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RE: The Left Hand of Slvery-The first questions any slave will ask

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RE: The Left Hand of Slvery-The first questions any sla... - 4/3/2006 12:34:13 PM   

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One can use post-hypnotic suggestions to simulate bondage, place a clit in the palm of your hand, etc.   However post-hypnotic suggestions are not the most effective use of hypnosis in slave training.
Hypnosis can be used in any of the four areas.  That is, changing behavior, emotions, self-image and thoughts.   You can hypnotize your slave and have her/him: 
1) visualize the proper behavior that is required,
2) feel the displeasure of improper behavior,
3) examine root causes of emotional reactions in training,
4) examine core beliefs and ideas about subjects and events that occur during training.
In addition, you can give suggestions that help strengthen the slave's self-image. 
Also, resistance to training goals can be examined and motivations to achieve goals can be strengthened.
Hypnosis is only a tool to be used in slave training.  It is not a replacement for proper and customary steps used in training.  
Their is a very good reason that the stories on websites about hypnotic mind control are listed as fiction.   The truth is that you CAN'T control another person's mind just using hypnosis.   All hypnosis is self-hypnosis or at the very best only guided by the hypnotist, not controlled by him.  The mind has to many built-in safeguards  to allow simple hypnosis to be used to take over the hypnotized person's mind.  The hypnotized person thinks and feels emotions to clearly to be fooled or misguided.   
If mind control is you idea of how you would like to use hypnosis or how you would like it used on you, it's just fiction.  Yes, hypnosis can be used to change attitudes, beliefs and behaviors, but it's done in cooperation with the hypnotized person. 
Here are a few sites I agree with. The first site is where you will find this very text. As many of us doing the same things get the same questions.
I like this site and I think many of you who seek that aspect of control through hypnosis will like this one as well.
And my personal Favorite that I discovered some time ago.

< Message edited by OneX2 -- 4/3/2006 12:38:24 PM >

(in reply to Chaingang)
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RE: The Left Hand of Slvery - 4/3/2006 12:35:48 PM   

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ArtCatDom has done a good job of redacting the info into a small easily digested version.

I agree. There's some good info in there. Good enough to make me want to do some of my own research, and certainly better than flapping around screeching "he want's a bevy of peasants" on, of all places, a BDSM site where people are looking for SLAVES. Gosh, I love irony.

(in reply to Chaingang)
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RE: The Left Hand of Slvery - 4/3/2006 12:46:11 PM   

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Thanks, your message just gave me a Smile!


(in reply to MsIncognito)
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RE: The Left Hand of Slvery - 4/3/2006 12:53:12 PM   

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It can be yes. Imagine slipping into a hot bath, feeling the steam take away, all stress, all strain, and all worries of the day. Your mind is clear. You get out of the tub, take a deep breath, and lay down to close your eyes, exploring the experience of comfort as it flows through your body. Than double it.

There is simply a difference in the degree of relaxation.


(in reply to MsIncognito)
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RE: The Left Hand of Slvery - 4/3/2006 1:27:38 PM   

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More good stuff here:

Where is Werner Erhard - of EST fame - when we need him?

Um, that's a joke BTW...


"Everything flows, nothing stands still." (Πάντα ῥεῖ καὶ οὐδὲν μένει) - Heraclitus

(in reply to MsIncognito)
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RE: The Left Hand of Slvery - 4/3/2006 6:51:39 PM   

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I want you to know those sites are not reliable sites. They are matter of opinion sites. The same goes for the sites I posted, but if that is all the info you have on this topic for yourself you are not getting a balance of empirical and holistic view of studies and the topic as a whole.


< Message edited by OneX2 -- 4/3/2006 7:00:01 PM >

(in reply to Chaingang)
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The Left Hand of Slvery-Hypnotic Viagra - 4/3/2006 7:58:28 PM   

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I have been recently asked if Hypnosis can make a hard on ready for a marathon. The simple answer is yes. Probably… I am not saying give up your Viagra. Nor, am I attempting to say go for it, but not everyone who takes Viagra actually needs it.

To see if you need Viagra here is a simple and inexpensive test you can do yourself.

To understand how this test works you first must understand your body. When men sleep they have erections. If the problem is caused by poor circulation, the erection may be small or nonexistent. If that is the case then Viagra would be the proper medication. Understand that only about 20% of sexual dysfunction falls in this category. Smoking contributes to this problem as well as desensitization. Smokers may not notice but the intensity of orgasm is reduced significantly as compared to non smokers. That is because the veins and arteries have lost some ability to flow blood to where it is needed during sexual activity. So if you smoke not only do you eliminate 50% of potential lovers who don't want to be near a smoker, what sex you have is much less enjoyable than it could be as well.

The Test:
This is called a snap test. Simply purchase some postage stamps (the lick kind) and before you go to sleep simply wrap them around your penis. During the night if you get an erection, the ring of stamps will have split. Do this test for about 5 days. This is because if you are very fatigued, you may not have a erection.
If the ring is broken, then you don't need Viagra.

(in reply to Chaingang)
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RE: The Left Hand of Slvery - 4/3/2006 9:37:06 PM   

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Actually I welcome the chance to speak with any one who has done the research that you have done. Just as you have I have over simplified. I am wondering where you have got your lit on for this? I don't want to argue on opinion as I have seen many other studies and stats. I do agree with most of what you have said. I just don't believe there will ever be a therapy that will fit 100% of the people.

I look forward to hearing back from you.


I am vastly interested in language play, rhetoric and social engineering. Additionally, I am an author and intrigued by the variations in perception of language. NLP therefore fascinated me briefly. I have done a fair amount of research into it and other similar bodies of techniques. NLP also attracts my interest because I am fiercely opposed to Scientology, rebirthing, Rogerian nursing and other such techniques that not only are not effective, but potentially very harmful.

I am not arguing opinion. My negative adjectives for NLP may be naught but opinion. However, NLP's noneffectiveness is well documented.

If you know of a peer-reviewed study of NLP that supports it, I'd be glad to be informed of such a finding. It's not even that it's a fringe theory. Even AIDS dissdents have peer-reviewed papers published on their theories contrary to the prevailing HIV causation model. (And that's with most major journals refusing to publish papers contrary to the HIV-AIDS model!!) It's the fact that NLP simply has failed to stand up under any such scrutiny. The sutdies which have verified some aspects of NLP (such as eye cues) have only provided limited support. (That is to say, instead of saying there was *no* support for the theory, the "supporting" studies indicated there was some validity but that NLP's interpretation was flawed by having "mixed" results. Such mixed results found that some cues worked, but others did not work at all. Hardly an actual support, regardless of how much they're cited by NLP proponents.)

Studies for NLP are all negative findings or indeterminate results. In the world of science and peer-review, this means NLP has no real founding.

Brief overview:

List of NLP research:


< Message edited by ArtCatDom -- 4/3/2006 9:38:38 PM >

(in reply to OneX2)
Profile   Post #: 88
RE: The Left Hand of Slvery-Hypnotic Viagra - 4/3/2006 9:41:09 PM   

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The Test:
This is called a snap test. Simply purchase some postage stamps (the lick kind) and before you go to sleep simply wrap them around your penis. During the night if you get an erection, the ring of stamps will have split. Do this test for about 5 days. This is because if you are very fatigued, you may not have a erection.
If the ring is broken, then you don't need Viagra.


OK, seriously, sorry, but I have to state my clear opinion:

You are an utter and complete flake.

I'm being dead serious, no sarcasm, no double entendre, nada. You're clueless.

Most people shift in their sleep. Roll over on your stomach once and you have a good chance of breaking that "ring" as your penis is mushed and flopped around.

Some days I wonder where all the common sense has gone.


(in reply to OneX2)
Profile   Post #: 89
RE: The Left Hand of Slavery-Nlp revisited - 4/3/2006 9:53:05 PM   

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Ugh. I can hardly believe swallow doublespeak like this. Unfortunately, I'm very aware of how gullible the human race generally is.

First of all, I will mention the emphesis on intellectual property (trademarks and the like) that NLP shares with Scientology. I would also mention that NLP is much like Scientology in that it's largely focused on ensuring people keep paying for sessions/clasess/training/etc.

"Nothing in NLP™ is analytical. It is all designed to be applied."

"NLP™ consists of models. By applying these models one can generate techniques. The models are patterns. As such, they will be true 100% of the time. That is why statistics don't apply."

OK, does anyone besides me have their BS meter scream like a tortured monkey when reading this? Anyone?

Models have to built on principles. There are underlying analytical techniques for building these models. To say otherwise is to indicate the models were simply pulled from where the sun doesn't shine on a whim.

Also, statistics is ABOUT PATTERNS. Somehting being a pattern doesn't make it true "100% of the time". Statistics is the science of analyzing patterns. You know, Bell Curve and all that.

Those two statements I quoted are exactly the kind of quack defense against negative scientific findings that I take issue with. It sounds like a four year old making up rules in pretend land.


(in reply to OneX2)
Profile   Post #: 90
RE: The Left Hand of Slvery-Hypnotic Viagra - 4/3/2006 10:57:30 PM   

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From: Texas
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To see if you need Viagra here is a simple and inexpensive test you can do yourself.

To understand how this test works you first must understand your body. When men sleep they have erections. If the problem is caused by poor circulation, the erection may be small or nonexistent. If that is the case then Viagra would be the proper medication. Understand that only about 20% of sexual dysfunction falls in this category.

The Test:
This is called a snap test. Simply purchase some postage stamps (the lick kind) and before you go to sleep simply wrap them around your penis. During the night if you get an erection, the ring of stamps will have split. Do this test for about 5 days. This is because if you are very fatigued, you may not have a erection.
If the ring is broken, then you don't need Viagra.

Are you an expert on ED? Do you have a license to practice medicine and advice people not to take PRESCRIBED Viagra if they break a few stamps in their sleep? Do you work for the post office? Color me mightily confused here because this sounds like the biggest crock of bull I've heard round this parts for quite a spell. The term snake oil salesman comes to mind.

::shakes head::


(in reply to OneX2)
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RE: The Left Hand of Slvery-Hypnotic Viagra - 4/4/2006 5:48:56 AM   

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ORIGINAL: BitaTruble
Are you an expert on ED? Do you have a license to practice medicine and advice people not to take PRESCRIBED Viagra if they break a few stamps in their sleep? Do you work for the post office? Color me mightily confused here because this sounds like the biggest crock of bull I've heard round this parts for quite a spell. The term snake oil salesman comes to mind.

::shakes head::


Unfortunately this was a method popularized on Sex in the City when Charlotte wanted to find out if her husbands reluctance for sex was a biological problem or not.


Find stable partners, not a stable of partners.

"Sometimes my whore logic gets all fuzzy"- Californication

(in reply to BitaTruble)
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RE: The Left Hand of Slvery - 4/4/2006 6:21:35 AM   

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Your sites are not academic sites. These things all have an agenda, like you, like me. These are not fair and impartial. You are going out there trying to prove what you are saying by simply sifting through info that fits your purpose. I have yet to see a balanced statement with fact and opinion in your posts. I have not given any journal articles because they are simply boring in this sort of medium, and to long, not to mention that to understand many of the implications you need to be trained to look for flaws in what they are doing.

Under the term differential therapeutics, Frances, Clarkin, and Perry (1984) discuss ways of fitting different kinds of treatment to different kinds of clients. They also discuss the conditions under which “no treatment” is the best option. In the no-treatment category, they include clients who have a history of treatment failure, or whom seem to get worse from treatment, such as criminals trying to avoid or diminish punishment by claiming to be suffering from psychiatric conditions- “We may do a disservice to society, the legal system, the offenders, and ourselves if we are too willing to treat problems for which no effective treatment is available.”

There is also patients with malingering or fictitious illness, chronic nonresponders to treatment, clients likely to improve on their own, healthy clients with minor chronic problems; reluctant and resistant clients who refuse treatment. Although a decision needs to be made in each case, and although some might dispute some of the categories proposed, the possibility of no treatment deserves serious attention.

The no-treatment or no further treatment option can do a number of useful things, interrupt helping sessions that are going nowhere or are actually destructive; keep both client and helper from wasting time, effort, and money; delay help until the client is ready to do the work required for constructive change; provide a “breather” period that allows clients to consolidate gains from previous treatments; provide clients with the opportunity to discover what they can do without treatment, keep helpers and clients from playing games with themselves and one another; and provide motivation for the client to find help in his or her ability and daily life.

This is basic text that you should be familiar with if you went for any board certification or licensure in the counseling field. So far I can only see you've gotten a one sided education. It is good to know both sides of any issue but until your out there doing it and have some experience with it, you'll never really know. It is very hard to make a double blind study when dealing with qualitative data like emotions and the mind. The qualitative and quantitative studies are a good distinction to understand. Also I recommend How to lie with Statistics.

Great book, I read it in a graduate class. There are very clear examples and you will be surprised what you will find in the real world measures when you are finished with it. I am not into Scientology, rebirthing, Rogerian nursing, and I don’t know enough about them to offer an opinion. I think NLP can take care of itself. I don’t need to defend it. Any one would tries it can make up their own mind. I do wonder if you would even say it was worth learning about to some one else?


(in reply to ArtCatDom)
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RE: The Left Hand of Slvery-Hypnotic Viagra - 4/4/2006 6:26:25 AM   

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Funny that is what they teach in grad school for a inexpensive test for a male before seeing a Doctor for the problem. I wonder what is your training and what do you suggest before and after going to the MD to make the client feel that he is ok and has a little bit of control out of what is going on?

(in reply to ArtCatDom)
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RE: The Left Hand of Slvery - 4/4/2006 8:24:06 AM   

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i got the same kind of feeling you did wytchywoman.. only you said it much more eloquently than i could have..

(in reply to wytchywoman)
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RE: The Left Hand of Slvery - 4/4/2006 8:45:11 AM   

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After I repeied I left thinking about how you apply your interest in language play, rhetoric and social engineering? Where did you go from your brief interest in NLP? What happened to you that you are so fiercely opposed to Scientology, rebirthing, Rogerian nursing? Also I have never before heard of any simialrlairties between NLP and Scientology, would you share what you have heard?

I have heard of simiarilairy in hypnosis with Scientology, but hypnosis is simialr to any connectective or mediatative disicpline. Again I don't really know about Scientology so I will welcome your stories of experience with this.


(in reply to ArtCatDom)
Profile   Post #: 96
RE: The Left Hand of Slvery-Hypnotic Viagra - 4/4/2006 8:53:41 AM   

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The point isn't prescription or no prescription. It is a simple thing a guy can do to as a self test. It is not 100% reliable, but it can and has eased many men's minds. That is certainly no substitute for going to a MD. When some thing like this happens to a man it can be a crisis. That is unless you want the prescription to be a marathon man. That happens more than you might think.


(in reply to BitaTruble)
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RE: The Left Hand of Slvery-Hypnotic Viagra - 4/4/2006 8:56:24 AM   

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I have never seen Sex in the City, but recently I was told Desperate House wives was very good. Do you watch that show? I am wondering if it is worth a watch.


(in reply to LuckyAlbatross)
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RE: The Left Hand of Slvery - 4/4/2006 9:34:39 AM   

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ORIGINAL: MsIncognito

You are certainly rather vocal. I'm assuming because you are somehow qualified to speak on this subject as one who has "real" training in that field? If so, please refute what he is saying rather than just trying to stir up acrimony. Personally, I think the guy is funny as hell

I can speak more sensibly than he does on this subject after having had an eight year relationship with a licensed psychologist who is also a licensed hypnotherapist. During this eight year period he hypnotized me perhaps a total of six times but not for the purposes the OP keeps harping on.

You think the guy is funny? Actually, so do I. That doesn't mean he's not dangerously scary, though. I've seen a lot of funny drunks in my time. It can be hilarious to listen to them ramble and stagger around. It's not funny at all though when they get behind the wheel of a car and try to navigate themselves or others around town in a machine they have no control over. Then they become dangerous and quite likely to seriously hurt and maim innocent bystanders.

Honestly, after reading some of his more recent posts like the "stamp test", I can't see how you could still take him seriously. He also has made claims that he can hypnotize a penis into a "marathon hard on" state of readiness. Several other posters have made excellent rebuttals to his NLP nonsense as well, if you want to continue to believe this person has any real validity then that's up to you.

(in reply to MsIncognito)
Profile   Post #: 99
RE: The Left Hand of Slavery-Nlp revisited - 4/4/2006 9:40:25 AM   

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Ugh. I can hardly believe swallow doublespeak like this. Unfortunately, I'm very aware of how gullible the human race generally is.

OK, does anyone besides me have their BS meter scream like a tortured monkey when reading this? Anyone?


Yes. Me. My BS meter went into the red zone the first day he started this thread.

(in reply to ArtCatDom)
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