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US Ban on Arab Satellite TV Channels By YUSRA ALVI April 20, 2010 "Dawn" -- THE United States

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US Ban on Arab Satellite TV Channels By YUSRA ALVI ... - 4/20/2010 3:50:14 PM   

Posts: 33061
Joined: 2/26/2006
From: Central Pennsylvania
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/**/ /**/ US Ban on Arab Satellite TV Channels


April 20, 2010 "
Dawn" -- THE United States claims that one of its top foreign policy initiatives is to spread democracy and freedom around the world. But a recent bill in the US Congress has led many to wonder whether the US wants to become one of the world’s biggest hindrances to media freedom.

Early December the US House of Representatives voted by an overwhelming majority to pass a bill in order to stop satellite TV channels from 17 Arab nations from being transmitted to American audiences due to their engagement in ‘anti-American incitement to violence’.

In a Congress that cannot seem to agree on many burning issues — whether fixing the broken healthcare system or ways of dealing with the turbulent economic situation — the bill passed with 395 ‘yes’ votes, and only three dissenters.

The bill — known as
House Resolution 2278 — has to pass many stages before it becomes a law, but it has shocked many for contradicting American support for free speech.

Airing of respectful disagreement with the policies of the US government is a part of the development process, which should be taken positively the US./snip
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RE: US Ban on Arab Satellite TV Channels By YUSRA A... - 4/20/2010 6:40:34 PM   

Posts: 18681
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That I guess happened about a month or so behind schedule. Ho hum.


(in reply to pahunkboy)
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RE: US Ban on Arab Satellite TV Channels By YUSRA A... - 4/20/2010 6:43:38 PM   

Posts: 995
Joined: 2/17/2010
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Omg,we can't hear the twisted bias from El Jazeera" any more-what a huge loss!

Only losing FOX would be a bigger blow!


I didn't get into an alternative lifestyle to explore new frontiers in conformity.

(in reply to Termyn8or)
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RE: US Ban on Arab Satellite TV Channels By YUSRA A... - 4/20/2010 6:46:37 PM   

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nm redundant

< Message edited by Lucylastic -- 4/20/2010 6:47:23 PM >


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<) )> WOMAN
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Duchess Of Dissent
Dont Hate Love

(in reply to Smutmonger)
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RE: US Ban on Arab Satellite TV Channels By YUSRA A... - 4/21/2010 7:49:36 AM   

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ORIGINAL: Smutmonger

Omg,we can't hear the twisted bias from El Jazeera" any more-what a huge loss!

Only losing FOX would be a bigger blow!

By Arab standards, Al Jazaree is a very liberal and evenhanded news network. There's a lot of Arab states that abhor it for that very reason. It arguably has rather less of a bias to it than Fox.
As far as I can tell, most of the histrionic pissing and moaning about it from Americans is down to it broadcasting a few tapes of bin Laden and those beheading videos from 2005 in Fallujah. Tasteless, but more newsworthy on a local scale, than a bizarre strawman shitstorm about "Freedom Fries". I'd hardly lump a network that refers to Israel by name and uses European anchors for its western broadcasts in with the Iranian ministry of jihadist propaganda, most of what comes out of Syria or even the crap Saudi Arabia's news services regularly transmits.
But then, once Israel is wiped off the map, Qatar is probably next on most of the middle east's list.

< Message edited by Moonhead -- 4/21/2010 7:53:20 AM >


I like to think he was eaten by rats, in the dark, during a fog. It's what he would have wanted...
(Simon R Green on the late James Herbert)

(in reply to Smutmonger)
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RE: US Ban on Arab Satellite TV Channels By YUSRA A... - 4/21/2010 8:01:56 AM   

Posts: 33061
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From: Central Pennsylvania
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If we are so holy- then why are we afraid of Arab ideas?

(in reply to Moonhead)
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RE: US Ban on Arab Satellite TV Channels By YUSRA A... - 4/21/2010 8:37:39 AM   

Posts: 23322
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I wonder if Al Jazera has any porn channels?

(in reply to pahunkboy)
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RE: US Ban on Arab Satellite TV Channels By YUSRA A... - 4/21/2010 12:10:41 PM   

Posts: 18681
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"If we are so holy- then why are we afraid of Arab ideas"

When the fagbashers come for you, kick the living shit out of them. On their death bed they might admit that they really like you and want to ..........

Well maybe.

The point is that people who are confident in their version of the truth have no fear of opposing viewpoints. Please forward your tuition for psychology school to Termy's Terminal.


(in reply to pahunkboy)
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RE: US Ban on Arab Satellite TV Channels By YUSRA A... - 4/21/2010 12:14:02 PM   

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"Al Jazaree is a very liberal and evenhanded news network"

Well that could easily explain why so many don't like it. Anything fair is now accused of being against one's side. That's why judges carry guns. BTW, in case you didn't know, they do.


(in reply to Moonhead)
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RE: US Ban on Arab Satellite TV Channels By YUSRA A... - 4/21/2010 12:41:46 PM   

Posts: 60698
Joined: 11/3/2004
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are you arab?


Have they not divided the prey; to every man a damsel or two? Judges 5:30

(in reply to Termyn8or)
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RE: US Ban on Arab Satellite TV Channels By YUSRA AL... - 4/21/2010 5:24:43 PM   

Posts: 6121
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From: Tamaris
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Could it be that what runs the US doesn't want any other education other than the one it provides. Support for actions can only come from correct education.

Al Jazeera I believe was originally started by Western journalists, British or American, I forget which.


Everything we are is the result of what we have thought, the mind is everything, what we think, we become - Guatama Buddha

Conservatism is distrust of people tempered by fear - William Gladstone

(in reply to mnottertail)
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RE: US Ban on Arab Satellite TV Channels By YUSRA A... - 4/22/2010 12:35:39 AM   

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"are you arab"

Kinda close. I am Polak. Therefore my people emigrated from Persia to the northern areas. Persia IIRC is now called Iran. The name of the country is based on some Arriannis or some shit, I can't remember all what my elders told me. It's something like that. Not quite Arab but ...........

So now I will await a response saying that "That explains a few things" which would prove the respondent racist and possibly a bigot. But I said possibly.


(in reply to mnottertail)
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RE: US Ban on Arab Satellite TV Channels By YUSRA A... - 4/22/2010 5:46:12 AM   

Posts: 33061
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From: Central Pennsylvania
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Wouldn't the market decide?

I mean no one is going to pay for crappy programming.

(in reply to Termyn8or)
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RE: US Ban on Arab Satellite TV Channels By YUSRA AL... - 4/22/2010 8:09:02 AM   

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Could it be that what runs the US doesn't want any other education other than the one it provides. Support for actions can only come from correct education.

Al Jazeera I believe was originally started by Western journalists, British or American, I forget which.

Yep. That's why there's so many broadcasters on it at the moment.
Qatar is the most westernised of the gulf states by a mile, and they have a television service to match.


I like to think he was eaten by rats, in the dark, during a fog. It's what he would have wanted...
(Simon R Green on the late James Herbert)

(in reply to Aneirin)
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RE: US Ban on Arab Satellite TV Channels By YUSRA A... - 4/22/2010 8:17:24 AM   

Posts: 16926
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ORIGINAL: Termyn8or
Not quite Arab but ...........

...human. Unfortunately. You know what's hilarious? I look more "Aryan" than you do.


(in reply to Termyn8or)
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RE: US Ban on Arab Satellite TV Channels By YUSRA A... - 4/22/2010 8:19:23 AM   

Posts: 60698
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my comment was for bella but since she is censored it showed up against termie.


Have they not divided the prey; to every man a damsel or two? Judges 5:30

(in reply to kittinSol)
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RE: US Ban on Arab Satellite TV Channels By YUSRA A... - 4/22/2010 11:44:10 AM   

Posts: 23322
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ORIGINAL: kittinSol


ORIGINAL: Termyn8or
Not quite Arab but ...........

...human. Unfortunately. You know what's hilarious? I look more "Aryan" than you do.

Thats just cuz of the beuwbage

(in reply to kittinSol)
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