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InCamera -> We met here.... (5/13/2010 7:39:56 AM)

Hello all. Today I discovered this "positive experiences" forum and felt prodded to post mine. I have met one wonderful, wonderful, wonderful girl on this site. She's funny, intelligent, caring and doesn't have a harsh bone in her body. She's a true sex toy who is always anxious for some naughty activities. She's had some BDSM experiences but most is relatively new to her. I adore seeing her nervousness build as she thinks about what's in store for her. She trusts me wholly and is quite the little trooper when it's time to do what's been requested. It's beautiful to see those butterflies melt away as she gets more and more aroused. I had my doubts I'd ever find someone here with whom I'd like to make a life but, nevertheless, it happened. We're deeply in love and are living out our sexual fantasies. We can't get enough of each other and we're moving in together this summer.
Notes to those who are still looking:
Some folks grumble about finding a good match, how difficult it is, how so many people aren't "for real," etc. Yes, there are many boneheads littering this site but there are some real gems in the mix, too.
I read somewhere that, in a certain mine, they have to process 30-40 tons of rock to get a single ounce of gold. Keep processing folks; what you're looking for may be there! You may have to wade through mountains of BS before you find it but, if you're persistent, you may just run into that special person. I did.
A thought:
If you're on a dedicated quest to find "the one," just focusing on that goal with a single-minded tunnel vision, you may miss someone slightly off to the side who might very well be "the one" for you. Keep a wide view and you'll see more and miss less.
Good luck, all!

lizi -> RE: We met here.... (5/13/2010 8:42:11 AM)

Great posting! Thanks for sharing...

slaveluci -> RE: We met here.... (5/13/2010 3:54:21 PM)


Notes to those who are still looking:
Some folks grumble about finding a good match, how difficult it is, how so many people aren't "for real," etc. Yes, there are many boneheads littering this site but there are some real gems in the mix, too.
I read somewhere that, in a certain mine, they have to process 30-40 tons of rock to get a single ounce of gold. Keep processing folks; what you're looking for may be there! You may have to wade through mountains of BS before you find it but, if you're persistent, you may just run into that special person. I did.
A thought:
If you're on a dedicated quest to find "the one," just focusing on that goal with a single-minded tunnel vision, you may miss someone slightly off to the side who might very well be "the one" for you. Keep a wide view and you'll see more and miss less.
Good luck, all!

Ditto, InCamera. I couldn't have said it better myself. I met my Master/Husband here over 4 yrs. ago (under another nick) and He didn't fit into hardly any of the neat little checkboxes I had on my list. Turned out to the best, happiest relationship I've ever had. It took us both by surprise. So yeah, don't be afraid to branch out a bit and give things a try with someone who at first may not be EXACTLY what you THOUGHT you wanted. Congrats to you and yours[:)]


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