RE: Do you think my master is being fair? (Full Version)

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nephandi -> RE: Do you think my master is being fair? (3/29/2010 1:13:58 PM)


Brilliant ideas Sanguinarian.

I wish you well

ResidentSadist -> RE: Do you think my master is being fair? (3/29/2010 2:03:38 PM)

Yes he is fair, but I will be glad to suggest an alternative punishment. Instead of the spanking, you can have elective surgery to put a marsupial type pouch in the middle of your forehead. In this pouch you can carry your bank cards and train passes. On the front of the pouch you would have a tattoo that reads:
If a bank card and train pass are not sticking out of this pouch, please slap this bitch.”

kiwisub12 -> RE: Do you think my master is being fair? (3/29/2010 5:47:43 PM)


ORIGINAL: sirsholly

Approaching this from a different angle...
OP...see a medical professional. If in fact you have honestly lost that many items in that short of a time frame,you need to rule out a medical condition.

So holly - do you think she lost the items in various bodily orifices? and needs assistance to get them out? [:D]

fragilepieces -> RE: Do you think my master is being fair? (3/29/2010 7:03:44 PM)


ORIGINAL: nephandi



Leave fair out of it---the choice quite honestly is up to you---you can say no.

That would depend on the relationship. Many D/s relationships is based on total submission, the sub can not say no, he or she can leave the relationship, but while in the relationship the sub do not get to negotiate with the Dom and do not get the privilege to refuse and order.

I wish you well

Irregarless of the relationship, irregardless of what is negotiated, irregardless of D/s, the choice is still there to say no---just open your mouth say NO and walk---it's still an optional choice.

alhamdullilah -> RE: Do you think my master is being fair? (3/29/2010 9:11:54 PM)

[sm=alarm.gif] But wait..! What if beating her is not intended as constructive punishment but rather simple consequence and well-earned release of frustration? He has to put up with her annoying BS and if he wants to get his aggressions out and she continues to consent to that dynamic, then she ought to receive it, grateful that at the very least, the reddening of her flesh might ease his aggravation, if just a little!

I'm all for constructive and reasonable and safe, sane and consensual but it doesn't exclude a relationship in which the psychological masochist gets her beating and the sadist gets his rocks off as a valid format within the overall lifestyle. And, as for the comments about his intellect and hers... what if he isn't terribly bright and, ideally, neither is she? (Not offering that as an observation, just as a hypothetical.) Do those who fall below some set of digits meant to quantify IQ not have a right to participate in their preferred form of the lifestyle? I'd be happy for each of them for having found a compatible mate - we should all be so fortunate!

As for my own opinion, OP, I have to agree with the poster who laid you bare as wanting to share with others that you're going to be punished, that you're carrying in your gut a blissful and anxious excitement, mingled with fear and a rather primal yearning to be under his belt. I can remember feeling that way myself. Your approach to it, however, was in my opinion, quite inappropriate and disrespectful to your Master. If you desire to grow in your submission, consider the many responses you've received here and try to step outside yourself a little to view the objective impression your query left on others and especially with consideration that you publicly questioned your Master. I agree with the poster who said you ought to punished for doing that as bringing him dishonor or disgrace is, certainly in my thinking, just about at the top of the list when sorting examples of "bad behavior". It's kind of up there where the consequences are sometimes an end to the relationship, release from your submissive role, since it undermines the entire dynamic and all its value. One must be careful of such mistakes in judgment and keep her focus on her purpose and place, mindful most of what might bring her Master pleasure or peace at any given moment.

It's blissful being a slave, though, isn't it? [sm=angel.gif] The butterflies in your belly, the stimulation of mind and body, the rush and euphoria that has no comparison is oh so sweet - and yet, some of us arive at those sensations feeling a desperate, aching need for them, by means that others will regard as phony submission, insincerity and certainly self-centeredness. I do, in fact believe that it's important to avoid making truth out of those accusations. When we are after a feeling, we are serving ourselves. Sharing the depth of your desire to be submissive, to be wholly relinquished and spiritually naked at his feet, given to his whims and the way it all makes you feel and sometimes inclines you to behave perhaps, can only make the relationship stronger. And, afterall, there wouldn't be a lifestyle of these sorts of desires and inclinations if slaves didn't experience pleasure from giving themselves to another, some to sadists, some to gentlemen. It would just be hypocritical for us to make that pleasure a higher priority than the pleasure and serenity of the one we choose to serve. Serenity is a biggee for an awful lot of men and is the antithesis of drama. So be cautious. Reveal yourself to him rather than merely to strangers. A slave retains nothing, reserves nothing but rather reveals everything to the one who owns her and all that she is.

Of course, if there is that part of you that gets something out of being punished[;)], even if it's only the anticipation and you loath the actual beating (cause I can relate to that) you risk giving yourself away, don't you? - just as a slave should - and your better informed Master may decide not to punish you in a manner that holds any amount of appeal for you and then that would just SUCK, right? Depending on the depth and nature of your submission, of course, it's my belief that you owe it to your Master from whom you receive and expect guidance and attentiveness, to reveal yourself to him even when it means your desires may not get served as a result. It's another way that a slave surrenders her will to his and something of a yardstick as it were for measuring the degree to which you are capable and willing to extend yourself to his service and relinquish yourself to submission and the man you call Master.

Sorry if this was too long[8|], but if there's a morsel in it that finds you and sparks a little introspection, perhaps, then it may have been worth the time to write it. We are not all cut from the same cloth, nor submit ourselves in the same manner but the ideal of meeting their needs and their desires before our own, never sacrificing their pleasure for the sake of serving ourselves in some way is pretty much an ideal that stretches the continuum of opinions and perspectives within the general category we've elected to join here. I rather hope that I'll find one I will ache to please, to anticipate his needs and desires and that the one will value me for my style of submission as well as my innate, God-given, experience-driven, sincere and grateful for every taste of it kind of kink. If what gets me hot doesn't get him off, I hope I'll find myself getting hot over whatever does get him off. But compatibility will always, always, always rely above all else on honest communication... reveal yourself to him and next time you post, try to reveal a little more of your genuine impetus here. It's highly respected when you do.

And if this post just doesn't ring any bells with you whatsoever, I sincerely apologize, especially if you read the whole thing! But I got my own impression from your initial post, not unlike the ones several others seem to have, and it made me feel for you as one who is still clutching her secret, guilty pleasures - as I used to do when it was somewhat new for me.

Wishin' you well, sista![:)]

lally2 -> RE: Do you think my master is being fair? (3/30/2010 5:23:23 AM)


ORIGINAL: alhamdullilah

.And if this post just doesn't ring any bells with you whatsoever, I sincerely apologize, especially if you read the whole thing! But I got my own impression from your initial post, not unlike the ones several others seem to have, and it made me feel for you as one who is still clutching her secret, guilty pleasures - as I used to do when it was somewhat new for me.

Wishin' you well, sista![:)]

all of youre post was wonderful, but this bit summed it up beautifully.

i was thinking about starting a post on something along those lines, but, since we have the achetypal situation here, why not just use this as an example.

i think alot of people start out with a slight conflict or as you put it, keep a guilty secret, about really needing and on some level 'enjoying' the whole thing of being spanked.  somewhere in their brain they feel that to be spanked they have to be bad.  only then can they relinquish themselves to the stronger force (their Dominant) and go through those feeling of abject submission to something that in their brain they should not be enjoying or finding release from, when in point of fact they are. 

the whole punishment thing takes away the responsibility of wanting this.  but it is manipulating and it is negative and in the end, unless it settles down, it will kill the relationship stone dead.  

when you think about it, the relationship is pretty much based around a negative premis.  be bad and ill give you what you want.  so by being spanked for being bad you are being rewarded by a spanking.  all that will happen is that youll contrive to be bad as often as you want a hard spanking.

how long can two adults continue like that.  youre being a pain in the neck to earn a spanking - how enjoyable is that for the man youre with to be living with a pain in the neck.  maybe he isnt smart enough to realise he's being 'played' - youre not being submissive at all to him, youre using him for youre own ends.  thats not fair.

suggestion:  you ask for a disciplinary spanking once a week or so.  it isnt punishment, it isnt negative you dont have to be a pain in the neck to earn it.  in the mean time, explore spanking for fun and recreation.  some people have a 'maintenance' spanking every day, just to keep them levelled out and focused.

but in the end, you shouldnt be having to play up to youre partner in order to be spanked.  you dont need to be punished for it to be ok to submit to a spanking and you can still enjoy punishment as a funishment dynamic without all the negativity surrounding it or needing to piss youre partner off every four weeks.

maybe you could write a thread on how to go about starting up a funishment aspect to youre relationship

nephandi -> RE: Do you think my master is being fair? (3/30/2010 9:10:56 AM)



Irregarless of the relationship, irregardless of what is negotiated, irregardless of D/s, the choice is still there to say no---just open your mouth say NO and walk---it's still an optional choice.

Like I said, there is always the option to end the relationship, but in many D/s relationships that IS the option and the ONLY option available to the sub. As long as he or she stay the sub or slave of their Master every order is to be obeyed and there is no choice for saying no. The only choice is to leave the relationship if the sub do not want to obey an order. Plain and simple.

I wish you well

kadine -> RE: Do you think my master is being fair? (3/30/2010 2:00:56 PM)


Does anyone still wonder if the punishment is proportionate to the crime or do you never question even to yourself masters discipline?

Basically I lost something, just a train travel pass, and I told master. He's hit the roof as he's says I'm careless and even though it's now turned up I'm told I'm getting punished for it. I know this will involve me bent over, spanked with his hand and then belt until I can't sit down for days. He says that if I can't sit down maybe it'll remind me to be careful with stuff. I guess I know I deserve punishment because he's told me enough times to be careful as I've lost about 3 bank cards and my train pass already this past 6 months but I just don't want my spanking? I've tried talking him round and he asked me to suggest an alternative discipline but I can't???? Do others try and negotiate out of disciplines or do you just take it without question. My spanking will be thursday night as he's away till then and I'm sure I'll cry.

"but I just don't want my spanking" I don't know any submissive that -wants- to be punished. But in all honesty, I don't believe that a punishment  is going to cure your disorganization or forgetfulness ( please don't take offense, I only say such because of the prior loss of your bank card, etc.) If that were me, my first thought upon hearing I'm to be punished is sadness, because I've disappointed him. A Master doesn't enjoy punishing his slave, it takes a toll on him as well. I would accept the punishment but also ask him for  his aid in helping you be more organized so that perhaps this doesn't happen in the future.
Give a slave the tools to succeed and grow and Master will reap the rewards.

DesFIP -> RE: Do you think my master is being fair? (3/30/2010 2:42:09 PM)

alham, "what happens if neither is terribly bright?"

Well usually the result is a short lived relationship. Because if the op has a physical problem that is causing this such as ADD or an undiagnosed thyroid issue or such, and she can't help it, then she will resent and refuse constant punishment because it doesn't work. It just pisses her off when she knows she is being punished for doing something she doesn't want to do and is unable not to do.

Like spanking a kid for bedwetting. They don't do it on purpose, they're asleep during it and they sure as hell hate doing it. Yet it is common for such children not to get medical treatment but to be humiliated and shamed instead. Does it solve the problem? No. Does it cause life long rifts in the parent/child relationship? Yes. Would any smart and educated person choose to cause their child to leave home as soon as possible and never contact them again? No. And that's the result when the people involved aren't smart enough. Bad relationships.

nephandi -> RE: Do you think my master is being fair? (3/30/2010 3:22:28 PM)


The OP said she had not been punished for loosing things before DesFIP. And also loosing things, allot do not mean that a person have some diagnosis, some pepole are actually careless. I am not saying there can not be a underlaying problem there but hell, when I was in school I lost jackets and scarfs and such clothing constantly, not to mention umbrellas, and that was just plain carelessness, when I now am an adult and have to pay for my things myself I have learned to to be careless and take good care of my things. Being careless do not mean there is something medical wrong.

I wish you well

DesFIP -> RE: Do you think my master is being fair? (3/30/2010 5:07:40 PM)

At 33 after replacing things constantly I am assuming there is an issue. Because as you say, she would have learned to be more careful after all these years on her own otherwise. More importantly, the first thing to do is always go for a physical. Because if there is an issue, the doctor should be able to find it. If there isn't, and she is suddenly much more careless then maybe there's more stress. If she has always been extremely disorganized, then now's the time to learn some organizational skills.

But the odds of an issue existing are large, and not addressing a health issue is never the right thing to do. What happens if she gets punished frequently for this, is made to feel ashamed and still can't fix the problem. And then the truth about a physical problem comes out in a year. How can he take back punishments that should not have occurred? And how can her self esteem be rebuilt?

Finding out first is always the wise thing to do. Before the relationship falls apart.

MstrPBK -> RE: Do you think my master is being fair? (3/30/2010 5:24:05 PM)

To the OP:

What I am seeing is a punishment that does NOT fit the problem and even when the problem resettled itself this Master pursues a punishment that I think is greater than the situation (personal bias mind you) . A transit pass is pretty important object I have to agree and in my case I have from moment to moment misplaced my own. IF my slave were to misplace their transit card I would have them display it to me EACH time they leave the residence AND each time they returned for x amount to time = that would be punishment enough and considerable humiliation as well. That may seem mild to many but I assure you the slave would learn their lesson.

St. Paul, MN USA

alhamdullilah -> RE: Do you think my master is being fair? (3/30/2010 5:45:54 PM)

I'm still hearing that people need to be smart to have a D/s relationship and I think that is incredibly elitist and absolutely unrealistic. What's the IQ requirement to enter into a Dom-sub lifestyle? I'm sorry but that just strikes an obnoxious cord with me.


dreamerdreaming -> RE: Do you think my master is being fair? (3/30/2010 6:06:33 PM)

Its not IQ that's needed- its emotional intelligence. Wisdom and insight about the thoughts, feelings and motivations etc. of yourself and your partner. But its needed just as much, in a vanilla relationship.

alhamdullilah -> RE: Do you think my master is being fair? (3/30/2010 6:26:17 PM)

I don't disagree and wouldn't trade my intellect for a perfect body or the perfect anything. But not everyone possesses a great deal of emotional intelligence, the ability to be introspective, analytical, proactive or self-improved. Ideally, people who are of like or rather complimentary abilities will find one another and together they will endeavor to do the best they can. I don't think it's fair for us to assume the OP or her Master are simple-minded or emotionally challenged. I think the OP is driven by internal forces, as lally so eloquently addressed, and that it can be a very natural reaction to the early stages of growth in the lifestyle. I think she wants to be punished, wants to feel deeply owned and overpowered by her Master. I also think it is detrimental to the relationship and that she needs to honest with him that she needs this, even if she doesn't understand why. Some people never do, but they can live happily ever after, too, right? Heck, I think the simpler minds have a better chance of that than those blessed/burdened with enough intelligence to be dissatisfied with the world... Didn't put that well, but someone else did: "Ignorance is bliss; Tis folly to be wise."

And lally, thanks for clarifying my post. You expressed the key issues succinctly, coherently and with eloquently worded wisdom.


rajaa -> RE: Do you think my master is being fair? (3/30/2010 6:26:28 PM)

when i had "our" bank card stolen, i begged for a whipping, for punishment and also to feel better...punishment was handed out, a new bank card was given out.

once that was done, it was i remember the whipping? no...what do i remember about it, the way i felt....was worse than any punishment that could have been given...

fragilepieces -> RE: Do you think my master is being fair? (3/30/2010 7:41:43 PM)


ORIGINAL: nephandi



Irregarless of the relationship, irregardless of what is negotiated, irregardless of D/s, the choice is still there to say no---just open your mouth say NO and walk---it's still an optional choice.

Like I said, there is always the option to end the relationship, but in many D/s relationships that IS the option and the ONLY option available to the sub. As long as he or she stay the sub or slave of their Master every order is to be obeyed and there is no choice for saying no. The only choice is to leave the relationship if the sub do not want to obey an order. Plain and simple.

I wish you well

Now I KNOW after twenty years I turned 'nilla if my only option as a sub was to obey---'go have intercourse with that other dominant and no I have no idea if he is std free I said do it'or any other fucked up order---I'd hope to hell I had enough freaking sanity to check myself into the nearest mental ward. What I am saying is that if someone really feels that their ONLY option is to obey---no matter how sane or insane the order is---well sincerely that is pretty fucked up.

nephandi -> RE: Do you think my master is being fair? (3/31/2010 6:44:37 AM)



At 33 after replacing things constantly I am assuming there is an issue.

She would not be the only adult who looses things, there are quite a few adults which is very careless with their things without that meaning that there is anything medically wrong with them.


More importantly, the first thing to do is always go for a physical. Because if there is an issue, the doctor should be able to find it. If there isn't, and she is suddenly much more careless then maybe there's more stress. If she has always been extremely disorganized, then now's the time to learn some organizational skills.

Having a tendency to loose thing and being messy would not make me fly to the doctor but sure if she wish to do so it surly will not do any harm.


But the odds of an issue existing are large, and not addressing a health issue is never the right thing to do.

I do not really see that there is a health issue here. Being messy and disorganized is not really that uncommon. I would say the odds that there is a health issue is very, very minute.


What happens if she gets punished frequently for this, is made to feel ashamed and still can't fix the problem.

Let us see what the first punishment for this issue will do first before we hit the alarm button and just give the OP and her Master the respect of assuming that if a problem arises they will deal with it.


And then the truth about a physical problem comes out in a year. How can he take back punishments that should not have occurred? And how can her self esteem be rebuilt?

And what if she steps outside and a brick falls on her head, she better stay inside all her life, and in fact since most accidents happens in the home she should stay in bed wrapped in cotton. Hell no one have talked about punishing her every day for something it eventually get clear she can not fix, the matter is simply a grown woman was careless with her things and is getting punished for it, for the first time. Let us not panic before there is anything to panic about.


Finding out first is always the wise thing to do. Before the relationship falls apart.

I would be more afraid of a relationship if one part or the other run to the doctor every time they screw up just in case there might be the remote chance of a medical issue so they would not have to take responsibility for that actions. I am sure you are well meaning but there is such a thing as to safe.

I wish you well

nephandi -> RE: Do you think my master is being fair? (3/31/2010 6:49:38 AM)



I'm still hearing that people need to be smart to have a D/s relationship and I think that is incredibly elitist

Ehm...I did try to reply to this but really what can one say. My first reaction when reading your post was, what the hell, did she just say that? I think I will leave that as a reply.


and absolutely unrealistic.


I wish you well

nephandi -> RE: Do you think my master is being fair? (3/31/2010 6:55:26 AM)



Now I KNOW after twenty years I turned 'nilla if my only option as a sub was to obey---'go have intercourse with that other dominant and no I have no idea if he is std free I said do it'or any other fucked up order---I'd hope to hell I had enough freaking sanity to check myself into the nearest mental ward. What I am saying is that if someone really feels that their ONLY option is to obey---no matter how sane or insane the order is---well sincerely that is pretty fucked up.

And since this is how you feel I do assume you then do not get involved with a TPE relationship. And if you took the time to read my posts instead of barking at them  then perhaps you would have noticed that I several times said that in some relationships the only options the sub have is to obey or leave, there is always the option to leave. Also I always find it hilarious when pepole elevate them self to judges of how others live their lives, refering to other's lifestyle as fucked up, now that is just silly.

I wish you well

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