often I want to tacklefuck both boys afterward, or By limiting the other guy to 'just' you, you are making things far more difficult. Why not find a bi guy to participate and the 3 of you have a lovely evening of kinky fun?

The only time that I think I'd be willing to do that is with either an extremely passable crossdresser, or a tranny. The idea of both of us going down on a tranny really turns me on, but a regular guy? I dunno... just a turn off. Hard to explain, sorry.

LadyAngelika -> RE: Forced Bi? (1/30/2010 11:25:26 PM)


ORIGINAL: GiveandGive


ORIGINAL: LadyAngelika
Most 19 year olds haven't figured it out as much as you have. Would you consider playing with people a bit older? If you were in Quebec, there is a swinger's site that is BDSM friendly where you could find exactly that. I'm not sure where to refer you in Ohio. I'm not big on munches (meetings for BDSM people) but you might meet people there:

Most imporantly, it might take a while to find the right person to do this with. Don't rush into this too fast or you might not like your first experience. When it will happen, if it's cool and happens naturally, pretty sure you'll have fun :-)

- LA

I have limits on age. I'd like to be attracted to the guy, and I'm really only attracted to young looking men. Not extremely young, mind you. A good example would be this man:

He is extremely attractive to me.

I said a bit older and Beck is older than me! He will be 40 this year! And I'd totally do Beck too! ;-)


We're sort of in the closet about our sexual preferences, so I wouldn't be too keen on going to a munch.

I totally understand that and I usually don't suggest them as I don't attend them, but I thought I'd throw it out there.


I sort of get the feeling that we'd be the oddballs there, most people that are into this sort of thing seem to be in their mid to late 20's, at the very least.

Maybe, maybe not.


I've been looking for about a year now, so I'm definitely not going to rush. Don't want to have one bad experience to ruin all the potential other ones. We're also looking for people who are into the same hobbies as we are, so we can enjoy our time with them, and it wouldn't purely be a sex thing.



Also, thanks to all of you who have replied in a constructive way!


- LA

NihilusZero -> RE: Forced Bi? (1/30/2010 11:26:32 PM)


ORIGINAL: GiveandGive

I thought this one looked better? I messed up my haircut in the second picture. Plus enough people already ask me if I'm holding a ferret >.<

Night and day.

The composition, the eye contact, the flattering angle, the emotive pose, the exposure...all better in the second shot.

Granted, it's just my preference...but looking at your current avatar, you look like a kid in his room having just woken up. In your other shot, while still having a youthful look, you appear significantly more attractive.

And besides...people being curious enough to ask what you're holding = more conversation starting points/ice-breakers. [:)]

ThatDamnedPanda -> RE: Forced Bi? (1/30/2010 11:30:45 PM)


ORIGINAL: GiveandGive

The only gay guys that I've found who are willing to do what we're asking are not the kind of people I would want to do that sort of stuff with. My inbox has been stuffed with middle-age men asking if they can cheat on their wife and two kids with us, and I don't condone those sort of actions. Besides, I can't trust that those sort of people haven't been doing this for years on end, and that they don't have all sorts of nasty STDs.

You seem like a really good guy, and you've obviously got a clear head on your shoulders. You'll do fine. You'll probably chase up a lot of dead-end streets, but if you're patient, persistent, and prudent, what you're looking for is out there. Just keep in mind it can take a while to find. Some locales have a group or two specifically dedicated to kinky people in your age group, and you might want to check and see whether that's a possibility in Toledo. Have you tried fetlife? They've got group listings by area, and you might find a "kinky youth" munch group in your area. Definitely worth a try.

Domin8tingUrDrmz -> RE: Forced Bi? (1/30/2010 11:30:56 PM)


ORIGINAL: GiveandGive


ORIGINAL: Domin8tingUrDrmz


ORIGINAL: GiveandGive


ORIGINAL: LadyAngelika
I understand it. Here is what I hear from you and let me know if I got it wrong. You aren't gay. You probably don't want to be alone with a man. But the idea of a woman humiliating you by getting you (through persuasion) to suck a man's cock is a humiliation you are dying to experience, right?

This, yeah. I'm also into crossdressers and transvestites, but the idea of just being alone with them doesn't turn me on.


ORIGINAL: LadyAngelika
You say you have a girlfriend. Is she Domme? If so, maybe she shold be leading the search? She might have better results. And I say might hesitantly but I know I had more luck finding the men then my past boys did. I also used to turn to gay friends that didn't want to fuck me.

I have a girlfriend who is accepting of the idea, and wants to do it if I can find the right guy. However, it seems that every guy around my age group is only interested in banging her. I have no problem being with a gay guy, but I can't find any who are comfortable naked around a women.

I'm just curious. If your g/f will allow you to suck and fuck on another guy, why can't she? To be honest I LOVE forced bi. But, it gets me quite aroused and often I want to tacklefuck both boys afterward, or By limiting the other guy to 'just' you, you are making things far more difficult. Why not find a bi guy to participate and the 3 of you have a lovely evening of kinky fun?

The only time that I think I'd be willing to do that is with either an extremely passable crossdresser, or a tranny. The idea of both of us going down on a tranny really turns me on, but a regular guy? I dunno... just a turn off. Hard to explain, sorry.

I wasn't suggesting you both go down on a guy at the same time. You said you were interested in forced bi. Bi is one who enjoys BOTH sexes. By not letting your girlfriend involve herself with the other guy (in a way she chooses) what you are asking for is forced gay with a female leading the way. In either case, if the WOMAN is in charge darlin', she has the RIGHT to do whatever to whomever in that lil trio. Otherwise, you are just asking her to be a voyeur in your fantasy. How is that fair to her?

NihilusZero -> RE: Forced Bi? (1/30/2010 11:31:30 PM)


ORIGINAL: GiveandGive

I've actually not gotten a single message from anyone on this website that wasn't asking if I wanted to be their "cockslave" or "puppy". All the people I'm talking about are from a website that I really shouldn't be looking for people on, Craigslist. I actually didn't

Check out your mailbox. There are filters you can use to cut out most of the nonsense (especially if you're looking for a tight age range...unless he looks like Beck). You may have to remember them in case you ever may want to hear from someone outside your restriction settings, but consider that sites like this offer loads of people looking to score something. Assume you're going to have a good chunk of rubbish to go through and it won't seem so defeating. It's also usually mostly during the inception of new profiles that such spam is most plentiful.

Hang in there.

Hawkwindblues -> RE: Forced Bi? (1/30/2010 11:34:02 PM)

Here, here Mark,

see what you have done, made nz cry and la beg.

Maybe you are on to exploring the other side.



NihilusZero -> RE: Forced Bi? (1/30/2010 11:35:10 PM)


ORIGINAL: Domin8tingUrDrmz

By not letting your girlfriend involve herself with the other guy (in a way she chooses) what you are asking for is forced gay with a female leading the way. In either case, if the WOMAN is in charge darlin', she has the RIGHT to do whatever to whomever in that lil trio. Otherwise, you are just asking her to be a voyeur in your fantasy. How is that fair to her?

Perhaps based on the fact that she has said she's okay with what he wants? Or maybe based on the fact that she's said she doesn't want to be touched by the other male?

Just a thought.

Domin8tingUrDrmz -> RE: Forced Bi? (1/30/2010 11:36:57 PM)

I didn't read where she said she didn't want to be touched, only where he said he didn't want her touched. If I missed that part, I apologize. I still believe that he is making it harder than necessary.

LadyAngelika -> RE: Forced Bi? (1/30/2010 11:40:27 PM)


ORIGINAL: Domin8tingUrDrmz

I didn't read where she said she didn't want to be touched, only where he said he didn't want her touched. If I missed that part, I apologize. I still believe that he is making it harder than necessary.

He wrote it here.. And he's figuring stuff out so it will be complicated :-)

- LA

NihilusZero -> RE: Forced Bi? (1/30/2010 11:41:43 PM)


ORIGINAL: Domin8tingUrDrmz

I didn't read where she said she didn't want to be touched, only where he said he didn't want her touched. If I missed that part, I apologize. I still believe that he is making it harder than necessary.

Alright, so I was being a bit snarky. [8D] Truce. [:D]

But how is he making it more difficult? It's not like we can all waltz into websites like this and magically find someone that's a perfect fit for what we're looking for.

Essentially, he needs to treat this as any other process of seeking a partner. In this case, however, it's a probably-short-term casual partner who is sexually involved with him but dynamically involved with him and his girlfriend.

Pretty specific...but we've all got our weird prerequisites.

Domin8tingUrDrmz -> RE: Forced Bi? (1/30/2010 11:42:44 PM)

Very well, I must have missed that post. In which case, I offer my sincerest apology. I do wish you luck in finding what you are seeking, really. It is quite an enjoyable fantasy to act upon.

Domin8tingUrDrmz -> RE: Forced Bi? (1/30/2010 11:45:29 PM)

There isn't a need for a truce, I didn't take your comment as entirely hostile [;)]. I don't mind being proved wrong on long as it doesn't become a habit [:D].

I think he is making it harder by having more limitations. You know as well as I that the more limitations you put on yourself the narrower the pool of potential partners become. That's all.

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