Have you ever heard of............. (Full Version)

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MistressDiane -> Have you ever heard of............. (4/7/2006 10:35:10 AM)

Here's a new one on me..............

LittleKitten1986 -> RE: Have you ever heard of............. (4/7/2006 10:38:11 AM)

Those are gorean positions. i have seen them before MistressDiane.. i have seen a multitude of sites like this to be honest.

Evanesce -> RE: Have you ever heard of............. (4/7/2006 10:39:19 AM)

Odalisque is nothing more than another word for slave or concubine.  I find it amusing that the author of that website wants to link it to some mysterious, "ancient sex slave tradition of the Orient."

MistressDiane -> RE: Have you ever heard of............. (4/7/2006 10:40:53 AM)


ORIGINAL: Evanesce

Odalisque is nothing more than another word for slave or concubine.  I find it amusing that the author of that website wants to link it to some mysterious, "ancient sex slave tradition of the Orient."

I found it kinda humorous too!

LuckyAlbatross -> RE: Have you ever heard of............. (4/7/2006 10:41:59 AM)

We'eve even had a thread about it:
Code d'Odalisque

Mercnbeth -> RE: Have you ever heard of............. (4/7/2006 10:51:56 AM)


ORIGINAL: MistressDiane

Here's a new one on me..............

people have consented to slavery from a variety of cultures for a myriad of reasons for a very long time (it hasn't always been for the reason of doing the domestic chores).  it doesn't strike this slave as odd, amusing or new.

meatcleaver -> RE: Have you ever heard of............. (4/7/2006 11:38:23 AM)


ORIGINAL: Evanesce

Odalisque is nothing more than another word for slave or concubine.  I find it amusing that the author of that website wants to link it to some mysterious, "ancient sex slave tradition of the Orient."

Because of the nature of the society we live in all BDSM up to a point is an ersatz experience. Introducing Oriental mystique into a relationship is just an injection of fantasy into an already artificial world. I see nothing wrong with that if that is your thing. I can think of many things in the world of kink that are just as absurd to a passive onlooker. Hell, sex is absurd if you reduce it to watching two people's pelvises thrusting away. Many things only become meaningful once you are an active participant in an activity.

amayos -> RE: Have you ever heard of............. (4/7/2006 12:10:58 PM)

Wonderful link. Thank you.

EvilGeoff -> RE: Have you ever heard of............. (4/7/2006 12:35:08 PM)

It is, at it's heart, a cross between a Gorean red silk kajira and a geisha.  It's designed for people who want to practice sexual D/s who are not SM oriented.  If the Middle Eastern/Hindi motif (harems, sultans, French-Turkish words) floats your boat, rock on.

- Geoff

amayos -> RE: Have you ever heard of............. (4/7/2006 1:01:50 PM)



It is, at it's heart, a cross between a Gorean red silk kajira and a geisha.  It's designed for people who want to practice sexual D/s who are not SM oriented.  If the Middle Eastern/Hindi motif (harems, sultans, French-Turkish words) floats your boat, rock on.

- Geoff

I like more what simple and direct imagery the site idealizes and evokes; women kept naked and barefoot and used for the the sexual pleasure of the male. This idea they have that the odalisque is not used for sadistic pleasures somewhat contradicts or at best narrows the gamut of "existing for male sexual fantasy", but never mind—it's a fun site, nonetheless.

mnottertail -> RE: Have you ever heard of............. (4/7/2006 1:13:34 PM)

It's about time to haul out the old vietnamese spin fuck chair, I suppose.


MrDiscipline44 -> RE: Have you ever heard of............. (4/7/2006 1:32:13 PM)


ORIGINAL: LittleKitten1986

Those are gorean positions. i have seen them before MistressDiane.. i have seen a multitude of sites like this to be honest.

None of those posittions are Gorean what-so-ever. The only one that come close is the "Show of Hands" position which seems to be common among various M/s codifications. But the positions on that site are not Gorean. I don't know many that would allow the slave yo sit on the furniture, let alone to lounge on it like a whore in an old time brothel from a movie.

BitaTruble -> RE: Have you ever heard of............. (4/7/2006 1:50:21 PM)


ORIGINAL: MistressDiane

Here's a new one on me..............

The first words that come to mind after reading through the site are sweet and cute. The author of the site freely calls it what it is, a role-play game, serious, but a role-play game none the less. It's a bit condescending in places and not my cup of tea, but over all, I see nothing at all wrong with it. Sounds like harmless fun and I say more power to them for their upfront, honest approach.

There are some days when lounging around naked waiting only to be used for the sexual gratification of Himself sounds very appealing. I'm thinking those days where I have icky chores to do.

::goes off into La La land::

Scrubbing toilets, lounging around waiting for sex.. scrubbing toilets, lounging around waiting for sex..

Decisions, decisions. ::chuckles::

::blinks and rejoins the real world::


Wildfleurs -> RE: Have you ever heard of............. (4/7/2006 2:40:58 PM)


ORIGINAL: MistressDiane

Here's a new one on me..............

The lazy part of me loves the "Divan" position since it just involves lounging around and being uterly useless!


amayos -> RE: Have you ever heard of............. (4/7/2006 2:49:45 PM)


ORIGINAL: LittleKitten1986

Those are gorean positions. i have seen them before MistressDiane.. i have seen a multitude of sites like this to be honest.

I personally would enjoy knowing how John Norman somehow secured intellectual copyright to what are timeless, often natural postures and bodily expressions of the human animal. Just how did the world get along before Gor?

Saraheli -> RE: Have you ever heard of............. (4/7/2006 2:56:38 PM)

Nothing new there, the link was posted a while back

unownedredhead -> RE: Have you ever heard of............. (4/7/2006 4:25:54 PM)


ORIGINAL: mnottertail
It's about time to haul out the old vietnamese spin fuck chair, I suppose.

what the hell is a vietnamese spin fuck chair?  and do you have pictures?


caitlyn -> RE: Have you ever heard of............. (4/7/2006 9:34:39 PM)


ORIGINAL: amayos
Just how did the world get along before Gor?

With Machiavelli?

amayos -> RE: Have you ever heard of............. (4/7/2006 10:16:07 PM)


ORIGINAL: caitlyn


ORIGINAL: amayos
Just how did the world get along before Gor?

With Machiavelli?


krikket -> RE: Have you ever heard of............. (4/7/2006 10:48:33 PM)

I've seen most of the information listed on this before, under various states of construction.  In many ways the information contained on the site was repetitive, but i enjoyed it, nonetheless.  The new people writing about something that others don't "perhaps think" too much about will bring us fresh eyes and hands and a different take on an item, event, a scene, etc.   It gave me a slightly different slant on things, and..to be honest, as someone who has lived alone for as many years as i have, sometimes it's just nice to receive a refresher course because someone was generous and kind enough to share, enabling those who wish to learn, absorbe or restyle something.  Thse are the reasons i'm glad the OP posted her questions.  Some how, in the forums, we sometimes meander and even beleager an idea, maybe better than the older thread, perhaps not, but usually something new is there, or if not new, something that will give new insite to those who've been around a while. 

Thanks again y'all...


Please take care...and good luck :)

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