Fresh meat at Frolicon (Full Version)

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MsStarlett -> Fresh meat at Frolicon (4/4/2010 3:21:11 PM)

Frolicon was a blast.  I had SUCH a good time.  I managed to find two young novices to beat. 

One was such an annoying little brat that everyone in the convention, including other subs, just wanted to hit him.  He claimed to be a switch, but he was actually just an extremely bratty youth who couldn't control himself to save his life.  He claimed to have Asperger
's to explain his unusual outbursts of inappropriate dialog.  I don't know much about Autism and it's associated disorders, so I couldn't tell you if that was his real problem or not, but this young man did have a very bad habit of butting into every conversion in an effort to center all attention on himself.  However, he did seem to have a sincere desire to experience as much as possible.  I do have a lot of patience and experience dealing with 'unusual' personalities, so I gave the boy a chance.

My friend had tried unsuccessfully to session with the same boy on Friday.  They did get started, but he called a safe word on her very quickly.  I believe their problem was rushing to quickly into heavier play than the boy could tolerate.  I have a bit more experience with 'breaking in' a new boy than my friend, so that probably helped us get a lot farther along.  He voiced a desire to try electrical play, so we went upstairs to get my violet wand and selected a spot in the back corner of the dungeon with a massage table (not my first choice) that was close to an outlet and pretty much out of the way so we wouldn't be bothering others or be interrupted by to many observers.  I started him out with small shocks on large muscles, explaining as we went and interacting with him to gain trust and build some understanding between us before moving along to flogging and caning (my personal favorites!)  He actually took a rather impressive amount of beating for a novice.  Then he expressed a desire to try other things and he was curious about CBT, so I spent quite a lot of time just going through my toy bag trying assorted things with him.  He actually enjoyed many of these activities and was very curious to learn as much as possible.  He may progress to be a pretty good sub, as soon as he finds the correct Domme to control him when they are not actively sessioning. 

The other was a very nice, polite, burly young man I will simply call "Big'un" until given permission to 'out' him.  He said this was his first Frolicon.  (Possibly his first convention, but I was not 100% clear on that point.)  He was very new to the scene and had never experienced anything.  He spent most of the convention just walking around and WATCHING others, trying to wrap his head around the whole concept.  Big'un told me that he had some issues.  However, he seemed so sweet, polite and understated around me, I didn't fully understand the ins and outs of those problems as described.  Of course, as you know, many people appear to be one thing to some people, and act completely differently in other situations.  His friends, including the Domme who was watching out after him, had convinced him that he needed to try subbing as it might be a good release for some of his issues.  In his observations, he had seen a man being flogged by a woman and told me that he really appreciated the look of 'happiness' on that man's face.  He wanted to try it.  I showed him my favorite flogger and explained that it has very soft leather falls that some of my boys have said it feels more like a good massage than a beating.  He agreed to start with that.  Considering that we did not get together until this morning (Sunday), the dungeon area was already closed so I took him back to my room.  My female friend & hotel roommate went to 'chaperon' us and a young male friend of his did the same. 

Big'un was really getting into the flogging and the popping sound echoed beautifully in the room.   All four of us had commented on how fun the acoustics were.  As the two of us got more and more into it, the noise apparently got loud enough to annoy the people in the next room as they started pounding on the adjoining door.   Considering the fact that my roommate had called security on THEM for their extremely loud music the night before, we decided it was best to move along to something quieter.  While Big'un did like the caning, he couldn't tolerate it as long and asked to stop shortly after switching over.  I think we both could have gone a lot farther with the flogging if we had not been so rudely interrupted.

As he was cooling down, he told me how much he enjoyed himself and the group discussed how the adrenaline rush of subbing can be very much like a drug.  His obviously more experienced friend just kept smiling and nodding approvingly.  I'm not sure which man was happier with our rather short session.  Big'un explained how he had noticed that as a group, everyone at Frolicon seemed to be so genuinely HAPPY!  Now, he understood Why.  

A little later on, I saw him and his Domme friend sitting with a group of their friends.  I poked my head into that room and asked "Are you still happy?"  He said "Yes!", gave me a big hug and thanked me again.  His friend also thanked me for "Popping his Cherry".  I gave her a big hug and thanked her for sharing her friend with me.

So yes, I had a wonderful time.

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