Is slavery your Divine Destiny (Full Version)

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sirrandpolyfam -> Is slavery your Divine Destiny (5/10/2010 4:30:38 AM)

We have been searching on here for the right slaves for 5 years. We are always looking for slaves to train. We have found that there are a plethora of sex slave wannabes as well as fake sex slaves, and Internet beggars on here but not many worker bee slaves.

We have met and trained many slaves but we have not had any that came to us with any skills that could be used for proofreading or our other need music composing. We have a need for special skills. Do you have any of these skills? Are you a worker bee slave or sex slave?

We hoped that the administrators of this site would put up a new welcome first page profile with an example of a worker slave every once in a while and not just a sex slave profile.

Every slave that we send an intro letter too is special in their own way. Their picture shows a very beautiful woman/man whose profile says they want a Master/Mistress. They are loyal, obedient, loving and caring slaves, who hate fakes. As Master says “The proof is in the licking.” So we honor their wishes by sending them an intro letter which is designed to find out what kind of slave they will make.

Master says “That a slave wants to be a slave, because they are paying back Karmic Debt or they are fulfilling their Divine Destiny (God’s plan) by helping their Master/Mistress achieve their Divine Destiny or by helping their Master/Mistress pay off their Karmic Debt.

What is Divine Destiny? God’s plan… why we were born and how we should live our lives.

Our divine destiny dictates our passions and our path. We are designed to learn skills, train muscles to react before we think about it, to be at the right street corner, at the right time, to save the damsel in distress, before she absently mindedly walks into the traffic, gets hit and ends a promising career as a scientist, who will find the cure for cancer.

God says you have a choice, you can do your Divine Destiny now or you can exercise free will and postpone it, therefore incurring Karmic Debt, which you will have to pay in subsequent life times. Do not doubt that you will always fulfill your Divine Destiny, if not in this lifetime another.

What is Karmic Debt? First you have to believe in reincarnation, where in a past life, you did things that were not about your Divine Destiny, but centered totally in your Free Will.

Or if you don’t believe in reincarnation, you have to realize, that the energy that you put out there today, and the energy your relatives put out there in the past, have relatively the same energy signature and will return to you. This signature has been encoded in you DNA. This ancestral energy has and will follow you into this life and the next.

As our ancestors lived their lives, the food they ate, the water they drank, the diseases they had, the traumas (wars, famines, pestilent, loss of loved ones) they experienced, the things they learned to do well (muscle memories), the people they loved, who helped make the children they had, changed their DNA and therefore your DNA and resulted into the person you have became. It shaped the life you are living.

A life filled with Karmic Debt, if you will, which has a rhythm that is set by your inherited DNA can be a life of adventure or a Casper milk toast existence. This Karmic Debt is what dictates how you react to certain stimulus in this life. The boyfriends/girlfriends you have, the jobs you hold, the values you live by and passions that drive you. This DNA dictates the way you go about the business of fulfilling your Divine Destiny, or the selfish way you exercise your Free Will. It makes up the life you live and shapes the DNA you will hand down to the next generation.

DNA is a ticking clock and a map that tells your body and each cell in the body what it knows and what it needs to know. What its deficiencies are, what its strengths and weaknesses are, what its passion and preferences are. It even tells each cell, how long each cell has to live. It is estimated that every cell in the body is replaced every 6 months, every cell in your body is reborn every six months, so every 6 months you are a new person.

Some cells last longer, ethnicity like the Slavic race (Slovenia) cells are hardier and last longer instead of lasting just 6 months their cells lasted 8 to 10 months.

Old Age also drives the change of cells longer at some point in time that cell can no long be reborn. After enough cells can’t be reborn we die. All of this information is in your DNA, the road map of your life.

What variable could change that? The Yogi’s change their DNA by transcendental meditation. It is said; Jesus used Transmutation, the ability to take your body apart and merge with the cosmos, then recombine your body molecules back again, becoming stronger and more aware than before. Jesus may have gone to India to learn Transmutation form a Yogi or he may have gone to England with his uncle Joseph of Arimathea and studied it with the Druids. There are records at Glastonbury that say Joseph of Arimathea and his nephew Ices (Greek translation of Jesus) was there in the period that is called the lost years of Jesus Christ.

The question is will dying and be resurrected allow you to fulfill your Divine Destiny this time? Will you be at the right place, at the right time, to save the girl this life time?

If this is true and how Karma works and since Master is always right, I presume that it is true, then are we meant to be Master/Mistress, by virtue of our DNA and you are meant to be a slave by virtue of your DNA.

These are just some of the things we think about.

You ask "I am very keen to get into being submissive, but I am not certain I want to surrender my personhood/personality or my ability to function in the "real world with out orders from a Master."

How do you strike a balance?
What is there to balance?
What is your system like now?
You get up in the morning, pee, wash your face, brush your hair, brush your teeth, dress, eat breakfast, travel to work/school etc, work all day, come home, eat watch TV, if your luck have sex, go to sleep and then do it all over again the next day. Most people live this life of quiet desperation.

We believe this is because at a very young age your parents taught you that life is hard and that the only way out is to die. They taught this because that is what they were taught by their parents. They were not allowed to fulfill their dreams, so why should they let you.

When you were young and all through out your life whenever you had a passion or an interest in something that made you happy and joyful, the person you shared your dreams with, instead of appreciating your passions or being happy with the fact that you found yours put you down, or said something hurtful which made you either forget about your dreams/passions or made you hid them from yourself and others. Whoever they were (parents, preachers, teachers, girl/boyfriends, man on the street) they told you that you couldn’t have what you wanted because it was wrong. They didn’t believe you or they themselves couldn’t do your passion or they didn’t believe in you.

One reason that some people live a life of quite desperation is because they spent their whole life waiting for someone else to give them permission to follow their bliss, to live out their dreams and most importantly BE FUCKING HAPPY!!!!

Though maybe your one of the lucky ones and you haven’t been beat down you know you have a passion, but you have no idea who to tell about it, you can’t describe it, you don’t know how to go about learning how to do what you want to do. That is why you go find a mentor, a Master/Mistress to teach you how to fulfill your desire and maybe your Divine Destiny.

As your Master & Mistress we will train you to shed your inhibitions. You will make our passions (which are many) your passions and at the same time we will find your passions and let them soar. We want to find the hidden talents that god gave you and make them shine.

We want to train you with a Zen mindset that says you can accomplish anything you set your mind too and that you can do anything we tell you to do perfectly every time. If you have the perfect mindset you can achieve any thing even great things.

We are also willing to teach slave skills to the very willing to learn. After all we are looking for creative worker slaves as well as sex slaves. Are you willing to be a worker bee as well as a slut puppy?

It might be true that the pool of slave wannabes who want to do proof reading in the nude while sitting on vibrating dildos is smaller then those who want to do nude house keeping or whore gang bangs. It is not sexy enough maybe. It is hard to keep a good proof reader on the verge of cuming without them missing typos, though we do reward good work with continuous extreme orgasms until they pass out.

When we first look at a slave, one of our first tests is a long "intro letter", which you say you read. Some wannabes find this letter an impersonal cut-n-paste tome but those that have read it have been very complementary of its information.

From those that read it and have answered its questions we have learned two things…

1. they are intelligent and thoughtful slave wannabes who want to know all they can
about US and
2. they will read our writings.

By the time we get to the second letter our "slave questionnaire" we have also weeded out most of the fakes. They don’t want to waste any more time answering questions they want to get to the asking for money part of their scam. A few fakes will persistently try to get our email address with out answering our questionnaire, for which purpose we are not sure, but we are adamant that we will not clutter our YM address book up with wannabe fakes. They ping and buzz all the time. It is hard to write or get any work done and it annoys the Muse.

Most wannabes do not understand the phrase "the Muse is in the room”. So they become frustrated when we work through a hot streak. The Muse is the goddess or the power regarded as inspiration for poets, artists, thinkers, and the like.

The nine daughters of Zeus and Mnemosyne who presided over various arts: Calliope (epic poetry), Clio (history), Erato (lyric poetry), Euterpe (music), Melpomene (tragedy), Polyhymnia (religious music), Terpsichore (dance), Thalia (comedy), and Urania (astronomy)and their cousins Aoede (song), Melete (meditation), and Mneme (memory).

Writers need them to write and can't write when they leave the building. Some slaves have become our muse.

We have solved some of that by dictating to our creative slaves to keep them involved with the process. We have even put them in a 69 position while they take dictation which is a definite multi-tasking challenge for slave and Master/Mistress alike and most of the time the Muse is not amused and leaves the building.

If the creative slave works hard and we finish our self-imposed deadlines then we will get to play. Many days hours are days of sex… sex… sex.

Then when we get the green light to do our script - book - movie - project... we go back to work with a vengeance.

Don’t get US wrong, we have very short play breaks all day long, some slaves even have a pussy or dick in their mouth all day, for our life is "eat when hungry, piss and poop when full, sleep when tired, fuck when horny and create all the time."

Sometimes in the beginning of slave training the hardest part of being a slave is to find enjoyment in doing something you don’t enjoy doing, but you do it because it pleases your Master/Mistress. It pleases US. We will train you to do that. Just because a task we give you to do is outside your ability doesn't mean you can't or shouldn't do it. It's time for growth. We don’t believe in “I can’t.” To US “I can’t”is NEVER true. Every “I can’t” is easily turned into an “I can” which is the mindset we will teach you.

This goes for “I don’t know as well”.

Did you think being our slave was going to be easy? Did you think we weren't going to be pushing you to grow in new and scary directions that you are uncomfortable with? As a slave you don't get to stay in your little comfy zone. Even we regularly jump out of our own comfort zone. We are fearless and we will demand you to be the same. Fear has no place in our life and since you are apart of our life it won’t have any place in your life either. Fear stands for False Evidence Appearing Real. Fear only holds you back and it serves no purpose for our greater good. We will not be held back by your fear.

Just like telling US no is not tolerated. No matter what project we are working on there will be someone that will tell US “no.” That never stops US. We treat it as a speed bump in the road to a “yes.” If one path leads to a dead end we will find another. As a trained submissive or slave the word “no” is removed from your vocabulary. You will also be trained not to take no from anyone else.

If you were our creative slave what would you need to stay involved and working?

If you were not our creative slave but our night sex slave these would be your duties:
You would get US ready for bed with a sex romp nightcap (our reward for working all day). You would sleep either between our legs or on the floor chained beside our bed.

We would awake the next day with you between our legs, lovingly licking and sucking US awake and until we climaxed. You would take all our elixirs and swallow them as your reward for a job well done. Then you would arise, help US shower, being sure we were very clean all over, help US dress, and gives US kisses to start the day. You would then hand US off to the domestic slaves, who would feed US. The creative slaves would join US in our home office after breakfast and go to work. We would all work in our office nude or if on location be dressed. You would help the domestic slaves clean the house and prepare lunch/dinner.

Every so often we have a scene where you would be tied up and beaten for our or our guest amusement. Every hole would be used, where you would be well fucked and abused.

As you can see you would give up nothing but a vanilla routine.

After being with US for a time, you need to ask yourself “what are you learning from US? What are you doing in your life to become a better slave, a better person, a very valuable asset to US?”

If you think this is your Divine Destiny what are you waiting for?

Obedience is bliss for the ones who serve willingly.
Sir Rand & Mistress Carol

sirsholly -> RE: Is slavery your Divine Destiny (5/10/2010 4:39:37 AM)

Just a heads up...i doubt anyone is going to read an intro of that length. I made it through the first paragraph and called it quits.

Welcome to CM, and i wish you luck [:)]

sunshinemiss -> RE: Is slavery your Divine Destiny (5/10/2010 4:40:04 AM)










marie2 -> RE: Is slavery your Divine Destiny (5/10/2010 4:42:20 AM)


ORIGINAL: sirsholly

Just a heads up...i doubt anyone is going to read an intro of that length. I made it through the first paragraph and called it quits.

Welcome to CM, and i wish you luck [:)]


I read about 30% of it.

choccywoc -> RE: Is slavery your Divine Destiny (5/10/2010 4:43:37 AM)

Welcome, you may look like Jack Nicholson, but don't send the script as well!

sunshinemiss -> RE: Is slavery your Divine Destiny (5/10/2010 4:44:18 AM)

I think the length of the post is the first test. If you don't read the whole thing, you will not be considered.

DesFIP -> RE: Is slavery your Divine Destiny (5/10/2010 4:44:48 AM)

Holly, they want something for nothing. People who work all day and then work all night for free.

OP, you want a proofreader, hire one. Somebody who has spent all day selling groceries/repairing cars/processing insurance claims/etc is as much in need of downtime as you are. Plus they won't have the professional editing skills your post shows you are in desperate need of.

Jeffff -> RE: Is slavery your Divine Destiny (5/10/2010 4:44:50 AM)

I read the responses.......didn't read the OP

But welcome to the boards!

SaintIntensity -> RE: Is slavery your Divine Destiny (5/10/2010 4:45:36 AM)

sadly I am not an "expert" in reading intros (see the profile)

OrpheusAgonistes -> RE: Is slavery your Divine Destiny (5/10/2010 4:45:53 AM)

Well.  Good luck with all that.

sunshinemiss -> RE: Is slavery your Divine Destiny (5/10/2010 4:48:04 AM)


When we first look at a slave, one of our first tests is a long "intro letter", which you say you read. Some wannabes find this letter an impersonal cut-n-paste tome but those that have read it have been very complementary of its information.

From those that read it and have answered its questions we have learned two things…

1. they are intelligent and thoughtful slave wannabes who want to know all they can
about US and
2. they will read our writings.

By the time we get to the second letter our "slave questionnaire" we have also weeded out most of the fakes.

Oh yes... they do need to read this stuff to be considered not "fake"

CarrieO -> RE: Is slavery your Divine Destiny (5/10/2010 4:50:20 AM)


ORIGINAL: sirrandpolyfam

If this is true and how Karma works and since Master is always right, I presume that it is true, then are we meant to be Master/Mistress, by virtue of our DNA and you are meant to be a slave by virtue of your DNA.

Here is where I stopped. 

That was 2 minutes of eye-crossing time I'll never get back. 

Good luck with the next 5 years.

sirsholly -> RE: Is slavery your Divine Destiny (5/10/2010 4:52:39 AM)


ORIGINAL: marie2


ORIGINAL: sirsholly

Just a heads up...i doubt anyone is going to read an intro of that length. I made it through the first paragraph and called it quits.

Welcome to CM, and i wish you luck [:)]


I read about 30% of it.
Marie, damnit..where ya been??? SO good to see you posting!![:)]

thishereboi -> RE: Is slavery your Divine Destiny (5/10/2010 4:52:44 AM)


ORIGINAL: sunshinemiss

I think the length of the post is the first test. If you don't read the whole thing, you will not be considered.

Damn, I suppose I will just have to find a way to live with the disappointment[:(]

sirsholly -> RE: Is slavery your Divine Destiny (5/10/2010 4:54:53 AM)



Holly, they want something for nothing. People who work all day and then work all night for free.

OP, you want a proofreader, hire one. Somebody who has spent all day selling groceries/repairing cars/processing insurance claims/etc is as much in need of downtime as you are. Plus they won't have the professional editing skills your post shows you are in desperate need of.

I totally agree with you Celeste.

bestheadyet -> RE: Is slavery your Divine Destiny (5/10/2010 4:57:00 AM)

between karmic debt and dna you lost this slave,,,,,,,and i'm a good worker bee.lmao

sunshinemiss -> RE: Is slavery your Divine Destiny (5/10/2010 4:59:14 AM)

Nothing but love, but how can you possibly be "expert" at all that stuff?

I mean... Gorean Lifestyle AND Female Supremacy?

Perhaps you might like to become familiar with English Grammar. It's a thought.

Good luck, and seriously... the main word in that is "luck".


sirsholly -> RE: Is slavery your Divine Destiny (5/10/2010 4:59:36 AM)


ORIGINAL: bestheadyet

between karmic death and dna you lost this slave,,,,,,,and i'm a good worker bee.lmao
you don't have DNA? Well...alllrighty..[image][/image]

sunshinemiss -> RE: Is slavery your Divine Destiny (5/10/2010 5:01:47 AM)

This must be a hoax. Noone can be this ...(not being nice anymore... not being nice anymore)... Nobody can have their head this far up their bum to believe the crap they have in this post, the journal, and the profile.

VaguelyCurious -> RE: Is slavery your Divine Destiny (5/10/2010 5:06:55 AM)


ORIGINAL: sunshinemiss

This must be a hoax.
That's my first instinct too.

Plus, they've spelt sirr with two rrrr's in his profile name, and their picture seems to have been taken in 2045.

Maybe this is the face of D/s in the future?

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