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LadyBeckett -> Sex and Sleepyheads (9/18/2004 6:48:14 PM)

A male told me today that "all males fall asleep immediately after sex". I laughed right out loud at this because I have never, in my active sex life, had a man fall asleep after intimate sex with me. Good sex makes me hungry, so I'm all for something yummy like ice cream, or cinnamon toast, and sitting naked in the kitchen, or on the porch, and having those wonderful conversations that people have when they are naked, satisfied (for the moment), and eating yummy food with someone they like well enough to have great sex with. [;)] Falling asleep immediately after sex seems to me like something that would occur after an all nighter of that good sex over and over, or perhaps having sex with themselves (masturbation)? I don't know, so I'm asking. How many have had the experience of males falling asleep immediately after sex?

GoddessJules -> RE: Sex and Sleepyheads (9/18/2004 7:07:04 PM)

Hallo Beckett!

I don't recall this happening to me, but it *could*

I don't remember it happening because typically 1) I tell them that this isn't the Holiday Inn and they need to take their behinds back to their own house (especially if the sex wasn't all that)
2) I'm usually the one that falls asleep first (good sex wears me out!) or
3) They are off running an errand immediately afterward (I might be thirsty, hungry, or need some smokes!)

So while it is entirely possible for it to happen if I let nature take its course. . .it hasn't yet. [;)]



LadyBeckett -> RE: Sex and Sleepyheads (9/18/2004 7:20:50 PM)

Jules, what a pleasure! I meant to tell you on another thread, just recently, but got distracted (which is usually always the case), that I always enjoy your posts!

Re this topic, I stay narrow as a willow most of the time (all this energy, no doubt), but things that normally wear people out and ready for a nap, will find me in the kitchen. lol Two I can think of (from a woman's perspective) off the top of my head are good sex, and having a baby. I've had five, and right after every single one of them I was ready for a shower first, and some GOOD FOOD right after that! I was hungry!!

Thanks for your input here. I find this very interesting. [;)]

GoddessJules -> RE: Sex and Sleepyheads (9/18/2004 9:10:56 PM)

Thanks Beckett [;)]

I'm interested in hearing the other responses as well. . .this ought to be a lot of fun.

And also, I read about you meeting iwill in another thread. . .CONGRATS and I hope to be hearing lots of stories!


BlkTallFullfig -> RE: Sex and Sleepyheads (9/18/2004 9:48:48 PM)

It has happened to me sometimes... Very annoying; am surprised more people aren't responding, because it's fairly common, and actually have heard scientific explanation for it (men release relaxing hormone when climax, etc... don't remember exactly). I believe he tends to stay up if you have good conversation and he's interested in more than sex.
Lady In RI

LadyBeckett -> RE: Sex and Sleepyheads (9/18/2004 10:15:41 PM)


I believe he tends to stay up if you have good conversation and he's interested in more than sex.

I think the time that I posted the thread may have something to do with the number of responses at this point. Not sure. [8|] I'm playing night owl tonight. lol

I found the statement that I quoted (from your post) above particularly interesting. It would seem to me, and this is absolutely from my point of view here, that if I am going to be personally, intimately involved with a male, in a mutual sexual way...then he's interested in more than sex. Which makes the sex part even better. But I digress... [;)]

MaitresseEden -> RE: Sex and Sleepyheads (9/19/2004 8:16:18 AM)

Bring on the Ice cream!.. the Munchies often follow.

However, if it is late night sex, and this mistress was worn out with pleasure then I will often be the one to fall asleep. I can't say Never because it does happen, but only if I allow it. My things is I rarely stop at just one sexual encounter. I would expect him to muster at least 2. Sleep for both is entirely dependent upong how intense and exhaustive the sex was, and also the time of day. But I agree with Beckett in that a good hot and sweaty romp between the sheets, leads to an nice bowl of ice cream or a cool and refreshing drink at the least.

mmmm.. thinking about have chocolate syrup for seconds.

Ms. Eden

dixiedumpling -> RE: Sex and Sleepyheads (9/19/2004 1:17:06 PM)

This fits my experience perfectly. Sex puts my spouse out like a light. Sex at night and he's asleep within 10 minutes. (Of course, even without it, he's asleep within 10 minutes. Clear conscience or short term memory loss?) Sex wakes me up. No point in lolling about in the bed afterwards since he's snoring and I'm restless. Sex in the morning makes me want to get up and get busy. Spouse HAS to get up, so he does. I've not had the sexual experience of playing around for hours, although at one time I thought that would be a great 50th birthday present for myself. If I find him, I'll let you know. [;)]

GUARDIANSHADOW -> RE: Sex and Sleepyheads (9/19/2004 7:06:03 PM)

LMAO...My Dear Friend...How many times have we talked about this for half the nite...As a MAN I'm sorry to say that most women on this small rock we call earth have to endure the "It was good for me so it had to good for you" thing every nite...While there are very few women who see the "I snooze you lose" act, most women do...If it were not that way then there wouldn't so to many women LOOKING...While loving a man may cause some women to let him roll over and go to sleep because "It was good for him" less and less women these days will put up with it...In short My Dear Lady Beckett I'm so happy you have got to eat lots of ice cream "In well selected company"...LOL...So as I've aways told you...The measure of a man is not when he has to perform well but when he always performs because it is his nature...Remember a class act is hard to follow...and that's a fact...Be well and snack often.

proudsub -> RE: Sex and Sleepyheads (9/19/2004 9:19:33 PM)


A male told me today that "all males fall asleep immediately after sex

My Dom falls sleep before sex LOL, he's snoring away in his recliner right now, not to mention he has rigormortis on the remote so i can't even change the channel. Then he wakes up after a 2-4 hr nap and expects me to be wide awake at 1am for sex. Of course i oblige Him.[;)]

Sylverdawn -> RE: Sex and Sleepyheads (9/19/2004 9:25:19 PM)

Sex makes me sleepy.. I am often so relaxed and cozy and snuggly.. for me there is nothing like a post coitus cloth of warm water to wipe away the sweat and fluids .. then curling up on that big chest ... and dozing ... the soft sounds of satisifed breathing.. the tiny touches that make the still firing nerve ends quiver.. and the semi coherent words of intimacy... and drifting off into the soft velvet of contented sleep.. to wake up ravenous for each other again or cinnamon toast..which ever comes first.

LadyAngelika -> RE: Sex and Sleepyheads (9/20/2004 5:15:04 AM)


Falling asleep immediately after sex seems to me like something that would occur after an all nighter of that good sex over and over,

Oh Beckett... <grin> That is precisely why I keep a crop whip handy in bed!

So then it must be the boy because I had a five-hour non-stop sex/kink marathon yesterday afternoon, my boy toy came twice and after all that, he got up to make me coffee and was chipper and sweet.

I think he & I both experienced a little lethargy right after but a few moments of resting (till the after tremors stop) and up and walking about we were!

The only time I fall asleep is when I was tired prior such as in "as we go to bed" type sex. I tend however to have my really fun moments at all other times of the day, especially morning, in which case, I’d have a lot of sick days if I fell asleep.

- LA

GoddessJules -> RE: Sex and Sleepyheads (9/20/2004 10:07:40 AM)

Well DAMN Angelika. . .

I shall come to you and have one of those "eyes-wide-open-after-sex" sessions PURELY for the sake of science and gathering empirical data to support further research into that phenomenon. I will also VIDEO TAPE it so that I can relive the moment OVER and OVER again. . .so that my eyes are wide open all day everyday! [:D]

And if you have some of that in a bottle. . .do you accept paypal???


LadyBeckett -> RE: Sex and Sleepyheads (9/20/2004 10:32:22 AM)

Wait a minute, Jules, then it would be a domination for money thing. [;)]

GoddessJules -> RE: Sex and Sleepyheads (9/20/2004 10:46:07 AM)


Wait a minute, Jules, then it would be a domination for money thing.

Oh I know!!!! Isn't that HOT??? LOL

And since we * are* talking about Angelica, it would be worth EVERY penny. LOL

I'm glad someone saw the humor in my comment. . .I thought I'd be crucified for sure. [;)]

*ready to hand over my credit card for the eyes-wide-open-after-sex mojo juice*


LadyBeckett -> RE: Sex and Sleepyheads (9/20/2004 11:06:53 AM)


eyes-wide-open-after-sex mojo juice

Yup, I think you may be on to something there, Jules! [;)]

Sundew02 -> RE: Sex and Sleepyheads (9/20/2004 11:54:34 AM)

I only fall asleep after sex, if that is what I was using it for, to relax and go to sleep. And yes, I have had males fall asleep directly after sex, but not for long, wicked grin. They sleep so trustingly don't they?
Hello Beckett, isn't it too bad vanilla life gets in the way of the really good stuff? Sundew

sweetpleaser -> RE: Sex and Sleepyheads (9/20/2004 12:17:31 PM)


ORIGINAL: proudsub

My Dom falls sleep before sex LOL, he's snoring away in his recliner right now, not to mention he has rigormortis on the remote so i can't even change the channel. Then he wakes up after a 2-4 hr nap and expects me to be wide awake at 1am for sex. Of course i oblige Him.[;)]

LMAO. I can relate!! I oblige, but then I'm the one who falls asleep first! Well, at least for another couple of hours[;)].


LadyBeckett -> RE: Sex and Sleepyheads (9/20/2004 2:21:39 PM)

Yvonne was over yesterday, and not so strangely, she said exactly the same thing! That she uses it to relax and go to sleep! I told you that the two of you had a lot in common! lol Her hubby, on the other hand, said it energizes him and he's ready for a snack (not necessarily in the kitchen [;)]) or a bubble bath, and then more sex!

I don't believe vanilla has ever actually gotten in the way of the "good stuff" for me. lol I suppose because I haven't found anyone that is "purely" vanilla yet. [;)] But I guess that would be another thread...

LadyAngelika -> RE: Sex and Sleepyheads (9/20/2004 4:08:02 PM)


ORIGINAL: GoddessJules

Well DAMN Angelika. . .

I shall come to you and have one of those "eyes-wide-open-after-sex" sessions PURELY for the sake of science and gathering empirical data to support further research into that phenomenon.

You are always welcome dahlink. You can help me test my boy’s stamina! (the thought of you and I on him might make him blow right there though.. haha!)


ORIGINAL: GoddessJules
I will also VIDEO TAPE it so that I can relive the moment OVER and OVER again. . .so that my eyes are wide open all day everyday! [:D]

Pervert ;)


ORIGINAL: GoddessJules
And if you have some of that in a bottle. . .do you accept paypal???

By the gallon baby! But selling it… Now that would make me a Money Domme… well I guess I can try anything once! ;)

- LA

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