RE: Why do we get all uppity about Weight based Threads? (Full Version)

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WyldHrt -> RE: Why do we get all uppity about Weight based Threads? (3/24/2010 1:25:10 AM)


What is so bad about discussing weight?

Well, this thread is a good answer. [:D]

Personally, at this point in my life, I could give a shit less if someone calls me fat. Duh, I am fat. That said, they don't know me, or anything about my life, lifestyle, or health, which makes their input worth exactly nothing... other than letting me know that they are someone I don't want to get to know better.

I have never been "skinny" or "thin". Not when I was a kid who biked miles every day and practically lived in the swimming pool in the summer; not when I worked in a contractor's warehouse "throwing" lumber in my late teens/early 20s (145lbs and strong as a bull, but still didn't have that flat abdomen); not when I was in college and walked miles every day, rode horses several times a week, and worked out at the campus gym regularly; not when I was post college and worked out every night after work, went rock climbing regularly, and spent hours every day exercising my dogs; and not now that I'm older and have a job that requires me to be on my feet, running, moving, lifting, etc every day, despite having some fairly serious issues with my joints that often leave me in severe pain at the end of the workday.
Oh, for those who will certainly go there- my diet has, at most points in my life, been well balanced and healthy.

None of the above has kept people from making nasty remarks about my looks/weight since I was a teen, but life is just too short to deal with that kind of shit from people that don't know me, and that I have no desire to know. That said, as it is related to the topic; while I respect other people's preferences when it comes to looks and weight, how said preferences are expressed does matter and, to me, it says a lot about a person.
Another $0.02

kiwisub12 -> RE: Why do we get all uppity about Weight based Threads? (3/24/2010 3:54:22 AM)

Interestingly to me is that people feel free to express their opinions about FAT.
and a lot of those people are men. But we seldom have threads about short penis' or erectile dysfunction.

I guess there are subjects that are taboo - even on the internet - or perhaps its because no-one wants to actually admit to these issues - maybe because they actually can't be seen to the naked eye, and *gasp* people might be less than kind!

Everyone has something they aren't happy with, and wish could change. No-one is perfect - physically or otherwise. But there are plenty of people who like to point out the obvious, in terms they wouldn't use to their mothers! Peeps need to use some tact - or at least, shut their mouths.

perfectflaw00 -> RE: Why do we get all uppity about Weight based Threads? (3/24/2010 4:03:57 AM)

Bad analogy having a short penis would be a genetic thing unfortunate as it may be, being overweight more often than not is a choice. Personally I used to be a fatty back in high school was 240 at 5'8 granted I played football and was a lineman but I still knew I was chunky. As soon as h.s was over I started dieting down and in a  1 1/2 yrs reached 160 and competed in my first bb competition.Its unfortunate but there is a stark contrast of how I was treated by people between my fat self and my build now.

perfectflaw00 -> RE: Why do we get all uppity about Weight based Threads? (3/24/2010 4:15:38 AM)

Oh and just a point of clarification on the whole "carb" debate, the human body does not need them to function unlike fats or protein. Granted you may feel like garbage without them but they aren't a necessity for survival. 

LaTigresse -> RE: Why do we get all uppity about Weight based Threads? (3/24/2010 4:16:50 AM)

Short penises disgust me. As do long ones, chubby ones, skinny ones, errect ones, those that cannot get errect, and crooked ones. Disgust me I say!!

I am not going to bother reading all previous posts because, quite frankly, I seriously doubt it's any different than any other 'fat thread' in the past.

I do not see peline issues being discussed because it isn't the hot button issue 'fat' is. I remember reading a study that people were polled and asked which they would prefer, losing a limb or getting fat. The greater percentage said they would rather lose a limb. If you combine that with the fact that the greater percentage of people ARE FAT, I would say there is a whole lotta self loathing going on.

I have found, in my time on the forums.....that the things like this that get discussed are quite often issues that are, in some way, passing judgement on women. Because of the nature of relationship dynamics, the number of over weight people, the nature of people looking for relationships, toss in some jokesters (yes Jefffff and DG I am looking at you...[:D]), some intense feminists, a few fat haters, and some over sensitive self loathing fat people that don't want to admit their self loathing cloaking it in BBW and you have a powder keg of dyyyyyyyy nooooo MITE.

Personally, I find all of the over reacting ridiculous. It's not news that there are a lot of fat people. It's not news that a lot of people find fat repulsive. It's not news that human beings get their feelings hurt and strike out and it's not news that there are masochists and sadists here. If people opinions about the subject bother a person, they really do have the option to avoid reading them and adding their 2 cents.

I've been skinny and I've been fat. Now I am in the middle. I am cool with the fact that to some people I am probably still, too fat. I don't care. I eat very healthy, I exercise a lot. I know myself and know how hard I continue to work to be healthy.

IF a fat girl came to me, wanting to belong to me. She had better understand that A.) I will closely examine her diet and exercise. She will eat healthy, get plenty of exercise, and life a healthy lifestyle..........or she will not belong to me. I don't care about extra curves, I care about health. If a 30 has no extenuating health issues and cannot go hiking with me, and keep up with me, at almost 48 years old, she is unhealthy.

It's no different than smoking or any other choice that I find repulsive and unhealthy. We are given one body to get us through this life. I want to enjoy my life and extend it as long as possible. I don't want to be dependent upon pills and doctors to do so. Living a long enjoyable life is going to require me to be in the best health possible. It only makes sense to take care of the one body I have.

zephyroftheNorth -> RE: Why do we get all uppity about Weight based Threads? (3/24/2010 4:18:38 AM)


The above strongly suggests that diabetes is caused through poor lifestyle choices such as poor eating habits and lack of exercise.

Along with family history, older age, certain ethnic groups, and/or a body that is insulin resistent.

perfectflaw00 -> RE: Why do we get all uppity about Weight based Threads? (3/24/2010 4:25:21 AM)

well thought out post.

angelikaJ -> RE: Why do we get all uppity about Weight based Threads? (3/24/2010 4:52:49 AM)


ORIGINAL: DarlingSavage

First of all, I was merely using junk food as an example.
That is not what you said:

"...That's a very poor example since people usually acquire Type II Diabetes because they were obese from eating junk food. ..."


I don't care if it gets discussed but for those who are quick with the CDC BULLSHIT, what do you think it is the first time I've heard it? Do you think that if you say it all the sudden it will mean anything more to me? Do you think you pointing out things I have been told for YEARS is going to change how I feel when I am hungry and want a Double Double from In-N-Out?

If you do then you are DELUSIONAL and far worse off than I am. QSM

I'm not the one that said that obesity causes Type II diabetes

As I stated above, I do that because that's what I do. I do research. On any other thread where I can find out facts, figures and other data, I do. I use it. I do it all the time and I'm not commonly attacked for it. Like I said, the topic was on obesity, I looked it up, I spoke about my feelings on the topic, I supported my stance with data. I learned that in school.

"I'm not the one that said that obesity causes Type II diabetes... "

(In using the CDC's data, you are in essence saying just that.)

Well, see... as an experiment, you could do research and see if there is ANY data that supports another point of view.

Edit: format

sirsholly -> RE: Why do we get all uppity about Weight based Threads? (3/24/2010 5:04:42 AM)


ORIGINAL: zephyroftheNorth


The above strongly suggests that diabetes is caused through poor lifestyle choices such as poor eating habits and lack of exercise.

Along with family history, older age, certain ethnic groups, and/or a body that is insulin resistent.

family history is the big one, in my opinion. But there are other medical conditions that lead to diabetes through no fault of the patient. A transplant patient, as one example, takes an anti-rejection medication that can latch onto the insulin cells produced by a healthy pancreas and render them useless.
Saying diabetes is caused by poor lifestyle choices is placing the blame squarely on the patient, whereas other factors can and often are to blame.

paleness -> RE: Why do we get all uppity about Weight based Threads? (3/24/2010 5:35:01 AM)

I like fat people who brag about being fat like it's a representation of hedonism. Those are cool ;D
But I can't stand fat people who are all depressed about being fat: I consider them an insult toward all the starving people in third world countries :\

tazzygirl -> RE: Why do we get all uppity about Weight based Threads? (3/24/2010 5:37:59 AM)


ORIGINAL: perfectflaw00

Bad analogy having a short penis would be a genetic thing unfortunate as it may be, being overweight more often than not is a choice. Personally I used to be a fatty back in high school was 240 at 5'8 granted I played football and was a lineman but I still knew I was chunky. As soon as h.s was over I started dieting down and in a  1 1/2 yrs reached 160 and competed in my first bb competition.Its unfortunate but there is a stark contrast of how I was treated by people between my fat self and my build now.

you remind me of a reformed smoker... and we all know how bad reformers are!

perfectflaw00 -> RE: Why do we get all uppity about Weight based Threads? (3/24/2010 5:39:44 AM)

how so?

tazzygirl -> RE: Why do we get all uppity about Weight based Threads? (3/24/2010 6:08:35 AM)

A kreb cycle might be beneficial to you. Judgemental statements like yours does no one any good. A Carbless diet may have worked for you... but as its well known in the medical community, there is no one-size-fits-all diet.

Jeffff -> RE: Why do we get all uppity about Weight based Threads? (3/24/2010 6:14:11 AM)


ORIGINAL: LaTigresse

Short penises disgust me. As do long ones, chubby ones, skinny ones, errect ones, those that cannot get errect, and crooked ones. Disgust me I say!!

You are breaking My heart....................


perfectflaw00 -> RE: Why do we get all uppity about Weight based Threads? (3/24/2010 6:14:40 AM)

Oh maybe I should clarified my statement, I simply was commenting on someone saying they "need" carbs to function. Which is not biologically true, if you remove carbs for any length of time completely you still will function. If on the other hand you were to cut out protein or fats entirely for a extended length of time you would eventually die. And for the record I love carbs fruits, vegetables, tubers, and some grains such as barley and quinea. 

Jeffff -> RE: Why do we get all uppity about Weight based Threads? (3/24/2010 6:17:53 AM)

I love barley!... I like it malted.....with hops.


DarlingSavage -> RE: Why do we get all uppity about Weight based Threads? (3/24/2010 6:20:41 AM)


Along with family history, older age, certain ethnic groups, and/or a body that is insulin resistent.

Then why is it that 58% had positive results when changing lifestyle habits, such as changing diets and exercising? That suggests that over half of people with type 2 diabetes acquire it through poor lifestyle choices.


That is not what you said:

"...That's a very poor example since people usually acquire Type II Diabetes because they were obese from eating junk food.

You're right, I should have worded that differently. I should have said:

That's a very poor example since studies show that most people acquire Type II Diabetes through poor lifestyle habits, such as eating junk food.


"I'm not the one that said that obesity causes Type II diabetes... "

(In using the CDC's data, you are in essence saying just that.)

No, the CDC says that.


Well, see... as an experiment, you could do research and see if there is ANY data that supports another point of view.

What point of view would you like me to look up data on? The "I can't help it" point of view? I have already stated that the people that are genetically predispositioned to obesity are rare as that is a rare incidence, just like any other genetic anomaly. Genetic anomalies, such as albinism don't tend to reach epidemic proportions. If it did, we would have to assume that there was something in the environment of those people which was causing them to be born with albinism. With obesity, it is the same. There is something in the environment that is causing people to become obese in epidemic proportions. Food is highly available and advertised, advertisement seeks to appeal to the most basic instincts, transportation requires little to no effort due to the advent of cars, so on and so forth. Lifestyles have changed dramatically with the advent of new technology such that little to no physical effort is required in order to get things done.

What I don't understand is why people are attacking me for reporting data. I never said that people were lazy or greedy or any other thing like that. I simply stated facts.


family history is the big one, in my opinion. But there are other medical conditions that lead to diabetes through no fault of the patient. A transplant patient, as one example, takes an anti-rejection medication that can latch onto the insulin cells produced by a healthy pancreas and render them useless.
Saying diabetes is caused by poor lifestyle choices is placing the blame squarely on the patient, whereas other factors can and often are to blame.

This isn't what the CDC data suggests. If diabetes wasn't so high, this could be considered the case. Other than that, glad to see you're back and hope you're doing well. Wish I could give a more thought out response, but I have to leave now.

Once again, the data isn't intended to be a personal attack on anyone.

perfectflaw00 -> RE: Why do we get all uppity about Weight based Threads? (3/24/2010 6:22:42 AM)

ha its funny there are some people who I mention barley to and that's their usual response as well. "You mean the stuff they make beer from? "you can eat it to?"

angelikaJ -> RE: Why do we get all uppity about Weight based Threads? (3/24/2010 7:04:39 AM)


ORIGINAL: DarlingSavage


That is not what you said:

"...That's a very poor example since people usually acquire Type II Diabetes because they were obese from eating junk food.

You're right, I should have worded that differently. I should have said:

That's a very poor example since studies show that most people acquire Type II Diabetes through poor lifestyle habits, such as eating junk food.


"I'm not the one that said that obesity causes Type II diabetes... "

(In using the CDC's data, you are in essence saying just that.)

No, the CDC says that.


Well, see... as an experiment, you could do research and see if there is ANY data that supports another point of view.

What point of view would you like me to look up data on? The "I can't help it" point of view? I have already stated that the people that are genetically predispositioned to obesity are rare as that is a rare incidence, just like any other genetic anomaly. Genetic anomalies, such as albinism don't tend to reach epidemic proportions. If it did, we would have to assume that there was something in the environment of those people which was causing them to be born with albinism. With obesity, it is the same. There is something in the environment that is causing people to become obese in epidemic proportions. Food is highly available and advertised, advertisement seeks to appeal to the most basic instincts, transportation requires little to no effort due to the advent of cars, so on and so forth. Lifestyles have changed dramatically with the advent of new technology such that little to no physical effort is required in order to get things done.

What I don't understand is why people are attacking me for reporting data. I never said that people were lazy or greedy or any other thing like that. I simply stated facts.


family history is the big one, in my opinion. But there are other medical conditions that lead to diabetes through no fault of the patient. A transplant patient, as one example, takes an anti-rejection medication that can latch onto the insulin cells produced by a healthy pancreas and render them useless.
Saying diabetes is caused by poor lifestyle choices is placing the blame squarely on the patient, whereas other factors can and often are to blame.

This isn't what the CDC data suggests. If diabetes wasn't so high, this could be considered the case. Other than that, glad to see you're back and hope you're doing well. Wish I could give a more thought out response, but I have to leave now.

Once again, the data isn't intended to be a personal attack on anyone.

I am wondering, DarlingSavage, where in my response do you see any kind of personal attack?
I simply offered a differing point of view.

Re: obesity being the cause of diabetes, studies in the last 3 years have suggested otherwise: 

Inflammation has a strong connection to heart disease and stroke as well.
American Heart Association 

Since it has come up several times in this thread...the issue of why some people over-eat and others do not, is much more complicated than the simplistic idea that over-weight people simply lack will-power.
Much of the cues for satiety are within our brain chemistry and for some people there are other less understood factors that create a mind/body disconnect which manifest themselves in someone eating when they are not hungry.

edit: quote trim

sirsholly -> RE: Why do we get all uppity about Weight based Threads? (3/24/2010 7:42:09 AM)


Along with family history, older age, certain ethnic groups, and/or a body that is insulin resistent.


Then why is it that 58% had positive results when changing lifestyle habits, such as changing diets and exercising? That suggests that over half of people with type 2 diabetes acquire it through poor lifestyle choices.

Once the pancreas is compromised and the diagnosis of diabetes is made for whatever the reason, improvement can be seen with a life style change. The average person does not spend their life counting carbs, calculating exchanges, and all the other things a diabetic must do to reach the end of their lives without having their limbs amputated.

What the 58% improvement suggests to me is not a bunch of people who are committing body abuse on a daily basis (although some are, of course), but rather a group that are living as you and i do. We get up and eat a PB&J sandwich on our way out the door. We stop at a co-workers desk and help ourselves to the M&M's in the candy dish on their desk, we go out to dinner and order what we want from the menu. We do not have the mindset that a newly diagnosed diabetic has regarding the need for a lifestyle change drastic enough to improve diabetes.

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