thin condoms? (Full Version)

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willingsub18 -> thin condoms? (3/27/2006 12:37:51 AM)

well, i have a problem when it comes to condoms. I have a very hard time achieveing an orgasam durring sex when useing a trojan normal type condom, i preffer the "ultra thin" trojans.
I was reading somewhere that trojans are fairly crapy in regards to sensation loss, if this is true, what other brands might i try?

MissTori -> RE: thin condoms? (3/27/2006 9:05:41 AM)

Try Avantis. They are not latex like Trojans, they are polyurethane, which actually stronger than regular Trojans. My ex had the same problem and much preferred Avantis.

LuckyAlbatross -> RE: thin condoms? (3/27/2006 9:12:36 AM)



Try Avantis. They are not latex like Trojans, they are polyurethane, which actually stronger than regular Trojans. My ex had the same problem and much preferred Avantis.

Ditto here.  Durex Avanti's are definitely better in my experience as far as feeling sensations more realistically, both for myself and the partners who have used them.

MasterFireMaam -> RE: thin condoms? (3/27/2006 11:30:34 AM)

Trojan actually has a polyurethane condom, too. Tojan Supra Condoms...they come in a gray box. I haven't had a partner complain about them (other than having to wear it period, in which case, he's not a partner long). This material is also good for those who have latex allergies. I did for a while when on a specific medication. It was wierd.


willingsub18 -> RE: thin condoms? (4/3/2006 12:40:07 AM)

i got the chance to try the durex ones last night...
and wow. what a difference, however the only difference i noticed was that they did not "grip" as well as the latex condoms, however it fits me perfectly when i am completeley hard.
i will give the trojan ones a shot as well to see which one i like better

LegoDom -> RE: thin condoms? (4/8/2006 9:48:37 PM)

I like the poly condoms better - I've only used the Trojan supra's. (Cheaper at Walmart then anywhere else.) I first purchased them becasue my sub at the time was quite allergic to latex. But I continue to use them now because I prefer how they feel. Much better heat exchange and I think a more natural feel. More natural, but still not fully natural.

Oil does not degrade them, so you don't have to be as careful about where the mesage oil ends up--kind of nice for anal play.

I do however, find that they are MUCH harder to put on then latex. NOT very elastic when rolled up, and hard to tell which way they should go on so they un-roll corectly. (Could almost use a "this side up" mark on the package...)

CrappyDom -> I love Durex (4/12/2006 8:02:39 AM)

As someone old enough to remember a time before safer sex, I hate condoms but recognize their necessity.  In addition, while I am not huge, I have enough girth to make some condoms a bit difficult to put on.  Those Durex ones for me do not come off although they often feel like it, which is a good thing.  I have used them enough to know that they don't come off which allows a bit of relaxation and actual enjoyment.

I got a question for people.  If I am with a fluid bonded partner, I can slip it in, pull out and do something else, get a bit of oral, slip it back in, etc which allows for a great deal of spontaneity.  However, with a condom I haven't figured out quite how to do that.

Anyone got any ideas?

Oh and LuckyAlbatros, great quote on partners, is that yours?

SweetPosession -> RE: I love Durex (4/14/2006 12:40:53 AM)

Latex is considered the best for disease prevention, though.

I've heard it recomended that if you're having trouble with condoms, you should masturbate wearing a condom instead of bare. Not having a penis, I'm not sure what the value of this advice, but there you have it.

mathiasdomm -> Inspiral Condoms (4/18/2006 8:08:43 PM)

The best condom in the world, as far as I'm concerned is the Inspiral. It's got some sort of nautilus shell shape in the tip so that you get some sort of extra action, plus they're ultra thin.  I can't come using anything else.  It's latex, so it's still a problem if somebody's got allergies and ditto for the petroleum but the shape is hard to beat.  Also, I've never had one come off or break.  It's a super condom.  They sell them at Walgreens (don't know if they've got those outside of America) but they're a bit more expensive than regular Trojans or LifeStyles.  Still, well worth the extra expense, I assure you.


Emperor1956 -> RE: thin condoms? (4/18/2006 8:28:53 PM)


As someone old enough to remember a time before safer sex, I hate condoms but recognize their necessity.  In addition, while I am not huge, I have enough girth to make some condoms a bit difficult to put on.  Those Durex ones for me do not come off although they often feel like it, which is a good thing.  I have used them enough to know that they don't come off which allows a bit of relaxation and actual enjoyment.

I got a question for people.  If I am with a fluid bonded partner, I can slip it in, pull out and do something else, get a bit of oral, slip it back in, etc which allows for a great deal of spontaneity.  However, with a condom I haven't figured out quite how to do that.

Anyone got any ideas?

I remember those days, too.  And that reminded Me of the type of condoms we used then -- Lambskin.  If you are preventing pregnancy ONLY (THEY ARE NOT HIV or other STD SAFE!!!)  lambskin condoms are much much more tactile.  They have their problems, too (a bit baggy, and sometimes they feel like they've fallen off) but they were unequalled for sensation.  My favorite brand, Fourex, was discontinued a while ago apparently, but Trojan and some other makers still make them.   And not to be Mr. Buzzkill, but remember that there are several STDs that condoms do not reliably prevent transmission of.

As for some ideas of creative play, I just keep a condom supply around, and a nice fresh you can strip the rubber off, and play naked, and put another one on when you need to.  (The washcloth takes care of that jelly squick some partners have.)  Of course, if you are wearing the condom to prevent STD transmission in the first place, this on-again, off-again behavior will increase your risk of misuse, which increases your risk, period.

E.  back in Health class mode.

LuckyAlbatross -> RE: I love Durex (4/19/2006 9:08:45 AM)


Anyone got any ideas?

While I don't remember a time without safe sex as a necessity, I certainly hate it myself.  I do it, constantly, and berate people for not doing it, but I really envy not growing up in the 60s, for several reasons.

Other than just leaving the condom on during oral (not recommended due to taste and teeth snagging issues) I'm afraid condoms simply will lose the spontaneous issue.  If you want just the bottom to feel something surprising, a dildo can work just as well.  Then s/he'll be sucking and fucking at the same time.

I personally find that outright actual oral sex is overrated and use my mouth solely for licking/lubrication while using my hands for the stimulation.  With this, the taste of the condom isn't a serious issue, and you won't have to worry about teeth tearing.  That might be an option.

Oh and LuckyAlbatros, great quote on partners, is that yours?

Thanks, yup, it's mine.

CrappyDom -> RE: I love Durex (4/19/2006 11:14:30 AM)

Thanks for the excellent advice, plenty of food for thought.

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