WHY do switches exist? (Full Version)

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bbbadbbboy -> WHY do switches exist? (4/7/2006 5:40:27 PM)

In another discussion, the question was raised, "Do they exist?". Now, I'm inviting a discussion about WHY they exist.

To the extent we understand how someone becomes a Dom or a sub, how do we explain switches. Confused? Wanna-be? Not able to commit to one or the other? Versitile? Best Doms have experienced subbing (and some never fully switch over)? What is your explaination?

A doctor I know says that two out of every one patient of his has a split personality. Maybe that explains it


(I'm a bi-switch: confusing and irritating everyone...) :)

WyrdRich -> RE: WHY do switches exist? (4/7/2006 5:47:04 PM)

    Why do we have strawberry ice cream?  Aren't chocolate and vanilla enough?  Why aren't slaves the same as subs and subs the same as bottoms?  Why is the sky blue and how come calico cats are always female.

WyrdRich -> RE: WHY do switches exist? (4/7/2006 5:48:55 PM)

    And now that I got rid of that damn ice cream cone, why am I bothering with these inane questions?

MasterFireMaam -> RE: WHY do switches exist? (4/7/2006 6:28:34 PM)

Because I said so, that's why.

LOL...I couldn't resist. They exist because they just DO.


Oh...and in very, very rare cases, calicos can be male, but they are sterile. Brought to you by the factoid portion of my brain.

ChainedExistence -> RE: WHY do switches exist? (4/7/2006 6:32:36 PM)

Actually a small number of calico cats are male- about one in 3,000.

TNstepsout -> RE: WHY do switches exist? (4/7/2006 7:16:58 PM)


(I'm a bi-switch: confusing and irritating everyone...) :)

Well then, I think that explains precisely why they exist. What else could be more valuable?

siamesek1 -> RE: WHY do switches exist? (4/7/2006 7:36:23 PM)

I am a switch because I like being dominated but I also like giving my partner the freedom he gives me.  Every relationship I have been in, I appreciate what my partner does.  And want to do the same.  Even if it is little things, like a kiss or bite unexpectedly, my dominates have appreciated my willingness to particapte.  Too often, I have had dominates think that because I took the submissive role, I am not willing to do anything. I hate that.  I am a switch because I want to be there for my partner if they need it.  Plus, it just feels so good to see a dominate's face when I give a little taste back. 

LuckyAlbatross -> RE: WHY do switches exist? (4/7/2006 9:05:05 PM)

I have no idea.  But we do.

Alumbrado -> RE: WHY do switches exist? (4/7/2006 9:15:21 PM)

[;)] If everyone were tough enough to take what they dish out, then everyone would be either switches or subs....but in the real world not everyone can, so we need that pesky extra category for the weak ones, AKA 'Doms'.
[8|]  [8|]  [8|]

Dustyn -> RE: WHY do switches exist? (4/8/2006 12:07:00 AM)

Nature abhors a vacuum?

If everyone stands on one end or the other of a see-saw, what supports it in the middle?

LaMalinche -> RE: WHY do switches exist? (4/8/2006 5:32:46 AM)

The fulcrum.



fergus -> RE: WHY do switches exist? (4/8/2006 7:58:15 AM)

Why are our minds so bent on the notion of strict duality?

Is, Is not.  One or the other.  Good or evil, black or white.

In reality, we work SO much in the in between places.


youQadesh -> RE: WHY do switches exist? (4/8/2006 9:37:36 AM)


ORIGINAL: fergus

Why are our minds so bent on the notion of strict duality?

Is, Is not.  One or the other.  Good or evil, black or white.

In reality, we work SO much in the in between places.


Yeah, I agree!  When my fiance first told me that he needed a submissive woman my "social conditioning" was very put off by it.  I had only experienced being a sub in specific scenes, not for any long period of time, and certainly not as my place in a relationship, but then he described to me that he didn't think of it as so black and white.  He said in many ways my submission to him makes him submit to me, which in a way gives me the power.  I know its a paradox, but like I always say, if its a paradox then it's true!
and now he is training me as a Dom.  From that experience I would say I think there are switches because switching is more fun!  At least for me, anyway.  I couldn't see my fiance getting a spanking and liking it [:D]  

Dustyn -> RE: WHY do switches exist? (4/8/2006 12:42:28 PM)

Childhood conditioning, Fergus, pure and simple.

We are taught that this is good, this is bad, this is right and that is wrong.  We aren't given degrees of acceptance until we start progressing past childhood and start forming social ties, which frequently causes massive problems in social interraction.  Look at how mean little kids can get when they are picking on the outsiders.  There is very little acceptance and a great deal of prejudice and black/white mentality.

A good example from my childhood would be my views on religion.  I was brought up at least vaguely Christian, and once my mother married my step father, strictly Roman Catholic.  I thought that this is what was right, and eveyone else had to be wrong, until I realized that I, myself, wasn't Catholic.  Either I had to be right and there wasn't just one way to worship/pay homage to higher deities, or I was wrong in what I felt.  An internal battle of spirit, granted, but still an example.

Neither is right, but then again, neither is wrong, either.  Both simply are.

Hope this makes sense to you folks, since it makes sense to me.  If not, I'll try to explain further if I can.

Lashra -> RE: WHY do switches exist? (4/8/2006 2:29:00 PM)

We exist because because theres usually always something in the middle.  Black/Grey/White, Left/Middle/Right, Top/Switch/bottom[:D].  For some of us its just variety is the spice of life and switches are just able to access their Dom/sub traits (that everyone has) easier than most people.
No real big mystery to it.


Dustyn -> RE: WHY do switches exist? (4/8/2006 9:09:34 PM)

A man is trained since birth in martial arts.  On his 40th birthday, he gives a demonstration where a 10 year old child watches him in awe and admiration.  The child wonders how the man can move like that and break the things he does without hurting himself.

To those that have the knowledge, it's no mystery.  To those that don't, it can be downright stunning.

DigitBox -> RE: WHY do switches exist? (4/9/2006 12:34:06 PM)


Now, I'm inviting a discussion about WHY they exist.

To the extent we understand how someone becomes a Dom or a sub, how do we explain switches. Confused? Wanna-be? Not able to commit to one or the other? Versitile? Best Doms have experienced subbing (and some never fully switch over)? What is your explaination?

In my case I have both domminant and submissive tendancies in my personality.

It's that simple.

Laura -> RE: WHY do switches exist? (4/10/2006 1:24:26 PM)

I'm a cat person too. My vet told me any cat with three or more colours is almost always female. If it's male it will be sterile. I thought that was so interesting, it stuck in my mind all these years. Now, here we are, it's not just one more useless bit of information. :D 

Laura -> RE: WHY do switches exist? (4/10/2006 1:29:02 PM)

Switches exist because someone needs have some idea about what D/s, topping and bottoming and all the rest is about. From looking at the non-Switches who come in here and ask the same question over and over (in slightly different wordings) things are in pretty sad shape. Almost every post in this forum answers your question. Pick one and read. 

enthralled -> RE: WHY do switches exist? (4/10/2006 1:57:36 PM)

Because they balance the time-space continiuum? <lol>
sorry. . . just my twisted sense of humor.

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