Racist Jokes ? (Full Version)

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Aneirin -> Racist Jokes ? (6/22/2010 6:41:01 AM)

Racist Jokes, we have all heard them, perhaps all made them or at least laughed at those made by others, but why do we have them ?

Is it just harmless fun in the form of humour, or does it have a more sinister purpose ?

Of those that tell racist jokes, what does that reveal about the person, are they in fact racist, or is there another reason ?

But what about those that see the humour in such jokes, in seeing the humour are they in fact the same as the teller, a racist or is it just humour ?

Could racist jokes be another form of oppression ?

xssve -> RE: Racist Jokes ? (6/22/2010 6:56:11 AM)

All I've noticed is that they're never really very funny.

LadyEllen -> RE: Racist Jokes ? (6/22/2010 7:08:23 AM)

Youre missing the point A - "racist jokes" themselves are merely humourous observations based on stereotypes. In the absence of racism they shouldnt be a problem - but in the meantime they give succour to the baser instincts of the baser types amongst us who for further base motives then rely on the stereotypes necessary for the joke to determine their world view and conduct accordingly.

Lets take it away from race for a moment and consider you and your dance interests. All manner of jokes could be produced on the basis of the stereotype that would suggest men who dance that way are gay. Most of us would get it that there isnt anything particularly wrong with being gay or being a man who likes to dance and would laugh at the joke on the basis of its proposition and the stereotypes on which it relies. Some though would see it as evidence of their views about gay men and dancers and thereby a justification for their views and later, the opportunity arising, justification to harass, abuse and assault the next man who appears to be gay or like dancing.

Again, like with many other social problems we all have to be regulated in order to limit and control the dense amongst us.


Moonhead -> RE: Racist Jokes ? (6/22/2010 7:09:50 AM)

A lot of humour has an unpleasantly conservative, reactionary undercurrent to it, and sadly that's a lot more evident in racist jokes (or for that matter, gay bashing jokes, a lot of which are even viler). I don't think you'd get very far arguing that the loathsome Bernard Manning was just trying to be funny and didn't have a rather xenophobic axe to grind, after all.

Aneirin -> RE: Racist Jokes ? (6/22/2010 7:14:16 AM)

Thank You, perhaps you have noticed I regularly miss the point of things, I have been made aware of that before now.

xssve -> RE: Racist Jokes ? (6/22/2010 7:27:25 AM)

Racist jokes are mostly a bonding mechanism for people who would otherwise be dragging each other down instead.

Moonhead -> RE: Racist Jokes ? (6/22/2010 7:33:03 AM)

Interesting notion. You could be onto something there.

JstAnotherSub -> RE: Racist Jokes ? (6/22/2010 7:42:41 AM)

Chris Rock is proof that so many types of politically incorrect jokes can be so funny, you blow snot out your nose laughing. Or, maybe that is just me.

I love funny jokes.  Blonde jokes, fat redhead jokes, you might be a redneck jokes, old folks jokes, how dumb southerners are jokes and even racist jokes. I also have learned as I get older that not all folks have the sick sense of humor I have, so I make sure to share funnies with folks who know me and get my humor.

I also know which of my blonde friends will get offended by a blonde joke, which fat friends can not stand the word fat or anything that makes fun of it, etc. etc.  So, even though I tell them I think they need to learn to laugh at them selves, I do not share jokes that would piss them off with them (most of the time anyhow).

Stereotypes are funny as hell......or I am strange.  Either way, laughter is the best medicine.

LadyCimarron -> RE: Racist Jokes ? (6/22/2010 8:13:08 AM)

Racists jokes can be funny.

Tripping a 90 year old man and making him fall could be funny too.

The thing with racists jokes or any type of stereotyping is that they are usually put downs. Little by little they eat away at the person or class that they are directed against.  Think about "the Nutty Professor" scene where the comedian kept telling fat jokes about eddie murphy's character. The first one was funny by the time he got to the third or fourth one you could tell that he was completely detroying the man. The same holds true for racists and any type of stereotyping jokes.  There is a proverb in the Bible (I will see if I can find it) that compares a man that hurts someone and then says he was joking to a person that kills someone. (that's a paraphrase but you get the general idea).  

BTW- Its interesting to note that when stereotyping jokes are positive instead of negative they tend to have a positive effect on the group they are directed towards.

LadyCimarron -> RE: Racist Jokes ? (6/22/2010 8:14:33 AM)

 Proverbs 26:
18As he is guilty that shooteth arrows, and lances unto death :
  19So is the man that hurteth his friend deceitfully: and when he is taken, saith: I did it in jest.

edited to add: I don't normally quote the Bible, but this seemed kind of relevant.

mnottertail -> RE: Racist Jokes ? (6/22/2010 8:18:06 AM)

Well, there are a lot of comedians, such as; Kat Williams, Chris Rock, Jamie Foxx.....just to name a few that while you couldn't say they tell racist jokes and use that word in its fullest sense, they tell stereotypical jokes and they are goddamn funny. 

In the end, I wonder if at least in that vein, it doesn't out and out release some tensions, show things in a less obnoxious light. 

LadyCimarron -> RE: Racist Jokes ? (6/22/2010 8:33:30 AM)


ORIGINAL: mnottertail

Well, there are a lot of comedians, such as; Kat Williams, Chris Rock, Jamie Foxx.....just to name a few that while you couldn't say they tell racist jokes and use that word in its fullest sense, they tell stereotypical jokes and they are goddamn funny. 

No one is questioning whether or not it is funny. The OP was questioning the motive behind racists jokes  We know a comedians motive is to get paid.

But what motive does the everyday man have in telling stereotyped jokes about a group that he knows is hurtful to them.......and we all know people that do that and then try to get the offended party to laugh it off even though its not funny to them.   

In the end, I wonder if at least in that vein, it doesn't out and out release some tensions, show things in a less obnoxious light. 

In the end, depending on what the jokes are and how they are told they can release tension......on the flipside they can also cause some tensions. Again its all in how it is done. Its my belief that negative stereotyping is almost never funny to the people it is directed against.

mnottertail -> RE: Racist Jokes ? (6/22/2010 8:35:05 AM)

And you have absolutely no arguments with me on that account.  I agree with you, wholeheartedly.

vincentML -> RE: Racist Jokes ? (6/22/2010 9:36:55 AM)

Personally, I cringe at racist jokes because they carry with them the denigration of the target population. I wish I could say I have been pure in the matter but of course that is nonsense. Seems to me the punch line mostly carries with it an "us vs them" mentality and "isn't our group superior" conclusion.

Jokes told by black comedians about their own culture or gays on gays or fat on fat tend to strike me as pretty funny at first ... until I begin to wonder at the joker's motivation for telling and my motivation for laughing. Seem exploitive on the part of the teller. Especially, the redneck jokes.

I was especially put off by drunkard jokes. Used to be common on TV but not at all lately. Too many tragic accidents I guess.

Arpig -> RE: Racist Jokes ? (6/22/2010 10:32:51 AM)

They are jokes, they are funny...their motivation...to make people laugh. A joke is a joke.

Moonhead -> RE: Racist Jokes ? (6/22/2010 10:35:52 AM)



They are jokes, they are funny...their motivation...to make people laugh. A joke is a joke.

The issue a few people are suggesting is that that isn't the only motive in every case.

DCWoody -> RE: Racist Jokes ? (6/22/2010 10:40:02 AM)

Almost all jokes are theoretically offensive. Make a joke about liverpudlian isn't racist, but about the scottish is. And certainly don't make jokes about 'africans'. It's a load of bollocks. Brits will be familiar with mock the week. Topical comedian show over here, irish guy & scottish guy regularly (nigh constantly) insulting the irish and the scottish respectively, and perfectly respectable BBC2 fare it is, occassionally they have that woman on there, who does the same for Nigerian parenting, and youth black culture. All fine and good.....but try doing it a different way round and cue the shitstorm.
It's a load of bollocks.

And @xxsve, jokes are funny/not funny independantly of being theoretically offensive or not....if anything, the unoffensive ones are less amusing.

Last time there was a somewhat similar discussion my post was censored, so I'll avoid telling any jokes here.

The key word in 'racist jokes' is jokes, nobody imporant anywhere is against offensive jokes, because I can't think of a single comedian, anywhere, ever.....not using them. Some people just get stupidly touchy about some subjects.

Moonhead -> RE: Racist Jokes ? (6/22/2010 10:43:56 AM)

You even get people whining that no offensive jokes are being made about the minorities they don't like.
Which would be funny if it wasn't so pathetic.

DCWoody -> RE: Racist Jokes ? (6/22/2010 10:54:35 AM)


Moonhead -> RE: Racist Jokes ? (6/22/2010 10:57:53 AM)

I kid you not. I wish I was making this shit up, but sadly it happens.

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