Nomenclature ? (Full Version)

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Aneirin -> Nomenclature ? (3/26/2010 8:00:38 PM)

Just in an attempt to ask you lot over the pond to educate us poor illiterate Brits, could you please educate us in  the meaning of some of the words you use on this forum ?

Increasingly it seems  I am seeing words here I have no clue what they are, but it seems US citizens use as if they were common everyday parlance. Words such as Gop, teabagger, republican, democrat and winger, without going offsite and searching these words, could you explain them so that an interested foreigner may understand ?

Elisabella -> RE: Nomenclature ? (3/26/2010 8:03:56 PM)

GOP - Grand Old Party, aka the Republican Party (and said like letters gee-oh-pee not like "gop")

Teabagger - slur referring to the Tea Party movement, a conservative/libertarian movement against big government.

Republican - the more conservative of our major 2 parties. Comparable to the Tory/Conservative Party.

Democrat - the more liberal of our major 2 parties. Comparable to the Labour Party.

Winger - Left Wing is liberal/Democrat, and Right Wing is conservative/Republican. Derived from the three estate government of Revolution era France where the third estate sat in the "left wing" of the hall.

tazzygirl -> RE: Nomenclature ? (3/26/2010 8:06:55 PM)

Teabagger - slur referring to the Tea Party movement, a conservative/libertarian movement against big government.

I disagree. I dont use it as a slur, i use it to describe what they have done.

For example... bra burner... described what some women did in the NOW movement.

flag burner... described the rights some wanted when protesting.

tea bagger... those who decided it was a worthy effort to send tea bags to congress.

jlf1961 -> RE: Nomenclature ? (3/26/2010 8:08:49 PM)



Just in an attempt to ask you lot over the pond to educate us poor illiterate Brits, could you please educate us inĀ  the meaning of some of the words you use on this forum ?

Increasingly it seemsĀ  I am seeing words here I have no clue what they are, but it seems US citizens use as if they were common everyday parlance. Words such as Gop, teabagger, republican, democrat and winger, without going offsite and searching these words, could you explain them so that an interested foreigner may understand ?

GOP: Grand Old Party, aka the Republican Party

Teabagger: Part of the ultra conservative Tea bag movement, Tea bag being a reference to the Boston Tea Party which was a group of American Colonists who boarded a british ship and dumped the cargo of tea overboard to protest a tax on tea.

Republican: Either the name of the conservative right wing political party Or a member of said party.

Democrat: Either the name of the Liberal political party or a member of said party.

winger: refers to either a fanatic right (conservative) person or a fanatic left (liberal) person, refers to the right or left wings.

Elisabella -> RE: Nomenclature ? (3/26/2010 8:10:00 PM)


ORIGINAL: tazzygirl

Teabagger - slur referring to the Tea Party movement, a conservative/libertarian movement against big government.

I disagree. I dont use it as a slur, i use it to describe what they have done.

For example... bra burner... described what some women did in the NOW movement.

flag burner... described the rights some wanted when protesting.

tea bagger... those who decided it was a worthy effort to send tea bags to congress.

I have never heard any of those phrases - tea bagger, bra burner, or flag burner - used positively, outside of "reclaiming" or ironic purposes.

If the phrase is primarily used by people who disagree with the person or their methods I'd say it's more negative than simply factual.

tazzygirl -> RE: Nomenclature ? (3/26/2010 8:12:17 PM)

maybe its the circles we hang in!


i can say... bra burner.. and still admire the person who "did the deed". i see nothing demeaning.

Elisabella -> RE: Nomenclature ? (3/26/2010 8:13:22 PM)


ORIGINAL: tazzygirl

maybe its the circles we hang in!


i can say... bra burner.. and still admire the person who "did the deed". i see nothing demeaning.

Hehe fair enough...I've only heard it used's the difference betwween Feminists vs Bra Burners, Protesters vs Flag Burners, and Tea Partiers vs Tea Baggers.

sappatoti -> RE: Nomenclature ? (3/26/2010 8:14:36 PM)

From this poster's view (without benefit of going elsewhere and looking up the "official" definition, is such things exist)...

GOP = "Grand Ol' Party", which is common name substitution for the Republican political party.

Tea Party = group of conservative thinking people that use the underlying principles that brought about the Boston Tea Party incident from the 18th century. This group is made up of people from all political parties (though not in equal numbers) whose commonality is based in conservative values.

Republican = One of the two major political parties in the USA. Thought to be towards the conservative end of the political spectrum though members range from ultra-right wing thoughts to a more centrist, populist view though there are some that call themselves Republican even though they hold some views more consistent with Democrats.

Democrat = The second of the two major political parties; more along the progressive/liberal end of the political spectrum. Again, members range in ideology from ultra-left wing thought through centrist, with even some taking a more conservative approach.

Winger = common name given to someone who thinks along the lines of the very extremes of the political spectrum. An absolute conservative might be called a "right winger" while an absolute liberal could be called a "left winger". Usually, being called a winger might be an insult if the target thinks they are not absolutist in their thinking.

Sanity -> RE: Nomenclature ? (3/26/2010 8:18:20 PM)

Teabagger is like Libtard. If Leftwingers want to to be lowdown and drag the discussion below the gutter level and be as insulting as possible they use that term, but if they would like the conversation to remain somewhat civil they call them by their correct name, which is Tea Partiers.


ORIGINAL: jlf1961



Just in an attempt to ask you lot over the pond to educate us poor illiterate Brits, could you please educate us in  the meaning of some of the words you use on this forum ?

Increasingly it seems  I am seeing words here I have no clue what they are, but it seems US citizens use as if they were common everyday parlance. Words such as Gop, teabagger, republican, democrat and winger, without going offsite and searching these words, could you explain them so that an interested foreigner may understand ?

GOP: Grand Old Party, aka the Republican Party

Teabagger: Part of the ultra conservative Tea bag movement, Tea bag being a reference to the Boston Tea Party which was a group of American Colonists who boarded a british ship and dumped the cargo of tea overboard to protest a tax on tea.

Republican: Either the name of the conservative right wing political party Or a member of said party.

Democrat: Either the name of the Liberal political party or a member of said party.

winger: refers to either a fanatic right (conservative) person or a fanatic left (liberal) person, refers to the right or left wings.

Elisabella -> RE: Nomenclature ? (3/26/2010 8:21:20 PM)



Teabagger is like Libtard. If Leftwingers want to to be lowdown and drag the discussion below the gutter level and be as insulting as possible they use that term, but if they would like the conversation to remain somewhat civil they call them by their correct name, which is Tea Partiers.

I actually don't think he was intending to be insulting. I would bet US dollars (and possibly real money too) that there is at least one person in the US who believes the proper name is the Tea Bag Movement.

tazzygirl -> RE: Nomenclature ? (3/26/2010 8:22:36 PM)

Snopes has the scoop on the bra burning...

It was actually started, the term, by a young writer for the NY Post.. who became editor for Ms., started the term herself.

Sanity -> RE: Nomenclature ? (3/26/2010 8:24:38 PM)

If he were to use the term in public and a Tea Partier heard him use it that way he would likely receive a proper education.


ORIGINAL: Elisabella



Teabagger is like Libtard. If Leftwingers want to to be lowdown and drag the discussion below the gutter level and be as insulting as possible they use that term, but if they would like the conversation to remain somewhat civil they call them by their correct name, which is Tea Partiers.

I actually don't think he was intending to be insulting. I would bet US dollars (and possibly real money too) that there is at least one person in the US who believes the proper name is the Tea Bag Movement.

Elisabella -> RE: Nomenclature ? (3/26/2010 8:25:03 PM)


ORIGINAL: tazzygirl

Snopes has the scoop on the bra burning...

It was actually started, the term, by a young writer for the NY Post.. who became editor for Ms., started the term herself.

Ah does seem from that article though that the "nuance was lost" and the phrase quickly became derogatory.

slvemike4u -> RE: Nomenclature ? (3/26/2010 8:26:49 PM)

Biting my tongue......ah,there the urge has passed.Carry on.

Elisabella -> RE: Nomenclature ? (3/26/2010 8:31:12 PM)



If he were to use the term in public and a Tea Partier heard him use it that way he would likely receive a proper education.

I'm hoping that's meant at face value and not figuratively...ignorance might be annoying, but it's also curable. Either that or it metastisizes into stupidity.

dcnovice -> RE: Nomenclature ? (3/26/2010 8:31:54 PM)


If he were to use the term in public and a Tea Partier heard him use it that way he would likely receive a proper education.

Ever so civilly, of course.

Sanity -> RE: Nomenclature ? (3/26/2010 8:33:11 PM)

Its an insult, and it is regarded as such.

Ignorance isn't always bliss.


ORIGINAL: Elisabella
I'm hoping that's meant at face value and not figuratively...ignorance might be annoying, but it's also curable. Either that or it metastisizes into stupidity.

Sanity -> RE: Nomenclature ? (3/26/2010 8:36:31 PM)

Its an epithet, much like a racial epithet, and as such it shouldn't be expected that it will always be met with grace and patience.

slvemike4u -> RE: Nomenclature ? (3/26/2010 8:37:04 PM)

The cure for ignorance is education and information....not violence.

Sanity -> RE: Nomenclature ? (3/26/2010 8:39:58 PM)

Now its my turn to bite my tongue.

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ORIGINAL: slvemike4u

The cure for ignorance is education and information....not violence.

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