RE: Why do people think it's ok to strawman an atheist? (Full Version)

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Jeffff -> RE: Why do people think it's ok to strawman an atheist? (6/30/2010 6:38:31 PM)

I know this can go 60 pages... I just KNOW it!

The Lord told me.

LadyCimarron -> RE: Why do people think it's ok to strawman an atheist? (6/30/2010 6:49:47 PM)


ORIGINAL: LadyCimarron




I seem to recall a study showing that belief and rejection were not the same brain process; I'll look it up when I get home.

I promised you a study on how a belief and the rejection of a belief are not the same thing in the brain, here it is:

Thank you very much. I will look it over when I have a chance.

Thanks again for the link. I read over the study it was a very interesting read by the way.  I would begin by saying that the tests had many limitations.
First of all it was a very small test group of only 14 adults.
The researchers also readily admitted that most of the categories in their study were not significant enough to be relevant.

“Most category-specific contrasts failed to achieve statistical significance in our study.” Pg1

However; the experiment found that belief and disbelief do indeed come from the same areas of the brain; as stated on page 1…….

“The final acceptance of a statement as “true” or its rejection as “false” appears to rely on more primitive, hedonic processing in the medial prefrontal cortex and the anterior insula.”

They reaffirm these findings on page 6

Pg. 6
The results of our study suggest that belief, disbelief and uncertainty are mediated primarily by regions in the medial PFC, the anterior insula, the superior parietal lobule, and the caudate. The acceptance and rejection of propositional truth-claims appear to be governed, in part, by the same regions that judge the pleasantness of tastes and odors.

The only difference they found in the two processes was in the ventromedial prefrontal cortex and they reasoned that this particular difference was common in extended tests such as these as referenced on page 5.

Pg 5
In our study, the only significant positive signal differences for the contrast of belief % disbelief were found in the VMPFC. Our analysis suggests that this signal change was due to a greater decrease in signal during disbelief trials than during belief trials when compared with the implicit baseline. This region often shows reduced signal during extended cognitive tasks.  

I will admit that I am no expert in this area and I may very well have misread or drawn the wrong conclusion from what I read. If you would like to re-read the article and discuss it further I would be happy to listen to any discrepancies you find I may have made while analyzing this article.
But with such a small test group and most of the categories being statistically insignificant; I wouldn't give a study of this nature a whole lot of credence whatever the results were.

Thank you again for the article

Plasticine -> RE: Why do people think it's ok to strawman an atheist? (6/30/2010 6:55:13 PM)

Holy mother of font size Batman!

vincentML -> RE: Why do people think it's ok to strawman an atheist? (6/30/2010 6:55:41 PM)



I know this can go 60 pages... I just KNOW it!

The Lord told me.

I really disbelive it, Jeffff, so I will not write anything of significance here because I do not wish to prolong the thread except kudos to GotSteel for running the marathon.

btw, the Lord told me that in the new by and by anteaters are roadkill.

LadyCimarron -> RE: Why do people think it's ok to strawman an atheist? (6/30/2010 7:11:51 PM)


ORIGINAL: Plasticine

Holy mother of font size Batman!

[:D]  sorry. 

LadyCimarron -> RE: Why do people think it's ok to strawman an atheist? (6/30/2010 7:13:58 PM)

Personally, I was kind of hoping it would go over 10,000 hits.
And GotSteel worked so hard for it, didn't want to disappoint him. [;)]

Jeffff -> RE: Why do people think it's ok to strawman an atheist? (6/30/2010 7:20:15 PM)

10011..... you get your wish.

Or rather, your prayers have been answered!

LadyCimarron -> RE: Why do people think it's ok to strawman an atheist? (6/30/2010 7:29:44 PM)



10011..... you get your wish.

Or rather, your prayers have been answered!

[sm=dancer.gif] CELEBRATE GOOD TIMES COME ON!![sm=line.gif]
There's a party going on right here.........

Jeffff -> RE: Why do people think it's ok to strawman an atheist? (7/1/2010 9:44:59 AM)

So then... this is a wrap?

Anyone care to sum up what as been learned and what has been decided?

Moonhead -> RE: Why do people think it's ok to strawman an atheist? (7/1/2010 10:28:49 AM)

Ask uncle Lou...

Jeffff -> RE: Why do people think it's ok to strawman an atheist? (7/1/2010 10:36:24 AM)


Moonhead -> RE: Why do people think it's ok to strawman an atheist? (7/1/2010 10:37:47 AM)

Thank you.
I'm here all week. Try the fish.

tnai -> RE: Why do people think it's ok to strawman an atheist? (7/6/2010 8:12:08 PM)


ORIGINAL: Tantriqu
Then I say, 'No headline ever read, 'Atheist militia machetes, rapes agnostic village,' and I move on.

What are you talking about here? If you want a list of atheist who commited horrible acts there out there. Joseph Stalin & Khmer Rouge just off the top of my head.

vincentML -> RE: Why do people think it's ok to strawman an atheist? (7/7/2010 7:34:11 AM)




ORIGINAL: Tantriqu
Then I say, 'No headline ever read, 'Atheist militia machetes, rapes agnostic village,' and I move on.

What are you talking about here? If you want a list of atheist who commited horrible acts there out there. Joseph Stalin & Khmer Rouge just off the top of my head.

Stalin and Pol Pot were political actors. That Stalin may have been atheist is besides the point. He was raised Russian Orthodox I believe. Who the fuck knows what religious beliefs were held by Pol Pot. This is just more of the same old same old conflating communism with atheism, a socio-economic totalitarianism with free-thinking philosophy. Atheists never burned Believers at the stake nor persecuted them for their religious beliefs as was done throughout much of the history of Europe. It is such a crappy argument you make. Strawman delux.

Moonhead -> RE: Why do people think it's ok to strawman an atheist? (7/7/2010 7:43:01 AM)

Stalin actually only got into politics after being ejected from a seminary, I think. He was probably quite religious before he fell in with a movement that made a big deal of atheism and his turn to that may have had more to do with spite for a religion that had failed him as a disdain for more general notions of spirituality.

LanceHughes -> RE: Why do people think it's ok to strawman an atheist? (7/7/2010 7:47:46 AM)


ORIGINAL: LadyCimarron

OMG I googled Jesusist and the word Jesusism came up in anarchopedia and it talks about being a Jesusist!!  AND My jesusist blog is like the only hit you will get on the word Jesusist. [sm=banana.gif]According to the very short article in Anarchopedia the word was first used in 1914 in a book called
The Naked Truth of Jesusism from Oriental Manuscripts  by Lynn Fairbanks George. 
See that?....NAKED.....I knew this was the right label for me[:D]
I've got to find a copy of that book.

First off, the man's first name is Lyman.  Secondly, google is your friend.  With one inquiry, I came up with facsimile of manuscript AND links (on left) to purchases (which I did NOT follow.)  You are most welcome.

LadyCimarron -> RE: Why do people think it's ok to strawman an atheist? (7/7/2010 8:44:53 AM)

Thank you. But, I already ordered a copy and I received it a few days ago.

MrRodgers -> RE: Why do people think it's ok to strawman an atheist? (7/7/2010 8:48:10 AM)

I'll add one.

There are no atheists in Mr. Rodgers least none that come to our church.

JstAnotherSub -> RE: Why do people think it's ok to strawman an atheist? (7/7/2010 8:56:13 AM)

57 pages huh?

Is it too late to get in on the how many pages lottery? I'll take 62!

tazzygirl -> RE: Why do people think it's ok to strawman an atheist? (7/7/2010 9:16:18 AM)

Pol Pot abolished all religions. Not very hard to discern his leanings.

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