RE: Are we perverted? (Full Version)

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NeedToUseYou -> RE: Are we perverted? (4/6/2006 9:52:54 PM)

Simply, Yes. LOL, but there isn't anybody who's not a pervert.

chainedsinner -> RE: Are we perverted? (4/8/2006 8:16:04 PM)

Anyone willing to bet that psychiatrist has a lil latex suit of her own stashed in her closet, right next to a crop?

sexypet -> RE: Are we perverted? (4/8/2006 11:22:54 PM)


ORIGINAL: Your Queen

With respect, Rumpusparable, that's no excuse - As a psychiatrist, she should understand the way things work or keep her trap shut.
No psychiatrist worth their salt would comment on things they don't know about or haven't researched.
Better to keep your mouth shut and have someone think you're a fool than to open it and remove all doubt.

i agree with You...when i was in therapy, my therapist would often comment that BDSM is not an area she is trained to deal with, and that she would need to consult her colleagues before offering me specific advice...especially since much of what we experience as subs can be mistaken as abusive to outsiders.  i loved my therapist because she was never afraid to say she didn't know the answers...but would do what she could to help me find them. 

i moved to the Cape and i miss her.

MasterABD -> RE: Are we perverted? (4/15/2006 3:20:06 AM)


Arpig -> RE: Are we perverted? (4/15/2006 8:22:14 AM)

well ABD, the post on the link you put up pretty much covers the ground I wanted to, so i will just respond to the earlier post about teenaged boys...they ARE perverts.

artglfr -> RE: Are we perverted? (4/17/2006 12:47:17 PM)

fast reply" Not just yes but Hell yes" if not I have certainly wasted a good part of my life.

mastersayed -> RE: Are we perverted? (6/10/2006 6:15:10 PM)

i've always been called a perv... the good thing is everybody who said it has meant it in the positive way ;)

desertdancer -> RE: Are we perverted? (6/10/2006 6:30:52 PM)

...Sooo-oo I am not perverted if I keep sex in the bedroom, but if I move it out into the hall, there is a good chance I'm perverted? Awwww shoot!  What if I am doing it in the hall while crawling to the bedroom..wonder if that still counts?


awhisper -> RE: Are we perverted? (6/10/2006 6:34:56 PM)

From who's point of view?
i'm the first to admit i am twisted, but i am still able to function in society.
If given the opportunity, i bet she would make another choice of words...perversion is a strong statement to make about an entire community.

marieToo -> RE: Are we perverted? (6/10/2006 6:38:33 PM)



Simply, Yes. LOL, but there isn't anybody who's not a pervert.

I would have to absolutely agree with this 100%.  Only difference is that some admit it and act on it;  others dont.  Everybody has a dark place they go to in their minds, some will act on it, others wont..  For some its what we do. For others maybe its fucking in a pool of green jello while the dog watches.  But everyone's got something in their closet

juliaoceania -> RE: Are we perverted? (6/10/2006 9:57:51 PM)

Personally I think that she is saying that submissive women (or men) shouldnt act like themselves in front of their kids because their kids might grow up to take on those roles too. Well I think she has the idea that being a submissive outside of the bedroom to your partner=doormat. I wonder how she would have responded if a woman asked her if it was wrong that she acted submissive to her hubby because of religion? Would that give the "kiddies" the wrong idea about how a woman should act?

I find it slightly amusing that people think submissive = doormat and abused when I know I am an incredibly strong minded and intelligent, confident woman. Why is being a submissive "bad" in our culture? I do not get it, but alas, laugh at others misconceptions instead of being offended.

sisteretal -> RE: Are we perverted? (6/15/2006 1:12:02 PM)

keep it in the bedroom?

what if someone doesn't have a bedroom?

As for an answer for the thread question... *raising hand....  I am.

Respectfully ~ phoenix

Sab -> RE: Are we perverted? (6/16/2006 3:28:39 PM)

In a society where the normal people are in the majority and the abnormal people are a minority - does that then bode that within the confines of a D/s society the abnormal ones are the ones answering stupidily as did the person who wrote the artical.

Mum and Dad are normal if:

  1. Mum and Dad work their bollox off to bring in a living wage to pay for Timmy and Tammy to go to uni.
  2. Mum and Dad pay taxes so that Timmy and Tammy can grow up to be wonderful people who pay taxes.
  3. Mum and Dad have expectations that Timmy and Tammy become very good tax collectors.
  4. Timmy and Tammy must live by a moral code that dictates that Tammy will always be paid less than Timmy.
  5. Tammy will have a C section birth so she can go back to work - on half pay while Tom looks after the kid(s)
  6. Timmy, who is now married to Mary - is fucking Mary's friend.
  7. Mary has a C section birth while not letting Timmy know it was Chaz's baby and goes back to work on half pay and Chaz starts to see his wife again and she is called Billie-Rose.
  8. Mary's friend - Gail, who is getting fucked by Timmy is also fucking the whole left-side of the football team get's an STD, and when Timmy get's it he goes BALLISTIC!
  9. Mary finds out and divorces Timmy - Timmy just thinks of the child support he is going to have to pay for a kid he doesn't know isn't really his.
Ad infinitum - and THEY think WE are the ones fucked up!? :|

johnnywacks -> RE: Are we perverted? (6/17/2006 2:09:05 AM)

It's "sort" of thought the advice was okay, up the line we are all laughing about which is here.
" It can also be a problem if you are sexually aroused ONLY playing submissive and dominant roles, or if you are so obsessed with this activity that you think about nothing else. In that case, it could a perversion. If your relationship moves in either of these directions, beware."

I mean she offers no useful definition of the term "perversion".  I THINK what she means is that it's an activity that you can't stop performing that interferes with your life in some meaningful way.  Such as an obsessive compulsive who can't stop washing their hands.  The reality is that MOST people need some sort of way to be come sexually aroused, and they tend to repeat whatever worked the LAST time they wanted to get sexually aroused.  The same goes for vanilla people as well as BDSM people.  It's just that vanilla's have a socially approved way to become aroused.  It's seems totally stupid to call out one and call it a perversion and another and say it's not.  that's just stupid and not based at all on any modern theory of human sexuality.

I would agree that if you somehow feel that you need to compulsively repeat some behavior so that it interfered with your health or your life, than you shouldn't do it.  That goes for BDSM behavior or anything else.  But it's use in this article is totally vague.  Without an example of WHY the "perversion" is bad, it just damn confusing and not very useful advice.

It's like listening to an argument like this:
"I like to drink milk when I am thirsty.  Everybody else I know only drinks water.  Am I perverted?"
And then the advice columnist says something like this:
"It's totally okay to drink milk, as long as it's your choice and your enjoy it.  Don't drink milk if you don't like the taste.  But watch out - drinking gallons and gallons of milk a day may not be healthy for you.  If you find yourself doing this, watch out!"

So the advice is basically - don't do something if it's not good for you!
Wow.  That's useful.  I'll try to remember that.

Sab -> RE: Are we perverted? (6/17/2006 3:24:41 AM)


It's like listening to an argument like this:
"I like to drink milk when I am thirsty.  Everybody else I know only drinks water.  Am I perverted?"
And then the advice columnist says something like this:
"It's totally okay to drink milk, as long as it's your choice and your enjoy it.  Don't drink milk if you don't like the taste.  But watch out - drinking gallons and gallons of milk a day may not be healthy for you.  If you find yourself doing this, watch out!"

Ahhh - but you forgot, don't do it anywhere else other than in your own locked bedroom, in the dark and no one else can see you. And think of the LIDS, ALWAYS think of the kids.

MadameDahlia -> RE: Are we perverted? (6/17/2006 4:56:43 PM)

Perverted and proud of it.

Daddysredhead -> RE: Are we perverted? (6/17/2006 5:29:40 PM)

Should I be concerned that I signed my friends' high school yearbooks with a little quote that I made up "Perverts make better lovers"...???  If that is the case, I have been perverted for 20 years.
<---------- And just look here?  Even CM has declared me perverted?  Dare I argue with the powers that be?  I think not!   LOL

kickinchick -> RE: Are we perverted? (6/17/2006 6:17:59 PM)

I am a HappyPervert

DommeShi -> RE: Are we perverted? (6/18/2006 1:30:41 PM)

VERY Good reply, would be interested in the come back..

gooddogbenji -> RE: Are we perverted? (6/18/2006 1:41:36 PM)

Everything is perverted until you try it.



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