RE: How do you feel about wearing your collar in public? (Full Version)

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Mercnbeth -> RE: How do you feel about wearing your collar in public? (4/15/2010 8:48:05 AM)


ORIGINAL: kittinSol


ORIGINAL: Mercnbeth
that includes flats with a short skirt, white after Labor Day, plaid neon prints with floral pastel accessories, a BRA, a big black leather collar, with or without metal studs...or a tag that says "Property Of"...or whatever else He desires.

That's precisely why I couldn't be a "slave" under any circumstances. My sense of fashion is an unbreachable hard-limit [:D] .

and precisely why slavery is such a good fit for this slave ~ she isn't concerned about how the "public" or other family members perceive something as innane as the choice of clothing or accessories she wears.

Mercnbeth -> RE: How do you feel about wearing your collar in public? (4/15/2010 8:56:47 AM)


We have teens who are highly knowledgeable. Do I really want my 20 year old making sly comments? Or his 19 year old?
Considering that you are now officially a child under newly passed legislation until you are 26, the most common "sly" comments we hear from our 24, 22, 22 year old children is; "we hope someday to be as happy as you guys are with our partner."

They may not know the intimate details, anymore that beth and I knew them about our parents. Considering the relationships we had, and subjected our children to, before we met; this is a huge improvement. A dysfunctional 'vanilla' marriage with 'WIITWD' closeted behind locked doors is still dysfunctional. A functional lifestyle relationship, with or without any public display or disclosure, is a better representation to make with children of any age.

One of the things we are most proud about is that without exception, our children and some of their friends, hold us up as an example of a loving, fun, intimate, relationship they wish someday to experience for themselves. They may have to find their own path, and personal dynamic, but at least they know, and have seen - it is possible. They may notice that beth's collar is sometimes steel with a D-ring and sometimes gold and diamonds, but their impression of it, as well as its fashion sense, is a secondary consideration.


His 21 year old is in a relationship with a very stuffy girl. Do I want to be the cause of her breaking up with him because of what I wear?
I would think he would be grateful to have her shallow, bigoted, and prejudicial nature exposed before making a commitment; or do you condone that attitude regarding same sex partners, interracial partners, and other non-mainstream versions of relationships?


What purpose would it do to wear a big leather collar with a tag saying property of? Except to get into other people's faces and deliberately try and upset them.
What's the purpose of wearing a diamond necklace, a gold 'rope' chain, a necklace made of human hair with a talisman hanging from it?

I'm way too old to act like a teen.
We must be too old to care; wearing whatever we want, doing whatever we want to do, adhering to as few freedom inhibiting, politically correct, arbitrary laws and policies. You know - just like the rest of the far right wing Conservatives we are accused of being.

Maybe it's just us, but we don't "act" at all.

One more good reason - it helps to expose the accepting hypocrites; the majority too stupid and unable to help but make ignorant comments.

ORIGINAL: kittinSol
That's precisely why I couldn't be a "slave" under any circumstances. My sense of fashion is an unbreachable hard-limit

CollaredCabbit -> RE: How do you feel about wearing your collar in public? (4/15/2010 9:06:02 AM)

I have a black leather one that has studded silver paw prints and a GIANT bell on the front. And yes I do wear it out in public.
I haven't gotten many comments, besides maybe my friend who we were talking with mentioning she doesn't want to know.

I generally dress up a little elaborately no matter where I'm going, so I doubt many would find it too odd for me.

Jeffff -> RE: How do you feel about wearing your collar in public? (4/15/2010 9:17:10 AM)

I have always preferred a button down collar. On an oxford shirt.

I wear them out quite often

Toppingfrmbottom -> RE: How do you feel about wearing your collar in public? (4/15/2010 9:51:06 AM)

Now, the OP never  said it'd have a big old tag proclaiming property of, They just said it was clearly something non jewelry. And only one person here so far said their collar had a dog tag hanging from it.


What purpose would it do to wear a big leather collar with a tag saying property of? Except to get into other people's faces and deliberately try and upset them. I'm way too old to act like a teen.

kittinSol -> RE: How do you feel about wearing your collar in public? (4/15/2010 10:00:25 AM)


ORIGINAL: Mercnbeth
and precisely why slavery is such a good fit for this slave ~ she isn't concerned about how the "public" or other family members perceive something as innane as the choice of clothing or accessories she wears.

Fashion, inane?


kittinSol -> RE: How do you feel about wearing your collar in public? (4/15/2010 10:04:43 AM)


ORIGINAL: Mercnbeth

One more good reason - it helps to expose the accepting hypocrites; the majority too stupid and unable to help but make ignorant comments.

ORIGINAL: kittinSol
That's precisely why I couldn't be a "slave" under any circumstances. My sense of fashion is an unbreachable hard-limit

You're so full of it, it's not even funny. My preferences are as valid as your slave's, and you know it. So what, if my fashion sense is a hard-limit for me? Especially with my husband's complete ignorance when it comes to sartorial choices - my self-esteem benefits him directly, so he wouldn't want me to look like a clown, or dowdy. He's very happy that I have a good sense of fashion.

No, you just wanted an excuse to be insulting. How very low-class. And how very predictable.

domiguy -> RE: How do you feel about wearing your collar in public? (4/15/2010 10:17:04 AM)


ORIGINAL: Mercnbeth


We have teens who are highly knowledgeable. Do I really want my 20 year old making sly comments? Or his 19 year old?
Considering that you are now officially a child under newly passed legislation until you are 26, the most common "sly" comments we hear from our 24, 22, 22 year old children is; "we hope someday to be as happy as you guys are with our partner."

You can't help yourself...Everything about you screams, Look at me I'm a big fat Republican...Who here was talking about health care? we were talking about how stupid women look wearing a collar. I am sure Beth is no exception.

Your kids are dumb.

Can't help yourself can you? Again, how very predictable.

VirginPotty -> RE: How do you feel about wearing your collar in public? (4/15/2010 10:34:25 AM)


kittinSol -> RE: How do you feel about wearing your collar in public? (4/15/2010 10:38:04 AM)

More like TLC's "What Not To Wear" [8D] .

VirginPotty -> RE: How do you feel about wearing your collar in public? (4/15/2010 10:41:21 AM)

"Blame it on the Rain" yeah yeah...

Oooops sorry went Milli Vanilli on you![&o]

Mercnbeth -> RE: How do you feel about wearing your collar in public? (4/15/2010 10:57:09 AM)


Look at me I'm a big fat Republican...Who here was talking about health care?
Not me - I only stated a pragmatic fact represented by my President - YOU brought up health care. Since you did and are a supporter of this great new Law, I would think you would appreciate how this successful initiative by the President considers 26 years olds as 'children'; well, in 2014 anyway. Meanwhile, these kids can still be forced to kill and be killed as a soldier at 18.

You really should stick to your 'shit' expertise, or pretending to be whatever character you find it necessary to hide behind. A cowards life in the shadows is best for you.

I so LOVE playing with fools! You, DG and kitty, are a perfect poster children representing the exact persona of ignorant hypocrisy. As I thought when I wrote it - you both look very nice in that dog collar I've put on you.

All it takes it putting out a 'treat' and I can get you to bark!

While barking your hypocritical and loud ignorance points to the reality of the 'liberal' mindset. Not accepting of anything, to the point of denying the existence of any position other than the one rationalized by your limited experience and close mind.

I don't have a problem exposing exactly how I live. I enjoy it! beth's worn my 'collar' ever moment for 7+years. We are both having the time of our life! Fucking with idiots like you - only adds to it. Exposing you is a pleasure and a treat! Please do go on! You are a couple of my favorite masochists.


Can't help yourself can you?

Yes, you are right! As a sadist - I can't help myself when presented with such tempting asses to spank!

Jeffff -> RE: How do you feel about wearing your collar in public? (4/15/2010 11:01:03 AM)

How embarrassing

kittinSol -> RE: How do you feel about wearing your collar in public? (4/15/2010 11:03:33 AM)

That's not sadism. That's insecurity and anger disguised as getting off by being an offensive prick.

You are an insecure little man who stomps his foot in anger when he doesn't get the validation that he so painfully and obviously seeks [:)] .

Mercnbeth -> RE: How do you feel about wearing your collar in public? (4/15/2010 11:07:56 AM)


ORIGINAL: kittinSol

That's not sadism. That's insecurity and anger disguised as getting off by being an offensive prick.

You are an insecure little man who stomps his foot in anger when he doesn't get the validation that he so painfully and obviously seeks [:)]

You could have summed that up with 'woof woof', and a shake of your tail!



How embarrassing

Truly it is - but they must be into humiliation.

RCdc -> RE: How do you feel about wearing your collar in public? (4/15/2010 11:22:27 AM)

FR ~
I don't see why a collar is such the big issue, I really don't.  I am noticing a trend though and that is the US Vs Europe (I'd love to see someone from Aus or New Zealand here... where is wanders when ya need her or did I miss her post?).  And that is that in places like the UK, it's just normal to see a collar, whether it looks like a torque or its a big ole fat leather one.  Jb (I think)mentioned that it really wouldn't be out of place in Ibiza.  No one bats an eyelid and it's just another thing someone is wearing.  But people from the states seem to have some sort of stigma attatched - whether thats because it's a collar, or the old Walmart attack(and I thought it was the brits who suffered from social stigmas and class snobbery[;)]).  Is it really THAT big a deal in the states?


DWCskitten -> RE: How do you feel about wearing your collar in public? (4/15/2010 11:30:41 AM)

~Fast Reply~
my previous Sir had me in a black leather dog collar w/ red stitching and silver flat studs. Yes, i wore it ALL the time (except in the shower cause it was leather). Now, Master Sir has me in a training collar right now.....a length of actual chain which has a padlock on it and i wear it ALL the time. He said later on i would be in a stainless steel collar that i will wear ALL the time.


MasterDonfromPA -> RE: How do you feel about wearing your collar in public? (4/15/2010 11:31:00 AM)

I as a master am of mixed feelings on this one as well, I am very pleased to have my slave show off her owners mark, I am not in any way ashamed of My lifestyle choice and choose not to hide it, My vanilla friends Know about my lifestyle and even My boss knows, However I also feel it greatly depends on the venue, On the street, At a fetish fair etc Its fine, But I don't feel its appropriate to take my girl on a leash to the supermarket, as that's a family place, and I do not want to be the one to cause a mother to have to explain to her little ones when they ask "mommy why is that girl on a leash" I am in no way ashamed of my Kink or choices , But I also feel appropriate is Not forcing our lifestyle choices on others either, so I feel discretion is a duty ,on our part, keeping the vanilla world from over exposure to our world as well, not that we should hide it, But its exposing children and others in an inappropriate manner I think is a part of our duty as responsible kinksters

kittinSol -> RE: How do you feel about wearing your collar in public? (4/15/2010 11:31:26 AM)

To me, it's not a big deal. I think it's a little silly and contrived, but it doesn't hurt anyone. But then again, you know where I'm from.

I used to wear one (rarely in public). I realised the error of my ways soon enough though ;-p : it didn't go with my Bertie's shoes!

What baffles me is how seriously people take the accessory in question. It is nothing else than an accessory, no matter how much symbolic power is vested within it. I blame online chatrooms :-) .

RCdc -> RE: How do you feel about wearing your collar in public? (4/15/2010 11:31:27 AM)



I have always preferred a button down collar. On an oxford shirt.

I wear them out quite often

But do you wear it because you want to, or because even anteaters have modesty and like to cover their nipples?


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