RE: squirting (Full Version)

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Toppingfrmbottom -> RE: squirting (3/29/2010 7:48:07 PM)

My x used to be grossed out about even just touching the vagina, and if I wanted to play with myself and show him my squirting he always made sure to back well away and sit far away lol.


lucky indeed tazzy lol, cuz some men would freak out and bitch that you pee'd the bed and have to explain it. lol

In that case, the guy just ain't squirt-worthy.

Toppingfrmbottom -> RE: squirting (3/29/2010 7:53:10 PM)

I can and I do it quite well. In fact sometimes needing to pee makes the orgasm more intense.

ORIGINAL: mnottertail

when you don't pee, but just squirt? I would assume you own a towel, use it to get enough experience to tell the difference, and get comfortable with it.

Ain't no guy I know gonna freak out if you miss it and pee instead a few times.

Far as I know, men cant come when they have to pee and I havent seen a woman that could either, dunno.


snmgrandmaster -> RE: squirting (3/30/2010 11:59:38 PM)

There is a technique, that when properly applied, will get that glorious display from most women,  if not all.   A few years back there was a short instructional clip online.  I might still have a copy of it somewhere.  If I can find the CD I'll upload it.  If not,  I'll  try to write as good a descriptive guide, as possible.  Although, as I recall,  the CD is just great,.  He, with the help of a cute youngster, demonstrates, again, and again, and  in less than 10 min. her pump runs dry.   Completely drained,  in  spasmodic seizure  lays the assistant,  babbling incoherent sounds,,  weathering one tidal roller after another, lost  deep in subspace.  Much better than my dull  narrative will be, so I'll get right on finding it.   I forgot how entertaining....ah.. informative,  it really was.  You also might  try searching the torrent sights, if it's still anywhere on line,  that's where you'll find it .  Bit Che is an excellent torrent search program, and it's free.   I think it is titled, "How to make any girl squirt".

Or if there are 9 or 10 sub/slaves in the LA, CA area who feel the need of a little hands on "Tune-up" and want to be a at 11:00.  Just thought I'd put that out there. :D      

lally2 -> RE: squirting (4/5/2010 5:46:21 AM)


ORIGINAL: Toppingfrmbottom

My x used to be grossed out about even just touching the vagina, and if I wanted to play with myself and show him my squirting he always made sure to back well away and sit far away lol.


oh thank you Topping that made me laugh out loud.  first time i ever gushed it was such a surprise to me and the guy i was with went 'ew!' - i felt so embarrassed and thought id wet myself.  but when i sniffed the bedclothes the next day (i know! - but i was curious) it didnt smell of anything.

ive gushed and squirted much more since moving into BDSM propah - not embarrassed anymore [:)]

jbcurious -> RE: squirting (4/5/2010 6:29:20 AM)

I know the clip you're talking about... I had started a post re: female ejaculation in a vanilla singles site... So many of the ladies either didn't know it was possible or were surprised and embarrassed the first time it happened.

Let me just say the mans technique works. [:)]

Candlescandles -> RE: squirting (4/8/2010 12:47:16 PM)

As long as we are talking about squirting, what do you ladies do to keep the bed dry while you play? I've put down towels, but there is always a spot afterwards and I never want to sleep in it. I'm also about to buy a new bed set and don't want to make a mess of a new mattress.

SirsJewel -> RE: squirting (6/20/2010 7:28:10 PM)

i agree no orgasm needed and positions and arrousal levels help me ~jewels

SexStarvedSub -> RE: squirting (11/11/2010 9:43:41 PM)

I wasn't aware that it was possible... just something in porn videos... until the first time it happened to me. My partner then actually talked me through it.. explaining what he was doing and what he needed me to do. That night I ended up having 27... yes 27!... squirting orgasms!!  I was shocked and amazed ... and worried that he was going to have to replace his entire mattress! LOL  I was unaware that I could produce that much fluid in such a short amount of time! Since then it seems to be easily achieved by my partner, but it depends on circumstances and comfort levels. I have to feel really at ease to be able to 'let go' enough for this to happen.
I can say that it is incredible and exhilarating... and men should not be afraid of it (ITS NOT PEE!)... rather be patting yourself on the back for being able to make your woman feel this way! Not all women can achieve this. I have many friends that have tried and say they cannot!

Tantriqu -> RE: squirting (11/11/2010 9:57:37 PM)

I checked to see if we're on the same continent: we are, so you may have seen what I use: cheap [$10-15] fleece throw blankets. We put one under the mattress cover, and one over the fitted sheet; if you put it down diagonally, the edges will tuck under a queen-sized ;-) bed. BONUS: they're also very soft, and warm in winter, cool in summer.
And we always keep a spare bedside.
So after you squirt and cuddle, he can toss the wet one over the side, tuck the new dry one under you, and voila! You're ready to snooze or rock'n'roll again, and everyone's dry.

Good luck, and be proud!

Tantriqu -> RE: squirting (11/12/2010 12:17:31 PM)

Here's my journal article on female ejaculation: and a reminder you can't feel the g-spot until you're really aroused.

The Good Man's Guide to a Queening G-spot

Every good straight man should strive to give his lover a G-spot orgasm.
Here's how.

Something they rarely put in the manuals is she has to be fully aroused for you to find the spot.
Something else that might not be mentioned is that both of you should have empty bladders and then each drink a couple of glasses of water. you don't want to interrupt her pleasure at a critical time to excuse yourself, and she needs to have confidence that all that can possibly be spurting out of her at high speed and higher volume is her ejaculate, and not prevent her pleasure being concerned about a sensation to pee which is actually the beginning of her G-spot orgasm.
And there's gonna be a LOT of panting, moaning and hyperventilating on both sides, so no one should be dehydrated.

I like strategically-placed acrylic fleece throw rugs better than a mere towel to catch the overflow; larger, softer and more sensual on the ass or knees, too.

So let's fast-forward a half-hour or so, when she is ready to crawl all over you from your kisses, throat nips, breast massages, nipple suckling, whatever she desires. you've gently, slowly removed all her clothing, you've started to pet her pussy, you've growled in her ear that you're going to eat her 'til she comes ALL over you, and you start your slow descent.

And there is her sexual core all nicely laid [hah!] out for you: her lips are swollen, parted, warm and glistening. And still you don't hurry. you tell her how beautiful she looks, and smells. you breathe your warm breath alllll over your buffet, as she tries to pull you in. you surrender gladly, and settle in for some bliss, and gently suck and lick until she's arching, but not bucking.

Suck and lick that clit, suck and lick those inner lips; lick the opening to her vagina, gently french-kiss it, and once she's lovely and wet, walk your lips back up and latch 'em back onto her clit while you dab a well-manicured and snag-free index finger in her juices, and GENTLY slide it under your chin and into her vagina, nail DOWN/fingerpad UP. you gently sweep the pad up/down, around, and side-to-side against the front third of her vagina an inch or two inside, WHILE STILL SUCKING/LICKING THAT CLIT, aiming up and to an angle behind her belly-button. you feel it! like a half-grape of firmer, rough tissue, that collars her urethra [tube from her bladder to the outside], just like your prostate gland.

Congratulations! start stroking, massaging and circling that G-spot, but DON'T STOP YOUR MOUTH-to-CLIT WORK! She may let you know exactly when you've found her G-spot, but some women don't recognise the sensation . . . yet! Keep licking and sucking, in a rhythm you can keep up for awhile, pausing only to tell her how aroused this makes you, how gorgeous she tastes, how she's going to sound when she comes alllllll over you, then latching quickly back on.

Is she coming yet? Yes? Perhaps her clit has retracted, and you feel the divine contractions begin against your smile? Don't stop! Keep going, 'cuz Here She Comes!!!!

Now, massage that g-spot, gently but firmly, in that 'come here' gesture, making appreciative and yummy noises. Some women prefer two fingers in a side-to-side alternating motion, and/or with some light in-but-not-completely-out pumping. Use your words, and encourage her to come ALLLLLLL over you. She'll feel a sensation of bearing down or urinating, but you both need to remember, it's not urine, it's clear, sweet nectar of the gods. Her breathing or moans may change from her usual come-cries into something more primal, deeper, urgent: whatever happens, DON'T STOP!!, otherwise she may clamp up and not be able to let go again.

If all is well, she's spurting alllllllll over you: THAR SHE BLOWS!!!!! she's still coming! Don't stop!! Her contractions may continue for some time; if they're starting to slacken, smile and stroke her anus with a spare smooth-nailed little finger, or spread some of that nectar and nudge your finger gently in and out of her ass in counterpoint to her spasms. If that doesn't increase the intensity of her come-cries and contractions . . . replace your little finger in her ass with your tonguetip and start humming, but just keep your finger on her G-spot and move your other hand over her clit to give her something to thrust against.

Never, ever leave her empty or thrusting against air. NEVER.

As her contractions fade, or once it's finally time to stop: as you know, aftercare is very important; you've come so far, don't harsh her buzz.
If you've done your job well, you should have been facefucked into her immobility. She may have hyperventilated to the point where she doesn't need to draw breath for many seconds; just smile smugly and feel her pulse against your face. If you've rimmed her, try to rinse and spit before you put your tongue anywhere important.
Otherwise, do whatever you do after giving oral pleasure: suavely wipe your dripping chin on her inner thighs, crawl up against her to nestle in her lap or arms [remember, she may be too weak to clasp you, so rearrange her limbs comfortably], kiss her UPPER lips, and tell her how amazing she is and how grateful you are she trusts you with her ultimate pleasure. She may just be able to murmur something incoherent before slipping into the unconsciousness of the well and truly fucked.

Feel free to feel smug, and change the throw rug.

My favourite is to having a Queening G-spot, while I'm hovering over his face and coming, groaning, spasming, alllllll over him, until, exhausted, my legs won't support me, and I turn on my side while he, good dog, stays in the saddle as I continue to spurt against his smiles and hand, both of us purring in bliss and satisfaction.

Female ejaculation.

It's a good thing!

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