The Alpha Course ? (Full Version)

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Aneirin -> The Alpha Course ? (7/1/2010 4:54:20 AM)

Recently because of the wanderings of my mind, the alpha course has popped up on a few occaisions, and just now I sought to google it and find out what it is all about, so I found my way to here  the UK website for the course.

On bringing up the page I was confronted with the bold headline ; Does God Exist ?

Under that headline are two boxes, which I selected the no option, as it is my belief god does not exist. On ticking no I was taken to another page which showed the results of others having also responded to the tick boxes and to my complete surprise 92 % of all those that had done similar to myself I assume on accessing that page had also selected no. ( I had expected the reverse given people were specifically seeking information which I understood previously to be a god squad convincement exercise ).

So, the website on it's front page describes the meaning of life explored, but my question is just what is the course to those who have done it, has it changed your life, or do you have any thoughts you would like to bring up regarding it ?

willbeurdaddy -> RE: The Alpha Course ? (7/1/2010 7:58:09 AM)



Recently because of the wanderings of my mind, the alpha course has popped up on a few occaisions, and just now I sought to google it and find out what it is all about, so I found my way to here  the UK website for the course.

On bringing up the page I was confronted with the bold headline ; Does God Exist ?

Under that headline are two boxes, which I selected the no option, as it is my belief god does not exist. On ticking no I was taken to another page which showed the results of others having also responded to the tick boxes and to my complete surprise 92 % of all those that had done similar to myself I assume on accessing that page had also selected no. ( I had expected the reverse given people were specifically seeking information which I understood previously to be a god squad convincement exercise ).

So, the website on it's front page describes the meaning of life explored, but my question is just what is the course to those who have done it, has it changed your life, or do you have any thoughts you would like to bring up regarding it ?

Why would you have expected the reverse? Obviously the people who are going to take/be interested in the course are those who do not already ascribe to a particular religion. It may be a bit heavier in no's, but certainly not the reverse of expected.

If the other "ministries" asked the same question the results would be closer to what you expected.

Meanwhile, if someone needs some kind of "spiritual" direction, then they should read "The Secret".
It's hogwash, just like religions, but at least its positive hogwash that can refocus your energies on productivity and positivity instead of negativity, which is a self fulfilling prophecy. Not because of any "laws of attraction", but simple human psychology.

DCWoody -> RE: The Alpha Course ? (7/1/2010 9:59:32 AM)

I have a relative who went to one of those things. Now he's a believer. He never was that bright, but it's really made me hate them.

RCdc -> RE: The Alpha Course ? (7/1/2010 10:29:27 AM)


So, the website on it's front page describes the meaning of life explored, but my question is just what is the course to those who have done it, has it changed your life, or do you have any thoughts you would like to bring up regarding it ?

Yes it changed my life.
Having been on the other side I can safely say that is nothing more than a tool to attract the weak and vulnerable in attempt to gain a congregation.


Fellow -> RE: The Alpha Course ? (7/1/2010 11:14:53 AM)


Does God Exist ?

I agree with Anerin; the result is quite interesting. Hard to tell what it means. Questioning of people does not give information about reality, it tells something about people being questioned. 
Regarding Alpha course, I think, being attached to a particular organized church diminishes its value as it becomes politicized.

Aneirin -> RE: The Alpha Course ? (7/1/2010 2:03:49 PM)

I have a lot of questions, it is why I come here to ask them of the greater and worldwide public, but recently I noticed a flyer in a Baptist church window advertising this course as open to anyone of whatever faith or conviction. I did wonder, but from friends who have been there one a very clued up individual and the other who reminds me of the brainwashed I was cautious, for I value my friends comments, particularly the one who is very clued up on these courses and now think perhaps they are safer best left alone.

So from time to time you may on this forum view my questions and to those that think I attack, it is not so, just my way of understanding something by pushing to the point of vexation to understand what I need to know.

If it is I offend you in my questions, save yourself the hassle and just ignore as getting annoyed is not good for anyone.

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